View Full Version : ECONOMIC 2012 IN THE CARDS

3rd April 2010, 06:46 PM
My latest editorial... good summary to foward



APRIL 2010

When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain." - Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815

Many of you surely remember that in 2008, the world elites urged a coordinated action to tackle the threatening down turn, plunging their respective countries deeper into debt to give the bankers an unlimited amount of blank checks, while convincing taxpayers to foot the bill under the guise of acting to save their jobs. Now that the bailouts' side effects are spreading like wild-fire and have obviously become global, the odds are setting us up for a day of reckoning the like of which has never been seen. Liquidation of the Western middle class is unavoidable; let alone the developing countries: for them it will be a lot worse as they have borrowed (from now bankrupt empires) since the end of the colonies. They earned not their independence but a colonization of another kind. If there is no major wake-up call, the entire planet will be left in the hands of a few fascist banks and corporations at the head of a World Government. The wolves in sheep clothing have worked on this for more than 300 years. Money doesn't mean anything to them, but power. This said, it is useful to mention that the system we now have was invented by the Chinese, and began with the Song (960-1279) dynasty. In fifty years from 1260 to 1309 Yuan's paper money was depreciated by 1000 percent!
