View Full Version : To New and Existing members please read this!

3rd April 2010, 07:16 AM

This is a generic message. Just because you receive it does not mean you are having a problem.

I believe that everyone can see their own email, even if they choose to hide it from public view. If you want to test it you need to go to someone else s computer on which you have not logged on to this forum, then look at the member list. So far everyone who says that they blocked public view was verified when I went in and checked independently.

Summary: If you block it you should be good. You will still see your own email address, others won't. Check on an outside computer if you want verification.


3rd April 2010, 10:09 AM
One additional related comment, relating to your IP address. Your IP address will show up in the lower-righthand corner of your posts, but ONLY YOU can see it. There was one thread last night where a new member almost left because he/she thought it was being broadcast for everyone to see... that's not the case. Everyone else will see an "IP Logged" message.

Thanks, Gaillo. We are all learning this new forum.

3rd April 2010, 10:38 AM
OK, Just a few quick tips on using this new forum software for folks just joining us... it's not the V-Bulletin you're probably used to, but it IS very fast and seems to have most of the features you're used to - some of the usage is a little different though. I personally like this forum software, but mileage may vary by user!

We have a "thanks"-type feature here, it's called "Karma". It doen't tag every thread like "thanks" does, but it does have both positive (applaud/karma) and negative (smite/-karma) parts - so if you ever felt like clicking a "No Thanks" button, now you can! Beware though... for each member you are applauding/smiting, you can only do one Karma per hour - so use it wisely.

There are some settings that will make your posting more similar to V-Bulletin.

If you want to stay in the thread you are posting to instead of being redirected back out to the forum threads listing, hit the "Profile" button top and center just below the gold-silver.us logo. On the left menu, press the "Look and Layout Preferences" link. Then, check the "Return to topics after posting by default." checkbox to the right. Click the "Change Profile" button at the bottom, and you're done!

If you want to turn off the "another user has posted, do you want to review your post before posting" warning (which is kind of a nagging pain when dealing with threads with a lot of posters going at once), hit the "Profile" button top and center just below the gold-silver.us logo. On the left menu, press the "Look and Layout Preferences" link. Then, check the "Don't warn on new replies made while posting." checkbox to the right. Click the "Change Profile" button at the bottom, and you're done!

You can select a new theme (colors, etc.) as follows: hit the "Profile" button top and center just below the gold-silver.us logo. On the left menu, press the "Look and Layout Preferences" link. At the top of the right menu, you'll see "Current Theme: Forum or Board Default (change)". Press the "Change" link and you'll be presented with a list of themes to choose from. This thread has more information on themes: http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=77.0

Pretty much everything "adjustable" about how the forum looks and acts can be accessed through the "Profile" button - experiment and have fun!

Finally, to post images, there are 2 ways to do this - using the traditional [ img ] and [ /img ] tags (without the spaces) to hotlink in images from elsewhere on the net (a practice that MANY websites frown on, so use it carefully and test it afterward to make sure you didn't get a "not found" or middle finger image instead!) If you want to attach images from your hard disk after the post, there is an "Additional Options" link to the lower-left of the message posting window when you're making a post. Click on this and you will see a "Attach:" box with a browse button. You all know what to do from there! The forum re-sizes images larger than 800 horizontal pixels down to 800, to make them fit on smaller screens.

Welcome to gold-silver.us hope you enjoy it here as much as I have! 8)

3rd April 2010, 11:23 AM
OK, Just a few quick tips on using this new forum software for folks just joining us... it's not the V-Bulletin you're probably used to, but it IS very fast and seems to have most of the features you're used to - some of the usage is a little different though. I personally like this forum software, but mileage may vary by user!

We have a "thanks"-type feature here, it's called "Karma". It doen't tag every thread like "thanks" does, but it does have both positive (applaud/karma) and negative (smite/-karma) parts - so if you ever felt like clicking a "No Thanks" button, now you can! Beware though... for each member you are applauding/smiting, you can only do one Karma per hour - so use it wisely.

There are some settings that will make your posting more similar to V-Bulletin.

