View Full Version : One by one, South African far-right leader Terre'blanche murdered

General of Darkness
3rd April 2010, 05:39 PM
RIP. :-[

South African far-right leader Terre'blanche murdered
Tiisetso Motsoeneng
Sat Apr 3, 2010 7:19pm EDT


Former Afrikaaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB) leader Eugene Terreblanche talks to a Reuters correspondent December 15, 1998. REUTERS/Juda Ngwenya

Former Afrikaaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB) leader Eugene Terreblanche talks to a Reuters correspondent December 15, 1998.

Credit: Reuters/Juda Ngwenya

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African white far-right leader Eugene Terre'blanche, who fought to prevent the end of apartheid in the early 1990s, was beaten and hacked to death at his farm on Saturday, his party said.


Police said two black workers in custody for the killing of Terre'blanche, 69, appeared to have been angry over unpaid wages rather than having had a political motive for the killing.

But his Afrikaner Resistance Movement linked it to the recent singing of an apartheid-era song with the lyrics "Kill the Boer," by the head of the ruling ANC party's youth league in a row that has drawn fears of growing racial polarization.

"That's what this is all about," said Andre Visagie, a spokesman for the AWB. "They used pangas (machetes) and pipes to murder him as he slept."

Terre'blanche, who described himself as a Boer, was the voice of hardline opposition to the end of white minority rule, but had lived in relative obscurity since his release from prison in 2004 after serving a sentence for beating a black man nearly to death.

His party -- whose flag resembles a Nazi swastika -- was revived two years ago and he had begun efforts to try to build a united front among white far-right parties to fight for a white homeland, but had gained little traction.

Terre'blanche was a powerful orator in his Afrikaans language and was a distinctive figure, heavily built, with a thick grey beard and dressed in khaki. He often attended rallies on horseback during his fight to stop majority rule.


Police said the suspected killers were aged 16 and 21. Both had worked for Terre'blanche.

"They apparently attacked the leader because they were not paid for work," said spokesperson Adele Myburg, giving no details of how the killing was carried out.

Whatever the motive, it is likely to further stoke the concerns over tensions between races in the country dubbed the "Rainbow Nation" after the relatively peaceful transition that brought white minority rule to an end in 1994.

Friction has come to the fore over the singing of the "Kill the Boer" song by African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema last month, which the party has also defended despite its commitment to reconciliation.

The main opposition Democratic Alliance also drew a link between the killing of Terre'blanche and the atmosphere in the country of 50 million where roughly a tenth are white.

"This happened in a province where racial tension in the rural farming community is increasingly being fueled by irresponsible racist utterances by the leader of the ANCYL leader," said Juanita Terblanche of the main opposition Democratic Alliance. She was not a direct relation.

There was no immediate comment from the ANC.

President Jacob Zuma, who took office last year, has made special efforts to court white Afrikaners, assuring them they have nothing to fear from his government and that all South Africans must live together.


3rd April 2010, 05:51 PM
Terre'blanche's drunken incompetence is one of the reasons South Africa died in 1994.

A more effective opposition might have changed the course of history.

Desolation LineTrimmer
3rd April 2010, 06:28 PM
The biased journalism is enough to make a person sick. They might as well put a big headline, "Far right leader gets hacked to death, praise Yahweh!" These murders happen routinely in SA but where is the international outrage? There is none, because it is Whites getting hacked to pieces. These are the same people who control our formerly great nation.

4th April 2010, 11:10 AM
"Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer" indeed. It's sickening seeing what happened in Rhodesia, happening in SA. White SA was the one and only hope for the entire continent. Give it another 10 years, the kaffirs will be once again eating each other, after the last White farmer has been driven off or killed. And again, the world watches and does nothing.

4th April 2010, 02:39 PM
And again, the world watches and does nothing.

"The world" is the Problem. South Africa would still be prosperous if it weren't for the criminals of the "international community" holding SA under the sea of Negroids.

General of Darkness
4th April 2010, 02:40 PM
And again, the world watches and does nothing.

"The world" is the Problem. South Africa would still be prosperous if it weren't for the criminals of the "international community" holding SA under the sea of Negroids.


philo beddoe
4th April 2010, 05:04 PM
It's coming here to America if we don't fight back..............will the Mexis be able to take control of parts of America?

4th April 2010, 05:06 PM
It's coming here to America if we don't fight back..............will the Mexis be able to take control of parts of America?

