View Full Version : Hitler the final solution
Pat Pat
3rd April 2010, 09:45 AM
2nd December 2010, 02:21 PM
Just got through the first 20 minutes of this video, and even though the narrators presentation leaves something to be desired for lack of energy, this is ultra-interesting.
Hitler positioned to run the holohoax in parallel with the jew FDR closing immigration of jews to the USA, foring the jews to return to Palistine to support the zionist agenda, etc?
Going to finish this over the next few days.
2nd December 2010, 03:11 PM
1. The Astor Bloodline
2. The Bundy Bloodline
3. The Collins Bloodline
4. The DuPont Bloodline
5. The Freeman Bloodline
6. The Kennedy Bloodline
7. The Li Bloodline
8. The Onassis Bloodline
9 The Reynolds bloodline
10. The Rockefeller Bloodline
11. The Rothschild Bloodline
12. The Russell Bloodline
13. The Van Duyn Bloodline
[Merovingian] (European Royal Families)
2nd December 2010, 05:00 PM
Just got through the first 20 minutes of this video, and even though the narrators presentation leaves something to be desired for lack of energy, this is ultra-interesting.
Hitler positioned to run the holohoax in parallel with the jew FDR closing immigration of jews to the USA, foring the jews to return to Palistine to support the zionist agenda, etc?
Going to finish this over the next few days.
More accurately,The true story behind this had nothing to do with FDR,Himmler advised and planned a scheme,after the Germans realized,no one else really wanted the Jews either,was indeed to send them to Palestine.This has been documented by many sources,as one of many plans.One must realize that the Germans considered the Arabs a sub race as well,and were not sympathetic to Islam whatsoever, and didnt care about Jewish immigration into the middle east,as long as it got them out of Europe.
Germany's use of Muslims as support troops and guards make it appear that they were sympathetic,but correctly judged them as an inferior culture.They were utilized against Communist forces in Europe and British forces in the Mideast.then as now, they made poor troops.
Germany also looked at all ways to remove Khazars from the European population,expulsion was the preferred method and worked well until the eve of war,when borders became closed and transportation limited. After the German movements into Eastern Europe, the sheer amount of Jews in percentage of population was unmanageable, as many Jews from Germany had simply moved to Poland or Russia,and now were again being counted.This is where a large part of the "Six Million" number comes from,wrongly counted Communists (often counted as Jewish)from the USSR and Poland, and twice,and sometimes Three times counted Jews.
2nd December 2010, 05:58 PM
Just got through the first 20 minutes of this video, and even though the narrators presentation leaves something to be desired for lack of energy, this is ultra-interesting.
Hitler positioned to run the holohoax in parallel with the jew FDR closing immigration of jews to the USA, foring the jews to return to Palistine to support the zionist agenda, etc?
Going to finish this over the next few days.
More accurately,The true story behind this had nothing to do with FDR,Himmler advised and planned a scheme,after the Germans realized,no one else really wanted the Jews either,was indeed to send them to Palestine.This has been documented by many sources,as one of many plans.One must realize that the Germans considered the Arabs a sub race as well,and were not sympathetic to Islam whatsoever, and didnt care about Jewish immigration into the middle east,as long as it got them out of Europe.
Germany's use of Muslims as support troops and guards make it appear that they were sympathetic,but correctly judged them as an inferior culture.They were utilized against Communist forces in Europe and British forces in the Mideast.then as now, they made poor troops.
Germany also looked at all ways to remove Khazars from the European population,expulsion was the preferred method and worked well until the eve of war,when borders became closed and transportation limited. After the German movements into Eastern Europe, the sheer amount of Jews in percentage of population was unmanageable, as many Jews from Germany had simply moved to Poland or Russia,and now were again being counted.This is where a large part of the "Six Million" number comes from,wrongly counted Communists (often counted as Jewish)from the USSR and Poland, and twice,and sometimes Three times counted Jews.
The official word is they closed off Jewish Immigration, however I think an examination of the record will reveal another deception. Jakob Javits complained that the returning troop ships were not all full of refugee's. Many of those returning troop ships were filled with Eastern European refugee's who were given housing and government jobs, according to John Beaty in "Iron Curtain Over America".
Perhaps some of the six million got here early...
2nd December 2010, 06:31 PM
Just got through the first 20 minutes of this video, and even though the narrators presentation leaves something to be desired for lack of energy, this is ultra-interesting.
Hitler positioned to run the holohoax in parallel with the jew FDR closing immigration of jews to the USA, foring the jews to return to Palistine to support the zionist agenda, etc?
Going to finish this over the next few days.
