View Full Version : Cigarlover's thread

3rd April 2010, 08:21 PM
He asked me in PM to delete the thread. That is why it is no longer here.


5th April 2010, 11:21 AM
All he has are ciggars and I don't smoke hahahaahhahahah

6th April 2010, 07:35 PM
Crazy Cuban. Dont smoke your countries cigars or drink its rum. What about the coffee??

6th April 2010, 11:35 PM
Only in Cuba, here they only give you dirty water........you know good Cuban coffee when it makes a hole in your stomach hahahahahahhah

2nd November 2011, 06:13 PM
I like cigars but haven't had any for many years. After I gave up cigarettes I didn't touch tobacco.

Well I had a hankering and seeing as I know some one in Venezuela I got them to send me some. They sent me just a few for some sampling. Popular brands and 3 of each. I think there were a couple of different sizes there and perhaps a bit of variety in flavour. I haven't smoked them all myself so if they were all different styles I don't know what a couple were like to smoke. As for the others that I have smoked I enjoyed them a lot.

It does take some comittment to make some time for a good smoke as they can take a while to get through. The first one I had to take 2 goes at it. Too much for one sitting. Anyway these were a Crispin Patino and La Cumanesa or similar (I'll edit this when I have the labels to hand). I don't have the rings with me to check. The 2 crispins I smoked were quite different. One was earthy and strong. The other was very mild and smooth. It was almost identical to the La Cumanesa in flavour which I prefer.

Anyway I asked for some more but it doesn't look like they will get to venezuela again this year so they suggested some cubans. I spent several hours last night reading reviews on cigars and I have to say I have a long list of cubans, venzuelans and some DR's as well.

What's your preferred smoke?

4th November 2011, 01:37 PM
I got turned on to Arturo Fuente Hemingways, particularly the Short Story. Its medium bodied and is only a 4x48 perfecto so it'll last you a good 30-45 minutes.

4th November 2011, 10:11 PM
I've been doing a lot of review reading and Arturo Fuente comes up a lot in Top 5 lists and so on. Does cause some contention amongst aficiando's. You either like them or you don't it seems. I like the sound of the Hemmingways though. They're now on the list.

4th November 2011, 10:35 PM
I wonder what happened to cigarlover.

midnight rambler
5th November 2011, 01:20 AM
I wonder what happened to cigarlover.

The poster formerly known as cigarlover is alive and well and living relatively contently in an undisclosed location.

5th November 2011, 02:34 PM
The poster formerly known as cigarlover is alive and well and living relatively contently in an undisclosed location.


16th November 2011, 10:17 PM
ok so I've spent a fair bit of time reading around, especially this forum. Lots of good reviews and info.


There are lots of online stores out there but I'm staggered by the prices of some cigars. Aging tobacco like a good whiskey seems to have a big impact.

This place seemed like it is one of the cheapest out there with a huge range. They have lots of samplers which is a good idea. Try before you buy kinda thing. I don't know if they are any good.


28th December 2011, 09:46 PM
I ended up doing biz with another online company. They were fast and everything arrived in about 8 days from US to Aus. on Fridays they have a Friday Freebie which I wish I knew about. They also have a lot of items with free P&S.

I bought 2 samplers of J Feugo for myself and a friend. Not sure how these will go. There is quite a mix in there but some nice nose ticking aromas for sure. I also purchased a 25 bundle of some montecristo toros. Nice and mild for general chuffing. They have a hint of chocolate on the nose. I've given a few to friends. They are not really cigaries but get a kick out of a NYE stoogie. Hopefully they are mild enough.

I was also blessed at christmas with some Cohiba Siglo II and Montecristo No. 3.

So out of all of that I've smoked just one of the cohiba's. Very nice to smoke. A petite corona. I don't know much about anything but I can tell you that is a very pleasant experience. The flavours are melow on the tongue and no bitterness in the after taste. I wasn't expecting to like this cigar. To me the Cohiba brand is brash and loud to look at. I expected their cigars to be the same. This one was not like that at all. I put an hour in to this one. You need about an hour and a half spare to do it justice. For serious cigaries that's a daily smoke. For me I think a cigar a month is more like it. Turns out this cigar gets very good reviews just about everywhere.

30th December 2011, 03:28 AM
We shall certainly need this information to survive.

1. Get lots of cohibas and montecristos from CUBA
2. Get a nice humidor
3. Get lots of guns and shit
4. When the .gov runs you out of your house, make sure you take the humidor so you can be comfy in your plan b or plan c hideaway ( you did think of that, right?)

I am sorry but I line this up as stupid preps post of the entire history of GSUS.

