View Full Version : Dog Poet "The Convenient Media Rope-A-Dope With The Pope" (excellent)

Pat Pat
3rd April 2010, 11:22 AM
The Convenient Media Rope-A-Dope With The Pope

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I had written something yesterday and I just couldn't put it up. It was all true- so far as I know what the truth is- but it was a hard, hammering diatribe and I'm getting sick of that. Hopefully I will be more successful today, at least on my own terms.

The thing that hits my mind, over and over, and... is the inescapable reality of our present day, is that perceptions and events are being manipulated for the benefit of the people manipulating them and... nothing is going to change until their power to do so has ended... by whatever means necessary. This seems obvious and hardly needs to be said. The thing is, it's obvious to you and me but not to the people who really need to catch on if there is any hope of change (we can believe in... snicker).

Yes, the Pope is a perverse and ironic cartoon but all this information we are hearing has been out there for a long, long time. Is it breaking now because cosmic forces (for those of you who believe in such things) have demanded it? Is it breaking because certain vested interests who control the media (big hint) want the church destroyed so that they can continue in their efforts to destroy Christianity and to bestialize and enslave humanity? Is it a combination of both, without the latter knowing this, because it doesn't believe in the former... unless you count the ancient demon they worship?

This isn't accidental. What you should be thinking about is why? Those controlling the media and all the pornographic empires that have the dual purpose of making money and destroying humanity; they are also in control of every gay movement; most human rights movements and god knows what else and all of these are being used to drive the world toward a global pre-war cabaret society only... much, much worse and with a higher percentage of whores and serving staff with the rest either dead or in camps.

The health care bill was written by the insurance companies so that now, you not only still don't have health care but you have to pay for it too. The Republicans are touting this tea party horror that will accomplish nothing but allow people too stupid to think, a way to channel their rage. The terrible irony in all of this is that the AMA-Pharmaceutical combine is invested in making you sick instead of healing you so that you can now pay to be made worse off than when you went in to be healed.

Think about the mentality of the kind of people who are doing the manipulating. Would they stop short of anything if they could profit from it? No.

As it stands now, the system has to come down. They know what they are up against and that is why they are starting to arrest so-called militias and why they did 9/11 in the first place. They have arranged the laws so that anyone can be declared a terrorist for just about any reason and the kicker is that one has no choice; if they are at all still human, except to become a freedom fighter, which automatically makes you a terrorist.

The purpose of showcasing The Pope is to create a target for public outrage. The purpose of this Tea Party scam is to create a channel for outrage and there will be other targets and other channels because this is just the prelude to something else and they have to stay at it or else you might even realize that they are the one's doing it all.
They have been dumbing down the population for some time to militate against any kind of mass catching on and it's worked. Most people are now watching a 3 Card Monte Game all day long and they just can't figure out why they never can pick the queen. The queen isn't there dummy, no matter which card you pick. The shills in the game; the people who show up and appear to be winning- so that you will be sucked in to playing- and the people cheering and encouraging from the sidelines are all part of the scam. Now you can just transpose this analogy into real life and see who we are talking about in present terms.

Stop looking at what is in front of you as if that's what's happening. That is not what's happening. What is happening is going on behind what you are looking at and something is going on behind that too.

As it stands now, there is no way for humanity to climb out of this torture porn without eliminating what has the upper hand over all that they experience. Therefore, this is going to happen in some way and with some degree of severity. The good news is that evil will destroy itself but... you don't want to be standing too close when that happens. A lot of people are going to be because they are just too confused and invested to be able to step back.

Has anyone made Pope Soap on a Rope yet? Some of you who need money out there might think about making this and selling it on EBay. Now is the time to capitalize on this sad affair. Hold it a moment... some people already are.

I've no desire to defend this pope. I could see the cut of his gown from the beginning and a number of us knew about his previous duties. It could well be what he learned in that office that led to his being voted pope. I suspect they had no choice. Whatever you think you know about this affair, it is much bigger than that. Furthermore, no matter what is going on in the various churches, since they threw everything meaningful out of the window, while keeping the cash register, the Zio-Nazis are exponentially worse. The danger of the Zio-Nazis is, far and away, beyond these other things and just about anything bad that is happening, they have a hand in. They are joined by opportunists of every stripe and the motivation is to be one of those who are behind the right side of the wire.

Most of what is going on at the moment is a distraction. When it is not a distraction, it is a prelude. The key to what is intended can be discovered by studying changes in the laws. There are the evidences of intent. We know that 9/11 was done by Israel in concert with willing elements in the US and UK governments. All the changes they made in the laws to protect us from foreign and domestic enemies [which they happen to be] have been geared toward where they have brought you and where they are taking you. Anyone who claims to be informed and is in the public eye and does not acknowledge what is true is working for them in some capacity or too scared to be honest and then... should probably shut up because they are doing more harm than good.

When someone comes along and tells you that the Saudis control Hollywood and points your attention to 'everyone but' Zionist Israel, then that person is in their employ. That person is making a whole lot of money by telling you lies. The United States has no greater enemy than Israel and the solution is to remove from government everyone who supports Rothschildlandia and to cut off ties with Israel and toss everyone who is from that criminal organization out of the country and forbid their return.

People keep showing up who are now going to lead you out of the wilderness like this Peter Schiff who is guaranteed to turn into another Chuckie Schumer as soon as the clock strikes 12. Anyone who is not telling you the truth is lying to you. Is this not so?

Rothschildlandia is who is actually after the pope, whatever their reasons are and probably having to do with money, power or revenge. Nothing else motivates them unless it's to get their house demon put on the money they print out of thin air and maybe have his image tattooed on your wrist so that you can live on your knees instead of dying on your feet like the real human being that you may once have been.

The absolutely great news is that there is a cosmic power and it is motivating the evil through the necessary paces that lead to its destruction. This should be your main focus even while you seek to see behind appearances. At this time it is a rare, rare thing indeed for anyone in the public eye to be telling the truth or to even give a sh*t about it, unless there's money in it for them by spinning it into something that serves their self interest.

There is no left and right and there is no alternative media that is not suspect if it sidesteps the inescapable truth. You can measure everyone against this simple fact.

End Transmission.......


3rd April 2010, 01:01 PM