View Full Version : The "Israel did 9/11" Thread
4th April 2010, 09:27 AM
My intent is to expose as many members and visitors as possible to the facts, witness accounts, news reports and commentaries surrounding the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon and the overwhelming evidence that Israeli Mossad was the prime engineer of the attacks, and traitors within the US government and intelligence aided and abetted. Having all of this information in one thread would increase the likelihood that a curious neonate might peruse and become enlightened. I ask members here to post only high qualtiy material and links.
To get us started, here is an interesting collection of media stories relevant to the 9/11 attacks:
250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media
250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media
1. 1962 - US military drafted 'Operation Northwoods', a plan to commit terror acts in US cities, kill innocent people, hijack airplanes, and plant evidence as a way to trick the public into thinking Cuba committed an unprovoked attack against the US in order to support a war against Cuba. (ABC, Natl Security Archives)
2. March '00 - Filming begins for The Lone Gunmen's 'Pilot' episode that depicts a US plot to crash an electronically hijacked Boeing 727 into WTC and blame foreign terrorists to provoke war and increase military's budget (KC Star), March '01 - 'Pilot' episode airs on FOX TV, 6 months before attacks (TV Guide), Co-producers were relieved to hear 9/11 plot pre-dated their show. (
3. 1999 - NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are hijacked and crashed into targets which include the WTC and Pentagon (USA Today), April '01 - NORAD requested a war games event of having a terrorist group hijack a commercial airline and fly it into the Pentagon. (Boston Globe)
4. 2000 - CNN has employed active duty military psyops personnel. (WorldNetDaily)
5. Oct '00 - Pentagon conducts emergency training exercises of a mock passenger plane crash into the Pentagon. (Army)
6. June '01 - Attorney General John Ashcroft stops flying commercial aircrafts because of a 'threat assessment'. (CBS)
7. June '01 - Terrorist act exercise involving an explosion is conducted near the Pentagon to test first team's 'external response.' (Military District of Washington)
8. June '01 - NORAD conducts Amalgam Virgo 01, an exercise involving a cruise missile attack scenario in which their presentation manual has a photo of Osama bin Laden on the cover and a picture of an explosion in a skyscraper inside. (Global Security); June '02 - NORAD conducts Amalgam Virgo 02, an exercise involving a domestic commercial airliner-hijacking scenario planned before 9/11. (Defense Link)
9. July '01 - Twin 400 ft gas tanks near WTC are imploded by Controlled Demolition Inc. who will later do clean-up at Ground Zero. (Queens Gazette, Phillyblast)
10. Aug '01 - Raytheon and US Air Force successfully land pilot-less Boeing 727 using military GPS landing system that enables ground control to take control of hijacked plane. (Der Spiegel, Raytheon)
11. Aug 30 - Dept of Transportation conducts exercise involving high-jacked plane and a cell phone from it among other aspects of the scenario that one participants describes as being 'very strange' when the actual event happened on 9/11. (MTI)
12. Sept '01 - 25,000 British troops ensemble in Oman near Afghanistan for 'Operation Swift Sword' and will help US in attacking OBL. (BBC, Telegraph)
13. Sept 3 - Author Salman Rushdie given US air ban. (Ananova)
14. Sept 4 - An Israeli owned shipping company moves out of the WTC. (Virginian-Pilot, Real Estate Weekly)
15. Sept 5 - US pulls the plug on Muslim websites. (Guardian, BBC)
16. Sept 7 - Jeb Bush puts the Florida National Guard on alert (WorldNetDaily,, Sept 10-11 - President Bush is in FL, state that controversially handed him 2000 presidency (Telegraph), 9/11 - Jeb Bush declares state of emergency in FL immediately after 2nd tower fell (WorldNetDaily), At least 15 of the 19 hijackers have Florida ties. (Augusta Chronicle)
17. Sept 8 - Marine Aviation group moves further away from where explosion at the Pentagon will happen. (Leatherneck)
18. Sept 8 - Mock drill at Buffalo Niagara Airport simulated terrorists blowing up an aircraft containing 82 passengers and some of the participants will help at Ground Zero after 9/11. (Univ Buffalo, Highland Hose Volunteer Fire)
19. Sept 10 - FEMA rescuer Tom Kenney says he was deployed to NYC late Monday night before going into action Tuesday morning, the day of the attacks. (CBS video)
20. Sept 10 - Group of top Pentagon officials canceled travel plans for next morning because of 'security concerns'. (Newsweek)
21. Sept 10 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives travel warning 8 hours before attacks. (SF Chronicle)
22. Sept 10 - A rookie is asked to temporarily take command of the National Military Command Center inside Pentagon for Sept. 11. (9/11 Commission)
23. 9/11 - Fort Belvoir near the Pentagon was conducting an exercise to test the security at the base in case of a terrorist attack. (Connection Newspapers)
24. 9/11 - An airport emergency operations exercise is being conducted at Fort Myer, a mile from the Pentagon. (MDW, DC Military)
25. 9/11 - Employees at Israeli instant messaging company Odigo received text message warnings about attacks 2 hours prior. (Haaretz, Washington Post)
26. 9/11 - Donald Rumsfeld predicts terrorist attack in US 2 minutes before 1st WTC plane crash (Fayetteville Observer), later predicts Pentagon crash minutes prior. (Telegraph)
27. 9/11 - White House staff given Cipro, a full month before first cases of anthrax reported. (Washington Post)
28. 9/11 - President Bush's cousin escaped death from the WTC thanks to a 'schedule change' the night before. (Ananova)
29. 9/11 - Fiduciary Trust, located in the south WTC, had scheduled an emergency drill for the day. (NY Times)
30. 9/11 - Larry Silverstein is absent from his office on the North Tower's 88th floor because of a 'doctors appointment' along with his two kids who are 'running late'. (NY Magazine, NY Observer)
31. Sept 12 - FEMA was scheduled to participate in an attack drill in NYC. (9/11 Panel,
32. Sept 9 - NORAD conducts operation 'Northern Vigilance,' planned months in advance, which deploys fighter jets to Alaskan region. (NORAD, Toronto Star)
33. 9/11 - Three F-16 jetfighters from Andrews AFB, 15 miles from Pentagon, are flown 180 miles away for training mission in the morning. (Aviation Week)
34. 9/11 - Andrews AFB, home to DC Air National Guard and Air Force 1 & 2, had no jetfighters on alert. (Newsday, USA Today)
35. 9/11 - A simulated aircraft hijacking was scheduled for the morning by NORAD. (Vanity Fair)
36. 9/11 - US intel agency planned exercise in the morning to simulate plane crash into government building. (Boston Globe, USA Today)
37. 9/11 - NORAD was running war game called 'Vigilant Guardian' in which the commander in charge thought first hijacking was "part of the exercise." (Aviation Week, NY Observer)
38. 9/11 - FAA bans takeoffs at 9:26 am for all civilian, military, or law enforcement aircraft (FAA, Time)
39. 9/11 - A squadron of NORAD fighter planes from Langley AFB were sent east over the Atlantic Ocean and were 150 miles from the Pentagon when it was hit, further from where they took off. (9/11 Panel, Star Tribune)
40. 9/11 - Shoot-down authorization not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 crashed. (9/11 Panel, Seattle Post)
41. Feb '05 - Donald Rumsfeld, Gen. Myers confirm there were at least four war games on 9/11 from Rep. McKinney questioning. (C-SPAN)
42. Jan '01 - Frank De Martini, deceased Mgr of WTC Construction & Project Mgmt, says in documentary before 9/11 that he believes WTC towers could sustain multiple hits from large jetliners, comparing it to poking a pencil through mosquito netting. (WTC-A Modern Marvel, DVD Talk)
43. July '01 - WTC landlord leased the entire WTC complex 6 six weeks before attacks. (CBS, Washington Times)
44. Twin Towers were hated, poorly designed money-losers subsides by the State and weren't torn down before because of expensive asbestos removal in which 9/11 benefited the owners by efficiently destroying the complex in a way that they didn't have to pay for any of it. (Baltimore Sun, Salon, Front Page)
45. Sept 6 - WTC officials recently took steps to secure towers against aerial attacks by installing bulletproof windows and fireproof doors in the 22nd-floor computer command center (Newsday)
46. Two week heightened security alert at WTC is lifted and bomb-sniffing dogs are abruptly removed days before 9/11. (Newsday)
47. Occupant in WTC says weeks before attacks they had "unusual" amount of evacuations from WTC and says he thinks "they had an inkling something was going on." (People)
48. Sept 10 - The roofs at the WTC are closed. (911DigitalArchive) 9/11 - Exit doors to the WTC's roofs are locked, preventing people to escape on to the roof. (NIST)
49. 9/11 - A Fiduciary Trust CEO from the South WTC is invited to early morning charity event at Offutt AFB hosted by billionaire Warren Buffett and is escorted to TV by military officers and sees 2nd plane crash into her offices. (Forbes, SF Business Times)
50. 9/11 - A missile was reportedly launched from the Woolworth Building near the WTC. (NIST, WNBC, NY Daily)
51. 9/11 - Rudy Giuliani says he was told South WTC was going to collapse. (ABC video) July '05 - Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani was near the London Blasts. (BBC)
52. Company hired to help clean up Ground Zero is control demolition experts, Controlled Demolition Inc. (Waste Age)
53. Preliminary tests show steel quality did not contribute to twin towers' collapse. (Boston Globe, Pittsburg Live)
54. Oct '04 - Fire in 56-story Venezuelan skyscraper spreads over 26 floors and burns for over 17 hours, but does not collapse. (CBS)
55. WTC Ground Zero workers claim they helped FBI find 3 of the 4 black boxes from planes that struck WTC, contradicting official accounts that none were found. (Philadelphia Daily News)
Bombs, flashes, other explosions
56. EMT Jeff Birnbaum near the South Tower says he heard an eerie high-pitched noise and a 'popping sound' then an explosion before the top of the tower leaned toward him and started coming down. (CEE News)
57. Firefighter Louie Cacchioli in elevator going to 24th floor hears a bomb go off and thinks bombs were set in the building. (People)
58. Firefighter Edward Cachia says the South Tower gave at a lower floor then where the plane hit because they thought there was internal explosions going off from hearing successions of 'boom, boom, boom, boom' before the tower came down. (NY Times)
59. Fire Captain Karin Deshore says there was orange and red flashes followed by explosions that were getting bigger going both up and down and then all around the WTC 2. (SF Gate)
60. Tom Elliott on 67th floor floor in WTC 2 felt explosion below him as plane hit, firemen going up told him of an explosion near 60th floor. (CS Monitor)
61. Commissioner Stephen Gregory along with a Lieutenant Evangelista from Ladder 146 say they both saw multiple flashes coming from the lower level of the WTC 2 right before it collapsed and mentions the flashes they saw are like what you'd see when they 'blow up a building.' (NY Times)
62. Nadine Keller from her balcony in Soho, NY says she 'heard the bomb' before she saw the buildings collapse. (BBC)
63. EMT Joseph Lovero reports hearing 'additional explosions' to dispatcher. (WNBC)
64. Edmund McNally phoned his wife from 97th floor of WTC 2 following the plane crash, says he heard explosions below him. (NY Times)
65. Mike Pecoraro and co-worker hear a loud explosion in WTC 1 basement and believes a bomb went off after seeing major damage to the basement floors. (Chief Engineer)
66. Janitor William Rodriguez in WTC 1 basement hears explosion below him, then the plane crash above him seconds later, then saw severely burnt man come out of basement elevator. (CNN)
67. Teresa Veliz on the 47th floor of the WTC 1 feels the building shake again more violently then the shaking from the 1st crash and hears explosions going off everywhere inside the building and also hears explosions when she was outside that she was convinced bombs were 'planted all over the place' and that someone was 'sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons.' (September 11: An Oral History)
68. Kim White from 80th floor of WTC 1 hears an explosion near the 74th floor. (People|2)
69. Witnesses reported hearing another explosion just before WTC 1 collapse, police said collapse looked almost like a 'planned implosion' designed to 'catch bystanders watching from the street.' (Guardian)
70. Third explosion reported at WTC 2 and part of the tower collapses afterward. (TCM News, TCM News)
71. Group of firemen discussing the collapse of WTC 2 said how each floor was pooping out as by being 'detonated' as if 'they had planned to take down a building'. (9/11 - The Filmmakers' Edit)
72. A member of the FDNY says when trying to get some people out that there was 'secondary explosions' and then subsequent collapses. (11 News)
73. A FDNY Firefighter says as he was getting his gear on and making his way to the stairway, there was a 'heavy duty explosion'. (CBS)
74. MSNBC Reporter Ann Thompson says at 10:30 when she got outside the building she heard a 'second explosion' and 'another rumble' then ran inside for cover when a fire marshal said they had to leave because if there was a third explosion the building might not last. (MSNBC)
75. NBC's Pat Dawson reports that the chief of safety of the FDNY told him that he received word of another bomb going off and when he tried to get his men out he said that there was another explosion which took place and thinks there were devices that were planted in the building. (NBC)
76. Eyewitness speaking in a studio interview says he was about five blocks away when he heard three explosions and turned around to see the building he just got out of collapse. (Studio interview)
77. An injured witness to one of the towers collapsing said it sounded like 'gunfire' and then all of a sudden he heard 'three big explosions'. (News interview)
78. NBC's Rick Sanchez reports that police have evacuated an area around the WTC because of a 'suspicious device' thought to be a bomb and say they think a van with explosives in it went off inside the WTC and fear that bombs have been planted in, or nearby the buildings. (MSNBC)
79. BBC's Stephen Evans reports there was a big explosion from 'much, much lower' in the WTC from where the plane crashed. (BBC)
80. 9/11 (6:47am) - WTC 7's fire alarm is placed on 8 hr 'test' mode which any alarms received are ignored. (NIST)
81. 9/11 (2pm) - FDNY knew WTC 7 was going to collapse. (Firehouse Magazine)
82. 9/11 (3pm) - Several demolition teams reach Ground Zero and later witness the collapse of the WTC 7. (Implosion World)
83. 9/11 - WTC landlord Larry Silverstein says he gets a call from a fire chief about the WTC 7 and he recommends to him to 'pull it' and after they 'decided to pull,' they all watched the 7 collapse. (PBS video)
84. 9/11 - CNN correspondent Aaron Brown announces that the WTC 7 has either collapsed, or is collapsing approx 1hr before it did. (CNN video)
85. 9/11 - BBC correspondent Jane Standley announces that the WTC 7 collapsed at least 12min before it did. (BBC video)
86. 9/11 - A medical student watching the WTC 7 hears a clap of thunder, sees a shockwave rippling through it and windows bust out, then sees the bottom floor cave out followed by the rest of the building. (1010 WINS video)
87. WTC 7 becomes first steel high-rise building in history to collapse due to mostly fire. (Chicago Tribune, Stanford Report)
88. The collapse of the 47 story WTC 7 skyscraper hardly gets any media attention. (NY Times)
89. WTC 7 debris was removed without investigators having the chance to examine it at the scene to help determine the cause of failure. (History Channel)
90. FEMA report concludes specifics of WTC 7 fires and how they caused it to collapse remain unknown and call for further investigation and also says the facade was 'pulled downward', suggesting an internal failure and 'implosion'. (FEMA)
4th April 2010, 09:30 AM
I'm glad you made the jump! 8)
4th April 2010, 09:33 AM
patpat posted a pretty good site on this, earlier.
General of Darkness
4th April 2010, 09:37 AM
Sorry Mamboni, I had to smite you, that 10 and 0 was just too pretty. :P
Now here's a question for people, does anyone think that the sheep are waking up to 9/11 forget the mossad involvement?
EDIT - LOL, I just applauded you, and it un-smited you, and then someone smited me. You sonsabitches. >:(
4th April 2010, 09:44 AM
Sorry Mamboni, I had to smite you, that 10 and 0 was just too pretty. :P
Now here's a question for people, does anyone think that the sheep are waking up to 9/11 forget the mossad involvement?
No, I must sadly say no, based on the folks I run into on a daily basis. Everyone I know is clueless, thoroughly immersed in the matrix constructed by our overlords. Many are uneasy, their instincts sensing that things are not right and bad things cometh. But, they are not equipped to mechanistically interpret current events and do not recognize how the very people in power that they have lent trust to are engineering their slow destruction.
4th April 2010, 09:46 AM
Sorry Mamboni, I had to smite you, that 10 and 0 was just too pretty. :P
Now here's a question for people, does anyone think that the sheep are waking up to 9/11 forget the mossad involvement?
I think it was patpat that said it earlier and I agree btw, that the time has passed to enlighten any who have not questioned the official story. It's time to use other avenues to jostle them out of their slumber...of course that economy thingee is working wonders on its own ;D
4th April 2010, 09:57 AM
1 : mechanically determined
2 : of or relating to a mechanism or the doctrine of mechanism
4th April 2010, 10:10 AM
The mods just created a dedicated 9-11 Section in the Conspiracy Theories area. Maybe this should be moved there so people can find it better?
4th April 2010, 11:22 AM
The mods just created a dedicated 9-11 Section in the Conspiracy Theories area. Maybe this should be moved there so people can find it better?
That sounds logical. ;)
philo beddoe
4th April 2010, 11:34 AM
Oh, I agree (agora style)
4th April 2010, 01:00 PM
good to see you guys !
i think of the event as having about 5 primary facets.
one was the use of war-games to move military assets far enough away that they wouldn't be able to interfere with Israel's plans.
the war games were managed out of Cheney's office. i think Ruppert does the best job of researching this - despite his subsequent proclamation that we ignore huge pieces of evidence ... like the demolition.
2 the subject of foreknowledge.
that i know of, Paul Thompson at Coop. Research did the best job of investigating this. i downloaded his old site before it was taken over by History Commons. now if i could just find the download !? it's next to the silver in the lake. 8) line_key_warnings
3. the Silverstein Mafia - management of the World Trade Center site. demolition teams need access to buildings. it helps if the insurance company doesn't ask awkward questions. etc.
very well explained in the thread at TIU
4. the Silverstein Mafia - make damn sure the planes hit the buildings. management of this task is a big job itself. talk about mission critical. it would be no good if the nervous Muslim airplane hijackers drove the plane into the Empire State Building.
incidentally, at the time of 9-11 i worked for a defense contractor that had the primary contract for the F-22 avionics (airborne electronics), as a design engineer. i brought up the subject of "fly-by-wire" (remote control) in the lunchroom several times.
the answer from the electricals (i'm electro-mechanical) was that "oh yeah all the planes have that, they've had it for 20 years".
anyway, someone had to manage that. i guess it was basically Israel.
5. Israel did the building demolitions.
i think Jim Hoffman at that website does a good job of explaining the demolition from a physicist's point of view.
i've met him; he is scary smart. he used civil engineering textbooks to look up the amount of energy needed to turn 300,000 tons (or whatever, he actually looked it up) of concrete into dust.
it takes a LOT of energy to turn concrete into powder.
another perspective is to look at the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of steel to half its melting temperature, as was claimed in one of the official US government proclamations.
it's up to me to prove it, but from a lifetime of metalworking & engineering experience, i know the little "poof" of the 10,000 tons of jet fuel was nothing compared to 100's of thousands of tons of steel. like holding a lighter up to a cast iron frying pan - it doesn't get very hot.
the solution involves looking at the thermal capacity of steel - and the energy content of jet fuel.
also there would be some conduction of heat along the steel structure, down to the ground, which typically runs 55 degrees F, once you get a few feet underground.
what i would like to do with that is do the calc's, and then explain it, so that other people can step through the calculations themselves & don't have to take my word for it.
Task #6. Damage control - controlling the media, shutting down websites like GIM.
4th April 2010, 07:24 PM
Excellent posting GunDriller. I have begun a project to download important websites relevant to 9/11 and Israel before they are disappeared like GIM1 was.
I would encourage anyone here to post any high quality and provocative links vis-a-vis 9/11, Israel and Mossad. In the future I will be posting a running tally of my elibrary.
4th April 2010, 11:40 PM
I am on my Iphone right now so I can't cut and paste. But I remember the thread on GIM, about the connections between Silverstein, Netanyahu, Barak and Maddoff, I think the original article was written by Bollyn...
Anyway as far as I am concerned, most evidence uncovered seems to point to an Israeli led operation, aided by a few high officials in the Bush administration. MSM has effectively taken any attention away from any Israeli involvement.
Happy to see you here Mamboni!
8th April 2010, 10:25 AM
I'm glad to be here Neuro.
There's quite a excellent group of folk here. The future of this forum looks bright.
8th April 2010, 10:29 AM
March 19, 2010 by Gordon Duff ·
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Meet Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a brave man, a USMC Vietnam vet, an American of Jewish ancestry and someone devoted to the security of the United States at any cost. Ask any Jew what it takes to stand up against the most powerful and ruthless group in the world, the Israeli lobby inside the United States.
Sabrosky has been calling for a new 9/11 investigation for some time. What makes him unique is that we have a Jew who can hardly be called “self-hating†or “anti-Semitic†or against Israel. He is consistent in everything he says. His point is that you are an American or you are an Israeli but you can’t be both, especially now with Zionism turning Israeli foreign policy into a “runaway train.†9/11, as Sabrosky sees it was the watershed in a relationship between America and Israel that has gone from bad to unsurviveable, especially for America. He contents that AIPAC exercises near total control over the electoral process in America through the ability to outspend any other group and destroy anyone who stands against them.
The unwillingness of the US to stand with the international community on humanitarian and war crime issues where Israel is found in continual violation is, to Sabrosky, a critial issue. In discussion the US and her lack of support for the Goldstone Report, Sabrosky says:
US criticism of the HRC resolution should be disregarded, as Washington only parrots Israel’s wishes here…
… it might have been better to have included Goldstone’s condemnation of Hamas offenses as well, but it is legitimate as it stands for five reasons: (1) Israel committed the great majority of the violations; (2) Israel had an overwhelming preponderance of military power; (3) Palestinians suffered almost all of the death and destruction; (4) Israel has a long, sordid history of ignoring UN commissions and resolutions, and of attacking UN facilities and killing UN staff, as when the clearly marked UNRWA facility in Gaza was bombed; and (5) the HRC focus is properly on the actions of the oppressor (Israel) and not on those of the oppressed (the Palestinians).
Another is that it did not accord Israel the right of self-defense. But Israel’s claim to self-defense in its savaging of Gaza is specious, because Israel — like all occupiers and oppressors — has no inherent right of self-defense against its victims. Who, for instance, would have accepted Nazi Germany’s assertion that its brutal reprisals against the Czechs for their assassination of a Nazi commander named Reinhard Heydrich was an exercise in self-defense? No one, and no one should accept Israel’s claim, either.
A third is that holding Israel accountable for its actions will somehow endanger the Middle East peace process. But there is no peace process, simply meaningless discussions to the dead end (for Palestinians and the rest of the region) of Israeli hegemony, and under Netanyahu or any electable government in Israel, there is not and cannot be one. There will be an enforced peace imposed from outside of the Middle East, over the objections and obstruction of Israel, or there will be none at all.
This is how Sabrosky describes the nature of Jewish nationalism as described within the term we call “Zionismâ€:
The differences between Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and that of other countries and cultures here I think are fourfold:
1. Zionism is a real witches’ brew of xenophobia, racism, ultra-nationalism and militarism that places it way outside of a “mere†nationalist context — for example, when I was in Ireland (both parts) I saw no indication whatsoever that the Provisional Irish Republican Army or anyone else pressing for a united Ireland had a shred of design on shoving Protestants into camps or out of the country, although there may well have been a handful who thought that way — and goes far beyond the misery for others professed by the Nazis;
2. Zionism undermines civic loyalty among its adherents in other countries in a way that other nationalist movements (and even ultra-nationalist movements like Nazism) did not — e.g. a large majority of American Jews, including those who are not openly dual citizens, espouse a form of political bigamy called “dual loyalty†(to Israel and the US) that is every bit as dishonest as marital bigamy, attempts to finesse the precedence they give to Israel over the US (lots of Rahm Emanuels out there who served in the Israeli army but NOT in the US armed forces), and has absolutely no parallel in the sense of national or cultural identity espoused by any other definable ethnic or racial group in America — even the Nazi Bund in the US disappeared once Germany and the US went to war, with almost all of its members volunteering for the US armed forces;
3. The “enemy†of normal nationalist movements is the occupying power and perhaps its allies, and once independence is achieved, normal relations with the occupying power are truly the norm, but for Zionism almost everyone out there is an actual or potential enemy, differing only in proximity and placement on its very long list of enemies (which is now America’s target list); and
4. Almost all nationalist movements (including the irredentist and secessionist variants) intend to create an independent state from a population in place or to reunite a separated people (like the Sudeten Germans in the 1930s) — it is very rare for it to include the wholesale displacement of another indigenous population, which is far more common of successful colonialist movements as in the US — and perhaps a reason why most Americans wouldn’t care too much about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians even if they DID know about it, is because that is no different than what Europeans in North America did to the Indians/Native Americans here in a longer and more low-tech fashion.
Sabrosky is one of the few Americans who sees the nuclear threat of Israel as it is, blackmailing the United States, not only in how it could be used to draw America into an unwanted war, but how it could actually be used at some point to attack the United States itself. Only recently, Israel put Western Europe on notice that it would be attacked if its actions threatened Israel, attacked by nuclear weaons from Israel without warning. Martin van Creveld’s threat combined with Sabrosky’s analysis of Israeli intentions and culpability for 9/11 brings to mind something Sabrosky had once written.
He has always seen Moshe Dyan as a hero. Dyan saw Israel’s military role as that of a “junk yard dog,†ready to bite without warning, attack anything and anyone. Sabrosky notes that, eventually such an animal is always put down or as he puts it, â€the preferred response of everyone else is to kill that mad dog before it can decide to go berserk and bite.â€
Sabrosky makes a case, not just for a coverup of 9/11 but goes much further. He points out as do so many that the physics of the attack are unworkable. He, however, is one of the few to point to a conclusion many find obvious but few have the nerve to admit, that it would have been impossible to stage 9/11 without the full resources of both the CIA and Mossad and that 9/11 served the interests of both agencies quite well.
There was nothing they could have wished for more.
Sabrosky also makes a point involving media coverage of 9/11:
Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid more attention to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than they have to dissecting blatant falsehoods, discrepancies and inconsistencies in the US Government’s treatment of 9/11 and its aftermath.
The inescapable point isnt the 60,000 Americans killed or wounded in a war started out of treason or the world it threatens to destroy. Americans have been looking away from these glaring realities the way they looked away from Vietnam. Sabrosky leaves Israel and her American Jewish supporters who he sees as traitors with a warning:
If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering — and the suffering we have inflicted on others — is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.
Do we take Sabrosky seriously because he is a Marine or a Jew? Do we wonder why the things he says reach so few? Is American in a shooting war where our biggest enemy sits behind us, killing us off, robbing us blind and whispering gently in our ears how much they love us?
It would seem so.
8th April 2010, 06:54 PM
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
9th April 2010, 05:44 AM
SCIENTISTS, ARCHITECTS, & ENGINEERS now affirm that the 9-11 destruction of the World Trade Center buildings was an inside job. The leading scientist of Scholars For 9-11 Truth, Dr Steven Jones, has proven that controlled demolition devices were placed within the WTC Twin Towers - and this is what brought the buildings down not the airplanes.
Jones says that molten metal was found in the sub basements of the buildings. The molten metal, Jones argues, was caused by a high-temperature Thermite reaction, used to demolish steel. Thermal hot spots throughout the sub basement levels were detected by satellite - confirming Jones’ findings.
Jones also says that heated dust with particles of Thermite was discovered in the WTC area. But Silverstein arranged that three NY Jewish steel and scrap companies ship the metal which could have been used as evidence to China & India.
Paul W. Mason, structural engineer of Melbourne Australia, affirms Dr Jones’ findings:
— “The chances of the buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint at freefall speed by any other means than by controlled demolition are so remote that there is no other plausible explanationâ€
9th April 2010, 05:49 AM
Gallery of Evidence
(see photo #1 below)
Shortly after the core columns under the East Penthouse of WTC 7 collapsed, the rest of the building collapsed mostly into its footprint in about 7 seconds — near free-fall speed.
(see photo #2 below)
Taken from the FEMA report, Fig. 5-26, this photographic evidence begs to question why WTC 7 imploded when WTC 6 and WTC 5 were closer to the Twin Towers and more heavily damaged by falling debris, yet, their structures remain.
(see photo #3 below)
The official FEMA report states: "The collapse of WTC 7 had a small debris field as the facade was pulled downward, suggesting an internal failure and implosion...
Demolishing the building so that it collapses straight down into its own footprint requires such skill that only a handful of demolition companies in the world will attempt it."
Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley, of Fremont, California, says: "Photos of the steel, evidence about how the buildings collapsed, the unexplainable collapse of WTC 7, evidence of thermite in the debris as well as several other red flags, are quite troubling indications of well planned and controlled demolition"
Ronald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Davis, of Novato California, writes: "Why would all 110 stories drop straight down to the ground in about 10 seconds, pulverizing the contents into dust and ash - twice. Why would all 47 stories of WTC 7 fall straight down to the ground in about seven seconds the same day? It was not struck by any aircraft or engulfed in any fire. An independent investigation is justified for all three collapses including the surviving steel samples and the composition of the dust."
