View Full Version : Where Do You Buy Your PM's?

3rd April 2010, 07:27 PM
Just curious where you guys buy PM's.

I have only bought mine through APMEX, since local dealers want crazy prices and I've never had a bad experience with apmex.

3rd April 2010, 07:33 PM
Maybe I'm just lucky, but there are several coin shops here in Phoenix. I go to a couple different ones, and there prices are comparable with Apmex.

The thing I really like is the anonymous cash and carry nature of shopping locally.

3rd April 2010, 07:35 PM
The thing I really like is the anonymous cash and carry nature of shopping locally.

I would like that for sure on both accounts, plus apmex charges for credit cards and basically negates the no sales tax. (not sure who I would rather pay the bankers or the government........ pardon the redundancy)

3rd April 2010, 07:39 PM
Sales tax? WTF is that?

The first ounce I bought, a few years back, the price was $690 (spot was around 675), I gave the man 7 Benjamins,he gave me a ten and my gold.

3rd April 2010, 08:04 PM
I never bought from The Fed..AMPEX. They want to much personal info. I have bought from <SLV> and json, but before that I always dealt with Camino Coin or Joejewler. Did some swapping a year or so ago with GCubed. All of the above deals went super smooth.

I have reached the saturation point. Most of my buying was done in 04-05.

4th April 2010, 12:32 PM
Funny I just commented on this in another thread.

I buy Silver locally and at APMEX both are good for me, just you have to know where to go for what. APMEX for modern stuff, locally for junk. Shipping and handling make Silver purchases much better locally IMO. PLus I prefer to keep the money in my town rather than sending it elsewhere. Something I do very often in my purchasing choices.

Gold I usually get at APMEX. Local guy doesn't have as good of Gold inventory. Prices are good when he does but it moves quick and my timing is poor. Good thing is that I'm OK on Gold right now. Accumulating more Silver these days, and mostly junk at that.

4th April 2010, 07:16 PM
I have mostly purchased through Bullion Direct but I've made a few purchases through APMEX as well. My local shops prices are always very high and they charge sales tax. >:(

4th April 2010, 07:57 PM
Hi everyone, new here. Old time lurker from over at GIM (..rip..) :-[

Although I prefer to buy locally, the selection is usually slim pickings if I'm trying to put together a specific set. APMEX has been great for finding novelty items I'm lusting after - I even bought from Kitco once and got slammed hard with their outrageous shipping fees. Never again!

4th April 2010, 10:27 PM
If I am looking to make a bigger pickup I use APMEX usually. For smaller amounts like 10 OZ of silver or a roll of SAEs I have been having some really good luck with eBay with BINs and bing cashback to get at or below spot.

1970 Silver Art
5th April 2010, 08:16 AM
I buy most of my PM's (silver) from my local dealers and at coin shows in my area. Most of my best deals have been at coin shows.

7th April 2010, 11:01 PM
there are two local dealers here that are very fair, when they have the goods in hand.. otherwise apmex

7th April 2010, 11:11 PM
I buy local sometimes when they have what I want.
But I hate paying the 9% sales tax

apmex is good, but the shipping is high for most of my small orders and they charge for using a CC.

when I am buying a small amount of silver, I like to go to these guys


$4.95 shipping, Really Fast and pretty good prices on some pretty unique and cool stuff.

1970 Silver Art
8th April 2010, 04:44 AM
I buy local sometimes when they have what I want.
But I hate paying the 9% sales tax

apmex is good, but the shipping is high for most of my small orders and they charge for using a CC.

when I am buying a small amount of silver, I like to go to these guys


$4.95 shipping, Really Fast and pretty good prices on some pretty unique and cool stuff.

Tennessee has a 6% sales tax but most of the time, I go to a local dealer that is located just over the state line in Georgia and buy most of my silver there. Georgia does not have a sales tax on bullion. Sometimes, I will go to a local coin dealer in Tennessee to see what silver art bars they will have in stock but I do not buy much from the Tennessee local coin dealers. The TN sales tax will add about $1.65 (or more depending on spot silver) to the cost of a 1-oz silver bar.

8th April 2010, 02:56 PM
Started at AMPEX-

Then between them and Eba*

Now typically Eba*, Westminster Mint, Gainsville Coins in that order.

9th April 2010, 09:13 PM
95% all my buys via bulliondirect 'Nucleo' some through their catalog. Apmex when sale and spot come togather in good timing (rare) The recent gold buffs at 1169 was nice*

9th April 2010, 09:26 PM
I prefer the local shops but occassionally use eBay or APMEX for fun stuff.

10th April 2010, 11:26 AM
I buy local sometimes when they have what I want.
But I hate paying the 9% sales tax

apmex is good, but the shipping is high for most of my small orders and they charge for using a CC.

when I am buying a small amount of silver, I like to go to these guys


$4.95 shipping, Really Fast and pretty good prices on some pretty unique and cool stuff.

They have to charge you for using a credit card. Do they charge you more than the merchant fee they have to pay themselves?

10th April 2010, 11:30 AM
I buy local sometimes when they have what I want.
But I hate paying the 9% sales tax

apmex is good, but the shipping is high for most of my small orders and they charge for using a CC.

when I am buying a small amount of silver, I like to go to these guys


$4.95 shipping, Really Fast and pretty good prices on some pretty unique and cool stuff.

They have to charge you for using a credit card. Do they charge you more than the merchant fee they have to pay themselves?

Im not sure . because I don't know how much their merchant fee is

10th April 2010, 11:32 AM
About 3% is in the range of what they have to pay Visa/MC. More for AMEX if they accept that card. That can add up.

10th April 2010, 11:36 AM
I just looked at their website and it appears they don't charge extra for their metals if you use a credit card for purchase. Has anyone ever bought from APMEX using a credit card?

10th April 2010, 11:37 AM
About 3% is in the range of what they have to pay Visa/MC. More for AMEX if they accept that card. That can add up.

I guess that's about what APMEX charges

Korbin Dallas
11th April 2010, 09:21 AM
I like Provident metals, http://www.providentmetals.com/, if I am buying online. If your not in Texas, no sales tax, and you lock in the price when you order, which I like, because I send money orders to avoid the 3% fee. My last SAE order was a one week turn around.

11th April 2010, 09:44 AM
There was a lot of god things about them on the "old board".

Thanks for the reminder.