30th December 2011, 04:35 AM
We shall certainly need this information to survive.

1. Get lots of cohibas and montecristos from CUBA
2. Get a nice humidor
3. Get lots of guns and shit
4. When the .gov runs you out of your house, make sure you take the humidor so you can be comfy in your plan b or plan c hideaway ( you did think of that, right?)

I am sorry but I line this up as stupid preps post of the entire history of GSUS.

Well, I think this thread was started before most of the subforums were created.

Should be moved to the Gentlemens forum imho.

30th December 2011, 07:12 AM
I am sorry but I line this up as stupid preps post of the entire history of GSUS.

The worlds going to crap mouse and I thought I would grab a few cigars and enjoy myself once in a while. People post about music, scotch, beer, boobs, whatever. I like all of those and the odd cigar. Thanks for commenting anyway but remember you don't have to, you can just walk on by. It does seem that you at least read this thread, go to whoa so kudos to you.

I didn't start this thread AND I didn't want to start another one. Unlike a lot of people here I search before I post a new topic to make sure we are not all ready running one. Cigarlover was a good contributor here and obviously this was his thing. If anyone wants to move this thread somewhere more PC then K-nock yourselves out.

30th December 2011, 07:27 AM
I think he just didn't stop and realize that life does go on, however crazy the markets are. I told him that if he didn't like a cigar thread in the preps forum then he should just ignore it.

You HAVE to enjoy the little things or you will go insane. Thinking about world collapse ALL THE DAMN TIME will turn your brain to mush. I think it was Brewtech that said one time "I'm all doomed out. I need a vacation."

OH well.... rant off..

30th December 2011, 08:34 AM
Cigars are just as good for trading when it all goes to hell.

30th December 2011, 09:22 AM
Cuban cigars are Communist cigars. You should only be smoking Capitalist cigars like cigars made in China. Lol...

1st January 2012, 10:53 PM
My apologies on my behavior above.

Let's have a nice 2012.

Silver and Gold go on SALE tuesday and wednesday. Be there.

16th January 2012, 09:10 PM
no worries mouse. I agree that there are many many more important preps to gather. Things like food come to mind and should be #1 focus.

Imagine what a couple of "very difficult things to find" could be worth to grease a palm or two. I'm thinking post collapse appocalypse where a bottle of scotch or tabacco might be worth it's weight in you know what. Especially if the greasee likes to flash some luxuries to show off their "power". I'm thinking the Chief of your local post appocalypse cannibal tribe... that kind of thing.

16th January 2012, 09:22 PM
Monte Cristo #3 Habana

This was a nice gift I received at Christmas. A box of 5 #3 Monte Cristos'.

On the day I was blessed with a box of Cohiba's mentioned earlier plus the box of #3 Monte's. Every one who aroma'd them thought the Cohiba's had a nicer mellower aroma and I agree.

The Cohiba was good, however the Montecristo's defied my expectation based on their aroma. I have to say this was the best so far. It was so very smooth. It burned evenly and slowly (when not drawing) and it was consistent to the end.

Sometimes a cigar can turn bitter along the way. Some cigars recover and finish nice and sweet. This one was a nice smooth smoke, sweet aftertaste from one end t'other. I can't say that I can identify lots of different flavours in this smoke (a newb), however you won't find anything disagreeable.

I sat down outside on a warm balmy night. I had a chilled glass of white wine or three. I had some recorded TV - Top Gear USA to watch. I think is great... like UK TG but the reviews are more informative IMO. And I had my radio to listen to the local CB chaos.

And of course this cigar. We put about 1 hour 40 into the whole experience, this cigar and I. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. The guy next door even came out to sniff about. He was curious about the smell. Wasn't complaining either.

While I think I'm maybe a monthly smoker, this could easily be a daily smoker for someone so inclined.

Without much experience I'm prepared to give this 4 1/2 Chuffs.

24th January 2012, 01:18 PM
I also got a cigar for Christmas from my brother. He said it was a good one... whatever that means.

We got together last night and I smoked it.

WTF... I seemed to be doing fine and smoked half way through then all of a sudden I got dizzy... nauseous and threw up my dinner for the next half hour.

I though I was dying... NEVER AGAIN!


24th January 2012, 07:51 PM
hehe, sorry to hear you were unwell. I have had that experience myself. The things I have learnt are you need to be in the right mood. I need to be relaxed and have about 2 hours free to sit outside. Difficult to do these days.

Another thing I notice is how much I've had to drink. If I am well on my way then I will take a pass on a cigar.
I also think the last 1/3 can be tough to get through depending on the cigar. Sometimes I get there and I just can't go any further, other cigars, no problem.