More accurately,The true story behind this had nothing to do with FDR,Himmler advised and planned a scheme,after the Germans realized,no one else really wanted the Jews either,was indeed to send them to Palestine.This has been documented by many sources,as one of many plans.One must realize that the Germans considered the Arabs a sub race as well,and were not sympathetic to Islam whatsoever, and didnt care about Jewish immigration into the middle east,as long as it got them out of Europe.
Germany's use of Muslims as support troops and guards make it appear that they were sympathetic,but correctly judged them as an inferior culture.They were utilized against Communist forces in Europe and British forces in the Mideast.then as now, they made poor troops.
Germany also looked at all ways to remove Khazars from the European population,expulsion was the preferred method and worked well until the eve of war,when borders became closed and transportation limited. After the German movements into Eastern Europe, the sheer amount of Jews in percentage of population was unmanageable, as many Jews from Germany had simply moved to Poland or Russia,and now were again being counted.This is where a large part of the "Six Million" number comes from,wrongly counted Communists (often counted as Jewish)from the USSR and Poland, and twice,and sometimes Three times counted Jews.
The official word is they closed off Jewish Immigration, however I think an examination of the record will reveal another deception. Jakob Javits complained that the returning troop ships were not all full of refugee's. Many of those returning troop ships were filled with Eastern European refugee's who were given housing and government jobs, according to John Beaty in "Iron Curtain Over America".
Perhaps some of the six million got here early...
Actually, it wasnt closed, I have to find the book, but it was written by a bureucrat for the Germans, Basically, it states with evidence that many of the wealthy Jews chose to remain as they believed their money would buy off the Germans.It also mentions some SS members were charging exit taxes,which they werent supposed to do,to line their own pockets. much of the "denied" deportations were due that the war had begun,and it was high risk for any German ship to venture out of port.It is not totally unreasonable to believe that a single man or group of men of a nation,could desire the extermination of an undesirable portion of its population, but to believe that an entire nation would tolerate the total extermination of the same group mentioned,while it could be removed,is unimaginable.
The only three answers I can even begin to believe if these acts took place are;
1.They refused to leave
2.They were refused entry in EVERY other country in the world
3.The numbers are greatly exaggerated,and most that died in any camp were Communists,insurgents or aiding the enemy in other ways.
Let me be clear on this ,I had immediate relatives living in German occupied territory during the war,and have firsthand recounts; here are three facts told to me by these relatives;
1. German troops did round up and deport "Undesirables" this included Jews as most were believed Communist sympathizers
2. The SS did arrest and imprison people based on theology,race and politics
3.German troops and the SS were quite thorough in distinguishing between undesirables and average citizens, few false arrests were made.
The entire National Socialist political system view Communism as a warped system of Socialism.While the NS system visibly showed a Fuhrer and his headman as the supreme power, the Soviet system hid behind lies of equality and mutual benefit, while in reality,Stalin was the only one to benefit.
Germany grouped the peoples of Europe within a few distinct classes,Communists being the most dangerous, ethnically inferior,and mentally deficient. Ill make a short list of how they grouped people were classed;
1. Jews: Potential Communists,anti nationalists
2. Eastern Europeans,Soviet sympathizers,traditional enemies of Germany and the West,uneducated
3.Western Europeans,Brethren nations, civilized and skilled
4.Africans,Inferior evolution, intellectually inferior, unskilled and uneducated
5.Homosexuals.mental deficiants
6.Jehovahs Witness,Mormons, Anti Nationalists, religion prevent state loyalty.
2nd December 2010, 08:26 PM
Very interesting video and well documented material. Everyone should set aside 2 hours to watch it in it's entirety.
2nd December 2010, 08:35 PM
I remember this from gim, Large Sarge was posting it,
pat pat is Large Sarge here before he changed his name
back to original. Sarge hasn't been around recently.
Sarge put us on a diet that works. Sarge don't be
a stranger.
2nd December 2010, 08:56 PM
2. Eastern Europeans,Soviet sympathizers,traditional enemies of Germany and the West,uneducated
This is a totally bogus construct, propaganda, contradicts real
past history, the eagle, double headed and single, and titles, alone
contradicts this bogus construct, strong proof of bonds not enemies,
even WWII history itself is proof against it, many welcomed the Germans,
and today, the Jews still promote this propaganda,
the CFR even has a commissioned work, Clash of Civilizations,
and you can see the hard on they have for Russia , trying
to start sh*t every chance they get, they hate the Belarus,
Ukrainians, cause they were " nazis " , lol , what irony.
This shows the real reason for WWII, destroy Europe,
and enslave half of it, now they are trying to restart
it again.