Graham John Inman, structural engineer, of London, England, points out: "WTC 7 Building could not have collapsed as a result of internal fire and external debris. NO plane hit this building. This is the only case of a steel frame building collapsing through fire in the world. The fire on this building was small & localized therefore what is the cause?"
Paul W. Mason, structural engineer, of Melbourne, Australia, argues: "In my view, the chances of the three buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint, at freefall speed, by any other means than by controlled demolition, are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation!"
"In my opinion WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts" -Hugo Bachmann, Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH and former Chairman of the Department of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. (source)
9th April 2010, 05:51 AM
Photo #3 from the post prior:
17th April 2010, 12:34 AM
I was just browsing this site, and was pretty impressed with all the articles I read (there's a "cloud" of article titles at the top of every page). I could pick a nit here and there, wouldn't vouch for every "truther" name they drop, but on balance... great collection of info which properly focuses on the perps. I like the preamble at their "cui bono?" intro page,
The real conspirators of 9/11 took a calculated risk that their crimes would not be uncovered quickly enough to thwart a 'checkmate' worldwide-- on governments, banking, commerce... everything.
17th April 2010, 12:05 PM
Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!
17th April 2010, 12:09 PM
“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…†Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
17th April 2010, 12:12 PM
I was just browsing this site, and was pretty impressed with all the articles I read (there's a "cloud" of article titles at the top of every page). I could pick a nit here and there, wouldn't vouch for every "truther" name they drop, but on balance... great collection of info which properly focuses on the perps. I like the preamble at their "cui bono?" intro page,
The real conspirators of 9/11 took a calculated risk that their crimes would not be uncovered quickly enough to thwart a 'checkmate' worldwide-- on governments, banking, commerce... everything.
As always, another outstanding contribution. Thank you Pat.
17th April 2010, 07:44 PM
Gomel Chesed Cemetary Incident
In October 2000, approximately 11 months before 9/11, a retired Israeli Defense Forces(IDF) officer, and veteran of the Yom Kippur War(1973), was collecting English Ivy Cuttings at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery located at Mccellan and 245 Mount Olive Avenue, which is near the city lines of Elizabeth and Newark, New Jersey. The Gomel Chesed Cemetary is a Jewish cemetary.
The man overheard a couple of people having what he believed to be a conversation spoken in Hebrew, which drew his attention. He hid behind an 8-foot tall retaining wall and listened in to their conversation as they stood below. Shortly after a Lincoln town car approached the two people — presumably Israelis — and the man in the backseat got out to greet them. After normal niceties were exchanged the third man said:
“The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.â€
One of the men that had been leaning against the retaining wall expressed concerns regarding whether the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) could impact the plans. The man that arrived in the Town Car pacified the doubts by saying:
“Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything.â€
The observer who overheard this conversation related it to the FBI on numerous occasions only to be ignored each time. Nothing was done about it, and no investigation into the incident has ever took place.
17th April 2010, 07:55 PM
9/11 Mural Van
One of the more bizarre events of the day came in the form of a mysterious white van parked a few blocks away from the twin towers on 6th and King Street., that had a mural painted on the side that literally depicted a jetliner crashing into the twin towers and exploding.
This police audio transmission indicates that the two suspects in the van started to run away when the van was stopped and were apprehended shortly thereafter in some sort of struggle. The police recording also indicates that the mural van subsequently exploded following the detainment of the two suspects.
Further corroboration of this incident came in the form of a reference in the February 2006 Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) report entitled: “Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacksâ€.The relevant quote is as follows:
“There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post. It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English. Fearing that it might be a truck bomb, the NYPD immediately evacuated the area, called out the bomb squad, and detained the occupants until a thorough search was made. The vehicle was found to be an innocent delivery truck.â€
As you can see the cover-up of the incident clearly ensues in this document. Apparently the people who wrote this didn’t find it odd that a delivery truck rented to “ethnic middle easterners†was painted up with a mural depicting the very events of the day! The idiocy of their conclusion that this van was an “innocent delivery truck†is beyond words. Also notice no mention of it exploding as the police transmission confirms. The “ethnic middle easterners†referenced in this quote were certainly not Arabic individuals as there is not a single mention of this incident in the 9/11 commission report. If they were Arabs there would be no reason to cover this up. The fact that this incident was covered up is a strong indication that these “ethnic middle easterners†were in fact Israelis.
17th April 2010, 08:06 PM
9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport Americans and carried out by the resources of the Mossad.
Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless dinosaur WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up, the cost of which may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over insured against terrorist acts and hires an Israeli security firm. From that moment on the coast is clear to let a team of demolition experts from the Israeli army led by Peer Segalovitz into the WTC buildings. These charges plus detonators had been prepared at the premises of the Urban Moving Systems company, a Mossad front. During the weeks before 9/11 these prepared charges were loaded into vans, driven into the basements of WTC Twin Towers next to the elevator shaft, unloaded into the elevator, and lifted onto the roof of the elevator through the opening in the elevator ceiling. Next the elevator moved from floor to floor while charges where being attached to the columns as displayed in this video from 0:22 onwards. The detonators of these charges were radiographic controlled and finally detonated from WTC7 on the day of 9/11.
Fast backward, Hamburg 54 Marienstrasse, july 2000, 22:40. Mohamed Atta, Al Shehhi and Jarrah (who were later blamed of being the pilots of flight 11, 175 and 93 respectively), who share the apartment hear the ringing of the door bell. Jarrah opens the door, 5 masked men make their way into the apartment with drawn pistols. The 3 Arabs are forced to lay on the ground. Their passports are confiscated, next the 3 men are made unconscious with some liquid and strangled to death afterwards. The bodies are carried out of the apartment into a van and driven off towards a desolate spot at the boarding of the Elbe river outside Hamburg, 1 kilometer north of Borstel and disposed of into the river with a bag filled with stones tied to their feet. The 3 passports are now in the possession of the agents of the Mossad, who carried out the raid on the apartment and 3 Arabs have vanished without anybody knowing that they are dead. Not long after the raid the 3 passports are given to 3 Israeli agents who were selected on having some resemblance with the 3 Arabs just killed. They make for America soon afterwards in the summer of 2000 and start laying a trail at flight schools, posing with the stolen identities from the 3 Arabs killed.
Years earlier the israeli Michael Goff working for PTech, an Arab owned software company that develops key enterprise software for many government institutions like NORAD and FAA, using his secure channel with another israeli Amit Yoran, somehow manages to give Israeli army computer programmers access to this critical computer code. It was due to this manipulation that the hijackings on 9/11 remained unnoticed by the flight controller of NORAD. Once this was in place the planes could be taken over by remote control and flown into the World Trade Center.
The hijacking of airliners by remote control had been tested as a dress rehearsal for 9/11 on the Egypt Air flight 990 that crashed into the Atlantic on October 31, 1999.
Now everything was in place to commit the crime of the century. On the day of 9/11 the Israeli stand-ins for the ‘Arab hijackers’ showed up at the predestined departure airports to make sure they were captured on surveillance camera’s. The crucial point here is that the security at both the departure airports was in hands of an Israeli firm Huntleigh-USA, a subsidiary of the Dutch based but Israeli owned ICTS led by a fellow named Menahem Atzmon. And this is crucial: Atzmon used to be a colleague of Olmert in 1998. So there you have the link between the 9/11 operative level (an airport security firm) and the highest level of Israeli politics. What happened on the morning of 9/11 was that after the Israeli stand-ins were captured on camera, they left the airport via a side entrance and the show could begin. Minutes after the planes became air born somebody somehow was able to send a signal to the planes, causing the control panels to be disabled and the flight destination altered. What happened was that an anti-hijack system was activated (code word ‘home run’) and the regular pilot was put out of control. This pilot will probably have tried frantically to regain control of his aircraft. It is not very likely he will have told his passengers about the new situation since that would only cause panic. The passengers probably suspected nothing and hence had no reason to make any phone calls to their relatives (which were not possible anyway). And while the 9/11 passengers unsuspecting travel towards their immanent deaths, on the ground from a war room Israeli agents carry out phone calls to relatives of the passengers that were still in the air, using voice morphing technology and caller-ID spoofing and thus planted the Arabs-did-it-deception in the public consciousness. The sound samples necessary to carry out the fake telephone calls had been obtained via the israeli infiltration of American telephone networks by Israeli firms like Amdocs and Verint. By the time that the passengers were puzzled as they discerned the New York sky line it was already too late.
Meanwhile on the other side of the Hudson river the members of the Israeli team that planted the demolition charges were waiting for things to happen. And while the rest of New York experienced in horror the events that were unfolding that day, the demolition experts were celebrating and high-fiving. The plot had worked out magnificently.
18th April 2010, 12:58 PM
The mods just created a dedicated 9-11 Section in the Conspiracy Theories area. Maybe this should be moved there so people can find it better?
please........give this topic the exposure it so deserves!.
25th April 2010, 10:59 PM
Here's an interview with Eric Hufschmid ( & Mike Delaney of (, recorded 11/09. Both these guys are down on DA JOOZ, more so than the Zionists ( so that's always a red flag for me, but it's still an interesting interview:
1 hr 5 mins, 26 MBs
More Hufschmid audios @
Hufschmid's book, Painful Questions; An Analysis of the September 11 Attack ( was one of the first 911 Truth books on the scene, published Sept. 2002.
Download it free online HERE (
25th April 2010, 11:06 PM
PatColo, I respect your opinion. You don't believe in Sayanim?
25th April 2010, 11:54 PM
It is sad that this subject that needs widespread exposure is relegated to a sub forum in a rarely visited part of the forum!
26th April 2010, 12:14 AM
Ah, he gave it its own nest. If we want it changed I'm sure they will, but probably not snappy quick at 2 in the morning. Give it some time.
26th April 2010, 12:35 AM
PatColo, I respect your opinion. You don't believe in Sayanim?
I've see overviews of the sayanim ( tradition, never heard any dispute that this "cultural tradition" exists, but I expect Jews are all over the map as to their individual willingness to abide by it, and if they will, then what level of traditional immorality/criminality they'll stoop to in the name of a sayanim. They're individuals, not programed robojooz. Some are moral people who drank the "we're persecuted victims " kool-aid, others see through that nonsense and want no part of the whole zio-mafia subculture, others are born sociopaths who are happy to stoop to any level in assisting a sayanim in the zionist crime syndicate, & their "reliability" becomes known within the syndicate accordingly, their "sayanim services" more likely to be called upon, they're presumably "rewarded" with some form of quid pro quo, yada yada.
So sayanims are a factor in the "success" of the Global Usury Empire ( crime syndicate, no doubt, but "Jews" aren't all cut from the same cloth; and referring to them as though they are (like Delaney/prothink tend to do) is a good way to instantly discredit your message. Jews as a group appear to me to be among the more successfully/tragically brainwashed populations around.
You seen "Defamation (" ?? << I'm not finding the full movie on the web anymore. Anyone?
26th April 2010, 12:37 AM
Yes, I think so. That's the one full of hate filled indoctrination and lies they are taught right?
*here it is broken up into 10 minute bits:
26th April 2010, 06:54 PM
Yes, I think so. That's the one full of hate filled indoctrination and lies they are taught right?
Right. Good find. Good description too: Jewish youth indoctrinated with HATE-FILT-HATRED
Good video though, y'all should check it out. :)
4th May 2010, 06:07 PM
Chris Bollyn's self-published book is free to read online,
Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - Online Book (
also see his recently updated article,
How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11 (
[Updated - May 3, 2010]
Interesting video included in the latter article,
Within minutes of the airplane crashes on 9-11, Ehud Barak (the founder and
master of the Israeli military's covert operation force, the Sayeret Matkal) was in
the London studio of the BBC World ready to provide a plausible (and political)
explanation to the world. Barak, the real mastermind of 9-11, was the first person
to call for a "War on Terror" - and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan and the Middle
East. This is how false-flag terrorism works. The perpetrator is the first one to
assign blame by pointing his finger at his enemy in order to shape public opinion,
which is the real purpose of such atrocities.
5th May 2010, 06:34 AM
I wonder where halo aka juristic person is??? Where is he when he doesnt have carl to ban you when you own him in yet ANOTHER 911 debate Pat??
17th May 2010, 09:40 PM
I was just browsing this site, and was pretty impressed with all the articles I read (there's a "cloud" of article titles at the top of every page). I could pick a nit here and there, wouldn't vouch for every "truther" name they drop, but on balance... great collection of info which properly focuses on the perps. I like the preamble at their "cui bono?" intro page,
The real conspirators of 9/11 took a calculated risk that their crimes would not be uncovered quickly enough to thwart a 'checkmate' worldwide-- on governments, banking, commerce... everything.
more: has had a nice website overhaul, check it out. The cui bono link above is now dead, article is now at
I see that have fake truther Jim Fetzer in their "development group", too bad, maybe they just don't know?
It looks like is organizing this rally outside the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles tomorrow, (Bollyn): May 18: Important 9-11 Truth Demonstration at Israeli Consulate in L.A. (
8th June 2010, 08:56 PM
The Ugly Truth Podcast June 9, 2010
He’s back!
Dr. Alan Sabrosky joins the show along with USS LIBERTY survivor Phil Tourney to discuss the Israeli massacre of the Gaza Flotilla and its ramifications.
Just started listening now, no comment yet.
Former podcasts at
9th June 2010, 06:14 AM
Re: The Ugly Truth Podcast June 9, 2010
Good discussion. Thanks for posting!
philo beddoe
9th June 2010, 09:32 AM
PatColo, I respect your opinion. You don't believe in Sayanim?
I've see overviews of the sayanim ( tradition, never heard any dispute that this "cultural tradition" exists, but I expect Jews are all over the map as to their individual willingness to abide by it, and if they will, then what level of traditional immorality/criminality they'll stoop to in the name of a sayanim. They're individuals, not programed robojooz. Some are moral people who drank the "we're persecuted victims " kool-aid, others see through that nonsense and want no part of the whole zio-mafia subculture, others are born sociopaths who are happy to stoop to any level in assisting a sayanim in the zionist crime syndicate, & their "reliability" becomes known within the syndicate accordingly, their "sayanim services" more likely to be called upon, they're presumably "rewarded" with some form of quid pro quo, yada yada.
So sayanims are a factor in the "success" of the Global Usury Empire ( crime syndicate, no doubt, but "Jews" aren't all cut from the same cloth; and referring to them as though they are (like Delaney/prothink tend to do) is a good way to instantly discredit your message. Jews as a group appear to me to be among the more successfully/tragically brainwashed populations around.
You seen "Defamation (" ?? << I'm not finding the full movie on the web anymore. Anyone?
They may be cut from different cloth.............. But what matters is, they are ALL cut from a different cloth than the WHITE population.
10th June 2010, 06:13 PM
So sayanims are a factor in the "success" of the Global Usury Empire ( crime syndicate, no doubt, but "Jews" aren't all cut from the same cloth; and referring to them as though they are (like Delaney/prothink tend to do) is a good way to instantly discredit your message. Jews as a group appear to me to be among the more successfully/tragically brainwashed populations around.
PatColo: Ever notice that just before the next Pogrom every single Jew claims they ain't like those "other" bad Jews? Who ( sends the ADL and AIPAC and Israel all those shekels every year?
About Jewish American Heritage Month
On April 20, 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed that May would be Jewish American Heritage Month. The announcement was the crowning achievement in an effort by the Jewish Museum of Florida and South Florida Jewish community leaders that resulted in resolutions introduced by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida and Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania urging the president to proclaim a month that would recognize the more than 350-year history of Jewish contributions to American culture. The resolutions passed unanimously, first in the House of Representatives in December 2005 and later in the Senate in February 2006.
The month of May was chosen due to the highly successful celebration of the 350th Anniversary of American Jewish History in May 2004, which was organized by the Commission for Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History. This coalition was composed of the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, the American Jewish Historical Society, the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration.
Jews as a group appear to me...
You yourself notice that they are a group. A very well organized group. Their tribal cohesion is legendary.
21st June 2010, 05:31 AM
"Israel Did 911: Some Street Activism For You"
21st June 2010, 04:31 PM
mexico did 911
24th June 2010, 10:28 PM
mexico did 911
I did 9/11
Hatha Sunahara
28th June 2010, 06:41 PM
911 was a masterpiece black-ops event. It still is because whoever did it is maintaining an active campaign to prevent people from investigating it themselves. Why are there 911 Truth forums all over the internet?
I suspect it's because somebody wants us all to believe a lie. The 911 Commission Report. What has happened is that 911 has 'politicized' the truth. The truth is what is politically correct. The next step is to turn those who are politically incorrect into terrorists. 'You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists.' You cannot politicize the truth. Politics is nothing but opinions. The truth is not anybody's opinion. It's what you see and believe. Usually based on evidence.
So, if you don't believe the official story, don't be too surprised if they treat you as a terrorist.
I'm trying to imagine how immense the lie is, and how well hidden the truth is. We must be getting real close to it because there is a law in the works to give the president the power to shut off the internet.
I've seen statistics that as many as 70% of Americans don't believe the official story of 911. I wonder what happens when nobody believes it? Hitler said if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. The bigger the lie, the stronger their belief. Nobody ever proved that Hitler burned down the Reichstag. And after the people who did 911 start the next nuclear world war, it won't matter who did 911.
8th July 2010, 01:51 PM
when nobody believe it they will do the same thing you are doing now
philo beddoe
8th July 2010, 01:59 PM
mexico did 911
I did 9/11
Did you wear a condom?
10th July 2010, 12:05 PM
i went to a protest at the Israeli embassy in SF this last week.
i was thinking about putting "Israel did 9-11" on my sign but i was concerned it would alienate the Palestinians & Arabs present, like i was hijacking their protest or something.
i talked to one Palestinian woman and she said they wouldn't mind that at all. it was too loud to talk about the details.
anyway, something to put on my sign for the next protest.
21st August 2010, 12:31 PM
NY Times 9/12/01:
Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer (
Published: September 12, 2001
JERUSALEM, Sept. 11— Israeli officials and most Palestinian leaders condemned the attack on the United States today. But Israelis also took cold comfort in concluding that Americans would now share more of their fears, while some Palestinians rejoiced at the same thought.
more... (
10th September 2010, 07:36 PM
Brother Nathaniel, allegedly a Jew who changed to Christianity,
9/11’s Unanswered Question (
20th December 2010, 01:19 AM
Kevin Barrett's recent 'Truth Jihad Radio' show had Chris Bollyn on for the first hour.
Here's the MP3 ( - 2 hrs, 28 MBs, but only the first hour is relevant.
Barrett's blog writeup (
First hour: Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11 ( - the most comprehensive book on Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Christopher Bollyn has just made public new evidence concerning the destruction of 9/11 evidence. He writes:
I look forward to discussing the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center on Saturday, December 18. I am sending you the following information so that you understand the basics of what I will be talking about. To understand the Mossad role in the destruction of the steel from the WTC is to understand a very crucial part of the 9/11 crime. I posted a piece that discusses the Mossadniks who ran the international trading network at Hugo Neu Schnitzer. These two Mossad punks, Nathan Fruchter and Jehuda Saar, had worked for Marc Rich at Glencore AG and other companies he ran in Stamford, Connecticut since the mid-1990s. Hugo Neu is the company that recycled much of the steel from the World Trade Center by sending it to Chinese mills where it was melted. The article is here> There is much more to Hugo Neu's connection to the Mossad. Hugo Neu, which was created by the current owner's father, who was originally working with Walter Rothschild and Meno Lippauer when they all came from Germany, is an investor in this Mossad venture capital fund: AquaAgroFund One of the managing partners of the AquaAgroFund is Nir Belzer, who is co-founder of the Millenium Material Technologies Funds. Which he founded with Oren Gafri, who specializes in military applications of thin coatings, exactly like what was used at the World Trade Center on 9/11 I hope to be able to get the chapter on this subject written in the next few days.
ETA: I see Bollyn also has a blog entry regarding his appearance with Barrett:
Kevin Barrett Show with Bollyn on Destruction of 9/11 Steel (
20th December 2010, 01:32 PM
I look forward to discussing the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center
Imagine the day when one of these "History Channel" documentaries on 9/11 details that gray area of the entire experience. :oo-->
27th December 2010, 05:43 AM
a relevant website -
since we seem to agree among ourselves that Israel did 9-11, with assistance from Israel-supporters in the US government (e.g. Dick Cheney's office) ... Why ?
this didn't become clear to me until Operation Cast Lead, when Israel attacked the Palestinians (again), making sure to finish their killing of civilians during Bush's last month in office.
it was almost as though it were scripted.
and that was the same reaction i had to the wierdness surrounding Bush's appointment as pResident in 2000.
my best guess is that 9-11 was part of a larger plan. that plan is actually spelled out fairly clearly in the PNAC documents. PNAC - Project for a New American Century ? No, I think, more like, Project for a New Israeli Century (PNIC) - or Project for a New Jewish Century (PNJC).
Therefore, I will spell out Israel's plan - which is essentially to re-make the mid-East in Israel's image -
1998-2000 lay the groundwork for the appointment of an American president who would be supportive of 9-11.
2000 steal the election, get "your boys" in office.
2002 attack Afghanistan - station US troops to the East of Iran.
2003 attack Iraq based on fraud - station US troops to the West of Iran.
2005 July 7 - false flag attack in London. again the technique of simultaneous war-games is used.
( Got to remind people that there is a War on (of) Terror going on ! )
2008 Mumbai - bring India into the fold.
2008/2009 Operation Cast Lead
December 27, 2010 - Mission Accomplished - Palestinians completely on the ropes, America almost completely in the hands of Israel supporters.
what i have noticed about high-tech corporate America since 9-11 is the overwhelming preponderance of Jews in high management positions. in the 1980's & 1990's, i had Jewish co-workers, and sometimes worked for Jewish managers - but Silicon Valley appeared to be a meritocracy.
since 9-11, applicants need one more pre-requisite for entry into the management ranks. it's not enough to pay lip service to the War on/of Terror ... management wannabe's must support the War on/or Terror with Alacrity - in other words, cheerfully and vigorously.
partially because one of the primary growth areas in American industry is "homeland security". when you're using your Powerpoint Engineering skills to go after one of those big fat juicy contracts, you can't start your presentation with a slide that says, "Israel did 9-11". You have to join the party and talk about Scary Muslims.
oh ... i almost forgot.
there seems to be some overlap between the Silverstein Mafia in New York City, and the NYC Banksters who benefited from all the credit crisis bail-outs.
they're all Jews who Support Israel.
once an administration was in place who could be counted on not to investigate 9-11, why not do another pirate raid and steal more $trillions ? Iraq has 110 billion barrels worth of oil - worth about $9.9 Trillion with oil at $90 a barrel, partially because Iraq's oil is light sweet easy-to-refine, low-recovery-cost crude.
they - the Zionists - were willing to kill 3000 Gentiles on 9-11 in support of their plan for, literally, world domination. why not use an engineered credit crisis to rob US taxpayers of a few $Trillion more ?
i'm not sure if the banking crisis was on the Zionists' original 10 or 20 year plan. it may have been more like their version of looting during Hurrican Katrina - just taking advantage of the situation.
27th December 2010, 06:24 AM
Most Americans, over 95% in my personal experience, are still buying the 'scary mooslems did it' narrative. When I mention Zionists, Building 7 etc. they get this glazed over look as if to say "what is this crazy guy talking about." It would appear that the Zionist version of 9-11, like the Holohoax, will become the people's gospel for decades to come. The goyim are truly doomed. :(
27th December 2010, 06:55 AM
The goyim are truly doomed. :(
Quoted for truth. gunDriller wrote a nice summary of how and why.
27th December 2010, 08:43 AM
The goyim are truly doomed. :(
Quoted for truth. gunDriller wrote a nice summary of how and why.
i'd rather write a nice summary of how we fought back.
congregating at GIM & is a start, along with all our other prep stuff.
4th January 2011, 02:13 AM
Kevin Barrett's recent 'Truth Jihad Radio' show had Chris Bollyn on for the first hour.
Interesting development in the "real v shill truther wars". Y'all know I've referenced the blog many times, a "ZIHOP" site with good dialog and a side-hobby of calling out fake truthers, fake/co-opted truth sites etc- in fact several refugees who've been banned from the fake truth sites for being too truthy/ZIHOPey, end up there.
WTCD blogger "Gretavo" aka "Real Truther" made some disparaging remarks about Chris Bollyn's recent contributions re mossad's central role in disposing of the WTC steel. Bollyn saw them, and on Christmas day made a blog update asking "Who is Gretavo Verdadero? (", and proceeds to identify who he is, as well as linking to supporting references- one link is bulletproof, namely this Harvard Crimson article profiling Gretavo who's been a prominent 911T activist at Harvard campus for years: Staffer Seeks 9/11 Truth (, and several less reliable links from anonymous messageboard users alleging that Gretavo is a spook. Bollyn doesn't call Gretavo a spook, but links to what he found and then moves on.
I surely would've completely missed Bollyn's writeup on Gretavo (Bollyn needs a serious site-design overhaul!), had Gretavo not replied yesterday at his blog with Christopher Bollyn Jumps the Shark ( concluding that Bollyn is a shoddy researcher, and a racist.
Who's right? Wrong? :dunno I've long respected both of them for their work, and I categorically allow for the possibility that either or both could be spooks. I did have an extremely weird experience with WTCD about a year ago when I briefly registered my same "PatColo" handle at the site, with my old 6-finger Greenspan avatar, and in a surreal chain of events, was banned after about 5 posts, with Gretavo suggesting I was a spook! The avatar made them edgy coz they suspected I was a seekrit joo-hater, I guess. If you browse his blog entries (, you find he thinks everyone who's not him or the tiny WTCD clique, are spooks. But I still check in there, as it's a platform for some unique dialog & perspectives which are censored from numerous "911T sites of dubious repute".
Here's some vids of Gretavo's street activism at Harvard,
You gotta watch this one just for the funky tune, "911 Truth Now - A Day in the Life of Real Truther"
"Real Truther Confronts Douglas Feith" - good one
"Harvard Student Activists in Denial (SAD)" - I believe Gretavo is behind camera here, outside a scheduled Howard Zinn speech; he's confronting several Zinn fans who came to see him, "peace activists" who don't support (believe? aware of?) 911 Truth, asking them how they feel that Howard Zinn is a 911 Truther- good stuff,
11th February 2011, 10:31 PM
Lest We ForgetPolice Report of the Israeli Mossad Officers Arrested on 9/11 (
28th March 2011, 08:42 AM
Good new ad for WTC 7:
Large Sarge
28th March 2011, 08:47 AM
Good new ad for WTC 7:
thats even better than the first one IMO
thanks Mamboni
4th April 2011, 07:23 AM
The Ugly Truth Podcast April 3, 2011 (
As with all criminal investigations, the first question begins with one wordWHO? Dr Ed Kendrik and Peter Ray from ( join the program to discuss their work in putting a name and a face on those responsible for the worst terrorist attack in American historyISRAEL.
Direct MP3 Download (
4th April 2011, 11:48 PM
Jesse Ventura's 9/11 theory: Dick Cheney "allowed it to happen to further their agenda"
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was a guest on "Piers Morgan Tonight" this evening, and gave his theory on what happened on 9/11. "I believe Dick Cheney knew it," said Ventura. "It's not rational" countered Piers Morgan.
"They allowed it to happen to further their agenda in the Middle East," said Ventura Piers described the theory as "madness."
9th April 2011, 06:18 PM
From last year, great article w/many footnoted sources. Jonathan Azaziah is routinely a guest on The Ugly Truth Podcast (, just skim there for his name. Also check out Azaziah's other essays at his blog, MaskOfZion (
Friday, September 17, 2010
9/11: Israel's Grand Deception (
by Jonathan Azaziah
5th July 2011, 01:27 AM
Monday, July 4, 2011
Two grassroots plans for 9/11 justice: Alan Sabrosky, Sen. Mike Gravel on KB Show Tuesday (
Tuesday, July 5th, 9 - 11 a.m Pacific on ( (archived here ( a few hours after broadcast):
Two-hour commercial-free special: Alan Sabrosky and Sen. Mike Gravel propose grassroots plans for 9/11 justice.
First hour: Alan Sabrosky (, author of the new article Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake (, touts a grassroots outreach campaign targeting local veterans organizations. Details here ( Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D. University of Michigan, is the former Director of Studies of the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College.
easier to read the following at the source - paste job lost paragraph breaks! - PC
Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake — Alan Sabrosky (
- 29. Jun, 2011 in 9/11 (, Commentary/Analysis (, Israel (, Middle east (, News/Politics (, U.S. Foreign Policy (, War (, World (, Zionism ( -
14 (
I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.
by Dr. Alan Sabrosky / My Catbird Seat ( ( years ago I read a fascinating discussion of the “tactics of mistake.” This essentially entailed using a target’s prejudices and preconceptions to mislead them as to the origin and intent of the attack, entrapping them in a tactical situation that later worked to the attacker’s strategic advantage.