If you want to stay in the thread you are posting to instead of being redirected back out to the forum threads listing, hit the "Profile" button top and center just below the gold-silver.us logo. On the left menu, press the "Look and Layout Preferences" link. Then, check the "Return to topics after posting by default." checkbox to the right. Click the "Change Profile" button at the bottom, and you're done!

If you want to turn off the "another user has posted, do you want to review your post before posting" warning (which is kind of a nagging pain when dealing with threads with a lot of posters going at once), hit the "Profile" button top and center just below the gold-silver.us logo. On the left menu, press the "Look and Layout Preferences" link. Then, check the "Don't warn on new replies made while posting." checkbox to the right. Click the "Change Profile" button at the bottom, and you're done!

You can select a new theme (colors, etc.) as follows: hit the "Profile" button top and center just below the gold-silver.us logo. On the left menu, press the "Look and Layout Preferences" link. At the top of the right menu, you'll see "Current Theme: Forum or Board Default (change)". Press the "Change" link and you'll be presented with a list of themes to choose from. This thread has more information on themes: http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=77.0

Pretty much everything "adjustable" about how the forum looks and acts can be accessed through the "Profile" button - experiment and have fun!

Finally, to post images, there are 2 ways to do this - using the traditional [ img ] and [ /img ] tags (without the spaces) to hotlink in images from elsewhere on the net (a practice that MANY websites frown on, so use it carefully and test it afterward to make sure you didn't get a "not found" or middle finger image instead!) If you want to attach images from your hard disk after the post, there is an "Additional Options" link to the lower-left of the message posting window when you're making a post. Click on this and you will see a "Attach:" box with a browse button. You all know what to do from there! The forum re-sizes images larger than 800 horizontal pixels down to 800, to make them fit on smaller screens.

Welcome to gold-silver.us hope you enjoy it here as much as I have! 8)

You da man! Thank you.

3rd April 2010, 10:01 PM
Gaillo for MOD!


4th April 2010, 06:25 AM
Gaillo for MOD!


Are you his campaign manager? 8)

What's next, bomber bumper stickers in your sig line?



4th April 2010, 06:49 AM
Gallio, thanks for the heads up. Is there a 'user cp' type function where I can view subscribed threads? It's probably right under my nose but I can't find it. I'm quite tech-illiterate.......I don't know the diff between an I-pod and a Blackberry. If I need to borrow my friends cell I ask them for their communtication device, lol.

Awoke, thanks.

4th April 2010, 10:16 AM
Gallio, thanks for the heads up. Is there a 'user cp' type function where I can view subscribed threads? It's probably right under my nose but I can't find it.

How about a function to display new posts? Like BVB, it's probably right there, I just can't find it!

4th April 2010, 10:32 AM
Gallio, thanks for the heads up. Is there a 'user cp' type function where I can view subscribed threads? It's probably right under my nose but I can't find it.

How about a function to display new posts? Like BVB, it's probably right there, I just can't find it!

Hit the "Home" button at the top-left just below the logo. Under the forum list will be a "recent posts" list.

I don't know about thread subscriptions, haven't tried that yet... I just remember the threads I've posted in and go check on them from time to time.

4th April 2010, 11:48 AM
How about a function to display new posts? Like BVB, it's probably right there, I just can't find it!

This is the only skin that doesn't have it. JohnQPublic is the Admin and only he can add it. WT sent him the php code last night. Given today is a holiday I wouldn't expect anything to happen till early this week. You can change skins/themes in the "Profile" > "Look and Layout"

Heck I don't even know if JQP knows php.

4th April 2010, 05:42 PM
Gallio, thanks for the heads up. Is there a 'user cp' type function where I can view subscribed threads? It's probably right under my nose but I can't find it.

How about a function to display new posts? Like BVB, it's probably right there, I just can't find it!

AG man - really glad to see you!!!!!

BB is here too.

Nice to see both you guys!


5th April 2010, 06:05 AM
Thanks much, dudes.

On the comment about VB... I like this software, perhaps the best non-VB site I've used. Would you (owner(s)) prefer VB if you had the option, though?

I have 5 years with this soft. If I had a copy of VB that I didn't have to pay 300 frns for to play with for 3 months yeah who wouldn't. See that's the problem with VB there is no trial software to see if you like the features (meaning admin handling). They sell service along with the software. That's how they make their money.