They already have in AZ, NM and TX.

4th April 2010, 05:08 PM
It's coming here to America if we don't fight back..............will the Mexis be able to take control of parts of America?

Indeed it is coming, and quickly, but what super power will be able to put down any resistance when the US is gone and our collapse has caused a global disaster?

4th April 2010, 05:18 PM
i stay true to my white roots, have seen the results of negroes running things into the ground in many areas across america. they are not capable of goverance, cannot control their base instincts. mud huts and spears to section 8 and glocks.

4th April 2010, 07:51 PM
It's coming here to America if we don't fight back..............will the Mexis be able to take control of parts of America?

Coming to America? It's been here for years...and just getting worse.

2008...the election of the Kenyan...is just like 1994 in South Africa.

4th April 2010, 10:15 PM
Well I’m going to start off with a little note. I seem to have already gotten myself some negative karma in 3 posts so I can only assume it was my comments on the blacks who gang raped the 7 year old girl and my call to castrate and execute them. Fair enough we all have different opinions on a multitude of topics.

Now for the record I am a South African that left SA back in 95 and haven’t been back since, my family saw the writing on the wall 15 years ago. Hence I have some fairly strong opinions about the kaffirs and Arsezanian in general.
Regarding the murder of Eugene, whilst many may not have approved of his methodology one can agree that his overall goal of trying to form a white homeland that could operate without outside interference from the Africans and the wider international community was and remains a noble goal.

These animals killed the man in his sleep. They chose not to attack him in broad daylight and in the open, but like they cowards they are in his weakest moment while he slept. The attack was carried out in such a brutal manner with machetes and pipes, that he was hardly recognizable to friends and family. All over a supposed dispute of 300 rand $41.27 and “ill treatment” this is not a rare occurrence as they murder whites and blacks alike for much less.

"Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer" indeed. It's sickening seeing what happened in Rhodesia, happening in SA. White SA was the one and only hope for the entire continent. Give it another 10 years, the kaffirs will be once again eating each other, after the last White farmer has been driven off or killed. And again, the world watches and does nothing.

Argentium I wouldn’t even give it ten years mate. The response of the AWB on the 1st of May might herald something but I don’t see this as the tipping point just yet. The FIFA world cup is going to be the typical Arsezanian clusterfuck and sadly more deaths, robberies and rapes of the local whites and international tourists will follow.
South Africa was the last remaining beacon of light on the Dark Continent now that is a flickering flame in the wind. Zuma and his idiotic apprentice (read future president of SA) Julius Malema whose singing of “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer” in recent weeks can be attributed to a lot of the racial tensions and Eugene’s murder, will drive south Africa further into the ground.

Idiot boy Malema is already talking of following Mad Bob (president of Rhodesia, Sorry that no longer exists, Zimbabwe) in kicking out white farmers, nationalizing the mines and the central bank.

We see how well that worked for Bob the country was once the bread basket of Africa now the population is starving. The “reclaimed” farms lie fallow and unattended. Farming is just to much hard work for the lazy and incompetent Kaffirs.
My biggest gripe by far though is how black South Africans continually call for the “imperialistic whites” to go back home to Europe. What they fail to realize though is that when the white settlers arrived in South Africa in 1652, there was nothing there the true indigenous people within the nearby vicinity were the khoi, who the blacks annihilated, the san who are also known as the bushmen, who continue today but in much smaller numbers. Then of course we also have the Zulus.
So as for the rest of them they should also depart from South Africa and head back north. Of course they like to glaze over these facts. So if they think they have a right to stay in South Africa so then so do the White descendants of the colonists.

Enough ranting for today, if anyone fells inclined to do some research on the matter may I redirect you to the following:


*Note of caution: some of the content within is not suitable for younger viewers and those with children may not wish to have them present when viewing the images and video content posted on those sites*


4th April 2010, 10:51 PM
Well I’m going to start off with a little note. I seem to have already gotten myself some negative karma in 3 posts so I can only assume it was my comments on the blacks who gang raped the 7 year old girl and my call to castrate and execute them. Fair enough we all have different opinions on a multitude of topics.

We have several "anti-racists" (i.e., anti-WHITE racists) here.

Now for the record I am a South African that left SA back in 95 and haven’t been back since, my family saw the writing on the wall 15 years ago.

Glad you could get out. Welcome to wherever you are, and welcome to G-S.us!