This is what unfolded in the 9/11 attacks that led us into the matrix of wars and conflicts, present (Afghanistan and Iraq), planned (Iran and Syria) and projected (Jordan and Egypt), that benefit Israel and no other country — although I concede that many private contractors and politicians are doing very well for themselves out of the death and misery of others.
I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone. They needed local help within America (and perhaps elsewhere) and they had it, principally from some alumni of PNAC (the misnamed Project for a New American Century) and their affiliates within and outside of the US Government (USG), who in the 9/11 attacks got the “catalytic event” they needed and craved to take the US to war on Israel’s behalf, only eight months after coming into office.
Genesis of the Deception
That was not how it seemed at first, of course. Lists of names and associations of the alleged hijackers quickly surfaced in official US accounts and mainstream media (MSM) reports, pointing to Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda group, then largely in Afghanistan. Bin Laden denied responsibility, saying in effect that while he thanked Allah that the attacks had occurred, he had not done it, but the US demanded that the Taliban governing Afghanistan turn him over to the US. The Taliban response was reasonable: “Show us the evidence he did it and we’ll give him to you.” But the US brushed it off and attacked. Why? Because it had no convincing evidence, and never would — even on the eve of his public death in 2011, the FBI did not include 9/11 on his internet-based “Most Wanted” charge sheet.
As the war in Afghanistan for very dubious reasons extended into a war in Iraq for even more specious ones, the essential USG view of 9/11 became embedded in the public ethos. The 9/11 Commission Report, despite being handicapped when it was prepared and later revealed to have been deeply flawed, still appeared as the basic reference work on the attacks. Details may have been compromised, but the prevailing view was that 19 Arab hijackers had flown four planes into three buildings and one crash site, and that was the end of it. This was the position taken by the Bush Administration in 2001, and reaffirmed a decade later by the Obama Administration. Politicians of every stripe, most pundits and rafts of Protestant pastors (mainly evangelical) added their endorsements.
Neither I nor most Americans had any particular reason to doubt the veracity of these claims, then or later. Nonetheless, I had strong suspicions that something was very wrong with the official US account of the tragedy only weeks after the incident, while responding to a request from a local journalist for background information. Too much made no sense whatsoever: warnings after the fact when there should have been no warnings, bizarre misbehavior by the alleged hijackers that ran counter to both the mission and their faith, skills required that far exceeded any skills the named hijackers themselves could ever have possessed for the mission, and especially the total absence of any recognition for what they had done from anyone except their supposed victims – something without precedent for actions of the sort that supposedly happened on 9/11. These and similar discontinuities reinforced my suspicion that something in the entire exercise was rotten to the core.
Potentially far more significant than individual musings was the gradual appearance of dissent that eventually crystallized in the so-called “9/11 Truth” movement, which rapidly proliferated into scores of major and many minor organizations and websites dissecting the attacks, the Commission report, the motivations and agendas of assorted elected and appointed officials, and alternatives to the orthodox view. But “9/11 Truthers” have been doing their version of the Maoist “Hundred Flowers” Campaign, throwing out so many different assessments of so many different aspects of so many different issues that the core message has been lost. Nor is it a matter of too little evidence invalidating the USG position on 9/11 being available, but too much to permit a clear focus on what happened (so many trees no one can really see the forest).
Mind you, it isn’t that what has been presented is irrelevant or even necessarily wrong, although some pretty bizarre theses have been tossed around along with a good deal of thoughtful and balanced work. A substantial segment also have resisted closure under any circumstances – especially when Israel came into the equation in any way – thus keeping the rhetorical pot boiling inconclusively, more than a few for reasons that could not withstand close scrutiny as to their affiliation and motivation.
Critiquing the 9/11 Critique
The real difficulty with much, but not all, of the effort to critique and question the official US position on 9/11 is that the “9/11 Truth” proponents have been unable to communicate their concerns – much less any conclusions – to the general public in any significant way. So much of the discussion is only partially comprehensible to some within the movement, largely unknown to the general US public, and so complicated in all its dimensions to those who do become aware of it that they fail to follow up on the arguments. It is as if critics of the official position on 9/11 have been attempting to try the case in court before they have even gotten an indictment – the analytical equivalent of putting the argumentative cart before the public horse of the need to rethink the issue, thereby creating an evidentiary Gordian Knot of sorts.
This analogy has long struck me as an appropriate way of rethinking our approach to the 9/11 controversy. It is not that the issue isn’t complex – it is, in ever so many ways, and that complexity would have to be addressed at some point, but there is no need to confuse the public with its complexity at the very beginning.
Remember that at least in the US, the evidence and voting requirements are very different in a grand jury which can issue an indictment, than they are in a petit jury that actually tries the case. The latter needs proof of guilt; but the former only needs sufficient indication that a specific crime may have been committed, and that the accused may have done it. That is where we need to go, and where I will take this argument: to focus on those essentials necessary for an indictment in a way that will be understandable and credible to a reasonably intelligent person without requiring them to have the skills of (e.g.) a civil engineer or an aviator.
Peeling Away the Layered Details
There are so many flaws in the official US Government’s position on 9/11 that it is sometimes difficult to know just where to start. For example, the miraculous survival of a passport, used to identify one of the hijackers, which somehow worked its way through the aircraft’s impact, explosion, fire, and an 800-plus foot free-fall to be found by a well-dressed man and given to a New York City police detective at the base of the twin towers is a standout. The superstar-like ability of named pilots to go from the controls of a single-engine propeller-driven light plane to the cockpit of a passenger airliner and do anything except put it into the ground within a minute of turning off the autopilot is another – who would ever have thought that the Microsoft Flight Simulator program was so superlative? And the explanations given for the multiple failures of NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) to have fighters on all four planes within minutes of their straying off course are individually dubious and collectively preposterous – only in Hollywood would they have any credence, perhaps because that is where they originated.
The debate on these and many other points, and the implications thereof, has been extensive and sometimes ferocious, even if not particularly effective. What is not open to debate, however, is that WTC-7 — the third tower to collapse that day, and the only one not hit by a plane — absolutely was brought down by a controlled demolition, as anyone not trying to shield the attackers knows from a real-time video of its collapse. That is, WTC-7 went straight down into its own footprint in seconds without any visible catastrophic external trauma, which means only some catastrophic internal trauma could have brought it down. And if it had been wired for a controlled demolition, then so were the other towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2) that collapsed. That gives the plane impacts a gruesome cosmetic role, designed explicitly to conceal the true cause of the collapse of the buildings, while shocking the public into something akin to numbness.
Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake — Alan Sabrosky (
5th July 2011, 06:37 AM
Thanks PatColo! You are truly indefatiguable in the battle for the truth over lies. And some day, probably many years from now, truth will triumph over lies, as it always eventually does, and the name PatColo will be inducted into the Pantheon of the Faithful who protected and preserved the flame of truth through the long dark days.
5th July 2011, 07:52 PM
New Information
The Explosions in the World Trade Center Buildings, started, before the planes HIT, according to U.S. Geological Data.
We still have our own problems, that will NOT go away, about our supposed "best friend and Middle East Ally", ISRAEL, who did plan and execute 9/11/01, murdered 3,000 Americans, and we are still paying for it.
Here is some new material on the 9/11/01 attacks, that many may have not seen or heard about, that is truly incriminating for Israel. After all Israel controlled ALL WORLD TRADE CENTER Buildings as well as access to them:
From: Jim Fetzer
Questions about 9/11 Jim Fetzer
As a former Marine Corps officer (1962-66), who spent his 35-year career offering courses in logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning to college students, it troubles me when my government appears to be lying to the American people. On this 4th of July, therefore, I want to share with you some of the questions that have arisen in my mind about the events of 9/11, which have been used to justify wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at enormous cost in lives lost and resources expended. I don’t claim to have all of the answers, but here are some of my questions—seven for the 4th of July!
(1) The early explosions
In their study, “Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job” (, Gordon Ross and Craig Furlong (one an engineer, one a numerical analyst) present evidence that there were enormous explosions in the subbasements of both of the Twin Towers prior to the impacts of any planes on those buildings. They used extremely reliable data from a geological laboratory run by Columbia University and radar and FAA data to come to the conclusion that those explosions occurred 14 and 17 seconds before those planes hit the towers:
My first question, therefore, is how were those 19 Islamic terrorists able to arrange these explosions, which drained the water from sprinkler systems that would have otherwise extinguished the rather modest office fires that remained after the jet fuel was consumed in those spectacular fireballs? I have given this a lot of thought and I can’t figure out how they did that.
5th July 2011, 11:26 PM
thanks for the kudos 2 posts up Mambo, quite the turn of phrase. O0
New Information
From: Jim Fetzer
Questions about 9/11 Jim Fetzer
I still don't trust Fetzer. It seems he went through a sort of rehab/reinvention of his former discredited "truther" image, even pointing the finger at the perps of 911 - the zionists. He was for a time on the "development group" of this otherwise very credible ZIHOP 911 Truth site: (
... but I notice Fetzer is no longer displayed in that list (top right). His 2009 article- Is 9/11 research anti-Semitic? ( - still appears at the site.
Fetzer is still peddling "no planes at WTC/ video fakery" which insults the intelligence of real truthers & noobs alike-- the exact point of such a ploy- sow division in the movement and turn away noobs before they get around to reviewing any of the real issues.
Fetzer was on Kevin Barrett's radio show recently, MP3 here: 06/27/2011 ( Monday - 1st Hour: With Jim Fetzer. 2nd Hour: With Stephen Lendman. (
Barrett gives him general respect but also asks good questions about the problems with Fetzers "no planes @ WTC" noise.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Jim Fetzer, Stephen Lendman on TJ Radio Monday (
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 6/27/11 (, 1-3 pm Central, American Fre ( R ( ( here ( Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page (
First hour: Jim ( ( Fetzer ( explains his latest article "9/11: Seismic Proo ( + Video Fakery = An Inside Job (" I don't understand the relationship between the seismic proof (Ross and Furlong's study ( showing that the first explosion in the North Tower happened 14-17 seconds before the plane impacts) and the video fakery ( issue. But apparently Jim does...
Note: Dr. James Fetzer will be speaking on July 20 at the University of Minnesota-Duluth campus in Bohannon Hall Room 90 starting at 7 pm, with doors opening at 6 pm. That hall seats 350 people. Jim's talk is titled: "Were the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq justified by the events of 9/11/01?"
5th July 2011, 11:58 PM
the wealth of ZIHOP info at ( is certainly worth a review.
This short <3 min MP3 clip is from an NPR radio show discussing 911 CTs, with host, guest & caller all playing the "deeply offended" card at the idea of the tribe's involvement in 911.
A spokesperson for Jewish people explains that the Jews (international bankers?) are deeply offended by any inferences that they had anything to do with causing 9-11: Jews are offended by inferences that Jews had anything to do with 9-11. ( National Public Radio (NPR) has been complicit in the cover-up of 9-11 evidence and has actively worked to avoid 9-11 information on their website and in their investigative news pieces. The guest even throws out the limited hangout suggestion that the "anti-Semite's" assertions re the tribe's involvement consists merely of the zio's having co-opted and led scary moozlemismist patsies...
also liked this pic I see at the site: (
17th July 2011, 08:18 PM
Dr. Alan Sabrosky: Israel behind 9/11, Part II (
19th July 2011, 07:59 AM
Chris Bollyn finished writing his book a couple months ago, & he posted these remarks to his blog at that time, Final Chapters of Solving 9/11 Published (
(wait for above page to load, it's slow)
here's link to the full book, which he makes free online,
The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World (
23rd July 2011, 02:33 PM
Dr. Alan Sabrosky: Israel behind 9/11, Part II (
terrific 24 min video inside- the kryptonite which the Western ZioStream Media [ZSM] won't touch:
9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview (
“We Know Who, We Even Know Why…”
Tying Israel Irrevocably to 9/11
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
This week, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Managing Editor at Veterans Today, was interviewed on 9/11 and Israel’s involvement and their influence in American affairs. Dr. Sabrosky is interviewed by Susan Modaress of Press TV. Runtime is 20 minutes.
Alan, I call him that, a fellow editor, fellow Marine and good friend, does what few do when discussing issues of such extreme controversy. Alan sticks to the facts, takes the facts to logical conclusions and stops there. Any American of any political leaning or ethnicity can and should, out of patriotism and out of sanity, watch this interview.
The case made is a case that will stand up in a court of law, a case not contrived for entertainment, for propaganda or for an emotional “fix,” feeding hate, prejudice or the desire by some for conspiracies to fill the void of a life bereft of meaning.
Alan Sabrosky is “serious as a heart attack.”
There is an underlying message to this interview, intended or not. Dr. Sabrosky establishes a defensible position and sets limits.
A majority of Americans are aware that 9/11 had clear signs of government complicity, both operationally and in the subsequent investigation that even Judge Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera of Rupert Murcoch’s FOX NEWS called a “whitewash.” A major Australian poll taken last fall showed 77% of people there believe the US government to be fully complicit in 9/11. Similar polls in the US regularly score over 50%, some much higher.
Sabrosky’s case, presented with much clarity, plants responsibility for 9/11 at the feet of Israel and Americans whose loyalties, if we can call them that, are certainly not to the United States. That these “Americans” now believed to be complicit in the planning and execution of the 9/11 terror attacks are, for the most part, officials of the government, is telling.
Their complicity couldn’t be more obvious if they were caught standing with the detonation switches in their hands.
Israel is a different story, a public relationship characterized as “close friendship” and a private one that more closely resembles that between America and the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War.
Most Americans are not aware of how the relationship between Israel and the United States has soured over the past 40 years. Behind an endless barrage of stories of the holocaust and fear mongering about Antisemitism, political extremists in Israel and their allies in the US, many in positions of extreme power and influence, have contrived to seriously harm the United States, ostensibly under the guise of “support for Israel” and misrepresented security issues.
Sabrosky calls it “high treason.”
Below, the forgotten Geraldo Rivera report on 9/11, now “disappeared” from history, from the archives, forgotten and victim of its own “coverup.”
YouTube - Veterans Today - (
Beyond this, the past decade has bombarded the American public and the world with wildly conflicting conspiracy theories and phony science, the worst of it from the American government itself.
What can I say as a postscript or commentary to the interview? Liberal, conservative, Jew, Gentile, what Alan Sabrosky says is simply the truth. He has the credentials and the character to know the truth.
The message:
Believing the government and mainstream media’s version of 9/11 and allowing Israeli “dual citizens” to serve in government or electing and appointing officials whose relationship with Israel is detrimental to the security of the United States is inconsistent with citizen responsibility for any American.
Related Interview:
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed (
10th September 2011, 09:15 AM
Good a time as any to bump this thread- 10th anniversary weekend and all- let us all remember who did 911!
and no, not scary moozlemists! ( (like the real 911 perps' global propaganda apparatus is going to try to "remind you", like, ad nausium!) ;)
So needless to say, the Defamation Experts have been busy busy, as 911+10 has approached. From the blog about a recent Kevin Barrett radio show:
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Jim Dean on leaked Zionist "smear the delegitimizers" memo; David Ray Griffin's assistant Tod Fletcher on DRG's new book! (
Professional smear-artist Abe Foxman of the ADL, one of the perhaps 300,000 ( criminals acting as illegal, unregistered agents of a foreign power here in the USA, apparently followed the orders of this memo when he libeled me, Gordon Duff, Alan Sabrosky, and Jim Fetzer, ( calling us the "most popular" advocates of the "antisemitic" notion that Israel had something to do with 9/11. High praise indeed!
[...]You'll find the above snip links to this article at - now, notice the masterful Chutzpah Maneuver ( you find demonstrated in the Defamation Experts' choice of title for this latest smear piece, ;D;)
Decade of Deceit: (
Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later (
10th September 2011, 11:31 AM
Thanks for bumping this PatColo.
11th September 2011, 12:01 PM
The "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked (
11th September 2011, 09:37 PM
You'll find the above snip links to this article at - now, notice the masterful Chutzpah Maneuver ( you find demonstrated in the Defamation Experts' choice of title for this latest smear piece, ;D;)
Decade of Deceit: (
Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later (
recent podcast, direct mp3 link at bottom:
The Ugly Truth Podcast September 5, 2011 (
Posted: September 6, 2011 by crescentandcross in Uncategorized (
Despite the overwhelming evidence linking Israel with the events of 9/11, nevertheless, according to Mob Lawyer Abe Foxman of the ADL, such evidence is just–surprise, surprise–ANTI-SEMITISM. We are joined by writer/thinker extraordinaire Jonathon Azaziah ( and newest member of the pro-America/pro-truth/pro-justice family John Friend ( to discuss these and other important issues.
mp3: Download Here (
12th September 2011, 12:27 PM
Good info on this thread!
25th September 2011, 06:39 PM
9/11 'Conspiracy Theory' Primer - Mossad False Flag - 10 yr Anniversary Special (
19 cave-dwelling muslim terrorists with boxcutters? (http:///)
Or could those 'conspiracy theorists' actually be right?
'Official' story crumbling
The wildest 'conspiracy theory' about 9/11 is the one peddled by our glorious and trusted government and controlled 'news' media -- that 9/11 was perpetrated by a nebulous muslim terrorist group called "al-Qaeda", masterminded by evil genius Osama bin Laden from a cave, with no apparent motivation other than that "they hate our freedoms."
Thankfully, most of the world and even now over half of the American public does not buy this cock and bull story.
How could cave dwellers who could barely fly a plane pull off such a sophisticated attack? How did the twin towers collapse at free fall speed, as in a controlled demolition? Did bin Laden cause the the U.S. Air Defense to stand down on that morning? Given that they lied about the pretext for the war in Iraq, could 9/11 be a staged event used as the justification to kick-start all these wars?
After looking deeper than the spoon-fed fairytale from the government and media, and seriously examining the evidence surrounding 9/11, the overwhelming conclusion is that the 9/11 attacks were a 'false flag operation' perpetrated by the Israeli Mossad, carried out via the complicity of the jewish-controlled U.S. Government and the jewish-controlled Western media.
So what really happened and why? First off, a look back at history is necessary.
10th October 2011, 02:29 AM
John Friend got up in San Diego and said end the fed, & izzy did 911, and....... the zio/fake-protesters got all upset at the latter... lol, 2 mins:
John Friend addressing Occupy San Diego- booed by fascists and shills (
10th October 2011, 06:54 AM
John Friend got up in San Diego and said end the fed, & izzy did 911, and....... the zio/fake-protesters got all upset at the latter... lol, 2 mins:
John Friend addressing Occupy San Diego- booed by fascists and shills (
I'm at work and cannot view Youtube. But the fact that someone can even speak publically about Israel doing 911 is very encouraging. At minimum, it's going to plant a seed in alot of people's minds. I think everyone these days is questioning things they had assumed to be true a few years ago, what with the entire system proving to be one big Ponzi scam.
It's important to keep repeating one name when discussing 911:
Dr. Alan Sabrosky
"What we need to stand up and say is not only did they attack the USS Liberty (, they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at it's headquarters, Marine Corps and I made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period." -
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, March 14, 2010 - listen to podcast (
10th October 2011, 07:20 AM
It's important to keep repeating one name when discussing 911:
Dr. Alan Sabrosky
see his sign, read the whole article @ link:
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Why are you participating in Occupy San Diego? (
I went down to the Occupy San Diego camp out at the Martin Luther King Promenade in downtown San Diego yesterday afternoon. I brought the double-sided sign I made, and took some brief videos of people I ran into asking them why they were there participating. I will be back down there later on this afternoon, and will have more video and photos coming soon. Stay tuned.
You could literally see the cognitive dissonance expressed on the faces of many people at Occupy San Diego when they saw my "Israel Behind 9/11" sign. It's about time people were exposed to these issues in an major way. :) (
13th November 2011, 08:16 AM
wise older lady, need more like her!
John Friend talks about 9/11 and JFK assassination at Venice Beach, CA
Uploaded by john6598 ( on Nov 1, 2011
I was biking down Venice Beach's boardwalk, minding my own business, taking a video of all the cool stuff, and ran into this awesome lady who was passing out 9/11 info by herself! I had to talk to her!
You can find more of my work at
6th January 2012, 11:06 PM
Jewish groups get most money from federal security grants
Posted: Monday, January 2, 2012 12:15 am
A week after a man killed a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington in 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano cited the murder as proof that nonprofit institutions were at risk of attack and could be helped by federal security grants.
In an event announcing $1.7 billion in Department of Homeland Security grants, Napolitano noted that 63 percent of nonprofit grant recipients were "affiliated with Jewish organizations."
The following year, according to the Jewish Federations of North America, that number grew. In 2010, 94 percent of the department's nonprofit security funding went to Jewish groups that are, in the words of the Department of Homeland Security, "at high risk of terrorist attack."more: Jewish groups get most money from federal security grants (
DHS partners with Jewish organizations
By Jordy Yager - 06/10/11 03:32 PM ET
Expanding the If You See Something, Say Something campaign to national Jewish groups, the first faith-based partnership for the campaign, is an important step in the Departments ongoing effort to engage the American public in our nations security efforts.
The board of The Jewish Federations of North America pointed to recent attempted attacks on Jewish targets, such as the two men who were accused of allegedly plotting to attack a Manhattan synagogue last month as they allegedly tried to purchase a grenade and handguns.
The American Jewish community and the places we gather are, unfortunately, often targets for terrorists, said Michael Gelman, the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of the Jewish Federations of North America.
This new partnership with the Department of Homeland Security will empower us to counter this threat as we become more actively involved in our own protection, he said.more: DHS partners with Jewish organizations - (
July 16, 2010
Homeland security releases new funds to non-profits
The Department of Homeland Security released $19 million to secure non-profits, the vast majority Jewish.
Of 271 institutions named in a list released this week by DHS, 254 are Jewish, including synagogues, schools, community centers and offices.
more: Homeland security releases new funds to non-profits | Nation | Jewish Journal (
... it's pretty clear that they intend to make their War On Terrror Hoax ( into a far sweeter cash train than their Holohoax Industry ( ever was!
11th January 2012, 03:12 AM
It's come to my attention, this classic wolfowitz 911 whitewash commission report photo has become very difficult to find via ( Do a search there for "wolfowitz 9/11"-- used to be, in the first results, there'd be at least a half dozen copies of this. Now, first hit is hosted at dailykos, a spook-run controlled opposition site, but you go to retrieve the image, and find it's removed. 2nd result is some captioned artwork photoshop job, with a very mediocre joke, and a bad/small/grainy image. 3rd result waaay down the google result page, is a small/grainy version. So I finally found a decent 410x343 pixel image through a different image search engine! Not an oversight by the goog, I assume! :-X
Attaching here, an original & one with further photoshopping, to ensure there's a copy around when want to post it somewhere. 8)
11th January 2012, 03:16 AM
this pic's easier to find, just parking the tin foil version here,
13th January 2012, 05:29 AM
Son of Israeli Diplomat Designed WTC 9/11 Memorial (
^ that blogger failed to link to the WSJ original,
Trumping the Terrorists' Rage - (
6th February 2012, 10:53 PM
Israeli TV Ad Spoofs Mossad Terror Attacks (
February 3, 2012
An Israeli TV ad promoting the cable network HOT makes fun of a Mossad terror attack in which Israeli agents inadvertently blow up an Iranian nuclear plant by pushing a button on a computer tablet.
When the Mossad agent shows the various features of the computer tablet to the other Israeli agents, one accidently pushes a button which causes the nuclear plant in the background to explode. To this, the character then says, "What? Another mysterious explosion in Iran?"
The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has an article on the ad and Iran's reaction to it here: (
The commercial reveals the Israeli attitude about Mossad terror attacks in foreign nations. No other nation would produce a similar commercial in which their secret service blows up a nuclear plant in another nation. It's unthinkable. The Israelis, however, think it's funny.
The ad has several of the key elements of the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11. It features Israeli agents and Mossad operatives working undercover and using disguises, just like the 5 dancing Israelis who were arrested on 9/11 in New Jersey. These Mossadniks use computers to detonate pre-placed explosives to destroy an important asset. This is exactly what happened to the Twin Towers on 9/11. There is certainly nothing funny about Israeli terrorism. Just ask the 10,000 American children who lost their father or mother on 9/11.
"Iran mulls ban of Samsung over Israeli commercial depicting attack on nuclear plant", Ha'aretz, 3 February 2012 (
3rd March 2012, 10:39 PM
Why is ICNC so afraid of people who say Jews and Israel were behind 9/11? (
11 Comments ( Posted by ajmacdonaldjr ( on February 29, 2012
4th March 2012, 11:24 AM
Why is ICNC so afraid of people who say Jews and Israel were behind 9/11? (
11 Comments ( Posted by ajmacdonaldjr ( on February 29, 2012
Colonel Sabrosky's interview is devastating in it's indictment of Israel and merits posting here:
4th March 2012, 06:14 PM
more Sobrosky interviews:
4th March 2012, 08:30 PM
Watch this video both for the dialog and the still images, which are devastating for Israel and Mossad. Israeli Mossad did 911 folks: there is absolutely no doubt about it.
20th March 2012, 10:33 AM
9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission
by Christopher Bollyn
Israeli Agents Nabbed On 9-11 Admit:
“Our Purpose Was To Document The Event”
20th March 2012, 10:34 AM
9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission
by Christopher Bollyn
Israeli Agents Nabbed On 9-11 Admit:
Our Purpose Was To Document The Event
20th March 2012, 11:54 AM
Watch this video both for the dialog and the still images, which are devastating for Israel and Mossad. Israeli Mossad did 911 folks: there is absolutely no doubt about it.
"Yep, they did it!"
21st March 2012, 07:53 AM
Between August 26th and September 11th 2001, a group of financial speculators identified as Israeli citizens by the SEC, short sold 38 stocks and purchased put options in mass on Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AIG, Swiss Re and Munich Re Insurance, United Airlines and American Airlines. All of these companies were directly involved with the 9/11 attacks. The Israeli speculators were never investigated any further . . . (
21st March 2012, 09:19 AM
Between August 26th and September 11th 2001, a group of financial speculators identified as Israeli citizens by the SEC, short sold 38 stocks and purchased put options in mass on Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AIG, Swiss Re and Munich Re Insurance, United Airlines and American Airlines. All of these companies were directly involved with the 9/11 attacks. The Israeli speculators were never investigated any further . . . (
Big-ass Chutzpah! Not only commit the greatest false flag terrorist attack in the history of mankind, also have the nerve of providing the very evidence in terms of financial transactions on the bourse of the attacked country. Who were these Israeli's?
21st March 2012, 02:11 PM
Big-ass Chutzpah! Not only commit the greatest false flag terrorist attack in the history of mankind, also have the nerve of providing the very evidence in terms of financial transactions on the bourse of the attacked country. Who were these Israeli's?
It doesn't say; its source is an article from "Walter Storch" who writes for TBR News (, aka "The Voice from the White House."
But we won't ever know, because although the government investigated this and asked the SEC to look over its records to see who profited, the SEC destroyed those records.
Here's something from Washington's Blog that is pretty detailed, and some of its sources are even from the mainstream media:
the SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options (
On September 19, 2001, CBS reported (
Sources tell CBS News that the afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over unusual trading in the U.S. stock options market.
An extraordinary number of trades were betting that American Airlines stock price would fall.
The trades are called puts and they involved at least 450,000 shares of American. But what raised the red flag is more than 80 percent of the orders were puts, far outnumbering call options, those betting the stock would rise.
Sources say they have never seen that kind of imbalance before, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. Normally the numbers are fairly even.
After the terrorist attacks, American Airline stock price did fall obviously by 39 percent, and according to sources, that translated into well over $5 million total profit for the person or persons who bet the stock would fall.
At least one Wall Street firm reported their suspicions about this activity to the SEC shortly after the attack.
The same thing happened with United Airlines on the Chicago Board Options Exchange four days before the attack. An extremely unbalanced number of trades betting Uniteds stock price would fall also transformed into huge profits when it did after the hijackings.
We can directly work backwards from a trade on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange. The trader is linked to a brokerage firm. The brokerage firm received the order to buy that put option from either someone within a brokerage firm speculating, or from one of the customers, said Randall Dodd of the Economic Strategy Institute.
U.S. investigators want to know whether Osama bin Laden was the ultimate inside trader profiting from a tragedy hes suspected of masterminding to finance his operation. Authorities are also investigating possibly suspicious trading in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Japan.
On September 29, 2001, the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out (
Usually, if someone has a windfall like that, you take the money and run, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Whoever did this thought the exchange would not be closed for four days.
This smells real bad.
There was an unusually large jump in purchases of put options on the stocks of UAL Corp. and AMR Corp. in the three business days before the attack on major options exchanges in the United States. On one day, UAL put option purchases were 25 times greater than the year-to-date average. In the month before the attacks, short sales jumped by 40 percent for UAL and 20 percent for American.
Spokesmen for British securities regulators and the AXA Group also confirmed yesterday that investigations are continuing.
The source familiar with the United trades identified Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, the American investment banking arm of German giant Deutsche Bank, as the investment bank used to purchase at least some of the options.
Last weekend, German central bank president Ernst Welteke said a study pointed to terrorism insider trading in those stocks.
