View Full Version : GIM silver rounds
3rd April 2010, 11:18 AM
Better get some while you can - they won't be making these anymore! ety_.aspx aspx
I have a handful of the 2008 and a few of the 2009.
3rd April 2010, 12:03 PM
I have no interest in the Masonic Eye round, and I never really liked the bull.
3rd April 2010, 12:14 PM
I bought ten of each a while back. I always liked the Freedom one more. I am not sure if that is a masonic eye or just a not-so-perfect die cut.
3rd April 2010, 12:19 PM
There was a thread about how these tarnish easily (some even in plastic). Rounds are for n00bs anyway.
You've got to go with SAE, Philharmonics, Canadians etc. or junk silver.
3rd April 2010, 12:34 PM
I bought ten of each a while back. I always liked the Freedom one more. I am not sure if that is a masonic eye or just a not-so-perfect die cut.
Under proper magnification, there is no question it's a Masonic Eye.
3rd April 2010, 12:39 PM
I have no interest in the Masonic Eye round, and I never really liked the bull.
You keep condemning them, and I'm going to have to force you to purchase them from me... :P
3rd April 2010, 04:24 PM
I have no interest in the Masonic Eye round, and I never really liked the bull.
You keep condemning them, and I'm going to have to force you to purchase them from me... :P
OK. I'll give you $10 each. ;D
4th April 2010, 06:22 PM
I still want one of these. Would be nice if designer found his way to this site and maybe re-started the thread.
4th April 2010, 06:43 PM
I bought ten of each a while back. I always liked the Freedom one more. I am not sure if that is a masonic eye or just a not-so-perfect die cut.
Hopefully someone will post the enlarged masonic eye. I can't see it myself. Would like to know what I'm missing and what magnification/power is required to observe what some are observing.
4th April 2010, 08:10 PM
I bought ten of each a while back. I always liked the Freedom one more. I am not sure if that is a masonic eye or just a not-so-perfect die cut.
Hopefully someone will post the enlarged masonic eye. I can't see it myself. Would like to know what I'm missing and what magnification/power is required to observe what some are observing.
4th April 2010, 11:00 PM
Argh, I'm no good at those tests.
Is the masonic eye above the rifle?
4th April 2010, 11:53 PM
^Neither am I, so where the heck is it? ???
Grand Master Melon
4th April 2010, 11:57 PM
The "Masonic eye" looks more like a mistake than anything else to me.
I never bought a GIM round, to me they were just overpriced generic rounds.
5th April 2010, 05:25 AM
can't work out how to attach an image and get it to actually display, but here's a masonic eye:
5th April 2010, 07:44 AM
I've got a good camera and can get a high detailed shot of the eye on the GIM freedom round. Will take the pic and post it here later tonight.
5th April 2010, 08:09 AM
I believe MAGNES snapped these photos a while back and I saved em
5th April 2010, 08:15 AM
have to say i can't see the masonic eye (which seems to be mostly about detail above the eye, and the radiating lines), but the quality obviously does suck. has anyone bothered to actually acid test one of these coins?
5th April 2010, 10:15 AM
have to say i can't see the masonic eye (which seems to be mostly about detail above the eye, and the radiating lines), but the quality obviously does suck. has anyone bothered to actually acid test one of these coins?
Yeah, I ate some acid last night and STILL couldn't see the masonic eye. :-\
5th April 2010, 04:05 PM
What happened on gim1 ?
Some one went in and altered the eye, and yes you can see that
in the original large pic taken by TomD.
Fred outed them as masons on DEC2007, that is PDT here
right now. PDT has a lot of other finds as well, pay attention
to what he posts. Go see some of the threads he opened.
Skyvike is a military contractor involved in weather modification
and predator drone technology, he even claims to have wrote
the book on the drones they are killing people with.
Before hew was outed as a state department employee, lol,
he claimed to be responsible for passports. I have jpegs too.
There is no doubt someone added that eye, not only is it masonic,
it is also of a particular style, more egyptian, I had a thread on
agora where I posted many pics and an analysis and a few people
commented, including Anty Ep, "wholly sh*t it is an egyptian minuteman."
I have the original pic the round was made from, many things
give it away. Look at the large pic itself, lots of fine detail
in the round, but the eye is out of place, the original picture
was altered in the eye, and it is not as detailed as other parts
of round, it is actually sloppy and stands out. First they did the
picture then some one went in by hand, also Scorpio was doing
the rounds, anti Christian, and he even put the S in the foot
of the bull, he marked the rounds for his own personal pleasure,
when they were taking donations for the dies many agreed ,
no occult bullsh*t, Anty Ep said that and many agreed.
Agora was formed after skyvike was outed, then came major bannings.
So all this is not news to people that saw what happened and why.
It is all skyvike and it is all masons. Skyvike would even call GKhan
worshipful master, maybe out of respect, maybe because he is the
Khan, G is masonic, Khan is masonic too, who were the Khans ?
His name alone implies he is a mason. They gave skyvike free reign,
they were all working together protecting themselves.
Why did they do what they did now.
To pre empt another agora.
Another revolt like agora was starting.
They felt it, lots organizing against them.
Awoke did as well for the same reasons.
Well they failed.
warning, this forum software shrinks pics automatically, originals below
skyvike, he owned gim1 too
masonic eye
skyvike, jr warden 2 years ago = high ranking
from my reading a warden is 32 and takes 1 year to go to 33
I have threads on gim where you can see what is happening.
And the bans, I will put them up, stay tuned.
And I will redo the mason round thread.
Some of you are new and want answers,
you won't get them from new people telling
you not to look at what I am saying above.
That is what they are doing on gim2 now.
Prepare for other lies too.
Their goal is not to get outed again as a group.
Learn who the masons are, my friend daidalos
defended skyvike in a thread, I have it, when
he found out what masons are and their oaths
he never stepped foot again. If you think that
you are awake and aware you cannot be without
understanding who the masons are.
The FED is masonic for one.
Rockefeller and Rothchild run them.
They brought you the "french" revolution, "la terror"
and even communism, they created Turkey and Israel.
And they are encouraged to go into their communities
and be leaders for the cause. Creating networks.
They corrupt local police and councils and whole countries.
Some masonic temples run the world and they are the
gods of war, "order out of chaos" is their motto.
And they worship lucifer and other demons.
Do your own research. I will put stuff up.
Look at Awokes book too, Pinay, they
banned him for it 3 times.
5th April 2010, 05:15 PM
Here's as close up a shot I can get; honestly it doesn't look like a masonic eye to me. Yeah he's got a big eyebrow but I don't see the clouds/rays like the masonic eye.
5th April 2010, 05:31 PM
I don't see a Masonic eye.
gimme a break
it's just a silver round
1970 Silver Art
10th April 2010, 06:42 AM
GIM Round? What is that? I used to have a 1-oz silver round with the letters G, I, and an M on the front and it had a picture of a guy standing there with a shotgun such as the pictures above but I cannot remember what year it had on the reverse side of this silver round. It does not matter to me anymore because I do not have this 1-oz silver round anymore. I lost it to a '70's silver art bar "addiction". ;D
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