Also, the Bolsheviks prevailed barely due to outside forces,
WWI was a setup for one, empowered them, all planned out,
on a society of sitting ducks, not knowing what was coming.
They even stoled their gold, and it didn't move an inch.
General of Darkness
2nd December 2010, 08:58 PM
I'm 60 minutes into this, and the vast majority is conjecture and flat out jewish crap. This video is pure BULLSHIT.
2nd December 2010, 09:04 PM
I started watching this a few months ago got about 30 min into it, had to do something then forgot all about it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again!
General of Darkness
2nd December 2010, 09:18 PM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
2nd December 2010, 09:43 PM
Well GoD, I have to say that I am glad to see you posting a skeptical review of the video thus far. I only got 20 minutes into it, like I said, and I plan to watch the rest of it as my schedule allows. My initial impression is that the narrator is not philo-semetic at all, but I will have to watch the rest.
I will keep your posts in mind as I work through it.
It is always prudent to be skeptical.
3rd December 2010, 11:05 AM
Bump for the day crew! ;D
3rd December 2010, 12:44 PM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
4th December 2010, 07:18 AM
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Jim Condit Jr. here is his website:
4th December 2010, 09:10 AM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
AND...he held back piper , the craziest bad ass panzer commander to ever fight....he held him and the other panzed divisions home during the battle of the bulge till the allies had a foothold and the weather was aginst the panzers...
had he let them loose wed be speaking german.
4th December 2010, 09:25 AM
There are two mega threads on here, on Hitler,
I probably said more than anyone in there,
right after Fred/MJK, I ain't doing it again.
I didn't even get into Hitler being their agent.
You don't even need to go there.
He failed over and over where it counted
and his government was totally penetrated.
I've also given my own referenced work
that complements Mullins, Sutton, others,
that nobody else seems to plug, totally
outs the top, the Rockefeller side,
Thyssen Krupp, Hitlers steel/armaments giant.
Even Fred/MJK agreed here and gave points,
big ones. Hitler isn't to blame, some of his key
people are. Please. MJK gave me a lead too,
and I found a source, Irving himself and his
free book PDF on Hitlers Doctor, I haven't
read it yet. That was Quantum poster I believe.
I know who I was talking to , we just ain't supposed
to say. I wish he would come back so we can talk.
I did learn a lot from him.
4th December 2010, 11:34 AM
I just want to compliment this thread - one of the best I've read on GSUS in a while. Really - this is the kind of stuff that gets the enthusiasm of the mind cranking. I haven't been able to watch the whole video yet but history always deserves a second look. The sum of its parts, good and bad, believable and contrary, truth or lies, all makes for something I miss in the real world which is open examination to form one's own conclusions. Once again this forum does not disappoint.
4th December 2010, 12:41 PM
I just want to compliment this thread - one of the best I've read on GSUS in a while. Really - this is the kind of stuff that gets the enthusiasm of the mind cranking. I haven't been able to watch the whole video yet but history always deserves a second look. The sum of its parts, good and bad, believable and contrary, truth or lies, all makes for something I miss in the real world which is open examination to form one's own conclusions. Once again this forum does not disappoint.
Well I'm glad I bumped it then. It was on page 221 or something like that. On of the first threads posted when the forum started up.
4th December 2010, 04:24 PM
Well I'm glad I bumped it then. It was on page 221 or something like that. One of the first threads posted when the forum started up.
Thanks. This is the first time I've seen this video.
4th December 2010, 04:46 PM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
4th December 2010, 04:58 PM
Something that has been making me wonder lately is, if Hitler wanted to defeat the Communist Russians from the beginning, why did he originally make the treaty with them?
4th December 2010, 05:28 PM
Something that has been making me wonder lately is, if Hitler wanted to defeat the Communist Russians from the beginning, why did he originally make the treaty with them?
Hitler and Stalin both knew they would eventually fight,They both needed time to prepare,Hitler never minced words when it came to communism, look at any public speech,Hitler did know that Britain and France would have loved to have a two front war ,Stalin knew he needed time to reconfigure Russia's western border for defense so he needed time to get his share of Poland,(which USSR had lost to in the 20s) and re-annex the Baltic states and force Finland's border away from Leningrad. Both hated one another, but both mistrusted the Western Allies.It was merely a postponement of the inevitable.
4th December 2010, 06:54 PM
Fortyone, you are way off base there. Hitler and Stalin both fought central banksters. Hitler signed a treaty with everyone else and their mama (britain, france, you name it) before he signed one with Russia. WHEN he signed the russian treaty, this was an explosion, a huge panic in bankster-elitist war profiteering camp. Imagine, Hitler (nationalist Germany, the only country for white race supremacy) and Russia against war profiteering banksters... that would be a treat.