The Chronicle illustrated the story with the following chart: (
On October 19, 2001, the Chronicle wrote (
On Oct. 2, Canadian securities officials confirmed that the SEC privately had asked North American investment firms to review their records for evidence of trading activity in the shares of 38 companies, suggesting that some buyers and sellers might have had advance knowledge of the attacks.
*** FMR Corp. spokeswoman Anne Crowley, said her firm which owns the giant Fidelity family of mutual funds in Boston has already provided account and transaction information to investigators, and had no objection to the new procedures announced yesterday.
Crowley declined to describe the nature of the information previously shared with the government.
So the effort to track down the source of the puts was certainly quite substantial.
What were the results and details of the investigation?
Apparently, well never know.
Specifically, David Callahan executive editor of SmartCEO submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the SEC regarding the pre-9/11 put options.
The SEC responded (
This letter is in response to your request seeking access to and copies of the documentary evidence referred to in footnote 130 of Chapter 5 of the September 11 (9/11) Commission Report. ***
We have been advised that the potentially responsive records have been destroyed.
If the SEC had responded by producing documents showing that the pre-9/11 put options had an innocent explanation (such as a hedge made by a smaller airline), that would be understandable.
If the SEC had responded by saying that the documents were classified as somehow protecting proprietary financial information, I wouldnt like it, but I would at least understand the argument.
But destroyed? Why? (See Afterword for additional details.)
Not the First Time
This is not the first destruction of documentary evidence related to 9/11.
I wrote ( in March:
As I pointed out in 2007:
The 9/11 Commission Report was largely based on a third-hand account of what tortured detainees said, with two of the three parties in the communication being government employees.The official 9/11 Commission Report states (
Chapters 5 and 7 rely heavily on information obtained from captured al Qaeda members. A number of these detainees have firsthand knowledge of the 9/11 plot. Assessing the truth of statements by these witnesses-sworn enemies of the United States-is challenging.
Our access to them has been limited to the review of intelligence reports based on communications received from the locations where the actual interrogations take place. We submitted questions for use in the interrogations, but had no control over whether, when, or how questions of particular interest would be asked. Nor were we allowed to talk to the interrogators so that we could better judge the credibility of the detainees and clarify ambiguities in the reporting.
In other words, the 9/11 Commissioners were not allowed to speak with the detainees, or even their interrogators. Instead, they got their information third-hand.
The Commission didnt really trust the interrogation testimony. For example, one of the primary architects of the 9/11 Commission Report, Ernest May, said ( in May 2005:
We never had full confidence in the interrogation reports as historical sources.
Afterword: Footnote 130 to chapter 5 of the official 9/11 Commission Report states (
Highly publicized allegations of insider trading in advance of 9/11 generally rest on reports of unusual pre-9/11 trading activity in companies whose stock plummeted after the attacks. Some unusual trading did in fact occur, but each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation. [::)]For example, the volume of put options- investments that pay off only when a stock drops in price-surged in the parent companies of United Airlines on September 6 and American Airlines on September 10-highly suspicious trading on its face. Yet, further investigation has revealed that the trading had no connection with 9/11. A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda purchased 95 percent of the UAL puts on September 6 as part of a trading strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American on September 10. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading in American on September 10 was traced to a specific U.S.-based options trading newsletter, faxed to its subscribers on Sunday, September 9, which recommended these trades. These examples typify the evidence examined by the investigation. The SEC and the FBI, aided by other agencies and the securities industry, devoted enormous resources to investigating this issue, including securing the cooperation of many foreign governments. These investigators have found that the apparently suspicious consistently proved innocuous. Joseph Cella interview (Sept. 16, 2003; May 7, 2004; May 10-11, 2004); FBI briefing (Aug. 15, 2003); SEC memo, Division of Enforcement to SEC Chair and Commissioners, Pre-September 11, 2001 Trading Review, May 15, 2002; Ken Breen interview (Apr. 23, 2004); Ed G. interview (Feb. 3, 2004). Did the Commission have full access to information regarding put options? Was the Commission misled, as it was on other issues? Was evidence destroyed or fabricated? We will never know, as the underlying documents have according to the SEC been destroyed.
21st March 2012, 02:26 PM
So I wonder if this "investor" ever collected his/her profits?
Suspicious profits sit uncollected
( investors seem to be lying low
Saturday, September 29, 2001
Investors have yet to collect more than $2.5 million in profits they made trading options in the stock of United Airlines before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to a source familiar with the trades and market data.
The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors -- whose identities and nationalities have not been made public -- had advance knowledge of the strikes.
"Usually, if someone has a windfall like that, you take the money and run," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Whoever did this thought the exchange would not be closed for four days.
"This smells real bad."
The source and others in the financial industry speculate that the purchaser or purchasers -- having initially assumed the money could be picked up without detection -- now fear exposure, or that the account has been frozen.
The markets were closed for four days after the attack, giving investigators time to notice the anomalous trades.
Securities regulators and law-enforcement agents throughout the United States and Europe are investigating unusual patterns in short sales and the purchase of "put" options, both of which are financial-market bets that the price of a given stock will fall.
Authorities here and abroad have not publicly disclosed any conclusions they have reached and refuse to discuss the case.
There was an unusually large jump in purchases of put options on the stocks of UAL Corp. and AMR Corp. in the three business days before the attack on major options exchanges in the United States.
On one day, UAL put option purchases were 25 times greater than the year-to-date average. In the month before the attacks, short sales jumped by 40 percent for UAL and 20 percent for American.
A put option gives the buyer a right to sell the underlying security at a certain price on a certain date; the purchaser profits when the share price drops lower than the agreed sale price. In a short sale, an investor borrows stock from a broker and sells it, hoping to buy it back at a lower price.
October series options for UAL Corp. were purchased in highly unusual volumes three trading days before the terrorist attacks for a total outlay of $2,070; investors bought the option contracts, each representing 100 shares, for 90 cents each. Those options are now selling at more than $12 each. There are still 2,313 so-called "put" options outstanding, according to the Options Clearinghouse Corp.
Other financial professionals have told The Chronicle that an estimated $5 million to $10 million in all could have been made on the trades, including trading on other days and purchases of options on the parent company of American, AMR Corp. Four United and American aircraft crashed in the attacks.
[Get ready for the sheeple re-direct...from Israel:]
Meanwhile, in Herzliya, Israel, a group headed by former Israeli intelligence officials -- the Interdisciplinary Center, a counter-terrorism think tank -- has issued a report on Osama bin Laden's finances ("Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam?") saying insiders profited by nearly $16 million.
The money was made on Sept. 6, 7 and 10 in transactions involving United, American, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co., the center said. Morgan Stanley occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center; Merrill Lynch's headquarters offices were nearby.
The figure excluded other unusual trades involving insurance companies with significant exposure to damage claims resulting from the attacks. These include Munich Re of Germany, which expects to pay out more than $1.5 billion, and the AXA Group, a French firm, which could be on the hook for $550 million.
A spokesman for the Securities and Exchange Commission declined to comment on a New York Times report yesterday that the SEC had found "benign" explanations for the trading activity.
But the spokesman, John Heine, said the commission stands by a statement made eight days after the attack by Stephen M. Cutler, acting SEC enforcement director. The statement -- reiterated in substance Wednesday by SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt -- said the commission was "pursuing all credible leads."
Spokesmen for British securities regulators and the AXA Group also confirmed yesterday that investigations are continuing.
The source familiar with the United trades identified Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, the American investment banking arm of German giant Deutsche Bank, as the investment bank used to purchase at least some of the options. Rohini Pragasam, a bank spokeswoman, declined comment.
Investigators' attentions previously had been drawn to Germany because of the residence there earlier in the year of some of the principal suspects in the Sept. 11 attacks and unusual patterns in the short-selling of insurance, airline and other financial company stocks there prior to the attacks.
Last weekend, German central bank president Ernst Welteke said a study pointed to "terrorism insider trading" in those stocks.
There are many reasons the bets against United and American could have been innocent, in view of the tough time the airline industry has had this year and heavy losses experienced by both airlines in particular. But the trades were not replicated in the stocks or options of any of the airlines' competitors.
While the identities of possible beneficiaries of advance knowledge of the attacks were not known publicly, experts were quick to point to possible candidates -- all presumed to be affluent residents of Arab nations. [::)]
The former chairman of the State Department's National Commission on Terrorism, L. Paul Bremer, said he obtained classified government analyses early last year of bin Laden's finances confirming the assistance of affluent Middle Easterners.
21st March 2012, 03:07 PM
So I wonder if this "investor" ever collected his/her profits?
It looks like they hadn't as of October 2001, according to this UK Independent article which looks to be scrubbed from their website:
Mystery of terror 'insider dealers' (
By Chris Blackhurst
Sunday, 14 October 2001
Share speculators have failed to collect $2.5m (1.7m) in profits made from the fall in the share price of United Airlines after the 11 September World Trade Centre attacks.
The fact that the money is unclaimed more than a month later has re-awakened investigators' interest in a story dismissed as coincidence.
It may be that investors who were able to predict the share price crash so skilfully are reluctant to be seen profiting from tragedy.
But investigators now wonder whether there is a more sinister explanation.
The authorities are examining the possibility that if they knew what was coming, traders were intent on taking their profits immediately, before regulators had woken up to any possible scam.
But investors failed to foresee that the first response of the US stock markets to the disaster was to suspend all trading for four days, thereby denying them the chance of cashing in their profits.
Further details of the futures trades that netted such huge gains in the wake of the hijackings have been disclosed. To the embarrassment of investigators, it has also emerged that the firm used to buy many of the "put" options where a trader, in effect, bets on a share price fall on United Airlines stock was headed until 1998 by "Buzzy" Krongard, now executive director of the CIA.
Until 1997, Mr Krongard was chairman of Alex Brown Inc, America's oldest investment banking firm. Alex Brown was acquired by Bankers Trust, which in turn was bought by Deutsche Bank. His last post before resigning to take his senior role in the CIA was to head Bankers Trust Alex Brown's private client business, dealing with the accounts and investments of wealthy customers around the world.
There is no suggestion that Mr Krongard had advance knowledge of the attacks. [::)]
Between 6 and 7 September, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw purchases of 4,744 "put" option contracts in UAL versus 396 call options where a speculator bets on a price rising. Holders of the put options would have netted a profit of $5m (3.3m) once the carrier's share price dived after 11 September. On 10 September, more trading in Chicago saw the purchase of 4,516 put options in American Airlines, the other airline involved in the hijackings. This compares with a mere 748 call options in American purchased that day. Investigators cannot help but notice that no other airlines saw such trading in their put options.
It was not just airlines that were targeted by remarkably canny investors. One of the biggest occupants of the World Trade Centre was Morgan Stanley, the investment bank. In the first week of September, an average of 27 put option contracts was bought each day in its shares. The total for the three days before the attacks was 2,157. Merrill Lynch, anotherWTC tenant, saw 12,215 put options bought in the four days before the attacks, when the previous days had seen averages of 252 contracts a day.
21st March 2012, 03:08 PM
So because these traders had no connection with Al Qaeda, they were presumed innocent, and the records were destroyed! Doesn't records of financial transactions have to be kept for 10 years, or more for tax purposes? But these were destroyed almost immediately... Does this mean they didn't even have to pay capital gains tax on their windfall profit of the 9/11 puts?
21st March 2012, 03:31 PM
Doesn't records of financial transactions have to be kept for 10 years, or more for tax purposes?
I'm pretty sure you're right about that, but that's just the "law" for us useless eaters.
Does this mean they didn't even have to pay capital gains tax on their windfall profit of the 9/11 puts?
I seriously doubt it.
21st March 2012, 03:59 PM
Meanwhile, in Herzliya, Israel, a group headed by former Israeli intelligence officials -- the Interdisciplinary Center, a counter-terrorism think tank -- has issued a report on Osama bin Laden's finances ("Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam?") saying insiders profited by nearly $16 million.
Herzliya, just north of Tel Aviv is where the creme de la creme of Israel lives. And they suggest Bin Ladin profited by the attacks, very soon after the attacks. Bwahahaahaaaa!
21st March 2012, 04:03 PM
Well you know the drill: repeat a lie often enough, etc. etc.
21st March 2012, 04:14 PM
Well you know the drill: repeat a lie often enough, etc. etc.
It apparently proved to the SEC immediately that there was nothing fishy about these shorts, since they couldn't find any Al Qaeda connections to the traders... Nothing to see there!
21st March 2012, 04:52 PM
It apparently proved to the SEC immediately that there was nothing fishy about these shorts, since they couldn't find any Al Qaeda connections to the traders... Nothing to see there!
But you'd think that if there was an Al Qaeda connection, they'd be shouting it from the rooftops, right? Naming the names so we can all revile the evil Mooslims?
What's irritating is that when I checked on the Interdisciplinary Center story below:
Meanwhile, in Herzliya, Israel, a group headed by former Israeli intelligence officials -- the Interdisciplinary Center, a counter-terrorism think tank -- has issued a report on Osama bin Laden's finances ("Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam? (") saying insiders profited by nearly $16 million. This is all that the earth-shattering report says about OBL:
"The difficulty, of course, will be in tracing the transactions to their real source. The trading is sure to have been done under false names, behind shell corporations, and in general to have been thoroughly obfuscated. If in fact the Black Tuesday attacks -- and the associated securities transactions -- were made under orders from Osama bin Laden, then we are dealing with an expert in masking ownership of corporations and making covert deals. This doesn't mean that unraveling the threads of these transactions will be impossible, but it probably won't be quick or easy."
So basically the SF Chronicle article was making it seem like the Israeli Interdisciplinary Center had made a definite connection between the OBL and the mysterious 911 profits when it hadn't.
Check it out:
Meanwhile, in Herzliya, Israel, a group headed by former Israeli intelligence officials -- the Interdisciplinary Center, a counter-terrorism think tank -- has issued a report on Osama bin Laden's finances ("Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam?") saying insiders profited by nearly $16 million.
How's that for propaganda?
22nd March 2012, 01:57 AM
They decide on the perpetrator (OBL), then they collect all the evidence that support Bin Laden did 911 (nothing apart from manufactured evidence), and then they destroy all the evidence Israel did 911...
Excellent police work!
22nd March 2012, 07:16 AM
They decide on the perpetrator (OBL), then they collect all the evidence that support Bin Laden did 911 (nothing apart from manufactured evidence), and then they destroy all the evidence Israel did 911...
Excellent police work!
I am hopeful that the truth will win out in the end and the Zionists will lose the propaganda war, if only because of the internet. I think the MSM monopoly is slowly crumbling, especially with the young. The worst of the braindead propagandized nimwits are the baby boomers, my generation.
22nd March 2012, 08:33 PM
The worst of the braindead propagandized nimwits are the baby boomers, my generation.
Baby Boomer's kids camp out and line up overnight for the new iPad.
31st March 2012, 08:52 PM
Check out this recently discovered video of WTC 7. Fast forward to 1:16 - it shows the demolition charges exploding and the building crumpling just before the free fall collapse. This is direct visual proof of controlled demolition. Please circulate this widely. Who is going to deny his own two eyes?
General of Darkness
1st April 2012, 06:11 PM
Prothink. Israel did 9/11 Documentary, Missing Links.
5th April 2012, 01:11 PM
Check out this recently discovered video of WTC 7. Fast forward to 1:16 - it shows the demolition charges exploding and the building crumpling just before the free fall collapse. This is direct visual proof of controlled demolition. Please circulate this widely. Who is going to deny his own two eyes?
about 2/3 of the US population.
11th May 2012, 11:00 PM
ZCF has these 2 entries today, I haven't watched the 32 min video at the end:
9/11, most important public relations act in favor of Jewry (
Posted on May 11, 2012 ( by ZionCrimeFactory ( (
Ehud Spinzak, an Israeli counter-terrorism expert, said:
From the perspective of the Jews, it [9/11] is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favour.
Source: Philips, Alan. Lost Sympathy Worries Arafat. Telegraph. 13 Sep 2001. ( (
When asked what the attacks meant for US-Israeli relations, Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israels ruling Likud Party, stated:
Its very good. ...Well its not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel's cause].
Source: Bennet, James. A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer. New York Times. Sept 12 2001. (
Netanyahu would later go on to say:
We [Israelis/Jews] are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq [The attacks] swung American public opinion in our favor.
Source: Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel. Haaretz. April 16 2008. ( (
Open celebration of the mass murder of September 11th was commonplace among Israels leaders. In an interview with the French daily Le Monde, Ami Ayalon, the former chief of Israels internal security service Shabak, or Shin Bet, from 1996-2000, informed us that:
Since September 11, our leaders have been euphoric. With no more international pressures on Israel, they think, the way is open.
Source: An unconditional withdrawal from the territories is urgently needed. Le Monde. 22 December, 2001. (
These quotes, and much more, will be featured in my upcoming essay, 9/11: The Jewish Plot Against America.
Proof Israel Staged 9/11 (
Posted on May 11, 2012 ( by ZionCrimeFactory (
The corresponding FBI report on the five dancing Israelis and Urban Moving Systems can be viewed here (
31st May 2012, 05:00 PM
@ John Friend's blog (,
Friday, May 25, 2012
Zan Overall, The Wise Old Man, attends a premiere ( (
The Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( are currently on their Experts Speak Out ( tour, which began May 21st in San Diego, California. Unfortunately, I was out of town and unable to attend the opening night. The tour is promoting the group's recently completed Final Edition of the documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (, and will be visiting 30 major American cities across the country.
My good friend Zan Overall, also known as The Wise Old Man (, did attend the premier of the documentary in Los Angeles on May 22nd (pictures are here ( He wrote the following report of his experience at the event:
Richard Gage and his Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth organization ( premiered the final version of their documentary called Explosive Evidence in Los Angeles on May 22nd, 2012.
I, the alleged Wise Old Man, attended, hoping to enlarge the scope of the event by focusing on WHO did 9/11 instead of just HOW the bastards did 9/11.
Richard Gage has made believing 9/11 Truthers out of many, many people. I admire him and we are friends. He does not get into the WHO, probably a wise strategic decision for him.
I DID get into the WHO that night, standing on the sidewalk with placards, one of which read: (
People in general, as well as 9/11 Truthers, are waking up to the very politically incorrect idea that Israel was the prime mover in the atrocity of 9/11 ( I got applause when, during the Q&A, I stated my belief that Israel did 9/11, with American help. A year ago I might have gotten boos.
During my sidewalk activity I said (loudly) things like:
Israelis with American helpers did 9/11. The monsters who did 9/11 LOVE you Half Truthers if you dont say Israel did 9/11! That gives them more time to do other 9/11s like Fukushima. That gives them more time to fool Americans into wiping out more of Israels enemies for her. (
I passed out material on Fukushima, principally the article Fukushima-The Asian 9/11. (
I also said:
You are spending and wasting years and years trying to get a new investigation. You expect that the same powers that be that conducted a fraudulent investigation before would allow an honest one now? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Look at all the wasted effort trying to get an investigation in New York.
Pointing to the traffic going by on Wilshire Blvd. I said, The only way you are going to get those people to do anything about 9/11 is to get enough of them aware that Israel did 9/11! Then they will turn the anger that 9/11 aroused against Muslims into anger against the real villains!
9/11 is not an intellectual exercise, a hobby. Because the true authors of 9/11, Israels leaders, are getting away with it, millions of innocent Muslims are suffering and dying and our country is going broke and piling up some very bad Karma.
I passed out a lot of material and those attending were made aware that WHO did 9/11 is as important, if not more important, than HOW it was done.
I understand "mainstream" 9/11 Truth groups, like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, focus on the basics when trying to explain to the average person how the official government conspiracy theory (or, as I am starting to call it, the official government mythology) is literally absurd and ridiculous. A&E for 9/11 Truth base their presentations and outreach efforts on their expertise, and that's all well and good. But where is it going to get us? How is calling for a new investigation, sanctioned and conducted by the same criminal network that did 9/11 in the first place, going to get us anywhere?
Instead of basing 9/11 Truth outreach efforts on pointing out all the obvious inconsistencies, absurdities, distortions, and outright lies in the official 9/11 narrative, why not point out that the only individuals arrested on 9/11 were Israeli Mossad agents ( that just so happened to specialize in explosives and electronic intercepts? You know, the types of skills you would need if you were involved in carrying out an attack like 9/11!
We could even print out the police report ( from the East Rutherford Police Department documenting this fact. And why stop there? Why don't we go ahead and print out all the FBI ( and DEA ( reports detailing the elaborate Israeli spy ring operating in the United States prior to and on 9/11, which was clearly involved in the attacks? We may as well print out the Gerald Shea Memo ( documenting these facts as well, which was submitted to the official 9/11 Commission Report, but was (of course) ignored.
Or how about pointing out that Larry Silverstein and the criminal network that privatized the World Trade Center complex shortly before 9/11, netting Silverstein $4.55 billion (, are all Zionist Jews with ties directly to Israel? Or how about explaining to people that Israel and criminal Jewish terrorist networks have a long, extensive history ( in carrying out false flag attacks, including attacking a United States ship, the USS Liberty (, in 1967 in an effort to get the U.S. involved in a war on Israel's behalf? Shouldn't we be calling for the immediate arrest and execution of the individuals we know are clearly involved ( in staging these attacks?
31st May 2012, 05:03 PM
^ also see:
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.05.23 ( (
Guest: Zan Overall on 9/11 half "truthers" and the Rodney King case.
Listen (
Download (
5th June 2012, 07:25 AM
got to admire Zan Overall/ Wise Old Man - Dude has a lot of Guts.
21st June 2012, 12:24 AM
Deanna Spingola interviews Ed Kendrick, founder of the excellent, and one of the FEW 911 Truth sites, (, which don't mince words about the perps. ZCF and a couple others don't either, but they mix it up with Nazi admiration, etc. I'm sympathetic to this latter perspective, but believe their approach is unwise in attracting noobs who haven't had the time or inclination to deprogram from the zio WW2 narrative.
1 hr commercial free:
Spingola Specials 2012.06.14-15 ( (
Veronica Clark of
" The Reichstag Fire "
Listen ( Download (
Dr. Ed Kendrick of
" Bamboozling Christian zionists "
Listen ( Download (
21st June 2012, 12:37 AM
another new one with zcf:
Wednesday, 6/20: Zion Crime Factory ( (ZCF) talks more about the false voices in the "truth" movement; MP3 (
1st July 2012, 08:44 PM
Homeland Security's Janet Napalitano - Safeguarding the Jewish Community
Published on Jun 26, 2012 by rubixlucifer (
Thanks to Anthony Lawson, Brother Nathanael and Destroy ZOG for source video
A few things to note: Israel does not participate in the Global Entry Program to allow US citizens fast track entry into Israel. They require special treatments for Jews and the federal government cow-tows.
Laws are written that specifically favor giving Jews Homeland Security Grant funds over any other religious, cultural or political affiliated group.
25th July 2012, 08:10 AM
25 min radio interview with Bollyn, actually he's on first 16 mins, then another guest; anyways, wide exposure:
Video: Bollyn Interview on WBEN (
July 18, 2012
The FREE Group of Western New York has produced an excellent video of the interview with Christopher Bollyn on the Robert Saviola show on WBEN radio. The subject of the interview is Bollyn's 9-11 research and the recently published Solving 9-11 books. The show aired on July 7 and could be heard in the western New York state area of Buffalo, Rochester, Niagara Falls, and as far as Toronto.
Bollyn's free e-book:
The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World (
Readers' Comments on Final Chapters of Solving 9/11 (
The Book in PDF Format (
How to read the book online (
Table of Contents (
Foreword by Glen Stanish (
Preface (
I - 9/11 Through the Eyes of an American Skeptic (
II - The Planes of 9-11 (
III - America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism (
IV - The Terror Drills That Became Real: 9-11, the London Bombings & the Sinking of Estonia (
V - How Did Spy Software Get Onto FAA Computers? (
VI - Who Controls Our Elections? (
VI A - The Florida Connection (
VII - The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11 (
VIII - The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up (
IX - Who Really Controls Our Political Parties? (
X - Who Runs the Obama White House? (
XI - The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street (
XII - The Nexus Linking 9/11 and the Financial Crisis (
XIII - Ptech, 9/11, and the Financial Collapse (
XIV - Game Over: Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Rubble (
XV - The Destruction of the Evidence (
XVI - Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up (
also @ Bollyn's site, opening paragraph by him, then he quotes the recent article by another author:
9-11 Truth-tellers Deserve an Apology (
July 21, 2012
The following paragraphs are extracts from a July 19 article entitled "Conspiracy Theorists Deserve an Apology" by Saman Mohammadi. It is a very clear-minded piece about the importance of 9-11 truth-tellers.
Mohammadi writes that the world should apologize to 9/11 truth-tellers. I would be happy if the world recognized the importance of exposing the 9-11 deception and ending the criminal wars of aggression in the Middle East. It is of the utmost importance and in the vital interest of our nation(s) that we liberate ourselves from the evil deception about 9/11.
Conspiracy Theorists Deserve an Apology (
by Saman Mohammadi
The reason why there is so much hate and scorn for 9/11 truth activists is because they are right and consistent. The destruction of the 9/11 myth and war on terror ideology is unbearable for the children who are emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically attached to the U.S. government and the Israeli government. They are under the delusion that these evil governments actually care about them, their security, and their future.
The mature men and women of America and the West are waking up and confronting the lies of 9/11 and 7/7. And this political awakening is not unique to America and Western civilization. There is a global political and spiritual awakening happening. All totalitarian regimes in the world will fail in hijacking history and they will fall into ruin. The state terrorists in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv have already lost the battle for history and the souls of mankind.
Who is trying to stop World War III and wake the West up from its sleep? Progressives? No. Liberals? No. Conservatives? No. Christians? No. Journalists? No. They all believe in the official 9/11 deception, which is the ideological foundation that justifies USrael's aggressive wars in the Middle East.
9/11 truth-tellers, the "conspiracy theorists," have tried to wake up humanity in order to stop the USraeli government from starting the catastrophe of world war three. And for their efforts they have been slandered and smeared in the press.
But the 9/11 truth movement still continues to grow by the day.
There is a simple reason why the rise of 9/11 truth cannot be contained by the USraeli government, and it is this: the age of slandering and smearing is over. Belittling people by calling them mentally ill conspiracy theorists and truthers is not working anymore. We embrace these terms. We are proud of being called conspiracy theorists because it means we're thinking.
Source: Conspiracy Theorists Deserve An Apology by Saman Mohammadi, July 19, 2012
The Excavator: Conspiracy Theorists Deserve An Apology (
3rd August 2012, 11:07 AM
Iran, al-Qaida, Taliban told to pay $6B for 9/11 (
By ASSOCIATED PRESS | 7/31/12 11:54 AM EDT
NEW YORK (AP) — A federal magistrate judge says al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran should pay $6 billion to relatives of Sept. 11 victims for aiding in the 2001 terror attacks.
The magistrate's recommendation is largely symbolic since it would be nearly impossible to collect any damages.
But plaintiff Ellen Saracini tells the Daily News ( she is happy about Manhattan Federal Magistrate Judge Frank Maas' recommendation Monday. Her husband, Victor, was the captain of one of the planes that struck the World Trade Center.
Last year, Judge George Daniels signed a default judgment on the lawsuit brought by family members of 47 victims. He found al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran liable and asked the magistrate to determine damages.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (ah-muh-DEE'-neh-zhahd) has denied any Iranian connection in the attacks.
4th August 2012, 08:53 AM
But plaintiff Ellen Saracini tells the Daily News ( she is happy about Manhattan Federal Magistrate Judge Frank Maas' recommendation Monday. Her husband, Victor, was the captain of one of the planes that struck the World Trade Center.
Last year, Judge George Daniels signed a default judgment on the lawsuit brought by family members of 47 victims. He found al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran liable and asked the magistrate to determine damages.
this BS judgment tells us more about the NY Jew-dicial system than it does about Iran.
why didn't the "judge" penalize Saudi Arabia ?! they are alleged to have official ties with the official hi-jackers, according to the official conspiracy theory. evidence including financial transfers.
4th August 2012, 09:49 AM
Mobbed-up US “justice” system hands down 9/11 injustice
6th August 2012, 04:35 PM
Iran, al-Qaida, Taliban told to pay $6B for 9/11 (
By ASSOCIATED PRESS | 7/31/12 11:54 AM EDT
NEW YORK (AP) A federal magistrate judge says al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran should pay $6 billion to relatives of Sept. 11 victims for aiding in the 2001 terror attacks.
The magistrate's recommendation is largely symbolic since it would be nearly impossible to collect any damages.
But plaintiff Ellen Saracini tells the Daily News ( she is happy about Manhattan Federal Magistrate Judge Frank Maas' recommendation Monday. Her husband, Victor, was the captain of one of the planes that struck the World Trade Center.
Last year, Judge George Daniels signed a default judgment on the lawsuit brought by family members of 47 victims. He found al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran liable and asked the magistrate to determine damages.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (ah-muh-DEE'-neh-zhahd) has denied any Iranian connection in the attacks.
Would be interesting from a comical point of view, to hear what facts, support an Iranian involvement in the 9/11, according to the judge...
6th September 2012, 02:21 AM
great Chris Bollyn interview, < 1 hour, radio program "Guns & Butter (" with host Bonnie Faulkner.