4th April 2010, 11:19 PM
Well I’m going to start off with a little note. I seem to have already gotten myself some negative karma in 3 posts so I can only assume it was my comments on the blacks who gang raped the 7 year old girl and my call to castrate and execute them. Fair enough we all have different opinions on a multitude of topics.

We have several "anti-racists" (i.e., anti-WHITE racists) here.

No worries PDT being a South African I automatically get tared a racist 99% of the time. I just call things as I see them. A spade is just that, a spade =)

Now for the record I am a South African that left SA back in 95 and haven’t been back since, my family saw the writing on the wall 15 years ago.

Glad you could get out. Welcome to wherever you are, and welcome to G-S.us!

Many thanks for the welcome. A lot of friends and extended family were not so fortunate and either still live there and try to make the best of a bad situation or are no longer for this earth.

I now live in the United Arab Emirates, been here 10 years and enjoy life to its fullest (while of course prepping for a rainy day) I look forward to continuing my GIM inspired education here on theses new boards long may they prosper.


Grand Master Melon
5th April 2010, 12:01 AM
It's coming here to America if we don't fight back..............will the Mexis be able to take control of parts of America?

They already have in AZ, NM and TX.

The Mexicans don't control Arizona.

Grand Master Melon
5th April 2010, 12:05 AM
Let me ask you all, why the hell do whites need a "homeland" in Africa?

If Mexicans don't need to be in AZ, NM, TX and CA then why do whites need to be in SA?

I don't follow your reasoning.

5th April 2010, 12:32 AM
While I cannot speak for my American counterparts I will say that whites have earned the right to live a free and secure life in South Africa.

The first Dutch Settlers have been in South Africa since 1652, my own ancestors have been traced back via my mother’s genealogy research, to the early 1700s. Now that’s 358 years of white European development in South Africa. The Europeans built the towns and cities, created their own unique culture, developed the nation’s infrastructure and farmed the land to feed the population.
Now kindly justify why we should not have a homeland in Africa.


Grand Master Melon
5th April 2010, 12:48 AM
While I cannot speak for my American counterparts I will say that whites have earned the right to live a free and secure life in South Africa.

The first Dutch Settlers have been in South Africa since 1652, my own ancestors have been traced back via my mother’s genealogy research, to the early 1700s. Now that’s 358 years of white European development in South Africa. The Europeans built the towns and cities, created their own unique culture, developed the nation’s infrastructure and farmed the land to feed the population.
Now kindly justify why we should not have a homeland in Africa.


I'm not saying whites haven't done anything for Africa I guess I just don't understand this need for a "homeland". There is a difference between leading a "free and secure life" and having a "homeland". All people throughout the world should be able to live a free and secure life.

I live in Arizona just fine as a white man surrounded by many of Mexican, Native American and South American descent. I just don't get what it is that you want. Why must one live in a homogeneous society?

If your ancestors settled there 300 years ago then that is your homeland. You don't need to be surrounded solely by whites for that to be the case.

5th April 2010, 01:30 AM
While I cannot speak for my American counterparts I will say that whites have earned the right to live a free and secure life in South Africa.

The first Dutch Settlers have been in South Africa since 1652, my own ancestors have been traced back via my mother’s genealogy research, to the early 1700s. Now that’s 358 years of white European development in South Africa. The Europeans built the towns and cities, created their own unique culture, developed the nation’s infrastructure and farmed the land to feed the population.
Now kindly justify why we should not have a homeland in Africa.


I'm not saying whites haven't done anything for Africa I guess I just don't understand this need for a "homeland". There is a difference between leading a "free and secure life" and having a "homeland". All people throughout the world should be able to live a free and secure life.

I live in Arizona just fine as a white man surrounded by many of Mexican, Native American and South American descent. I just don't get what it is that you want. Why must one live in a homogeneous society?

If your ancestors settled there 300 years ago then that is your homeland. You don't need to be surrounded solely by whites for that to be the case.

Let me ask you this, GMM: Would you like to live in South Africa with the blacks in charge? Do you want your daughters to intermarry and produce black offspring? This has nothing to do with hating someone for their race. It has everything to do with respecting and nurturing your own family and it's traits. It has everything to do with simple mathematics and sensible intuition. Blacks will live well in a simple village society but are not equiped to lead a complex society. Remmember the Rwanda killing? It'll happen again elsewhere. It is getting worse by the day in South Africa.