Anyhow, banksters were begging Stalin for months to attack germany. Stalin kicked them out. This is all documented, go read about delegation after delegation coming to Moscow. Banksters also begged hitler to start the war. One of these two was an easier target, because he was totally in their pockets (manufacturing under Krupp, the whole Rein region, financed from top to bottom etc.) - there was no way hitler would resist the war for too long.
Germany and russian have a long history of friendship and even intermarrying monarchs. There's way more loyalty there than between, say, germany and any elitist controlled "capitalist" kleptocracy.
5th December 2010, 03:18 AM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
Hi Quantum, I believe we've had this argument before.
You believe in a new kind of war where you give your enemy a free pass and hope he doesn't kill you later.
Somebody is stupid here and it isn't me.
5th December 2010, 03:23 AM
Fortyone, you are way off base there. Hitler and Stalin both fought central banksters. Hitler signed a treaty with everyone else and their mama (britain, france, you name it) before he signed one with Russia. WHEN he signed the russian treaty, this was an explosion, a huge panic in bankster-elitist war profiteering camp. Imagine, Hitler (nationalist Germany, the only country for white race supremacy) and Russia against war profiteering banksters... that would be a treat.
Anyhow, banksters were begging Stalin for months to attack germany. Stalin kicked them out. This is all documented, go read about delegation after delegation coming to Moscow. Banksters also begged hitler to start the war. One of these two was an easier target, because he was totally in their pockets (manufacturing under Krupp, the whole Rein region, financed from top to bottom etc.) - there was no way hitler would resist the war for too long.
Germany and russian have a long history of friendship and even intermarrying monarchs. There's way more loyalty there than between, say, germany and any elitist controlled "capitalist" kleptocracy.
The Russia you are talking about is dead. The white Russians lost to the Khazzar Jews and the Jews still run Russia today. All of Stalin's wives were Jews and he was a Jewish puppet, same as today Put in is another Jewish puppet.
5th December 2010, 05:25 AM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
Hi Quantum, I believe we've had this argument before.
You believe in a new kind of war where you give your enemy a free pass and hope he doesn't kill you later.
Somebody is stupid here and it isn't me.
LOL, Im hardly Quantum Big Jon,My version is very documented about Dunkirk by the Germans and the English both.One other version I forgot is that the Germans mioved so fast and in such a thin front , they paused to let the infantry catch up,after DeGaulles counterattack, which did fail but raised a few eyebrows in the OKW.
5th December 2010, 07:35 AM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
Hi Quantum, I believe we've had this argument before.
You believe in a new kind of war where you give your enemy a free pass and hope he doesn't kill you later.
Somebody is stupid here and it isn't me.
LOL, Im hardly Quantum Big Jon,My version is very documented about Dunkirk by the Germans and the English both.One other version I forgot is that the Germans mioved so fast and in such a thin front , they paused to let the infantry catch up,after DeGaulles counterattack, which did fail but raised a few eyebrows in the OKW.
The holohoax is very well documented too, I suspect by the same people you cite here, who have a vested interest in everybody believing that history isn't just a made up story.
5th December 2010, 07:58 AM
The holohoax is very well documented too, I suspect by the same people you cite here, who have a vested interest in everybody believing that history isn't just a made up story.
Yes. The documented word is sometimes as dubious as the verbal word. This is why you have to look at the fundamentals:
1) The end result reveals the original intention.
2) The modus operandi of the tribe.
3) Who benefits?
Control the opposition. Millions of goyim killed. Very few Khazars killed. Khazars now have highest "victim status" which permits them to get away with just about everything.
Looks to me like they wrote the script, hired the actors and fooled the goyim.
Who won WW2?
5th December 2010, 09:15 AM
for reference -
The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"
5th December 2010, 09:25 AM
for reference -
The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"
This looks to be more of the same old "us poor, poor picked on Jews who rescued our fellow Jews, from the clutches of evil nazi's". Another whitewash job.
5th December 2010, 09:28 AM
The holohoax is very well documented too, I suspect by the same people you cite here, who have a vested interest in everybody believing that history isn't just a made up story.
Yes. The documented word is sometimes as dubious as the verbal word. This is why you have to look at the fundamentals:
1) The end result reveals the original intention.
2) The modus operandi of the tribe.
3) Who benefits?
Control the opposition. Millions of goyim killed. Very few Khazars killed. Khazars now have highest "victim status" which permits them to get away with just about everything.
Looks to me like they wrote the script, hired the actors and fooled the goyim.