Bollyn spent significant time in the Mid East, incl in Israel on a kibbutz. His first wife was joosh. 2nd half of show gets into zionism, the different "levels" of it from the top to the pawns.
MP3 10 MBs: Download ( 3)
Bollyn's free e-book: The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World (
6th September 2012, 02:35 AM
13 min video, extracted from a longer radio interview hosted by Mark Dankof,
Published on Sep 2, 2012 by TheEndOfZion (
911 Q&A With Mark Dankof of -- Mark Dankof's America ( and The Ugly Truth Podcast The Ugly Truth (
Taken from the second part of his excellent two part interview with Robert Sungenis regarding Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Based on Sungenis' comprehensive two part review of the book "Solving 911" by Christopher Bollyn found at Christopher Bollyn ( Links to full interviews here:
Part Two:
Mark Dankof’s America July 25 2012 The Ugly Truth (
Part One:
Mark Dankof’s America July 11, 2012 The Ugly Truth (
Robert Sungenis articles found at Culture Wars Magazine and Fidelity Press (
"Israel Did 911 - All The Proof In The World" by ZionCrimeFactory: The Information Underground • View topic - Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD (
The Works and Research of ZionCrimeFactory (
Watch the definitive documentary on 911 here:
9/11 Missing Links (
911 - Israel's Masterpiece:
9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece | Lost Scribe Media (
Complete 911 timeline - Israel:
Complete 911 Timeline: Israel (
^ hadn't seen 9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece | Lost Scribe Media ( before, good one! :)
6th September 2012, 08:17 AM
13 min video, extracted from a longer radio interview hosted by Mark Dankof,
^ hadn't seen 9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece | Lost Scribe Media ( before, good one! :)
Great stuff! Both the Video and the text!
6th September 2012, 06:52 PM
great Chris Bollyn interview, < 1 hour, radio program "Guns & Butter (" with host Bonnie Faulkner.
Bollyn spent significant time in the Mid East, incl in Israel on a kibbutz. His first wife was joosh. 2nd half of show gets into zionism, the different "levels" of it from the top to the pawns.
MP3 10 MBs: Download ( 3)
Bollyn's free e-book: The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World (
Two New Reviews of Solving 9-11
September 1, 2012
An Excellent Book...
By Carol Liane Brouillet (, 9-11 activist, Palo Alto, California, on (, August 29, 2012
Carol Brouillet (center with envelope) leads a protest against the 9-11 cover-up.
Christopher Bollyn has done his homework and then some. He presents a very strong, compelling case for the involvement of the Mossad, Israel, and the neo-cons in the attacks of September 11th. That is an area in which he has a great amount of knowledge and he presents it in a clear, rational way.
I must admit that I do believe that other intelligence agencies also played roles in the attack, including MI6, the CIA, Pakistan's ISI, and the Saudi's intelligence network, but to me it is unclear as to who the principle string puller might be or how many people thought that they were pulling the strings, how many were unknowing patsies to not just the crimes of 9/11, but the crimes that followed, which killed more people, transferred more wealth, than the original crimes.
There is plenty of criminality to identify, as we have witnessed an enormous transference of wealth from the many to the few, a greater concentration of wealth into fewer and fewer hands, and the expansion of the National Security State to the Global Police State. How to undo the damage is the biggest challenge that we have and step one is understanding the size, nature, and shape of the problems we face and that is what Christopher Bollyn has courageously attempted to do in his work. He has supplied a vital piece of the puzzle. I appreciate his work greatly and would recommend it to others.
* * * * *
No More Lies
By P. Grace, Amazon (UK) (, July 24, 2012
Anyone who has seen the `Loose Change' documentary, especially the 2nd edition, will know that 9-11 was an inside job. Indeed, the cover story has more holes in it than a Swiss cheese. The major reason they have gotten away with it for so long is that they control the media. It is this book by the courageous Chris Bollyn, which tells us just who `they' are.
It seems incredible that so many key Israeli assets worked their way into such key positions and took control of key operations to pull off this false flag attack which put the blame on Muslims to justify the Zionist's "War on Terror", which is really a war against Israel's perceived enemies and Islam itself.
I say to Chris Bollyn, well done and don't give up as one day when enough of us know the truth there will be some sort of justice for all those innocents murdered on 9-11.
* * * * *
Comment by DR of London, August 4, 2012
You are absolutely right, P Grace: this is a well-researched and convincing book. As you say, if it were not for the shameful, indeed criminal complicity of the media (including the BBC), 9/11 would have been exposed long ago for the 'false-flag' attack it truly was. Every aspect of the official 9/11 story is shot through with gaping holes.
This book makes out a strong case for who the real culprits were. Osama bin Laden (in a cave in Afghanistan) and 19 young Arabs, who could barely fly even the most basic of aeroplanes, had nothing to do with 9/11. This book deserves a wide readership. It would open many eyes (unless, of course, those eyes are firmly closed by prejudice or extreme naivety). Good review, P Grace - well done!
11th September 2012, 05:18 AM
per Money 4 Nothing ( at ZeroHedge. Good links here:
18 out of the 19 Hi-Jackers that morning were from Saudi Arabia. Army War College already determined The Israeli Intelligence Community of Mosad was behind 9/11. Any other questions? (
Lid blown off 9/11 by Veterans Today. (
Other notable conflicts:
No evidence that a “747 hit the Pentagon” story later disappeared after live coverage.[1].Pentagon.Jamie.Mcintyre.swf ([1].Pentagon.Jamie.Mcintyre.swf) .
Bureau of Transportation Statistics never recorded Flight 77 to be “wheels up” on 2001-9-11. ( It is posted as a “cancelled flight” on the DOT records, all other flights reflect cancelled after 09:25 due to a National no fly zone was declared.
Flight 77 never even took off on the morning of 9/11, confirmed through NTSB and BTS. Just to be perfectly clear, 9/11 was a necessary evil that served many means to an end, just not in the benifit of We the People. 9/11 was NOT an inside job, it was a contracted job.
God Bless all those who lost that fatefull day, were still in the trenches to get justice for your loss.
Building 7 is one of the smoking guns of 9/11. (
If you still deny after that video, you deserve whatever you get for being ignorant or your part of the problem.
11th September 2012, 06:34 AM
per Money 4 Nothing ( at ZeroHedge. Good links here:
18 out of the 19 Hi-Jackers that morning were from Saudi Arabia. Army War College already determined The Israeli Intelligence Community of Mosad was behind 9/11. Any other questions? (
Lid blown off 9/11 by Veterans Today. (
Other notable conflicts:
No evidence that a “747 hit the Pentagon” story later disappeared after live coverage.[1].Pentagon.Jamie.Mcintyre.swf ([1].Pentagon.Jamie.Mcintyre.swf) .
Bureau of Transportation Statistics never recorded Flight 77 to be “wheels up” on 2001-9-11. ( It is posted as a “cancelled flight” on the DOT records, all other flights reflect cancelled after 09:25 due to a National no fly zone was declared.
Flight 77 never even took off on the morning of 9/11, confirmed through NTSB and BTS. Just to be perfectly clear, 9/11 was a necessary evil that served many means to an end, just not in the benifit of We the People. 9/11 was NOT an inside job, it was a contracted job.
God Bless all those who lost that fatefull day, were still in the trenches to get justice for your loss.
Building 7 is one of the smoking guns of 9/11. (
If you still deny after that video, you deserve whatever you get for being ignorant or your part of the problem.
I don't know Mamboni, I don't doubt that building 7 was demolished, but in the comments it said that someone named Edward Currant had made that video by adding in visual and sound effects...
11th September 2012, 06:40 AM
sometimes ya gotta laugh...
11th September 2012, 06:45 AM
I don't know Mamboni, I don't doubt that building 7 was demolished, but in the comments it said that someone named Edward Currant had made that video by adding in visual and sound effects...
He added some annotations to help the viewer - nothing material was changed. The last 20 seconds of the video clearly show demolition charges exploding and windows blown out in WTC 7 in the line of the main structural support collumns - then the building collapses into these exact zones. WTC7 was demolished by controlled demolition without any doubt. Therefore, the entire 9-11 attack required co-conspirators on the ground in NYC who had made preparations days to weeks in advance. Since the official 9-11 commission report does not address this, it is nothing but whitewash and coverup.
11th September 2012, 07:20 AM
He added some annotations to help the viewer - nothing material was changed. The last 20 seconds of the video clearly show demolition charges exploding and windows blown out in WTC 7 in the line of the main structural support collumns - then the building collapses into these exact zones. WTC7 was demolished by controlled demolition without any doubt. Therefore, the entire 9-11 attack required co-conspirators on the ground in NYC who had made preparations days to weeks in advance. Since the official 9-11 commission report does not address this, it is nothing but whitewash and coverup.
I did find another video by the 9/11 'debunker' Edward Current, who show the exact same thing, he used a video and added the sound and light effects. The purpose was to show how easily misled 'truthers' are. I wish I could paste the video but it doesn't work on my iPod...
11th September 2012, 08:53 AM
I did find another video by the 9/11 'debunker' Edward Current, who show the exact same thing, he used a video and added the sound and light effects. The purpose was to show how easily misled 'truthers' are. I wish I could paste the video but it doesn't work on my iPod...
If I am a 9-11 'truther' then Edward Current is a 9-11 'liar.'
11th September 2012, 09:27 AM
If I am a 9-11 'truther' then Edward Current is a 9-11 'liar.'
Yes, don't use his material!
11th September 2012, 07:04 PM
Italian Supreme Court head calls for international 9/11 inquiry Submitted by legalizeliberty ( on Tue, 09/11/2012 ( - 10:33
Fernando Imposimato, the President of the Italian Supreme Court, has raised the call for a criminal investigation of 9/11, comparing the terror attacks to the declassified "false flag" incidents carried out by the CIA in Italy under Operation Gladio.
"The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq," Imposimato declared in a letter published on Monday by the Journal of 9/11 Studies.
As a former state prosecutor, Imposimato has extensive experience investigating high-profile crimes, including the kidnapping and assassination of Italian Prime Minster Aldo Moro and the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. He also worked on the Anti-Mafia commission as a Senator, giving him a wealth of knowledge on the inner workings of organized crime syndicates.
11th September 2012, 07:16 PM
"The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq," Imposimato declared in a letter published on Monday by the Journal of 9/11 Studies.
pretty Limited-Hangout-LIHOPey, :(
11th September 2012, 07:18 PM
pretty Limited-Hangout-LIHOPey, :(
Nothing gets past you Pat. LOL
11th September 2012, 08:24 PM
dees artwork, some podcasts, (
Spingola Speaks 2012.09.11 ( (
Deanna talks about 9/11 and other False Flags for Israel (
Deanna's site (
Deanna's new official chat room (
Download (
Keith Johnson's Revolt of the Plebs Special 9/11 Broadcast Sept. 11, 2012 ( (
On this special 9/11 edition Keith will interview Dr. Ed Kendrick of Rediscover 9/11 ( about who was behind the events of 9/11/2001.
Show-page (
Download (
13th September 2012, 01:45 AM
Keith Johnson's Revolt of the Plebs Special 9/11 Broadcast Sept. 11, 2012 (
On this special 9/11 edition Keith will interview Dr. Ed Kendrick of Rediscover 9/11 ( about who was behind the events of 9/11/2001.
Show-page (
Download (
^ good one there, Dr. Kendrick (a practicing dentist) runs rediscover911, one of the "widely compatible" (as in not conflated with pro-Hitler articles etc causing NOOBs to run like hell) 911 ZIHOP sites.
Another new one here with guest Prothink/Mike Delaney, whose site I wouldn't point a noob to... similar to ZCF, same reasons ^
9/11 Revisited with Special Guest Mike Delaney by the Truth Militia (
On this episode of Truth Militia Radio we revisited the official 9/11 story with special guest Mike Delaney (, the creator of 9/11 Missing Links ( We exposed the event as an inside job perpetrated by Jewish Supremacists and Criminal Zionist elements within the United States Government. Get ready to have your mind blown!
Truth Militia Radio (
Listen (
Download (
22nd September 2012, 10:09 AM
Crypto-zionist Alex Jones canceled followup interview with Steve Pieczenik Tuesday after Pieczenik critized Netanyahu and said israel did 911 on the Sunday radio show:
Fucking Alex Jones is another sellout shabbos goy puppet of the ZOG.
Old Herb Lady
22nd September 2012, 08:23 PM
Wow PC ! Thanks for all your excellent posts as usual !
And crypto-zio Mr Jones needs some herbs for his horrible raspy voice these days that seems to just get worse.
Then he could be a smoooth talkin crypto-zio schmuck !
22nd September 2012, 08:25 PM
Wow PC ! Thanks for all your excellent posts as usual !
And crypto-zio Mr Jones needs some herbs for his horrible raspy voice these days that seems to just get worse.
Then he could be a smooth talkin crypto-zio schmuck !
Agreed - we are very fortunate to have PatColo contributing to this forum - his posts are a wealth of information that few have privy to. We are blessed.
As for Jones - maybe some hemlock would help?
23rd September 2012, 05:23 AM
Agreed - we are very fortunate to have PatColo contributing to this forum - his posts are a wealth of information that few have privy to. We are blessed.
As for Jones - maybe some hemlock would help?
Hahaha, that would certainly cure his raspy zio-voice, in the right dosage, and it is all natural!
Old Herb Lady
23rd September 2012, 05:31 AM
I didn't want to kill him, I was trying to help him so he would be less annoying to those who listen to him, silly people !
23rd September 2012, 06:08 AM
I didn't want to kill him, I was trying to help him so he would be less annoying to those who listen to him, silly people !
A couple of handfuls of bitter almonds then?
26th September 2012, 06:55 AM
U.S. Presidential Candidate "Israel did 9/11"!
Thanks to Large Sarge for the link!
Large Sarge
26th September 2012, 10:20 AM
27th September 2012, 05:14 AM
Crypto-zionist Alex Jones canceled followup interview with Steve Pieczenik Tuesday after Pieczenik critized Netanyahu and said israel did 911 on the Sunday radio show:
Fucking Alex Jones is another sellout shabbos goy puppet of the ZOG.
I notice that AJ/Pieczenik interview wasn't posted in this thread (for posterity of course! :D). Here's a dedicated thread about it,
Thread: Israel to start WW3 on Yom Kippur (next week) (
fascinating AJ cancelled the followup interview the following Tuesday, that ^ Sunday interview quickly went viral, a followup would've got big ratings, but NOOOOOO! ( ( (
27th September 2012, 05:22 AM
Nice photos of Jones Pat!!!! So true! So true! LOL
Yep, Alex Jones is a limited-hangout stooge of ZOG. The only guys who I believe are truly independent in their analysis are Jim Willie, Gerald Celente, David Duke and Dr. Alan Sabrosky, to name the ones that come to mind.
Old Herb Lady
27th September 2012, 05:35 AM
Bwahhahahahaaha !!!! LMAO ! Thanks PC !!!
27th September 2012, 05:39 AM
Nice photos of Jones Pat!!!! So true! So true! LOL
Yep, Alex Jones is a limited-hangout stooge of ZOG. The only guys who I believe are truly independent in their analysis are Jim Willie, Gerald Celente, David Duke and Dr. Alan Sabrosky, to name the ones that come to mind.
you should listen to the patriot radio news hour. hands down the best 2 guys out there.
27th September 2012, 06:33 AM
there's more funny AJ pics & vids at zioncrimefactory ( he really hates AJ!
Mambo, I've repeatedly been annoyed by DDuke's playing coy on 911. His most recent interview in fact, is with that prez candidate who says izzy did 911, and without re-listening, it seems Duke doesn't touch it...
David Duke Show 2012.09.26 ( I don't think I've ever heard address 911, much less who dunnit. Jim Willie similar story, though I know he don't like izzy.
27th September 2012, 06:41 AM
there's more funny AJ pics & vids at zioncrimefactory ( he really hates AJ!
Mambo, I've repeatedly been annoyed by DDuke's playing coy on 911. His most recent interview in fact, is with that prez candidate who says izzy did 911, and without re-listening, it seems Duke doesn't touch it...
David Duke Show 2012.09.26 (
Celente I don't think I've ever heard address 911, much less who dunnit. Jim Willie similar story, though I know he don't like izzy.
Actually you're right: Duke and Celente generally don't go near 9/11 and Izzy. But Willie has intimated that Izzy did 9/11 and also stole the US gold on numerous occasions in his private newsletters. He is no lover of the bagel eaters.
Old Herb Lady
27th September 2012, 09:55 AM
Hey Pat, remember this gem ! ? " Let's have big parteeee" ;D
"in my country there is problem"........
28th September 2012, 01:26 AM
Good Charles Giuliani show today, funny actually, he rants & cusses about djooz & 911, esp re the vans w/explosives. 90 mins comm-free. Blogger's description is facetious:
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.09.27 ( (
A retrospective of 9/11 mostly focusing on the white vans as described by Charles with his usual lack of stamina and soft-spoken voice. Soporific too is the second part of the show when Charles explicates part two of his notes on Sharia and Noachide law. lol
Archive (
Show Notes (
64k CF Download (
^ Charles G also rants for awhile at the beginning about this vid:
Jewish Rabbi Openly Threatens To Kill Us For Learning About The Conspiracy . (
Published on Jul 9, 2012 by JEWSCONTROLMEDIA911 (
At about :43 he starts pontificating about how jews can't actually do anything bad because of the "holocaust" ( watch my video by David Cole for more on the holocaust, or google Ernst Zundel ) Then he just openly threatens whites with murder if they try to expose the jews crimes in any numbers. He even admits that jews kill muslims and jihadists yearly in the hundreds( of course its probably more ). Oh and he says that he is a poor jew from farminton hills michigan ?! Thats in one of the richest counties in the world !!
also check the uploader's other vids: JEWSCONTROLMEDIA911 (
28th September 2012, 06:44 AM
Thanks PatColo!
Keep'm coming!!! The koshanostra shudders and shakes at the mention of your name!!!
28th September 2012, 07:20 AM
the whole Carl Cameron/FOX News Israeli spying report, I guess it doesn't tend to last long on jootube. 19 mins:
Fox 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report
4th October 2012, 04:25 AM
Bollyn mainstream radio appearance, just noticed, haven't listened yet, description says they talk possible FF attack scenarios for iran war. It's 2 hours with full comm breaks & news, so you'll need to advance often.
Today - Bollyn on K-TALK (
October 1, 2012
I was on the Jack Stockwell radio show on K-TALK of Salt Lake City (KTKK-630 AM) on Monday, October 1. The show aired from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (Mountain Time). The host of the show was Dale Williams. The two-hour show is already archived and can be downloaded at: (
We discussed 9-11 and the prospects of another Israeli-engineered false-flag event to start a war with Iran.
Americans should realize that Bibi Netanyahu of Israel, who is pushing for war against Iran, is one of the chief architects of the false-flag terrorism of 9-11. As I wrote in "Solving 9-11 to End the Zionist War Plan for Iran," ( we need to understand the Israeli role in 9-11 to prevent them from taking us into another disastrous war.
7th October 2012, 01:37 PM
it's that mythical "SIX" number ( again! ;)
US court orders Iran, others to pay $6 b for 9/11 terror attack ( PTI Share Comment ( (3) print ( T+ (**** T- (
New York, Oct 4:
A US judge has formally ordered Iran, al-Qaeda and several other defendants to pay $6-billion compensation to the victims of September 11, 2001, in a largely symbolic ruling.
Although Iran denies any connection to 9/11, it was included in the list of alleged culprits by the US District Court in New York, along with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Afghanistans Taliban guerrillas and al-Qaeda, which took credit for the massive terror attack.
9th October 2012, 02:32 AM
Israel Seeks War on Iran to Keep Lid on 9/11, by Kevin Barrett (
Posted on September 24, 2012 ( by Montecristo (
Pictures and captions by Lasha Darkmoon (
This is good for Israel . . . !
Almost every politically-aware person on the planet is puzzled by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahus bizarre obsession with Iran. Netanyahu is risking his political career, his reputation, and Israels future by intervening in the US presidential elections.
He is using all of Zionisms considerable might including organized crime assets like Las Vegas Godfather Sheldon Adelson to force Obama to attack Iran; or, failing that, to make sure that Obama is defeated by the Zionist puppet Romney. There are even rumors of Israeli-sponsored assassination attempts on Obama.
Even the rabidly pro-Zionist Jewish Daily Forward has editorialized:
Its difficult to recall a time when an Israeli prime minister has inserted himself into a presidential election campaign in the way that Benjamin Netanyahu has. Its even harder to recall a time when a trusted ally openly urged the American president to undertake a questionable, unpopular and highly risky war. We sure hope Netanyahu knows what hes doing, because the stakes for him and for the two nations he professes to care about the most could not be higher.
The Jewish Daily Forward has good reasons to wonder whether Netanyahu knows what hes doing. The editorialist cites polls showing that the American people strongly oppose attacking Iran, even if war breaks out between Iran and Israel and only US intervention could save Israel! These polls show that American voters no longer give a damn whether Israel, which has chosen to live by the sword, finally dies by the sword. As Dave Lindorff observes, Netanyahus mad obsession with pushing the US into yet another unwanted war for Israel may have fundamentally undermined the long-standing special relationship between the US and Israel.
And still Netanyahu continues on this seemingly suicidal course. He even orders the Mossad and its CIA assets including Gladio veteran Terry Jones to unleash a rabidly anti-Islam film, spammed into the faces of every Muslim on the planet via millions of dollars of computer server time and intelligence agency expertise an obvious attempt to fan the flames of Islamophobia and pave the way to a US war on Iran for Israel. Obama, who is on record saying he hates Netanyahu and that Netanyahu is a liar, and who knows that Netanyahu manufactured the Innocence of Muslims crisis to try to get Romney elected, responded by refusing to meet with Netanyahu in New York, and going on the David Letterman Show instead. A more blatant snub could hardly be imagined. (
So, what in the world is Netanyahu really up to? Does he actually believe that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, even though the CIA has certified that it does not?
Of course, he doesnt really believe such nonsense. Even hard-line Israeli strategists admit that Iran appears to be only developing nuclear expertise, not actual weapons. Furthermore, Iran has not attacked another nation in centuries.
Since the nuclear crisis is a hoax (like alleged Iraqi WMD in 2003), then what is the real reason for Netanyahus Iran obsession? Is it the Iranian governments support for anti-Zionist resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and its calls for an end to Zionism through free and fair elections?
Perhaps. Irans open commitment to principled anti-Zionism represents the nearly unanimous position of the people of the Middle East, who have never accepted the genocidal Zionist entity as a legitimate state. Israel has been able to bully every other government in the region into shameful silence. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not be silenced. Threats to level Iran with bombs seeks to send a message to future Middle Eastern governments: Do not give a voice to your peoples resistance to Zionism, or else!
But while starting a war might seek to punish Iran for its anti-Zionism, such a war would carry terrible risks for Israel. In the impossible event that all goes well for Israel on the battlefield, the suffering of the people of Iran would probably shame the world into turning against Zionism even more sharply than the world turned against apartheid in the 1980s.
But there is no guarantee that things would go well for Israel on the battlefield. Iran has the capability to riddle Israel with rocket attacks, or even to take out Israels Dimona nuclear facility and perhaps render Israel and much of the surrounding region permanently uninhabitable. And Israel does not have the capability to seriously damage Irans nuclear energy program without US help. If the US intervened on the side of Israel, Iran could shut the Straits of Hormuz, and possibly sink many, if not all, of the ships there with Sunburn missiles, driving gasoline prices over USD 10 a gallon and paralyzing the world economy.
Additionally, Iran has the capability to massively attack the US bases that surround it, killing thousands, if not tens of thousands, of US soldiers. A US president, especially one who dislikes Netanyahu and puts Americas interests ahead of Israels, would be very unlikely to help Netanyahu attack Iran. ( these 45 American bases threaten Iran, Iran nevertheless has the ability to destroy each of these bases with its long-range missiles, inflicting death on tens of thousands of American soldiers. Iranian anti-ship missiles (like the deadly Sunburns) can easily sink Americas huge aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, drowning 7000 marines on board each ship. (LD)
__________________________________________________ ____________
The entire lake will become a killing fieldthe Gulf will run red with American blood ( Military specialist Mark Gaffney.
__________________________________________________ ____________
Given that a war on Iran is an all-loss proposition for Israel, why is Netanyahu fanatically fanning the flames of war, to the extent that even his American Zionist cheering section is baffled and embarrassed by his behavior?
Some question Netanyahus intelligence, arguing that he is just a furniture salesman who has been promoted far beyond his level of competence. While there may be some truth to this I certainly wouldnt want to overestimate Netanyahus intelligence I dont think hes quite that stupid. I think Netanyahu has a very good reason to prefer war with Iran, despite all its risks, to peace. I think he does know what hes doing.
Netanyahu needs the 9/11-triggered 100-years-war on Islam to continue for the very good reason that if it does not, the State of Emergency still in place in the US will be lifted, and Americans, unencumbered by the National Security restrictions of wartime, will quickly learn what really happened on September 11th, 2001. That possibility poses a very real existential threat to Israel and to Netanyahu.
As Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, told Press TV: I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth.
And even if Israel were scrubbed off the earth peacefully through a one-state solution, Netanyahu would certainly hang for his role in the 9/11 attacks. (
Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7
Posted in Other Writers ( | 137 Comments (
9th October 2012, 02:12 PM
to Israel - "There you go again".
Israel blaming the Iranians for their own dirty work.
sort of like the attack on the King David Hotel in 1946.
x 1 Million.
i would say they have a for-sure recipe for a false-flag attack/ basically a way to sell a war to the American Public.
3 carrier groups 50 miles off the Iranian coast - what could possibly go wrong.
it's like a stage, set up so some Israeli-controlled "bad actors" can stir the sh.t.
24th October 2012, 12:06 AM
Monday, October 22, 2012
Exclusive! Larry Silverstein explains why United Airlines should be held liable for 9/11 ( knl8spg1HgAMzpA1gPWk-jmnItz ( knl8spg1HgAMzpA1gPWk-jmnItz)
Larry Silverstein - the reputed organized crime kingpin who gallantly relieved New York City of its asbestos-riddled, money-hemorrhaging World Trade Center ( - has been collecting billions in insurance money. His current lawsuit targets United Airlines:
World Trade Center Property Owner Claims United Airlines is Liable for 9/11 Terrorist Attacks (
According to the above Travelers Today news report, Silverstein "feels that both airlines should be held liable for the loss of property and business."
Silverstein "feels"? The reptile-faced capo actually has feelings?! In order to get to the bottom of the mystery of what exactly could be going on in the mind of Larry Silverstein, repeat winner of the All-Time Award for Chutzpah (, I sat down for an exclusive interview with "Mr. Pull-It (" The interview was conducted at Silverstein's new luxury condo, beautifully situated overlooking the blazing beach of the Ocean of Everlasting Fire in the Seventh Circle of Hell, where Silverstein plans to retire and spend the rest of eternity after his execution.
So Larry, you certainly have a lovely view here.
Yes, the big boss downstairs had it built specially for me. After I retire as a mass murderer, crimes against humanity specialist, and insurance fraudster, I look forward to a nice, long, eternal retirement, sizzling on the blazing beach, swimming in the boiling ocean of fire, and being endlessly ripped apart by the sharks of everlasting justice.
Cool. So tell me, why do you "feel the airlines should be held liable" for destroying those asbestos-riddled buildings ( you demolished on 9/11?
It beats blaming Greyhound or Amtrak, doesn't it?
Not really. The videos purporting to show passenger airliners hitting the Towers are a joke. They show "Flight 175" going almost 600 miles per hour! A Boeing airliner near sea level couldn't possibly go that fast, much less fly accurately. ('s just as absurd to say that those videos show a 757 piloted by hijackers as to say they show a Greyhound bus or an Amtrak train.
So what does that say about the airlines?
That they're innocent, because there were no hijackings on 9/11? (
Wrong. It shows that they are guiltyof criminal stupidity! Any moron with two functioning synapses and eyes can see that my terminally-asbestos-infected skyscrapers were blown up (, not knocked down by planes. And yet the airlines pretend to agree with me that their two planes knocked down my three buildings. That level of idiocy and cowardice is off-the-charts. Paying me billions of dollars is a very small penalty, compared to what they deserve.
I see your point. But the news story says you "believe that because of a poor security system, hijackers Mohammed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari were easily able to board the plane that was used in the attack." You've already admitted explosives, not planes, destroyed the World Trade Center. So what makes you believe that Atta boarded a 767 in Boston? How did he call his father from Canada on September 12th ( Why did ten of the alleged nineteen hijackers turn up alive after 9/11, as confirmed by scholarly research published by Europe's leading academic press ( Why are there no actual, numbered, correctly-dated security videos showing any Arab hijackers boarding any of the alleged attack planes? Why have we heard no testimony from any airline employee who would have ticketed and boarded them? Why have the actual ticket stubs, required by law to be saved, never been produced? Why are there no Arab names on any of the absurdly-short, mutually-contradictory unofficial passenger lists? Why was there never an official passenger list for any of the four planes? Why have all the non-Arab passengers allegedly been identified by DNA evidence, yet the US government has refused requests by the alleged hijackers' relatives to do similar tests to identify the alleged hijackers? Why are so many of the names on those passenger lists people who work in highly-classified military research, including developing remote-hijacking devices? Why were two of the planes not even scheduled to fly on 9/11, while the other two were flying around long after they'd crashed, and only de-registered by the FAA many years later?