What's wrong with a homogeneous society? It is typically quite stable. If I want diversity I will travel. The locals won't hate me as long as I am civil and spend my money freely. Of course once the money stops flowing the white man finds out that other races can be far more 'racist' and intolerant than whites.

5th April 2010, 01:37 AM
I'm not saying whites haven't done anything for Africa I guess I just don't understand this need for a "homeland". There is a difference between leading a "free and secure life" and having a "homeland". All people throughout the world should be able to live a free and secure life.

I live in Arizona just fine as a white man surrounded by many of Mexican, Native American and South American descent. I just don't get what it is that you want. Why must one live in a homogeneous society?

If your ancestors settled there 300 years ago then that is your homeland. You don't need to be surrounded solely by whites for that to be the case.

As I’ve mentioned above I live and work in the United Arab Emirates and have done so for the past 10 years. My social circle includes a number of Europeans, South East Asians, Arabs and UAE locals, hell my last girlfriend was an Iraqi/brit. so forming a productive relationship with those different to myself is not the issue.

The problem lies with the current government that has been in charge for the last 16 years and the ignorant masses of Africans that voted for them. The ANC cares little for its own people and less so for the remaining whites. Under the governance of the ANC the country has gone from a once proud republic to a banana republic. Crime and bribery are rife; the judicial system has revolving doors and health care and utility services are almost none existent. The ANC elite cares not for the populations plight as they live in Mc Mansions situated in the upper class neighborhoods and drive the latest Audis, BMWs and Mercedes paid for by fleecing the taxpayers. The term taxpayers is used loosely as most black South Africans don’t pay taxes as they either living on subsidies .gov hand outs or are still dirt poor.

The main political parties in South Africans other than the ANC are, the Congress of the People (COPE) and the Democratic Alliance (DA).Granted there are a few smaller ones but they have no real sway in the governance of the country.

The DA which I see as the only viable candidates to get things done, have only recently started to make inroads to changing the government and ousting the ANC. A major victory milestone came in April 2009 when the DA won the governance of the Western Cape which is the only province out of a total of nine not ruled by the ANC.

Weather the ANC allows the DA to continue to grow remains to be seen, as those in power generally dislike sharing, hence my support for a white homeland in South Africa. I really dislike Woodrow Wilson but if everyone else can use “the right for self determination” why not white South Africans? The Afrikaans culture meets all the criteria.


Grand Master Melon
5th April 2010, 01:54 AM
Let me ask you this, GMM: Would you like to live in South Africa with the blacks in charge? Do you want your daughters to intermarry and produce black offspring? This has nothing to do with hating someone for their race. It has everything to do with respecting and nurturing your own family and it's traits. It has everything to do with simple mathematics and sensible intuition. Blacks will live well in a simple village society but are not equiped to lead a complex society. Remmember the Rwanda killing? It'll happen again elsewhere. It is getting worse by the day in South Africa.

What's wrong with a homogeneous society? It is typically quite stable. If I want diversity I will travel. The locals won't hate me as long as I am civil and spend my money freely. Of course once the money stops flowing the white man finds out that other races can be far more 'racist' and intolerant than whites.

I wouldn't like to live in South Africa. I don't know that I'd enjoy being the minority and having the majority running things. I understand a fear of that. If my daughter chooses to marry somone of another race that is fine so long as the person is of decent character. Race doesn't determine character. I'm sure there are blacks that can lead a nation. To say otherwise is just stupid. That's like me saying that no chinaman should be allowed to have a car because they can't drive or that we could never leave a black man alone in a KFC.

As for a homogeneous society being stable, sure okay that's fine, it makes sense but sometimes it simply about numbers. If you get enough people together living in one tent regardless of how big that tent is you're going to have a problem with one of them sooner or later. A nation of whites will have its problems just as a nation of blacks would.

As for other races being racist, I'm aware of that. I live it every day, we all do.

Grand Master Melon
5th April 2010, 02:02 AM
As I’ve mentioned above I live and work in the United Arab Emirates and have done so for the past 10 years. My social circle includes a number of Europeans, South East Asians, Arabs and UAE locals, hell my last girlfriend was an Iraqi/brit. so forming a productive relationship with those different to myself is not the issue.

Fair enough, sorry to have misinterpreted your views.