I actually gave a few of the big ones I mention in the next post to a couple of friends of mine. NYE party favour. I made a point of saying that they shouldn't spend all night drinking, get plastered and feel like they can handle that cigar. I don't think that would be wise. I'll have to ask them how it went.

24th January 2012, 08:06 PM
I pulled out one of my party piece Monte Christo Toro's on Sunday night. These are big big stoogies. I picked up a roll of them and having seen them when they arrived I though, oh oh. Here's trouble.

As I said I grabbed them as party favours. Good for poker nights and so on.

Aroma was pleasant. Not unlike the #3's I was gifted from the same stable. Perhaps a little more earthy in aroma. As I said these are a big fat stoogie so you gotta open wide.

Draw was great on just a smallish punch to the cap. I thought it might be a bit tight but no. Nice and even. Lighting was a bit of a fumble but thats my own clumsiness. Need a lighter. I'm using matches and I want to call it a fire brand but I'm not sure. Small slivers of timber. Like little sections of veneer. You light that from the match, then light the cigar with it.

Flavour was nice, smooth. Nothing stood out to me flavourwise. Just a nice smooth mildly earthy flavour. I think the aroma for people on the other side was probably a bit nicer than on the smoker side.

Burn was even although I got things off to an uneven start with my fumbling. Ash held reasonably well until about 1/4. Would have liked to have seen 1/3 but I think thicker, heavier cigars might be this way. The ash seems to slow the burn while keeping it going. A couple of times the cigar almost went out.

2/3 was as nice as the first but beyond that point I found it a struggle. Bitterness seemed build and I had to clear my mouth a few times. Some cool water to clear the palate a little might be good.

Drink: I accompanied it with a beer. A Tasmanian Larger which is a nice and clean brew. Perhaps not the ideal to accompany a cigar and the first time I've had a beer with one. I'd probably try light or pale ale for this one if it was beer. My reckoning was that this was a party cigar and that is what I would be drinking.

If you were having a poker night or a few of the lads around then these would be ok. A lot of cigar for the money. If you want something for quiet time enjoyment I'd try elsewhere.

big country
25th January 2012, 07:51 AM
I've only had a cigar twice. The only time I've ever had any tobacco product.

The first time, I was at a party...a guy I didn't know had two cigars and wanted a "buddy" to smoke the other one with. No one wanted to, I was already drunk and thought what the hell...BIG MISTAKE. That bastard was as big around as my wrist and 3 ft long. (ok that might be an exaggeration...but it seemed like it). Keep in mind this was my first ever tobacco product. I got about 1/2 way through it and threw up...twice. I felt better so I went back for more...2 puffs and boom, vomitted again. I put the cigar out in my beer and felt like I wanted to die the rest of the night,

The second time I got a much smaller one and I wasn't drunk. It was a "swisher sweet" from the gas station. It went much better, but I was still sick when I finished it. I smoked it in my car, and I swear...5 years later, I can still catch a smell of it from the AC when the weather is right. Strawberry flavored. Never smoked another cigar since. No fun if I keep getting sick.

28th July 2015, 01:03 AM
been a while since I posted here. This past weekend I set a nice wood fire outside in the brassier thing?? not sure if that is the name for it.

Anyway settled down to have a cigar. Been about 2 years since I found the time. Definitely need to get myself some kind of humidoor as my ghetto one wasn't venting properly. Lost a few to mold some time back.

I have a sample pack of some J Fuego's. This one was the Origen. A mild cigar. Robusto. Nice even medium brown colour. Not as dark as some others they make. This cigar cut well. I did mess up one small section of wrapper but a bit of moisture absorbed and it was all good.

As I said this cigar lit well. the flavour was rich with a slight choc flavour. More like a drinking chocolate taste than anything else. I think there is not a lot more to say about this one. It was pleasant and enjoyable. I think it has lost some flavour due to my poor care but the smoke was not unpleasant or harsh. I didn't pick up any unique taste or aroma from it. It it said to be mild with a bit of pepper at the midway point. Possibly, but I would need another one to check.

It burned nice and evenly and easily kept the ash until the halfway mark. I would recommend it to someone who wanted to try a cigar and didn't want to turn green at the gills. I think it would fall into the same category of the monte cristo's I have stashed. I can't remember what those are. Maybe a No. 5 or something. Need to look but again a nice mild cigar. Mild colour, flavour and taste. The MC's are a reliable go to cigar.

My notes below say MC #3's.

28th July 2015, 06:54 AM
I haven't had a cigar in years. But I did enjoy reading your post, glass.