That's why the news story says I BELIEVE the official nonsense. "Belief" does not have to entail supporting evidence. People believe all sorts of crazy things in the absence of evidence. One of the greatest Christian theologians even said: "I believe because it is absurd." Why shouldn't I affirm my belief in something absurd, just like everybody else only more so?
The Travelers Today news story says: "Atta and al Omari boarded the American Airlines flight that was headed to Boston at Portland International Jetport. The plane never made it to Boston and was used as a weapon to take down the World Trade Center." In other words, it says a small commuter plane hit the North Tower. Yet the actual official story claims that Atta took a small commuter plane from Portland to Boston, changed planes in Boston, and flew Flight 11, a 767 not a commuter plane, into the World Trade Center. Did Travelers Today screw up, or has 9/11 scriptwriter Philip Zelikow ( yet another change in the official story?
You'll have to ask Zelikow. I'm just a producer. He's the scriptwriter. And don't get me started about Zelikow. Zelikow never tells me anything. He never told me the cover story for Building 7. So I had to ad lib about "how there's been such a terrible loss of life, maybe the best thing to do is pull it." That one didn't go over too well. But it's Zelikow's fault - he's the scriptwriter, and he didn't give me my lines in time.
Well, something obviously went wrong with WTC-7; blowing it up in full view of the world at 5:20 in the afternoon was not part of the script. You should have been able to ad lib a better excuse than "we decided to demolish it to save lives," especially since nobody had been inside WTC-7 since around 11 a.m.
Listen, smarty-pants, if you think you can do better at illegal demolition, mass murder, and multi-billion-dollar insurance fraud, you just go right ahead! Historically unprecedented crimes against humanity are not as easy as some people seem to think. You kibbitzers have all the answers: "Larry's an idiot, he confessed to demolishing 7 on national TV." Well, what would YOU have said? We have to blow up a goddamned 47-story building in plain sight, the most obvious, perfectly symmetrical, free-fall-speed controlled demolition in history (, crimp at the top, countdown goes out over police radio, the workswhat am I supposed to say, that it just fell down because of a couple of tiny office fires? It just committed suicide for no reason? How the hell am I supposed to know that they're going to choose such a ridiculous alibi? "It just fell down from tiny office fires." What a goddamned joke! That's only about a million times stupider than saying Elvis blew it up from outer space. Zelikow thinks he's such a genius, but he's the biggest goddamned idiot I ever met in my life. He couldn't cover up a fucking teacup with a tablecloth.
The article says: "Silverstein has already received damages from his insurer, but he is looking for more. The hearing of his case was on Thursday and focused on the destruction of 7 World Trade Center which also collapsed after the attacks, according to Reuters." How can you be asking for billions of dollars in insurance money from the airlines for the destruction of Building 7, when not only was Building 7 never hit by a plane, but you've actually confessed on national television to blowing it up yourself? (
I told you earlier: Since the airlines are going along with the "blame the planes" ruse, they are guilty of terminal stupidity, cowardice, and complicity in crimes against humanity. Every executive from those airlines, and every one of those lawyers, deserves to be right up there on the scaffold next to me. When my close mafia associate Judge Hellerstein ( them to pay me billions of dollars, they'll be getting off lightly.
Maybe so, but you'll be getting off a lot more lightly. At least for awhile.
Well, they didn't name the chutzpah award ( after me for nothing. Listen, I have to get going - I used my first round of WTC insurance money to buy the Sears Tower, and we're setting up some "eye-rainian" mini-nukes there, if you catch my drift.
Okay, thank you, Larry Silverstein. Here on Truth Jihad Radio we do appreciate people telling the truth boldly and frankly, like you did when you confessed to demolishing Building 7. I'm glad you're still speaking as boldly and frankly as ever.
Happy to have gotten away with it.
That was Larry Silverstein, all-time Chutzpah Award winner, self-confessed demolisher of World Trade Center Building 7, insurance fraud criminal, and conspirator in crimes against humanity, "telling it like it is" right here on Truth Jihad Radio (
Posted by Kevin Barrett ( at 2:59 PM 6 comments: ( (
Labels: american airlines (, Building 7 (, chutzpah (, controlled demolition (, insurance fraud (, interview (, Larry Silverstein (, united airlines (, World Trade Center (, WTC-7 (
18th November 2012, 06:11 PM
9/11 TRUTH: Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS OUT on Israeli Involvement (MUST WATCH)
6th December 2012, 08:15 PM
good Kevin Barrett interview of Chris Bollyn (& Duffster 2nd hour)
Truth Jihad Radio with Kevin Barrett 2012.12.05 ( (
First hour: Christopher Bollyn (, author of Solving 9/11 ( - the most comprehensive book on Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. I cited his article How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11 ( Press TV last week ( - and watched Zionist flack Kenneth Katzman go into full meltdown mode, demanding that I be taken "off the air entirely, from any show anywhere in the world ("
Second hour: Gordon Duff ( of Veterans Today has breaking news: The UK Ambassador is threatening to cut off diplomatic relations with Israel, due to the latest settlement-expansion outrage! Check out his article on the Israeli "World War III bunker" your US tax dollars are paying for ( ominously named "site 911."
Kevin's blog (
Bollyn hour 32k CF Download ( 3)
Duff clip Download (
9th December 2012, 07:20 AM
Press TV: Kevin Barrett says Ehud Barak master strategist behind 9/11, Jew rat soils his kosher diaper (
Posted on December 8, 2012 (
Kevin Barrett: Ehud Barak masterminded 9/11
Watch the full interview here!
2nd January 2013, 05:54 AM ( (
Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9/11 When Will Zion Pay For This Evil Crime? (
Published on Dec 21, 2012
Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad Front Company caught on 9/11 recording/celebrating the plane impacts, trying to drive a truck bomb onto the GW Bridge, and caught exploding another truck on King St.
Official FBI documents on Urban Moving Systems and Israeli Mossad involvement in 911:
Lest We ForgetPolice Report of the Israeli Mossad Officers Arrested on 9/11 ( (
8th January 2013, 12:49 AM
The Wise Old Man Tells American Muslims: "Man Up!"
Zan Overall ( videos (
317 219 views 21 2
Published on Jan 6, 2013
The Wise Old Man visits a couple of protests on behalf of Muslims with his signs and tries to lead the way for the timid American Muslims in pointing out Israel's role in helping our government in 9/11.
9th January 2013, 05:25 AM
few Bollyn 911 articles from the recent several months, at their permanent links,
Tracking the 9-11 Insiders to their Rothschild Roots (
The Smoking Gun of 9-11 (
Our Deviant Republic & the 9-11 Cover-Up (
The Molten Metal and Nano-Thermite of 9-11 (
How Hollywood Turns Truth into Conspiracy Theory (
Bollyn on "The Smoking Gun of 9-11" with Kevin Barrett (
9-11: 11 Years After (
Israeli Lobbyist Confirms 9-11 Conspiracy Theories (
9-11 and the Politics of War (
Citizen Asks Congressman to Review Solving 9-11 (
Bollyn on WKNH in New Hampshire (
Bollyn on K-TALK (
The U.S. Marine Who Spoke Out about 9-11 (
Two New Reviews of Solving 9-11 (
Twin Failures of the Department of Justice: 9-11 and the Trillion Dollar Bailout (
Widow's Motion Exposes 9-11 Judge's Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS (
Menachem Korn on Chamish Review of Solving 9-11 (
9-11 Q&A (
The Criminal Justice System and 9-11 (
Kevin Barrett: "Chamish Admits Bollyn is Right" (
9-11 Truth-tellers Deserve an Apology (
9-11: Only 1-in-10 Believes Official Story (
9-11 Defendant's Ties to Judge Ignored by U.S. Court of Appeals (
Mitt Romney and the 9-11 Cover-Up (
Bollyn on Pacifica Radio (
9-11 - Can Americans Escape the Deception? (
Video: Pilots Agree - Flight 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon (
Video: Bollyn Interview on WBEN (
Architects of 9-11 Terrorism Consolidate Political Power in Israel (
9th January 2013, 04:03 PM
Has this site been posted to the thread? I stumbled upon it while looking for izzy's involvement in the Cole bombing. Basically firing a missile.
i think the above is gsus safe.
10th February 2013, 05:58 PM
CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!
10th February 2013, 06:29 PM
CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!
She states that 4 or 5 are responsible, and that it is pointless to go searching for them.
I would just look to who gave the orders to clean up before the dust settled.
23rd February 2013, 06:02 PM
Daryl Bradford Smith's The French Connection podcast Feb. 15, 2013 ( (
Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Dr. Alan Sabrosky.
The French Connection (
Daryl's Book List (
Hagel in the Dock: AIPAC Dog Bites Man (
Download MP3 (;56;06.mp3)
2nd March 2013, 04:17 AM
Israeli Parents Dress Their Children as Twin Towers for Purim (
Submitted by gretavo on Wed, 2013-02-27 15:22. Kid's Purim Costume Idea: The Burning Twin Towers? Seven-year-old twins premiere their homemade costumes in Israel By: Ashley Baylen (
Published: February 22nd, 2013 in Culture ( Society ( News (
Purim has begun, and just like with Halloween, children
around the world are proudly parading around in their inventive costumes. This
is one of the best times of year for our youngins- dressing up, going to
parties, playing with friends, and playing make-believe but what about the
poor kids that are used as models for their parents distasteful creative
Enter Ilay and Nehaoray, seven-year-old twins from Israel
whose parents playfully decided to dress their children up in famous twin costumes: the
Twin Towers. Not only are the kids dressed as the famous New York City
buildings, they are fashioning the structures while on fire with the planes sticking
out of the side right near the childrens eye holes.
Popular news website Ynet originally posted the image, with
the headline Twin Towers and other costumes this Purim. After several
commenters remarked about how the title was almost as distasteful as the
costume itself, the publication chose to remove it. (
2nd March 2013, 07:00 AM
Re ^, by KBarrett posted @ PressTV:
Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday ( Israeli children dress up as the burning Twin Towers complete with impaled exploding airplanes to celebrate the Jewish holiday known as Purim. By Dr. Kevin Barrett
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.
Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed enemies of the Jews.
9th March 2013, 06:25 AM
Masters of Deception By Zander C. Fuerza Now Available (
Posted on March 6, 2013 ( by Zander C. Fuerza (
As a gesture of goodwill to my supporters, I am making my book available for download. It is 212 pages and contains many illustrations. Entitled Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax, this book covers all of the stops concerning Israeli/Mossad involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, documenting a Jewish-Zionist conspiracy behind 9/11, the subsequent wars in the Middle East, the War on Terror hoax and other Orwellian plots against humanity.
Download it here (
I do not intend to pursue this subject, or this cause, any further. The reasons for my departure are clear enough to anyone who has read the previous posts on this blog. I am content that I have left a body of work behind that will wake up future generations to the truth, and I therefore feel that my services are no longer needed in this area. Perhaps others who have been inspired by my work can pick up where I left off.
Thank you and farewell.
- Zander C. Fuerza
14th March 2013, 12:50 AM
Mobbed-up US justice system hands down 9/11 injustice
I went back to find that^ Barrett article and it'd been wiped from that link. Still @ VT:
also find this from Barrett @ VT, re the SCOTUS' recent rejection of 911 widow Ellen Mariani's case:
Monday, February 25th, 2013 | Posted by Kevin Barrett (
Supreme Court justice is blind to Ellen Mariani petition Share on facebook ( on twitter ( on email ( on pinterest_share ( Sharing Services ( (
by Kevin Barrett (
Poet/journalist Jerry Mazza has followed up on my article US Supreme Court slams door in 9/11 widows face ( with a more detailed piece, reprinted below. Jerry will be my radio guest today, Tuesday, February 26th, noon to 1 pm Eastern, on (; the archive will be posted shortly afterwards here (
this one's good, 35 secs:
23rd March 2013, 10:27 AM
Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad March 19, 2013 (
Does the 9/11 truth community now accept Israel's key role in 9/11? Let's ask Ken Jenkins. ( (
Ken Jenkins thinks the majority of the 9/11 truth movement now accepts that Israel was deeply involved in 9/11. According to Ken, even 911blogger, long considered the last redoubt of "Zionists for 9/11 truth," is finally allowing discussion of this topic!
We'll also discuss various 9/11-relevant films, including Argo (, The Gatekeepers (, the new Oliver Stone history series on Showtime (, and the Cheney documentary now airing on Showtime (
***Listen to show at No Lies Radio*** (
18th May 2013, 11:02 PM
Saturday, May 18th, 2013 | Posted by Jim Fetzer (
9/11 Widow & Lawyer sanctioned by Corrupt Zionist Judge (
9/11 Widow & lawyer sanctioned for motions which reflect anti-Semitism in a raw and ugly form.
By Martin Hill ( (
Ellen with Louis prior to 9/11
A federal court in New York has sanctioned the widow of a 9/11 victim as well as her attorney, for filing a series of offensive insinuations, unmistakably anti-Semitic. California Attorney Bruce Leichty and Appellant Ellen Mariani were both chided and fined by the court in an 11-page decision dated May 15th. The case, Ransmeier v. UAL Corporation, et al., was heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. We conclude that Appellant and her attorneys conduct in prosecuting this appeal was frivolous and offensive, the court proclaimed, and therefore warrants the imposition of sanctions.
Our October 2012 run-down 9/11 Widow Faces Sanctions For Objecting To Judges Israeli Ties ( raeli_ties.html) was dubbed an excellent article ( by the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund ( and explains how the 9/11 widow and her lawyer were threatened with sanctions for deeply troubling personal slurs against U.S. District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein. [Editor's note: It is republished below.]
The courts decison filed Wednesday chides Leichty for making personal slurs against Judge Hellerstein and his family and alleges In fact, on closer observation, Leichtys real argument is that Judge Hellerstein cannot be impartial because he is Jewish.
10th September 2013, 07:24 AM
This guy at seems to be a careful researcher:
9-11 was an attack by the Jewish Mob (
September 10, 2013 - 1 Comment ( 9-11 was an attack by the Jewish Mob It was hostile criminal elements from the Jewish mob which were behind 9-11. Not just behind it, they did it. Then, these wicked ones blamed it on others, specifically 19 Arabs and []
Also, RT clip fingering izzy for 911,
Russia Today News Declares 9/11 An Inside Job False Flag Attack (
10th September 2013, 09:46 AM
Many thanks and heartfelt gratitude to PatColo for keeping this thread alive and vital! PatColo, you are a personal hero of mine, and I am a very picky hero worshipper!
10th September 2013, 09:51 AM
Saturday, May 18th, 2013 | Posted by Jim Fetzer (
9/11 Widow & Lawyer sanctioned by Corrupt Zionist Judge (
9/11 Widow & lawyer sanctioned for motions which “reflect anti-Semitism in a raw and ugly form.”
By Martin Hill ( (
Ellen with Louis prior to 9/11
A federal court in New York has sanctioned the widow of a 9/11 victim as well as her attorney, for filing “a series of offensive insinuations, unmistakably anti-Semitic.” California Attorney Bruce Leichty and Appellant Ellen Mariani were both chided and fined by the court in an 11-page decision dated May 15th. The case, Ransmeier v. UAL Corporation, et al., was heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. “We conclude that Appellant and her attorney’s conduct in prosecuting this appeal was frivolous and offensive,” the court proclaimed, “and therefore warrants the imposition of sanctions.”
Our October 2012 run-down ‘9/11 Widow Faces Sanctions For Objecting To Judges Israeli Ties ( raeli_ties.html)‘ was dubbed an “excellent article” ( by the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund ( and explains how the 9/11 widow and her lawyer were threatened with sanctions for “deeply troubling personal slurs” against U.S. District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein. [Editor's note: It is republished below.]
The court’s decison filed Wednesday chides Leichty for making “personal slurs against Judge Hellerstein and his family” and alleges “In fact, on closer observation, Leichty’s real argument is that Judge Hellerstein cannot be impartial because he is Jewish.”
This 'anti-semitism' shibboleth must be debunked and destroyed. I educate everyone I know about the Khazars. Isn't it ironic that Israel and AIPAC psuh for war on Syria when the Syrians are true semites with blood lines going back to biblical days; while Israel is run by turkic Khazars devoid of a drop of semitic blood.
11th September 2013, 05:36 PM
“Was 9/11 an Inside Job, or a Mossad Job?”Laurent Guyenot July 16, 2013 23 ( (
The role of the Israeli Deep State in the Sept. 11th terror attacks, which have laid the foundation for the 21st century on the biggest lie in human history, is surrounded by a taboo even within the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement. Most activists groups remain focused on the slogan “9/11 was an Inside Job”, and keep their eyes “wide shut” on the evidence incriminating the secret services of the Jewish State. Laurent Guynot reviews the key evidence, and questions the process of denial.
by Laurent Guynot ( the role of Israel and its powerful lobby in the recent destabilization of the Middle-East becomes clearer, the idea that a gang of Israeli likudniks, helped by their moles in the U.S. administration, are responsible for the false flag 9/11 attacks, is gaining ground. Francesco Cossiga, President of Italy between 1985 and 1992, said in 2007 to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, that it was well known in informed circles in America and Europe that the September 11th attack “was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world in order to blame the Arab countries, and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan”[1] ( Alan Sabrosky, a professor at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Military Academy, published in July 2012 an article entitled “Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake”, where he explained his conviction that September 11th was “a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation” carried out with the complicity of the U.S. government, in order to lead the United States into a “war of civilizations” against the enemies of Israel — which is to say, against the Arab-Muslim world as a whole[2] ( ([Those who dare raise suspicions about Israel’s involvement in 9/11 are quickly marginalized as outcasts, as Thierry Meyssan has experienced after his groundbreaking work in exposing The Big Lie less than a year after the event.]
Suspicion of Mossad guilt does not stem only from the reputation of the world’s most powerful secret service, which a report of the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), quoted by the Washington Times, September 10th, 2001, described as “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act”[3] ( The Mossad involvement, together with other Israeli elite units, can be demonstrated by several little known facts. These facts have been compiled by Justin Raimondo, editorial director of, in The Terror Enigma: 9/11 and the Israeli Connection, 2003[4] (, and by Christopher Bollyn in more than a hundred articles, synthesized in Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World (2012)[5] (, but they have received little attention in most 9/11 Truth investigative books and websites.
lots more at:
12th September 2013, 12:03 AM
“It’s the usury, stupid!” — Understanding the Modern Money Con ( (
As I was in New York City on 9-11-01, lived through the trauma of that event and its aftermath, and later learned that it was perpetrated by Mossad in tandem with a domestic bunch of zionist dickhead traitorous scumbags (Cheney et. al.), I would like to commemorate the 12th anniversary of that event by dealing the elite money power – which plans, funds, and executes all such false-flag, black magic events – a good, hard kick in the nuts.
Read more here (
12th September 2013, 02:40 AM
911 No More Gentile Memory Hole ( ( videos (
125 views 12 0
Published on Sep 11, 2013
NEVER FORGET: A commentary mostly for jewbies, but crusty doyens may also need to Remember the Criminal Syndicate Behind the Many Goyim Holocausts.
This vid maker ^, "Orwell's Daughter", did a terrific interview with Carolyn Yeager a year ago:
Good 2 hour podcast here, with 2 truther-women! Guest "Orwell's Daughter" was a sheeple until '08, when her home value & retirement account both cratered, and that's when she began her journey down the rabbit hole, and (mostly youtube) activism.
In Praise of White Women (
Published on September 22, 2012 ( by Carolyn ( in Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager (
Sept. 22, 2012 ( Orwell is a video-maker whose work ( exhibits a fierceness (, a boldness (, along with a very personal tone. She approaches what she does as the scientist she is. Marina tells of how she woke up, the books that helped her, and what her very first videos were about. Other highlights include:
Her real life story of helping a homeless white man resulted in the video In Praise of White Men (;
Her experiences with editing Wikipedia pages;
Her Youtube channel was flagged and brought down twice she is currently without one;
The man/woman divide and what to do about it;
Real feminism is not Jewish, but comes from good White women (as in the picture);
How to deal creatively with the role differences between men and women;
Financial incentives to bring about the kind of society we desire.
Image: Sign in this picture used in IPOWM, Part 2 says: A Fearless Indomitable Womanhood; A Fearless Indomitable Race. William Rooney
Podcast: Download ( 2.mp3)
28th September 2013, 12:15 AM
The Gatekeepers of Justice: Why 9-11 is Not Prosecuted (
September 21, 2013
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."
- Benjamin Netanyahu
“Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel” (
Ha’aretz (Israel), April 16, 2008
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, is the head of the Likud, a coalition created by the heads of the Zionist terrorist organizations that bombed the King David Hotel in 1946 and massacred entire Palestinian villages in 1948. The father of Obama's first chief-of-staff, Rahm Emanuel, was a member of the most extreme terrorist group, the Stern Gang.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister and leader of the Likud, a coalition party of former terrorists, told Israelis that the Zionist state was benefiting "from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq." Note that in Netanyahu's mind the terrorism of 9-11 and the American struggle in Iraq are "one thing". How telling this comment is.
FEDERAL BUREAU OF INSTIGATION - The F.B.I. spends more time and money instigating fake terror plots than it does investigating real crimes, such as the terror atrocity of 9-11. The high-level corruption at the Department of Justice explains why there has been no prosecution of the crimes of 9-11.
April 4, 2011 - U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder announces that the alleged "Mastermind of 9/11" and four other terrorists will not face open trial in the United States -- but closed military tribunals in Cuba. Apart from the culprits, who benefits from the government's failure to prosecute the 9-11 crimes?
It is difficult to fathom that in the two largest criminal cases in recent U.S. history, the terror attacks of 9-11 and the economic meltdown of 2008, not one single person has been prosecuted by the federal government. The most disturbing thing about the government’s failure to investigate and prosecute these crimes is that it indicates that the White House and the Department of Justice are controlled by the real culprits behind these mega-crimes.
On the fifth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, an article on the Washington Post website pointed out that not a single one of the disgraced Wall Street CEOs, whose financial malfeasance and criminal negligence led to the economic meltdown of 2008, had been prosecuted.
As Neil Irwin wrote:
It's not that the federal government tried to prosecute a bunch of them but lost the cases. There were no serious efforts at criminal prosecutions at all… it's shocking that for a crisis that drove the global economy off a cliff, caused millions of people to lose their homes and generally spread mass human misery to almost every corner of the earth there is no defining prosecution. No man or woman who led one of the firms directly culpable for the catastrophe has been put in a prison-orange jumpsuit…
So, what’s going on? Of the rogues gallery who led the major Wall Street firms to the brink of the abyss, only to have a multi-trillion-dollar taxpayer bailout pull them back, why have none become familiar with our nation’s federal prison system?
- Neil Irwin,, September 12, 2013
What is even more remarkable is that, after twelve years, no one has been prosecuted for 9-11, the most egregious case of mass murder and terrorism in U.S. history. Furthermore, not a single one of the nearly 3,000 wrongful death cases even went to trial, although there were nearly 100 families who refused the government money and held out for a trial with the hope of finding who was responsible for their loss. Every one of the 9-11 wrongful death cases was settled out of court in what I have called a judicial war of attrition.
Who benefits from the fact that there has not been a trial in a U.S. court to determine what really happened on 9-11 and who is responsible? The U.S. military is actually holding the man they say is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the alleged “mastermind of 9-11” in the Gitmo Gulag, but there is no motion by the Department of Justice to bring him to trial in a U.S. court. Why do years go by and the Attorney General does nothing to prosecute the “mastermind of 9-11”? What’s going on?
The only people who clearly benefit from the government’s failure to prosecute the 9-11 crimes are the criminals behind the atrocity and those who helped hide the truth. The failure of the Department of Justice to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the alleged perpetrators of 9-11 protects the real mega-criminals behind the false-flag terrorism that changed America.
MASTERMIND OF 9-11? - We are told that this Gitmo detainee is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the "mastermind of 9-11", although an engineering professor in North Carolina who taught the real KSM told me that he had never seen this person before. So, is this the reason the U.S. Department of Justice is not bringing the "mastermind of 9-11" to trial in the United States? What is the real obstacle preventing any prosecution of the 9-11 crimes?
In any normal democratic nation one would rightly expect that the government would thoroughly investigate and vigorously prosecute those involved, in any way, in such a heinous crime. The fact that the U.S. Department of Justice has done neither indicates that Americans do not live in a normal democratic nation.
While Irwin concludes that “America doesn’t criminalize bad business decisions, even when they lead to business failure,” there is no question that the attacks of 9-11 and the criminal cover-up that followed are prosecutable crimes. These are clear-cut crimes of terrorism and mass murder and must be fully investigated and prosecuted, even when they were committed by officials of the government.
The criminal destruction of evidence from the World Trade Center, for example, is an obvious crime that facilitated the cover-up of what really happened on 9-11. This crime was committed by people at the highest level at the Department of Justice, then headed by Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Rather than having the F.B.I. collect the evidence from the crime scene at the World Trade Center and putting it through forensic analysis to determine what had caused the explosive collapses of the Twin Towers, the crucial steel evidence was hastily destroyed, under the authority and watchful eye of then Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff. This criminal act was essential to prevent the truth about what caused the murderous destruction of the towers from being discovered.
Michael Chertoff is the Israeli-American dual-national who was responsible for prosecuting the crimes of 9-11. As the person in charge of the criminal division of the Department of Justice, Chertoff was the key person in the 9-11 cover-up because he was the highest federal official responsible for the investigation and prosecution of the crimes of 9-11.
ISRAELI SON OF THE MOSSAD - Asst. Attorney General Michael Chertoff supervised the destruction of evidence from the 9-11 crime scenes. Why is he not prosecuted for destroying the evidence? Why did he shut down the F.B.I. investigation of the Israeli terror suspects so quickly?
Instead of collecting the steel for expert analysis, however, Chertoff allowed it to be “recycled” by turning it over to officials of Mayor Giuliani of New York, who sent it to scrapyards in New Jersey where it was cut into short pieces, mixed with other scrap, and shipped to Asia where it was melted down – far from the prying eyes of investigators.
The destruction of the crucial evidence, such as the structural steel from the World Trade Center, happened because Chertoff wanted the evidence destroyed. It was his official duty, after all, to preserve the evidence and prosecute those responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers.
Preservation of evidence from a crime scene is the basis of any criminal investigation. The 9-11 evidence was not destroyed due to incompetence; it was intentional. Evidence is only destroyed from such a major crime when its presence poses a serious problem for the official story.
Other pieces of crucial evidence, such as the aircraft parts that were recovered, also appear to have been discarded as scrap. In a proper criminal examination these pieces should have been taken apart in order to identify the aircraft they came from by their numbered and time-tracked parts.
Aircraft parts recovered from the 9-11 crime scenes could identify which plane they came from. Why has this evidence not been presented to the public?
Video footage from cameras that overlooked the Pentagon on 9-11 was confiscated by the F.B.I. and has not been seen by the public in the twelve years since the attacks. If the government story that Arab terrorists flew a hijacked plane into the Pentagon is true, why would this video evidence have been kept from the public for twelve years?
The only logical conclusion is that the video evidence has not been shown to the public because it contradicts the official story. Likewise, the structural steel was destroyed because it was physical evidence that sophisticated explosives were used to demolish the Twin Towers, an act of mass murder which took nearly three thousand lives.
If Chertoff is the mastermind of the 9-11 cover-up, who did he do it for? Who was really responsible for the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers in which so many people were killed? Who were the main beneficiaries of the 9-11 cover-up, if not the real terrorists behind the atrocity?
In a recent in-depth investigation about the Israeli connections to the 9-11 attacks, Keith Maart reveals new information about the Israeli intelligence operatives who were arrested on 9-11 after having been observed celebrating the attacks on the Twin Towers as they took photos and video footage of the burning towers from across the Hudson River in Union City, New Jersey.
These Israeli agents worked for a fake moving company called Urban Moving Systems (UMS) in Weehawken, New Jersey, which was revealed in March 2002 to have been a Mossad front operation by Marc Perelman in Forward, the Jewish daily of New York:
According to one former high-ranking American intelligence official, who asked not to be named, the FBI came to the conclusion at the end of its investigation that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front.
What is most interesting about the case of these Israeli Mossad agents, who clearly had prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, is that the F.B.I. (HQ) suddenly closed its case on these Mossad operatives on September 24, 2001, according to Maart, with a two-sentence memo that said there was no evidence that they had prior knowledge of the attacks.
After being held for about two months, three of the five Israeli operatives were returned to Israel where they appeared on the Yair Lapid show and explained why they had set up cameras and video equipment in the parking lot of “The Doric” ready to film the attacks: “Our purpose was to document the event," one of the three said. So the three Israeli agents admitted that they had set themselves up in the parking lot with new cameras to document the 9-11 event from a high bluff overlooking the World Trade Center.