The problem lies with the current government that has been in charge for the last 16 years and the ignorant masses of Africans that voted for them. The ANC cares little for its own people and less so for the remaining whites. Under the governance of the ANC the country has gone from a once proud republic to a banana republic. Crime and bribery are rife; the judicial system has revolving doors and health care and utility services are almost none existent. The ANC elite cares not for the populations plight as they live in Mc Mansions situated in the upper class neighborhoods and drive the latest Audis, BMWs and Mercedes paid for by fleecing the taxpayers. The term taxpayers is used loosely as most black South Africans don’t pay taxes as they either living on subsidies .gov hand outs or are still dirt poor.

The main political parties in South Africans other than the ANC are, the Congress of the People (COPE) and the Democratic Alliance (DA).Granted there are a few smaller ones but they have no real sway in the governance of the country.

The DA which I see as the only viable candidates to get things done, have only recently started to make inroads to changing the government and ousting the ANC. A major victory milestone came in April 2009 when the DA won the governance of the Western Cape which is the only province out of a total of nine not ruled by the ANC.

Weather the ANC allows the DA to continue to grow remains to be seen, as those in power generally dislike sharing, hence my support for a white homeland in South Africa. I really dislike Woodrow Wilson but if everyone else can use “the right for self determination” why not white South Africans? The Afrikaans culture meets all the criteria.


So government is the problem? That's no surprise, government is almost always the problem.

What do you propose for your white homeland in South Africa? Do you have a vision of what it is that you want?

Wouldn't it better if the government wasn't run by morons and instead run by people who act in a fair and just way?

Do you feel that the white homeland is the only choice or can SA be saved? Have you any interest in moving back to save it yourself?

By the way, thanks for bringing this issue to light. It's not that I know nothing of South Africa but I know very little. Reading up on the issue is interesting.

5th April 2010, 02:17 AM

What's wrong with a homogeneous society? It is typically quite stable. If I want diversity I will travel. The locals won't hate me as long as I am civil and spend my money freely. Of course once the money stops flowing the white man finds out that other races can be far more 'racist' and intolerant than whites.

A very observant statement Woodman. Many people do not associate non whites as racists yet in my travels I've found that they can indeed be more racist than myself. I guess its just human nature to be resistant and cautious to those not like ourselves, which in a way makes sense to me.

The old Indian cast system would be a clear indication of such attitudes. Black South Africans themselves and the resent xenophobic attacks earlier in 2009, not to mention previous racial tensions throughout Africa. Even amongst the Arabs the favorite targets would be the Egyptians which most see as lying thieving race and the Saudis which are viewed by their fellow Arabs as extremists.


5th April 2010, 03:13 AM
So government is the problem? That's no surprise, government is almost always the problem.

What do you propose for your white homeland in South Africa? Do you have a vision of what it is that you want?

Wouldn't it better if the government wasn't run by morons and instead run by people who act in a fair and just way?

Do you feel that the white homeland is the only choice or can SA be saved? Have you any interest in moving back to save it yourself?

Yep the current ANC government is the problem.

As for a white homeland ideally All of SA in which the people could coexist and become a productive nation as it once was.
Realistically hope that the Democratic Alliance maintains is policies and the right people continue to govern in a just manner and comes to power as the ruling government of All of South Africa not just the western cape. Problem with the second approach is the time required to achieve the above goal and the likelihood of more murders being commented against the white population in the interim.

Failure of the above either the North and West cape provinces secede from government (seems to be a party trying to do so but it is still a small grassroots movement) or the creation of an independent country from part of the North cape.

Would I move back and be part of the change? Something i have thought long and hard about. There is no country on earth that I have visited that is quite as beautiful as South Africa, except in my honest opinion Australia comes close. Realistically at this current time no I don’t think I would move back. We haven’t reached the tipping point that will move my fellow South Africans to take a stand. There are still a large number who remain lulled into false sense of security in their little fenced in communities and deny the reality of their situation. In the mean time I will try and get the message out there and educate people to these atrocities. And if worse comes to worse and the Africans do launch their Uhuru war well then guess I might just jump on a plane.

By the way, thanks for bringing this issue to light. It's not that I know nothing of South Africa but I know very little. Reading up on the issue is interesting.

Not an issue GMM, the mods here were kind enough to provide us all with a home after the untimely fall of GIM, with in which to continue educating ourselves about the wider world, ongoing events and general prepping and self sufficiency skills.