Who won WW2?
If you will take the time to understand these principles, you will unlock the truth behind ALL of modern deny ultimate/original intention and WHO benefits in the end...well...there IS an established pattern here.
5th December 2010, 09:37 AM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
Hi Quantum, I believe we've had this argument before.
You believe in a new kind of war where you give your enemy a free pass and hope he doesn't kill you later.
Somebody is stupid here and it isn't me.
LOL, Im hardly Quantum Big Jon,My version is very documented about Dunkirk by the Germans and the English both.One other version I forgot is that the Germans mioved so fast and in such a thin front , they paused to let the infantry catch up,after DeGaulles counterattack, which did fail but raised a few eyebrows in the OKW.
The holohoax is very well documented too, I suspect by the same people you cite here, who have a vested interest in everybody believing that history isn't just a made up story.
Well I wont waste my bandwidth on it then debating you,You appear to be one of the conspiracy types that believe NOTHING is true.
5th December 2010, 09:53 AM
so what book or books or websites best capture Hitler's collaboration with the Zionist Jews ?
so far i'm about 20 minutes into the video.
5th December 2010, 11:34 AM
Stalin was a jew himself.
Wives or not, he was.
5th December 2010, 02:56 PM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
Hi Quantum, I believe we've had this argument before.
You believe in a new kind of war where you give your enemy a free pass and hope he doesn't kill you later.
Somebody is stupid here and it isn't me.
LOL, Im hardly Quantum Big Jon,My version is very documented about Dunkirk by the Germans and the English both.One other version I forgot is that the Germans mioved so fast and in such a thin front , they paused to let the infantry catch up,after DeGaulles counterattack, which did fail but raised a few eyebrows in the OKW.
The holohoax is very well documented too, I suspect by the same people you cite here, who have a vested interest in everybody believing that history isn't just a made up story.
Well I wont waste my bandwidth on it then debating you,You appear to be one of the conspiracy types that believe NOTHING is true.
I have already stated what I believe and if you don't think there are conspiracies, you haven't been paying attention.
You could provide a link to the well documented evidence, you allude to.
Or is the authors name Izzy Goldstein???
5th December 2010, 03:10 PM
Stalin was a jew himself.
Wives or not, he was.
Dude, you just made a Haiku. ;D
i'll be so bold as to add a first line.
over in Russia
Stalin was a jew himself.
Wives or not, he was.
5th December 2010, 03:38 PM
At an hour and 10 minutes. He says," Jewish people befriend many people that are close to them". This POS is painting a slanted picture. I don't even know why I'm still listening but it's amazing to see how someone is using well know jewish articles to base his video on. This guy is so far down the jewish crank that it must be tickling his nutz.
I watched the whole thing a long time ago and I came off with an entirely different take on it. I think he makes a whole lot of sense and he is not a Jewish crank.
I believe Hitler was working for the Zionists, he definitely was funded by them and the result of WWII has the Zionists winning everything. Hitler could have stopped the Brits by capturing their whole stupid army at Dunkirk, but instead he allowed them to escape.
PS: Large Sarge we miss you.
You are so off base it isnt funny. The British army at Dunkirk was released on humanitarian values,The British army was let go in the hopes that after France fell the UK would see the light and help Hitler defeat Communism in the USSR.The story your using is Zionist propaganda about how "stupid" Hitler was in the use of his troops.
Hi Quantum, I believe we've had this argument before.
You believe in a new kind of war where you give your enemy a free pass and hope he doesn't kill you later.
Somebody is stupid here and it isn't me.
LOL, Im hardly Quantum Big Jon,My version is very documented about Dunkirk by the Germans and the English both.One other version I forgot is that the Germans mioved so fast and in such a thin front , they paused to let the infantry catch up,after DeGaulles counterattack, which did fail but raised a few eyebrows in the OKW.
The holohoax is very well documented too, I suspect by the same people you cite here, who have a vested interest in everybody believing that history isn't just a made up story.
Well I wont waste my bandwidth on it then debating you,You appear to be one of the conspiracy types that believe NOTHING is true.
I have already stated what I believe and if you don't think there are conspiracies, you haven't been paying attention.
You could provide a link to the well documented evidence, you allude to.
Or is the authors name Izzy Goldstein???
There are plenty of conspiracies, but not everything is one.And no, Im not going to provide a bunch of links,as one can simply research it quite quickly and get various examples of documents.Im not going to ask you to "prove" your sources either,as Ive read many alluding to what your saying, I just dont buy into it.
5th December 2010, 05:42 PM
There are plenty of conspiracies, but not everything is one.
Everything is one.
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