Given all the evidence that these Israeli Mossad operatives had prior knowledge of the attacks, the real question for Americans is why the U.S. Department of Justice suddenly terminated its investigation after less than two weeks? Why were Israeli terror suspects given a pass and allowed to walk?
Dominik Suter, the head of the Mossad front company UMS, fled the country shortly after the F.B.I. first made contact with him after 9-11. Later, although the F.B.I. had officially shut down its investigation of UMS, Suter’s name was still found on an F.B.I. list of terror suspects.
ISRAELI SUSPECT OF 9-11 TERRORISM (incognito) - Dominik Suter fled to Israel shortly after 9-11. He ran the Mossad front company whose agents were caught "documenting the event" from the parking lot of "The Doric" in Union City, New Jersey. He has returned to the United States seemingly confident that he will never face prosecution. How can he be so sure that he will not be prosecuted? What does he know that we don't?
Mrs. Dominik Suter, Ornit Levinson-Suter, teaches Hebrew in New Jersey.
In July 2002, I wrote about how the F.B.I. responded to my questions about the fact that Dominik Suter’s name was on the F.B.I. list of 9-11 terror suspects:
The Israeli owner of the Mossad "front" company who fled to Israel after his "movers" were caught filming the World Trade Center attacks remains at large although the FBI, which has an office in Tel Aviv, has his name on its terror suspect list.
A leaked "FBI Suspect List" circulated among financial institutions in Italy shows that Dominik Suter, the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems who fled in haste to Israel after 9-11, is among those suspected of being behind the terror attacks…
While Dominik Suter's name is on the list, oddly his Israeli nationality is not. Three addresses, two in New Jersey and one in Sherman Oaks, California, are given, as is his Social Security number. The year 1970 is provided for his date of birth. When I asked the FBI about the list, a spokeswoman said, "We're not going to validate your questions by talking about the list. You are not supposed to have it. It is not for public consumption."
Today, Dominik Suter is back in business and listed as an employee of Insightera, an Israeli company based in San Mateo, California. Suter even has a webpage where he says that the accusations against him and UMS are nothing but anti-Semitism.
Dominik Suter works with an Israeli company based in San Mateo, California.
One might ask how he feels so confident that he dares to return to the United States after having been on the F.B.I. list of terror suspects for several years. The answer is simple: Suter and his Israeli partners in crime know that the Department of Justice will not prosecute them for their role in the 9-11 atrocity because it is controlled by the same people who pulled off 9-11.
As long as Zionist criminals control the White House and Department of Justice there will be no federal investigation and prosecution for the crimes of 9-11, but this abnormal situation is not sustainable for the long term. The sooner we remove the criminal element from our government, the sooner we can obtain justice for 9-11.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
9-11 Justice Campaign (
“9-11 Terror Suspect Hiding in Israel” by Christopher Bollyn, July 31, 2002 (
Benjamin Netanyahu, “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel” ( Ha’aretz (Israel), April 16, 2008 (
“Eric Holder: The Zionist Agent & the Mastermind of 9/11" by Christopher Bollyn, April 21, 2011 (
“Five Dancing Israelis - 9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: ‘Our Purpose Was To Document The Event’" by Christopher Bollyn (
“Israeli Connections to the 9/11 Attacks: New Facts and Incriminating Evidence of FBI Investigation into Celebrating Israelis” by Keith Maart, September 20, 2013 (
“Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth: Americans Probing Reports of Israeli Espionage” by Marc Perelman, Forward, March 15, 2002 (
Original Forward article re-posted at: (
“This is a complete list of Wall Street CEOs prosecuted for their role in the financial crisis” by Neil Irwin,, September 12, 2013 (
Dominik Suter sources:
Photo from Insightera: ( ( ( (
other recent Bollyn/911 items:
Solving 9-11 Review in UNCENSORED (
The Solving 9-11 Books & Reviews (
Bollyn on KRXA on 9-11 (
Too Many Years Of Lies & Public Enemy No. 1 (
9-11 and the War in Syria (
A German Viewpoint of 9-11 and the Zionist Threat (
Bollyn Interviewed on The Patriot Dame (
9-11 is the Litmus Test (
Bollyn on One Radio Network (
Video - Solving 9-11: Exposing the Deception (
Video - Solving 9-11: Destroying the Evidence (
Video - Solving 9-11: The Disinformation Campaign (
Making Sense of 9-11 Disinformation (
Why We Must End the 9-11 Deception (
Good Video Summary of Israeli Role in 9-11 (
Israeli Prescience of 9-11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror (
Judge's Son Worked for Defendant in 9-11 Litigation (
The Mystery of the Landing Gear on Park Place (
Sen. McCain Pleads Ignorance of 9-11 Facts (
John Kerry Asked About Demolition of WTC-7 (
The Black Ops Murder of the Philip Marshall Family (
Judy Wood's Blatant Misrepresentation of 9-11 Facts (
DENIED: 9-11 Widow's Petition to U.S. Supreme Court (
The Drones of 9-11 (
The Thermite Argument (
Tracking the 9-11 Insiders to their Rothschild Roots (
13th October 2013, 06:47 PM
13th October 2013, 09:00 PM
^ That's a remarkable segment on RT. Not exactly "izzy did 9/11" though... when will it be "safe" to say that? ???
Also, 5 years ago (Sep '08)...
30 Million Will See 9/11 Truth Documentary "ZERO" On Russian State Television Sept. 12 (
and from the comments there ^,
Ivashov, Chiesa, Meyssan, Russian Experts To Debate 9-11 On Russ (
By Webster G. Tarpley
WASHINGTON, DC -- Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001, will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome. Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth.
The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001, and has been a leading critic of the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country, Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation ( in Moscow. Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European Parliament in Brussels, representing the region around Asti in northwest Italy. Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris, was one of the first critics of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.
Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic, he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow. "We have been studying these images very, very, carefully," commented the cosmonaut pointedly, "and we have seen some highly interesting things."
The host for the debate stressed that this landmark telecast did not imply that the Kremlin administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin was officially espousing any particular point of view concerning 9/11, but rather reflected a commitment to free and open debate. Nevertheless, observers in the Russian capital sense a far-reaching change of mood by the Russian government in the wake of the August 7-8 genocidal attack on South Ossetia by the Georgian dictator and US satellite Saakashvili. The Russians, according to this view, are through with doing favors for the US, especially in regard to Washington's official myths about 9/11 and the war on terror, and this telecast will deliver that message in a clear and unmistakable way.
Webster G. Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA. His current book is Obama * The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate. These are available on His next book, entitled Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, will be available on starting September 10.
Dearth ( on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 11:02am.
& Infowars circa '08,
Russian Poll: 84% Say Truth About 9/11 Being Deliberately Hidden (
Global awakening taking place as people across the world express doubts over the official story behind 9/11
Steve Watson (
Friday, Sept 12, 2008
13th October 2013, 10:07 PM
Learn History with Philip Zelikow! corbettreport Published on Oct 11, 2013 (
Learn History with Philip Zelikow!
Published on Oct 11, 2013
As Philip Zelikow prepares to teach an online history course, we peel back the layers of propaganda from the former Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. From cover up to predictive programming, we examine the ways that Zelikow helped to shape (and write) the history he's now teaching.
9/11’s Cover-Up Man: Zionist Zelikow (
Phil Shenon, Philip Zelikow & Karl Rove (
Zelikow Confronted (
Posted by WHOOLI ( at 8:49 AM 2 comments: (
14th October 2013, 03:16 AM
Elizabeth Woodward was featured in that RT piece. She's maintaining that the segment has been getting suppressed, esp finding emails containing the YT link were not getting through, all to put the brakes on its going too viral. She's interviewed in the 2nd half of this KBarrett show to discuss, also see her essay linked:
Barbara Honegger on getting 9/11 justice, Elizabeth Woodworth on NSA (?) jamming the internet_on Kevin Barretts Truth Jihad Radio (
This show was broadcast on October 12, 2013.
It is now archived here for everyone Use Player Coming Up Saturday, October 12th
Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 15:00 GMTSubscribers to ( get early access to all show archives here ( Everyone else gets access to the show archives the day of the broadcast here (
Barbara Honegger on getting 9/11 justice, Elizabeth Woodworth on NSA (?) jamming the internet
First half-hour: Esteemed 9/11 activist-researcher Barbara Honegger says the US has been taken over by neo-Nazis; 9/11 was the American Reichstag Fire; but the new White Rose resistance can winby finding the right legal venue, international or domestic, and busting the criminals. She reveals the existence of a new group focused on getting 9/11 justice, and argues that the truth movement has been making rapid progress in the weeks since last months 12th anniversary of the worlds biggest-ever false-flag atrocity.
Second half-hour: Elizabeth Woodworth is the author of a new article that needs to go viral:
Search Engine Manipulation. Google and YouTube Suppress Controversial 9/11 Truth?
It seems that the bad guys are sabotaging 9/11 truth videos when they start to go viral as happened last month to the terrific Russia Today Truth Seeker episode Operation Gladio and 9/11″ in which I appeared. Even worse, they are somehow interfering with peoples attempts to email this video link to their friends! Emails containing the url for the Operation Gladio and 9/11″ ( video have been falling off the face of the cybersphere.
Elizabeth, a library sciences information professional, says our best response is to make sure that both the original video AND her story about its Orwellian suppression go viral!
listen to the show via the player embedded @
10th November 2013, 08:09 AM
Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job.
13th November 2013, 03:01 PM
Simple as this
13th November 2013, 06:46 PM
^ your pic,
First I've seen Zacheim being accredited with "mastermind" of 911. Bollyn has ascribed that label to a few jooz, I think most often Ehud Barak who was on BBC before the towers were even blowed up yet, saying osama bin goldstein did it and we need a global war on terror HOAX to fight the PRETEND evildoers. It seems Bollyn has also tagged nettyahu with the label.
The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World ( - Bollyn
Masters of Deception ( - ZCF
22nd February 2014, 04:51 AM
Bollyn on Red Ice Radio
Christopher Bollyn - Hour 1 - Solving 9-11, The Deception that Changed the World (
1st hour mp3 (
Just started listening. Talking about the neo-con involvement about 1/4 the way through.
22nd February 2014, 08:18 AM
^ mami's posted both hours,
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Red Ice Radio February 12, 2014 (
Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11, The Deception that Changed the World
Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist now living in Sweden who has researched and written extensively about the events of September 11, 2001. He has spoken at 9-11 truth events across Europe and the United States. He recently flew to London to appear on a program with Ken O'Keefe about who is behind the 9-11 terrorism but was detained at Heathrow airport and forcibly returned to Sweden on the following day. Bollyn has researched different aspects of the 9-11 attacks and uncovered facts and evidence that challenge the official version of events. Christopher has put focus on Israels involvement in 9-11, the intelligence agency the Mossad and political Zionism. In this program, he discusses his latest book Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World. He explains the deception of the false-flag terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and what it means for world peace. He says that 9-11 is not only the tip of the criminal iceberg; it is also their Achilles heel. He also says that our history and destiny has been hijacked by the real criminal terrorists behind 9-11, and they don't come from Afghanistan. In the second hour, we put the events of 9-11 in context on the geopolitical chessboard. Well discuss media censorship and control in America, Sweden and around the world. Later, we discuss Putin, western propaganda against Russia and the oligarchs that have been trying to take control of the Russian satellite states. At the end, we talk about revolutions, military intervention and how the Middle East conflict is continuing to bring perpetual warfare and conflicts around the globe.
Hour One
Download (
Hour Two
Download (
3rd June 2014, 07:06 PM
First I've heard that Susan Lindauer has a radio show. I'm skeptical of her shtick; she claims to be a former CIA asset turned whistleblower, knows all this inside poop on 911, and then drops a turd in the punchbowl claiming scary moozlems did the deed, LIHOP yada yada. But this bollyn interview doesn't go there, IIRC.
Bollyn on Susan Lindauer Show (
May 31, 2014
I was on Susan Lindauer's radio show, The Covert Report, on Truth Frequency Radio today. The show is entitled "The Israeli Connection to 9/11" and can be listened to through the following link: (
MP3 link, 2 hours with comm breaks:
27th October 2014, 11:30 AM
ZionCrimeFactory is back! He's now going by Brandon Martinez, and even has an avatar pic of himself. And 2 new books on kindle, soon to be paperback. And he's partnered with Joshua Blakeney also of Canada-- a character who I recall Brandon/ZCF did a hit piece on in the later half of 2012 for being too soft on dajooz, not naming them in the pattern of AJ. Brandon's done several podcasts in the past 2 months since he launched a website with Joshua.
What is Non-Aligned Media? Promo vid ( Please pass around this promo vid to help get the word out about the website.
Here's his 1-hour interview with Bollyn, which is mostly them displaying their encyclopedic knowledge of izzy's role in 911.
NAM Podcast Episode #3 (
On this explosive episode #3 of the Non-Aligned Media podcast, host Brandon Martinez is joined by Christopher Bollyn, an American investigative journalist
and here's a few other podcasts with varying guests:
NAM Podcast Episode #4 (
On this episode of the Non-Aligned Media podcast, host Brandon Martinez is joined by Canadian patriot and dissident publisher Arthur Topham. For
Exclusive NAM Interview with Dr. Kerry Bolton (
In his book Babel Inc. Multiculturalism Globalisation and the New World Order, New Zealand-born author Kerry Bolton lucidly outlines the globalist elites
Exclusive NAM Interview with Dr. Kerry Bolton (
In his book Babel Inc. Multiculturalism Globalisation and the New World Order, New Zealand-born author Kerry Bolton lucidly outlines the globalist elites
NAM Podcast Episode #2 (
On this second episode of the Non-Aligned Media podcast, host Brandon Martinez is joined by special guest Paul Fromm, a Canadian free
NAM Podcast Episode #1 (
On this very first edition of the Non-Aligned Media podcast, host Brandon Martinez is joined by Deanna Spingola, the author of The Ruling
and here's an interview where Brandon is guest on Delphi-Deanna Spingola's show, 40-some minutes,
Oct 26 2014 (
Brandon Martinez (
Brandon Martinez (, an independent writer and journalist from Canada was Deannas guest for the first hour of todays broadcast. Brandon along with Joshua Blakeney, a freelance journalist based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada have also recently started a new podcast at Non-Aligned Media (
Be sure and checkout Brandons two new books he has just made available, Hidden History ( and Grand Deceptions ( (MP3 (
1st November 2014, 02:01 PM
Christopher Bollyn at SD911Truth (1of3) (
Christopher Bollyn at SD911Truth (1of3) ( (
Published on Oct 15, 2014
Presentation and Q&A on Bollyn's book, "Solving 9/11: the deception that changed the world" on September 14, 2014 at San Diegans for 9/11 Truth monthly meeting. (Segment 1 of 3.)
pt 2
pt 3
5th November 2014, 08:06 PM
Christopher Bollyn at SD911Truth (1of3) (
So I rolled by Huffy's just to see what's new. Apparently, Bollyn still needs to PROVE he's not kidnapped by tricky jooz!! :D But Huffy doesn't need to give any such "proof" of his vacuous assertion that Bollyn/family are "kidnapped"; he only needs to continue matter-of-factly repeating it... :rolleyes:
Christopher Bollyn is touring America
On 7 September 2014, Bollyn announced ( on his website that he would be visiting three cities in California to speak about 9/11. He would first speak in Oakland on 11 September, then near Los Angeles on 13 September, and then San Diego on 14 September.
On 10 September, Bollyn announced ( that he had joined the "Face of Truth" campaign. That organization not only promotes Bollyn, but it also promotes some of the websites that I have criticized as Jewish propaganda.
On 11 September 2014, Bollyn's trip to America was given publicity ( on the official blog of the ADL. As with David Duke and David Irving, Bollyn was criticized for being an anti-Semite.
Also on 11 September, Bollyn posted another document to announce ( that he will also speak at Davis on 17 September.
I suppose that the Jews are so desperate to counteract my accusation ( that they have kidnapped the Bollyn family that they believe that dragging him around California for a while will convince people that he is free to travel and talk to people.
Sure, he is free to spend thousands of dollars on a tour of America, but he is not free to get a job, so we must continue donating money to him!
Have you noticed that most of the 9/11 truth seekers and websites are constantly begging for donations? Rather than accept this as sensible, you should consider it as a sign that there is something seriously wrong with this group of people.
I suppose the Jews gave only four days notice of the trip because they are not trying to attract an audience. They merely want to be able to claim that Bollyn went on a speaking tour of America.
Some Jews give Bollyn publicity as a 9/11 truth seeker, and others give him publicity as an anti-Semite, but he's not getting much publicity. The trip appears to be just a propaganda stunt.
The sheeple would certainly be fooled into believing that he is not a kidnap victim, but the sheeple do not know who he is, and they don't want to know. They don't care about world affairs.
Will the Jews fool anybody of importance with this trick?
Huffy also noted
14 Aug 2014
Fixed dozens of links to my older audio files here (
I've been listening, or re-listening in most cases, to the middle-column audios (Some interviews I did with other people), from circa '06-'10; and they're interesting in giving a time-capsule view of those years where 911T was gradually breaking out of their "can't speak ill of dajooz" Qabalistic spell, and increasingly naming dajoo. Huffy, with all his faults and irrelevance today, was among those at the front line of that change in the later half of the '00s.
I myself evolved through this time frame. Huffy's beef with the Loose Change crew was that they were getting promoted by controlled alt-media outlets like KPFK radio and others; meanwhile Huffy's 2002 "Painful Deceptions" book & video were shut out-- he was blacklisted from radio interviews, and infowars which once upon a time promoted his 911T work, removed it all from their site. Huffy was complaining that, while neither his 911T items or Loose Change touched anything "Izzy", that Huffy was sidelined coz of his views made public elsewhere about the holohoax and zionism and apollo.
So during these years Huffy was "marginalized", in the good "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth" way; and here I am today agreeing with his once-toxic zion/jooz/holohoax/apollo views. Would that be the case without peeps like him?
24th December 2014, 04:20 PM
Interesting 'debate' here, an Ozzie & a Brit. I've heard several Kollerstrom interviews and tend to like him. The Ozzie tries to shoe-horn a Scary Moozlem involvement angle into 9/11 and London's 7/7 false flag bombing, which I dismiss, except for a handful groomed as patsies before these FF events.
1 hour: 32k CF Download ( llerstrom_Myers.mp3)
Kollerstrom vs. Myers debate: Should 9/11 truthers avoid holocaust revisionism?
Nick Kollerstrom has exposed the 7/7 inside job
Nick Kollerstrom of ( begs to differ with Peter Myers (, who recently argued on my show ( that 9/11 truth-seekers and other opponents of the New World Order should avoid holocaust revisionism both because it makes us look bad, and because it isnt true. Nick argues that it is true: There were no mass human gas chambers, the death camps were labor camps, there was no organized effort to exterminate Jewry or any other group, and the number of Jews killed (by typhus, starvation, etc.) was below one million, not six million.
In this interview Nick and Peter argue about the holocaust, but agree on many other issues related to 9/11, 7/7, and the New World Order.
Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, recently turned himself in to Scotland Yard as a nonviolent extremist. ( His new book Breaking the Spell ( lays out his research and conclusions on the holocaust.
Nick Kollerstrom has two history of science degrees, one from Cambridge 1968, plus a PhD from London, 1995. He was an honorary member of staff of UCL for 11 years. He co-edited The Case Against War (Spokesman, comprising the CND legal arguments against the Iraq war) and then co-organised the Belgrano Inqury in 1986, publishing The Unnecessary War as its proceedings in 1998. In 2008 he received widespread publicity and ethical damnation owing to his interest in studies of the residual cyanide levels found in walls of the World War Two labor-camps. His book Terror on the Tube ( is the sole comprehensive account of the 2005 London bombings. It endorses the hypothesis of Islamic innocence.
Peter Myers ( is an Australian researcher on topics related to the New World Order. He has broken with some other non-mainstream thinkers including Frederick Toben over their pro-Nazi sentiments, which he does not share.
26th December 2014, 06:31 AM
I was just perusing Bollyn's disinfo archive page ( I missed this at the time, last June:
David Duke and YouTube Censorship (
June 7, 2014
David Duke's video promoting The Illustrated Protocols of Zion
A dedicated supporter of 9-11 Truth wrote from Massachusetts telling me that he had posted a comment under a recent YouTube video by David Duke. After checking the comments under the video, I wrote back to inform him that I did not see the comment he had posted.
I informed him that YouTube regularly censors comments about 9-11 videos in such a way that the comment is only visible to the person who posted the comment when he is logged in, but is not seen by the general public. I have taken this matter up with Google/YouTube in the past and have yet to receive a proper response that explains why viewers' comments are being censored.
The problem faced by this supporter of 9-11 Truth is, in my opinion, a good example of the saying, "He who owns the pipeline, controls the product." Google bought YouTube and since they own the pipeline, they decide what messages get posted and which don't. One should not expect free speech on a controlled network.
I am posting the following email because it provides an important lesson in how censorship works on the Internet - in reality. It also gets into the subject of why David Duke, who presents himself as a critic of organized Zionism, completely ignores the evidence of Zionist involvement in the crime of the century: 9/11. How much sense does that make?
The email from my loyal supporter in Massachusetts begins:
Hi David Duke,
Several days ago I posted a comment in the comments section under your new video titled "The Illustrated Protocols of Zion by David Duke". It criticized you for not acknowledging the Jewish role in 9/11 and it questioned whether you were really fighting as a patriot for the truth. However, I have now found that that comment was censored. (This was not immediately evident to me because I needed to sign out of youtube to see that it was censored.) Are the Jews who run youtube censoring comments in your videos to protect your reputation? Or did you censor it?
Here is the comment I posted:
David Duke, this video is good and you have done quite a bit of good work. But I just cannot get past the fact that on probably THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT you defend the enemy completely. For you to keep saying that we just don't know who did 9/11 is a serious shortcoming.
I have heard an interview of Eustace Mullins (by Daryl Bradford Smith on December 16, 2006) in which Mullins says, in so many words, that you are controlled opposition [3:00 to 4:10] and that "David always does what he is told to." [4:07-4:09]
"Eustace Mullins on David Duke, useful idiot (
URL Link -
Others also say that you are controlled opposition, including John DeNugent. When you combine this with your insistence that we don't know who did 9/11 when the question of who did it is completely spelled out in Christopher Bollyn's book (Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed The World) it is very suspicious. Bollyn is one of the most significant if not the most significant researchers of 9/11.
Mike Delaney's video about 9/11, Missing Links, which you reportedly had on your website for years, is mostly based on Bollyn's work. If you are NOT an agent, controlled opposition, then I challenge you to read Bollyn's book (if you haven't already) and publish a critique of it on your website publicly explaining why that mountain of evidence contained in those pages is not good enough to conclude that the Israeli Mossad did 9/11 with the help of powerful Jews in the U.S. Then defend yourself from the torrent of criticism that is sure to come now that more and more patriots know who really did 9/11.
26th December 2014, 06:27 PM
KBarrett with O'Keefe, who's a bit "lighter" here, sounds like he imbibed in some yule tide spirits? 1 hour, Must listen via player console at link:
Ken O’Keefe, “new Geronimo of the infowar”
( (
Ken O’Keefe, one of the great spirits and activists of our time, recently re-issued his terrific film:
911 False Flag – American Traitors & Mossad – Where are the Oath Keepers?
It has a new introduction responding to UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s claim that 9/11 truth seekers are “nonviolent extremists” who are equivalent to ISIS.
Ken’s film highlights the evidence for Israeli involvement in 9/11 – a topic that many other researchers, including “Dean of 9/11 Studies” David Ray Griffin (, have de-emphasized or avoided.
Professor Anthony Hall of the University of Lethbridge just published a new article lionizing Ken O’Keefe as a new Geronimo of the infowar:
Ken O’Keefe and the Battle for 9/11 Reality (
18th February 2015, 06:54 PM
must watch video at - can't embed! :(
additional Barrett post mortem at:
My debate with “Jewish & Israel News” reporter on 9/11 (
By Kevin Barrett ( on February 14, 2015 9/11 truth (, cover up (, hate crimes (, Islamophobia (, larry silverstein (, maxine dovere (, pull it (, WTC-7 ( (
"You're a New York journalist – why won't you report on WTC-7?" (
6th March 2015, 07:42 PM
Not sure of the date Farrakhan gave this speech; Brandon Martinez just posted at his YT channel (
Minister Farrakhan: 'Zionists did 9/11' (
6th March 2015, 08:44 PM
Discussions of government false flag/inside jobs and media propaganda campaigns apparently feeds hate of certain people,
she gets disappointed by it.
11th September 2015, 05:37 AM
11th September 2015, 06:26 PM
from PressTV, first clip KBarrett is guest, 2nd clip JFetzer is guest. 4-some mins ea:
12th September 2015, 11:24 PM
PressTV, 21 mins:
Dr. Alan Sabrosky on The Debate - 9/11 Anniversary - September 11th (
9th December 2015, 09:13 PM
29th February 2016, 09:28 PM
Richie Allen show, 43 mins, some talk of current events, US prez reality-like-show, not another rehash of all the well known JOOZ-did-911 stuff: (
Christopher Bollyn: "Waking people Up To The Massive Lie of 9/11 Is More Important Than Ever." (
6 days ago
9th March 2016, 08:27 PM
I post this recent KBarrett interview here not so much coz they bang on the obvious "Izzy did 9/11" reality (they don't :( ); but because this thread's topic should be the main focus of nearly all 911 discussion. :)
don't miss the embedded link, from UK Daily Express which would at least nominally appear to be out of line with their kosher bosses' 911 directive.
Brother of Briton murdered during 9/11 attacks calls for inquest to be re-opened (
THE brother of a British man murdered in the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York is calling for his inquest to be re-opened because he is unhappy with the official version of what happened.
Here's Barrett's interview with that ^ guy, which is the first ~1/2 hour of the 1 hour show. Must listen via the player console down the page a ways:
9/11 family member Matt Campbell seeks inquest into brother Geoff’s death; Rolf Lindgren predicts Trump will be president ( (
Matt Campbell seeks justice for his brother Geoff, pictured here in the Sunday Express
The UK group Reopen 9/11 reports:
A mainstream news outlet in the UK has given unprecedented coverage to the 9/11 truth issue.
The Sunday Express interviewed Matt Campbell – who is seeking a new investigation into the death of his brother in the 9/11 attacks – under the headline Brother of Briton murdered during 9/11 attacks calls for inquest to be re-opened. The report ( in the Express emphasised the lack of hard evidence produced to support the official account of how suicide hijackers took America by surprise and flew two planes into the World Trade Center and a third into Pentagon.
In this interview, Matt Campbell discusses his progress towards getting an inquest into the death of his brother Geoff, who is believed to have been on the 106th floor of the North Tower when it was explosively demolished on September 11th, 2001.
In the middle of the show, we hear Kevin’s recent ten minute interview with South Africa based Radio Islam International.
During final 15 minutes, Rolf Lindgren admits he was wrong in forecasting Martin O’Malley to win the Democratic nomination, then offers another prediction: Trump will defeat Clinton in the general election.
23rd March 2016, 05:37 PM
Bollyn interview, aired Mar 9, 1 hr. MP3:
Guns and Butter March 9, 2016 (
Architects of Terror with Christopher Bollyn
GUNS AND BUTTER[9 MAR 2016] This is Guns and Butter. [theme music]
CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN: Were not dealing with a real threat. Were dealing with an artificial threat. Were dealing with a fake terrorism9/11 and most of the terrorism, that goes on in this world today, is, in fact, fake terrorism or contrived terrorism, false terrorism, false flag terrorismand that the War on Terror, which is what 9/11 was meant to start, is equally a fraud. The War on Terror and the terrorism, that we see happening around us, is all part of, basically, a big feeder operation, a big PSYOPs.
And, so, when we understand that, we can disabuse ourselves of this notion that were fighting a war against Islam and the whole Arab world, what have you. No. Were being duped. Were being deceived on a day to day basis.
BONNIE FAULKNER: Im Bonnie Faulkner. Today on Guns and Butter: Christopher Bollyn. Todays show: Architects of Terror.
Christopher Bollyn is an independent researcher, investigative journalist, and author. Upon graduation from high school in Cook County, Illinois, he spent the next three years travelling extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East, finally settling in, both, a kibbutz in Israel and, in Norway, where he studied Egyptian, Biblical Hebrew, and Norwegian at the University of Oslo.
He is a graduate of the University of California in history with an emphasis on Israel/Palestine. Along with research and writing, he has worked as an editor and translator. His travels and studies of German, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish, Hebrew, and Arabic languages have helped him analyse international politics and events. He is the author of Solving 9/11: The Deceptions That Changed the World and Solving 9/11: The Articles.
Christopher Bollyn, welcome again.
CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN: Thank you. Nice to be with you.
For a transcript of KPFA broadcasts (partial or complete) and more, please visit Lumpenproletariat dot org.
6th April 2016, 10:04 AM
a few recent Bollyn items:
Christopher Bollyn Speaks with Bob Tuskin
March 28, 2016
Christopher Bollyn was interviewed by Bob Tuskin on Key Largo, at the end of the Florida leg of the "Solving 9-11 Ends the War" tour, in January 2016. The interview, done at Tuskin's home, is now a YouTube video, entitled "Solving 9/11, the Mossad, War on Drugs, and more with Christopher Bollyn."
"Solving 9/11, the Mossad, War on Drugs, and more with Christopher Bollyn"
Video Link - 19 mins:
Nation of Islam Interviews Bollyn
March 30, 2016
During the "Solving 9-11 Ends the War" tour, the Nation of Islam sent me some excellent questions concerning Israel's role in the 9/11 terror atrocity and Minister Louis Farrakhan's statements concerning this important subject.
The NOI interview is now online at:
26th April 2016, 09:15 AM
Insider Exposes Officials That Planned 9/11
The Alex Jones Channel 35,238 views
Published on Apr 21, 2016Former intelligence operative Dr. Steve Pieczenik reveals what the medias not telling you about Saudi Arabias role in 9/11.
Alex Jones and 9-11 Disinfo
April 25, 2016
Alex Jones' recent interview with Steve Pieczenik is a good example of how Jones misleads the public about who is really behind the false-flag terror atrocity of September 11, 2001. The video is at:
It seems as though many people in the 9-11 truth movement have a habit of listening to Alex Jones wanting to believe that he is truly a source of honest information and analysis. Unfortunately, especially when it concerns 9-11, he is not.
When I speak about my Solving 9-11 research, I am often asked about Alex Jones. A supporter just sent me a link to a 47-minute video between Jones and Dr. Steve Pieczenik, from April 21, in which they discussed who they think was behind 9-11. An analysis of their conversation reveals that Jones controls and dominates the discussion to lead the listener away from the truth about who was behind 9-11. In particular, Jones steers the listener away from understanding that Israeli intelligence played the key role, as the architectural level planner and managerial level operator of the false-flag terror atrocity and the subsequent cover-up.
This should come as no surprise, since Alex Jones has been an outspoken supporter of the "Jewish state of Israel" for many years:
Alex Jones: "I support the Jewish state of Israel." Notice the natural voice compared to the fake gruff voice used by Alex Jones today. Video URL:
Jones spends the first twelve minutes of the video promoting himself, boasting that he is the "progenitor" and "father" of 9-11 truth. He finishes his long self-promoting braggadocio saying that "the truth lives here."
When Steve Pieczenik finally gets to speak, he says: "The Neo-Cons, the Neo-Con Jews, Israel, Dubai, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, will all be implicated in 9-11."
Pieczenik goes on to say that dual-national civilians loyal to the state of Israel had taken over the Pentagon under George W. Bush.
He said that he knew immediately on 9-11 that it was a stand-down false-flag terror attack. He said that he got a call from "Israeli operatives" on the morning of 9-11. The Israelis told him that planes had struck the towers and that the towers were or would be collapsing.
Pieczenik said that he told the Israelis that that was impossible. The Israelis then told him that he must be "an Arabist".
He told Jones that at that point he knew who was involved in 9-11. "It was Israel," he told Jones.
Jones then takes a commercial break. When he comes back he spends the next eight minutes defending Israel rather than returning to his guest. In his eight-minute diatribe Jones first takes on some imaginary "white supremacists" who he says just want to "kill all the Jews." He then goes on about Herr Hitler and talks about how he has always defended the little guy against schoolyard bullies because, he says, it is in his genes.
He then says that the "white supremacists" are all controlled factions, telling his viewers and listeners, "I'm a faction that is not controlled." All of this is done to give the listener the idea that Alex Jones is unlike any other source, that he is giving his listeners the unvarnished truth. In this way Jones tries to cultivate a following of devoted listeners who are willing to believe whatever he says, simply because he says it.
Rather than let his highly-esteemed guest talk about who he thinks is behind 9-11, Jones goes on and on about trivial things that are not at all related to the subject. Finally, he lets Dr. Pieczenik say a bit more about 9-11.
"There are no Muslims involved in 9-11," Pieczenik says. "The Muslims were not even on the planes."
If this is true, and the evidence indicates that it is, then the issue of the classified 28 pages is completely irrelevant to 9-11 truth. The fact that a Saudi gave money to two of the alleged hijackers is irrelevant if there were no hijacked planes on 9-11. If the planes that struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were not the planes they are said to have been, which seems to be the case, then the Arab "hijackers" are twice removed from the atrocity. They are nothing but Arab patsies framed by Israeli intelligence.
The highest level members of Israeli military intelligence began predicting that "Arab terrorists" would attack the highest towers in New York City in the late 1970s, exactly when the extreme right-wing Likud party of Jewish terrorists came to power. The false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 were predicted by the former chief of the Mossad, Isser Harel, in 1979, and they were depicted on screen by Israel's military intelligence agent in Hollywood, Arnon Milchan, in 1978. Amazing how Israeli intelligence agents could see 9-11 coming.
Arnon Milchan's first film featured a passenger jet crashing into a high-rise tower - in 1978.
Clearly, the plans for 9-11 were on the drawing board at Israeli military intelligence in the late 1970s, when the Zionist terrorist chiefs came to power under Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir's Likud coalition.
This is the same time when Israel became involved in the Afghan-Soviet war, in which it played a major role. As Pakistan's Daily Times Monitor reported in July 2003, "Pakistan Got Israeli Weapons During Afghan War":
Most of the Afghan war against the Soviet Union was fought using Israeli arms supplied after General Zia ul Haq entered into secret deals with Tel Aviv, says a recently published book, Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History.
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the Pakistani general who served as president of Pakistan from 1978 until 1988, made deals with the Israelis and then died in a bizarre plane crash that appears to have been the result of sabotage.
Israel provided arms and training to jihadist forces who were fighting the Soviet-backed Afghan government. As A.Z. Hilali wrote in US-Pakistan Relationship: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, thousands of mujahideen fighters, particularly from the Hezb-e Islami faction of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, were trained by Israeli instructors. The head of Pakistan's ISI agency, Akhtar Abdur Rahman, apparently allowed the Israeli trainers into his country.
This Israeli-armed and trained faction then became Al Qaeda, as The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism reports: having lost Saudi support when it supported Saddam Hussein and Pakistani support after 1994, "the remainder of Hizb-i Islami merged into al-Qaeda and the Taliban."
Understanding the key role that Israel played in arming and training the jihadist faction that became Al Qaeda is essential to understanding how Israeli intelligence cultivated the Islamist "enemy" that was blamed for 9-11 and against which we have been waging war ever since. It is all a huge deception.
Sources: Hilali, A. Z., US-Pakistan Relationship: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Aldershot: Ashgate (2005) p. 124, cited in "Afghanistan-Israel Relations", Wikipedia, April 25, 2016
The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism, Olivier Roy, Antoine Sfeir, editors (2007) p.133, cited in "Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin", Wikipedia, April 25, 2016
27th April 2016, 12:46 AM
See first hour, working links & player console inside
Brandon Martinez and Wikispooks Peter Presland discuss Israel did 9/11; Ibrahim Soudy says world must defend itself against American idiocy
First half hour: Brandon Martinez argues that the 28 pages scandal is diverting attention from the real perpetrators of 9/11: Israel and its American assets. He says the blame the Saudis approach is absurd: Saudi Arabia is a pathetic oil colony of the bankster-driven USA, an oversize gas station in the desert that slavishly serves its colonial masters in Washington and Tel Aviv. For details, read his new article:
Saudis did 9/11? is a Zionist Ruse
Peter Presland, the man behind the legendary Wikispooks website (and its famous 9/11: Israel Did It section) agreesand goes on to question the official version of the Nazi Holocaust.
Final hour (this was a 90 minute show): Ibrahim Soudy, one of the most highly qualified Ph.D. structural engineers in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, cites a number of books that, taken together, paint a gloomy picture of the USA and its denizens:
Crazy Like Us: the Globalization of the American Psyche; The Closing of the American Mind; Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a virtue in the Land of the Free; Dumbing Us Down; The Dumbest Generation (on millenials); Why We Suck: A Feel-Good Guide to Staying Fat Loud Lazy and Stupid; The Age of American Unreason.
Ibrahim says the world needs to defend itself against the globalization of American cultureor should I say, American decadent barbarism. (The French have a saying: The USA is the first country that ever went from barbarism to decadence without passing through civilization.)
This show was broadcast on April 24, 2016.
10th May 2016, 07:51 PM
Geeyad I just had to joogle up this thread... in gsus basic & advanced searches I entered "Israel did 9/11" (no quotes), search titles only, and this thread was nowhere in the first 4 pages of results!! :(
So 1st hour of this was good re the current 28 pages limited-hangout/deflection/red-herring. KBarrett counters 911T gatekeeper Les Jameson's effort to puff up the 28 pages, with KB keeping the focus where LJstein plainly didn't want-- that IZZY DID 911.
Les Jamieson on using “28 pages” scandal to push for full 9/11 truth; Ellen Brown says “bust the NWO, bring public banking to California”
full desc & player console inside:
25th August 2016, 05:45 PM
My intent is to expose as many members and visitors as possible to the facts, witness accounts, news reports and commentaries surrounding the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon and the overwhelming evidence that Israeli Mossad was the prime engineer of the attacks, and traitors within the US government and intelligence aided and abetted. Having all of this information in one thread would increase the likelihood that a curious neonate might peruse and become enlightened. I ask members here to post only high qualtiy material and links.
22nd October 2016, 08:00 PM
TREASON: Who Did 9/11 And Why Did They Do It?
By the Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive (
22nd October 2016, 10:22 PM
I read the whole thing and almost at the bottom is this turd:
It is possible that like the Israelis, the Saudis with interest in global gold movements, decided to place two of their own team with the hijackers to ensure success of the mission.
(Author note: Of course as we reflect upon Heidners report in 2016, we know that there were no planes used in the WTC attack; these were all controlled demolitions or nuclear events. And the Pentagon attack was more than likely a missile. But when Heidners report was put together in 2008, hijackers and planes were still the leading causes of the destruction.)
Another interesting point is that Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz was an initial investor in Barrick, and had remained primarily an investor through the 1980s and 1990s. However, two weeks before September 11, 2001, he was appointed as the new head of Saudi Intelligence.
23rd October 2016, 08:27 AM
^ I think mambo was away on his gsus sebatical (couple years?) when this thread was more in play:
Critical of JFetzer & JFriend's No Planes @ WTC campaign
OP there summarizes my view of the NP@WTC distraction. :)
11th June 2017, 02:12 PM
Martin Hill pub'd this 1/9/17; I didn't know about this viddy either! Censored from YT.
Recall, Dan Rather also observed on live tv on 9/11, how the towers & #7 looked just like CDs. Also recall, he died relatively young, age.... OMG! I see (((wikipedia))) doesn't even acknowledge his death! They still have him as alive & 85yo! :o
I could swear news of his death hit in the early/mid '00s, no? try this:
I'll paste the text here but u need to go to the link for the video, coz it's hosted at some off-brand platform:
Dan Rather on David Letterman Show, 9/17/01 Discusses Dancing Israelis: "We've Never Dealt With These Kind Of Hateful, To The Core, EVIL PEOPLE." (
By Martin Hill (
January 9, 2017
9/11= Inside Job (
Share this page here:
Dan Rather was a guest on CBS 'Late Nite With David Letterman' show on September 17, 2001.
I had never seen this clip until this week. How did I miss this one? Very interesting.
Right before this segment at minute 9, Dan Rather breaks down and starts to weep openly in front of Letterman on live TV about the attacks. Letterman consoles Dan, holds his hand, says "take care of yourself" and goes to commercial. When they return, he continues:
Letterman: Dan Rather is here. I was talking earlier- these are questions from a dumb guy, so, help me out.
Zealots motivated by religious fervor? Am I accurate to think that? Is it possible to reconcile, is that what we're dealing with? And if so, what are the events really, that have pissed this guy off? What did we do here?"
Rather: First of all David, I want to apologize. You know I'm a pro and I get paid not to let it show, and I'm sorry about that. Now to answer your question. And again this is so important to understand. No, I don't think it's about religious fervor. 'Cause this has nothing to do with Islam. This is not Islam. Osama bin Laden...
Letterman: What the hell are they up to?
Rather: Well. They hate America. They hate us. It isn't - This is what makes this war different. They don't want territory. They don't want what we got. They want to kill us and destroy us. Now it's a heavy statement but it's true. They seek to accomplish our death. Death as a people, as a society, as a culture.
Letterman: But WHY? Why? What- what- Why?
Rather: Well,
Letterman: They don't get cable? What's the problem? (Laughter from the audience.)
Rather: They don't get cable. Who could explain madmen? And who could explain evil? Umm- They, they see themselves as the world's losers. They would never admit that. They see us, we have everything, we win everything, This is their, ya know, thing. They see themselves as, ya know, 'we should be a great people but we're not.'
Letterman: Mmm-hmm.
Rather: And it drives them batty. That's the only explanation-
Letterman: And that really is it? That's why we have 5,000 people dead in this city?
Rather: We have 5,000 People...
Letterman: It's just envy? Jealousy? Bitterness?
Rather: Deep abiding hate. It's very difficult for anyone in western civilization, much less our United States of America, to understand this kind of hate. You have to see it first hand, you have to have been among it to understand. It's - it's - There's no rationality to it by our standards. There's no trying to explain it. But I keep coming back to the point, David, it's a mistake to believe that this has anything to do with the Islamic religion.
Letterman: Mmm-hmm.
Rather: These are crazy people. They are haters. They hate us for who and what we are. They don't want anything except to see us dead and see us destroyed.
Letterman: "Yeah, I, I, I mean, I'm, listening to what you're saying, but - do you know anybody alive today who is capable of that? I mean, it's so abhorrent, and so far afield of what we regard as the human experience. How can it exist at a level large enough to be of any consequence for God's sake?"
Dan Rather: "I don't have the answer to that question, I come back to, some evil, it's just- it can't be explained."
Letterman: Are these people happy?
Rather: No.
Letterman: Are they joyous now? Are they celebrating? 'Thank God'?
Rather: "Oh absolutely. They're celebrating. There's one report, this has not been confirmed, there's several reports there was a cell, one of these cells, across the Hudson river, and they got on the- this is tbe report, I don't know this for a fact but there's several witnesses who say this happened. They got on the roof of the building- to look across. They knew what was going to happen. They were waiting for it to happen. And when it happened, they celebrated. They, they jumped for joy. To see this happen, it was a great triumph. IT'S INCONEIVABLE TO ME AND TO YOU, BUT DAVID, THIS IS WHAT we have to understand as a country. We're not dealing with the kind of things in any war we've ever fought before. Because we've never dealt with these kind of hateful, to the core, EVIL PEOPLE."
Letterman: "Have have have.. has... did this country, um, years ago, or currently, make some kind of mistake that that made us more vulnerable than we should be? Has there been any kind of.. I think about the FBI, that is run like a high school volleyball team, (laughter) I think of the CIA, you know, they can't even find the drinking fountain, (laughter) I mean, have we made mistakes that we should not have made?
Rather: Absolutely. And you've touched on some. Look. We spend in excess of $25 billion dollars a year for alleged, supposed, intelligence... (continues)
Watch the video here:
- See more at:
14th September 2017, 02:29 PM
Just listened to this from Bill Still & his lovely wife. I saw the title and had high hopes, only to be dashed, when it was clear he tows the (((official story))). Scan a few reader comments there, the 911 truth bomb ones, to see how (((BS))) tries to scold/shame/ridicule the messengers. :-X ( 17:32
9-11 Attacks Revisited with Beth & Bill, 1784 (
3 days ago
This radio show with joo-wise Frederick Blackburn was far more satisfying; a review of the 911 Truth timeline. It's 2 hrs but only 2nd hour is 911T talk, so just advance to the middle of the play bar.
Blackbird9's Breakfast Club with Frederick C. Blackburn 9/13/2017 (
In the First Hour, Frederick C. Blackburn covered the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a greater Israel ruled by Globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other countries to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the Second Hour, the host looked at the rise of the 9-11 Truth Movement spanning the 16 years after the events of September 11, 2001. As the Buddha said, "Three things cannot long be hidden; The Sun, The Moon . . . and The Truth". Faced with a physically impossible "official 9-11 story", people from around the world were confronted with an even larger dynamic that was best summed up by the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Truth Advocates suddenly found themselves cast into a tempest of Cognitive Dissonance, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Disinformation Campaigns, Smear Campaigns and Political Assassinations on this Odyssey of 9-11 Truth. Show-page
Download (
18th September 2017, 09:12 AM
"Our Interesting Times" with host Timothy Kelly,
Latest Episode 3 hours ago
( MacQueen on 9/11: The Pentagon's B-Movie Graeme MacQueen returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his article "9/11: The Pentagon's B-Movie." We talk about how the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, however real, were also eerily similar to a movie plot and thus indicate the "9/11 movie" to be a carefully scripted event directed and produced by the Deep State. Graeme is a retired member of the Religious Studies...
137 1h 44m
31st December 2017, 06:41 PM
U.S. District Court for Northern Nevada, Page 1 of 13
31st January 2018, 07:00 PM
Christopher Bollyn gives a talk on all the jews that did 911 and then covered it up on 10/22/2017. He seems to have it pretty well covered. Skip ahead to the 6:00 minute mark where he starts speaking. It's long but he sure seems to have tied everything together.
1st February 2018, 12:25 AM
Christopher Bollyn gives a talk on all the jews that did 911 and then covered it up on 10/22/2017. He seems to have it pretty well covered. Skip ahead to the 6:00 minute mark where he starts speaking. It's long but he sure seems to have tied everything together.
I’ve watched 47 minutes of it so far, and yes it is long, but I believe Cristoffer Bollyn is the best researcher of 911, and his findings are top notch, and it is comprehensive.
5th February 2018, 12:39 PM
It makes you wonder why he's still alive?
I’ve watched 47 minutes of it so far, and yes it is long, but I believe Cristoffer Bollyn is the best researcher of 911, and his findings are top notch, and it is comprehensive.
5th February 2018, 07:15 PM
It makes you wonder why he's still alive?
He has been attacked and also jailed I believe.
7th February 2018, 10:18 PM
It makes you wonder why he's still alive?
He escaped to Sweden, maybe I should pay him a visit some day...
3rd May 2018, 08:17 AM
1 hour: Download ( 018.05.02.mp3)
Alan Sabrosky on censorship, Zionism & 9/11, and more (
May 1, 2018 ( Kevin Barrett ( 02_165422_20140602_165440.jpg
Jewish* ex-Marine Corps officer Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, came on my radio show in March 2010 ( to state that “9/11 was a Mossad operation, period.” Mentioning Alan’s name during the Q&A at public events can get you arrested, as Jeremy Rothe-Kushel found out the hard way (
Dennis Ross: Well, look, I don’t think that as a matter of policy, that the United States or Israel engage in acts of terror. Terror is you target deliberately civilians for an expressed political purpose. The idea that Israel had something to do with 9/11 is just outrageous – they had nothing to do with it.
Rothe-Kushel: Tell that to the Marine, Alan Sabrosky.
Seconds later, Jeremy was manhandled and arrested by trained-in-Israel off-duty cops, who also roughed up librarian Steve Woolfolk. BREAKING NEWS: Jeremy just sued the culprits!
What’s the connection between the 9/11 coup, the Zionist takeover of America, Israel’s preparations for launching a huge new war, and escalating censorship? Alan Sabrosky breaks it down…and offers a few strategic tips to the Resistance.
*”I express my Jewish ethnicity through cuisine, not foreign policy.” -Alan Sabrosky
13th May 2018, 06:12 PM
( The Realist Report Dr. Alan Sabrosky (
May 12, 2018 (
One comment (
11th September 2018, 07:46 AM
9/11 Truth: 17 years Later w/ Christopher Bollyn (
2 hours ago
^ pub'd under 3hrs ago, & the jootube community already has it "offensive" with throttled exposure; must watch there: you'll find embedded console below doesn't play:
11th September 2018, 08:20 AM
9/11 Truth: 17 years Later w/ Christopher Bollyn (
2 hours ago
^ pub'd under 3hrs ago, & the jootube community already has it "offensive" with throttled exposure; must watch there: you'll find embedded console below doesn't play:
Certain features have been disabled for this video
In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
11th September 2018, 10:20 AM
Certain features have been disabled for this video
In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
and notice, while Adam Green's "Know More News" channel name is displayed; it's not hyperlinked-- another speed bump aimed at peeps who got to the page somehow, & curious to see Adam's other vid offerings-- they need to enter channel name into the YT search box.
>>> <<<
11th September 2018, 02:19 PM
Adam Green in San Diego, 15m:
11th September 2018, 04:16 PM
11th September 2018, 08:38 PM
Here we are in 2018 (eight years after Mamboni started this thread) and Americans still have no clue who actually did 9-11. We were sadly naive back in the GIM1 days thinking that all we had to do was awaken our fellow goyim.
11th September 2018, 09:24 PM
Here we are in 2018 (eight years after Mamboni started this thread) and Americans still have no clue who actually did 9-11. We were sadly naive back in the GIM1 days thinking that all we had to do was awaken our fellow goyim.
911 is the unspeakable thorn within.
11th September 2018, 09:43 PM
9/11 Truth: 17 years Later w/ Christopher Bollyn (
2 hours ago
^ pub'd under 3hrs ago, & the jootube community already has it "offensive" with throttled exposure; must watch there: you'll find embedded console below doesn't play:
here's a bitchute version; don't need YT login or okaying their kvetching. :)
Download Video (
Download .MP3 (
14th September 2018, 06:55 PM
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2018.09.13 (
Christopher Bollyn, Dean Henderson, and Cat Watters discuss 9/11 and more
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.
One or two minutes missing at the end of the show
Info Page (
64k CF Download (
1st November 2018, 05:47 PM
(((Bonnie Faulkner))) of Guns & Butter Radio Show on dajooz kicking her off KPFA Berkeley
Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2018.11.01 ( (
Today: Guests, Bonnie Faulkner ( (only 20 minutes)
I will post the full show when I find it elsewhere. I'm posting this because she explains how her banning from KPFA occurred. (
The Real Deal Archives (
Revolution.Radio (
64k CF Download (
4th January 2019, 04:42 PM
My intent is to expose as many members and visitors as possible to the facts, witness accounts, news reports and commentaries surrounding the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon and the overwhelming evidence that Israeli Mossad was the prime engineer of the attacks, and traitors within the US government and intelligence aided and abetted. Having all of this information in one thread would increase the likelihood that a curious neonate might peruse and become enlightened. I ask members here to post only high qualtiy material and links.
To get us started, here is an interesting collection of media stories relevant to the 9/11 attacks:
250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media
250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media
1. 1962 - US military drafted 'Operation Northwoods', a plan to commit terror acts in US cities, kill innocent people, hijack airplanes, and plant evidence as a way to trick the public into thinking Cuba committed an unprovoked attack against the US in order to support a war against Cuba. (ABC, Natl Security Archives)
2. March '00 - Filming begins for The Lone Gunmen's 'Pilot' episode that depicts a US plot to crash an electronically hijacked Boeing 727 into WTC and blame foreign terrorists to provoke war and increase military's budget (KC Star), March '01 - 'Pilot' episode airs on FOX TV, 6 months before attacks (TV Guide), Co-producers were relieved to hear 9/11 plot pre-dated their show. (
3. 1999 - NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are hijacked and crashed into targets which include the WTC and Pentagon (USA Today), April '01 - NORAD requested a war games event of having a terrorist group hijack a commercial airline and fly it into the Pentagon. (Boston Globe)
4. 2000 - CNN has employed active duty military psyops personnel. (WorldNetDaily)
5. Oct '00 - Pentagon conducts emergency training exercises of a mock passenger plane crash into the Pentagon. (Army)
6. June '01 - Attorney General John Ashcroft stops flying commercial aircrafts because of a 'threat assessment'. (CBS)
7. June '01 - Terrorist act exercise involving an explosion is conducted near the Pentagon to test first team's 'external response.' (Military District of Washington)
8. June '01 - NORAD conducts Amalgam Virgo 01, an exercise involving a cruise missile attack scenario in which their presentation manual has a photo of Osama bin Laden on the cover and a picture of an explosion in a skyscraper inside. (Global Security); June '02 - NORAD conducts Amalgam Virgo 02, an exercise involving a domestic commercial airliner-hijacking scenario planned before 9/11. (Defense Link)
9. July '01 - Twin 400 ft gas tanks near WTC are imploded by Controlled Demolition Inc. who will later do clean-up at Ground Zero. (Queens Gazette, Phillyblast)
10. Aug '01 - Raytheon and US Air Force successfully land pilot-less Boeing 727 using military GPS landing system that enables ground control to take control of hijacked plane. (Der Spiegel, Raytheon)
11. Aug 30 - Dept of Transportation conducts exercise involving high-jacked plane and a cell phone from it among other aspects of the scenario that one participants describes as being 'very strange' when the actual event happened on 9/11. (MTI)
12. Sept '01 - 25,000 British troops ensemble in Oman near Afghanistan for 'Operation Swift Sword' and will help US in attacking OBL. (BBC, Telegraph)
13. Sept 3 - Author Salman Rushdie given US air ban. (Ananova)
14. Sept 4 - An Israeli owned shipping company moves out of the WTC. (Virginian-Pilot, Real Estate Weekly)
15. Sept 5 - US pulls the plug on Muslim websites. (Guardian, BBC)
16. Sept 7 - Jeb Bush puts the Florida National Guard on alert (WorldNetDaily,, Sept 10-11 - President Bush is in FL, state that controversially handed him 2000 presidency (Telegraph), 9/11 - Jeb Bush declares state of emergency in FL immediately after 2nd tower fell (WorldNetDaily), At least 15 of the 19 hijackers have Florida ties. (Augusta Chronicle)
17. Sept 8 - Marine Aviation group moves further away from where explosion at the Pentagon will happen. (Leatherneck)
18. Sept 8 - Mock drill at Buffalo Niagara Airport simulated terrorists blowing up an aircraft containing 82 passengers and some of the participants will help at Ground Zero after 9/11. (Univ Buffalo, Highland Hose Volunteer Fire)
19. Sept 10 - FEMA rescuer Tom Kenney says he was deployed to NYC late Monday night before going into action Tuesday morning, the day of the attacks. (CBS video)
20. Sept 10 - Group of top Pentagon officials canceled travel plans for next morning because of 'security concerns'. (Newsweek)
21. Sept 10 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives travel warning 8 hours before attacks. (SF Chronicle)
22. Sept 10 - A rookie is asked to temporarily take command of the National Military Command Center inside Pentagon for Sept. 11. (9/11 Commission)
23. 9/11 - Fort Belvoir near the Pentagon was conducting an exercise to test the security at the base in case of a terrorist attack. (Connection Newspapers)
24. 9/11 - An airport emergency operations exercise is being conducted at Fort Myer, a mile from the Pentagon. (MDW, DC Military)
25. 9/11 - Employees at Israeli instant messaging company Odigo received text message warnings about attacks 2 hours prior. (Haaretz, Washington Post)
26. 9/11 - Donald Rumsfeld predicts terrorist attack in US 2 minutes before 1st WTC plane crash (Fayetteville Observer), later predicts Pentagon crash minutes prior. (Telegraph)
27. 9/11 - White House staff given Cipro, a full month before first cases of anthrax reported. (Washington Post)
28. 9/11 - President Bush's cousin escaped death from the WTC thanks to a 'schedule change' the night before. (Ananova)
29. 9/11 - Fiduciary Trust, located in the south WTC, had scheduled an emergency drill for the day. (NY Times)
30. 9/11 - Larry Silverstein is absent from his office on the North Tower's 88th floor because of a 'doctors appointment' along with his two kids who are 'running late'. (NY Magazine, NY Observer)
31. Sept 12 - FEMA was scheduled to participate in an attack drill in NYC. (9/11 Panel,
32. Sept 9 - NORAD conducts operation 'Northern Vigilance,' planned months in advance, which deploys fighter jets to Alaskan region. (NORAD, Toronto Star)
33. 9/11 - Three F-16 jetfighters from Andrews AFB, 15 miles from Pentagon, are flown 180 miles away for training mission in the morning. (Aviation Week)
34. 9/11 - Andrews AFB, home to DC Air National Guard and Air Force 1 & 2, had no jetfighters on alert. (Newsday, USA Today)
35. 9/11 - A simulated aircraft hijacking was scheduled for the morning by NORAD. (Vanity Fair)
36. 9/11 - US intel agency planned exercise in the morning to simulate plane crash into government building. (Boston Globe, USA Today)
37. 9/11 - NORAD was running war game called 'Vigilant Guardian' in which the commander in charge thought first hijacking was "part of the exercise." (Aviation Week, NY Observer)
38. 9/11 - FAA bans takeoffs at 9:26 am for all civilian, military, or law enforcement aircraft (FAA, Time)
39. 9/11 - A squadron of NORAD fighter planes from Langley AFB were sent east over the Atlantic Ocean and were 150 miles from the Pentagon when it was hit, further from where they took off. (9/11 Panel, Star Tribune)
40. 9/11 - Shoot-down authorization not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 crashed. (9/11 Panel, Seattle Post)
41. Feb '05 - Donald Rumsfeld, Gen. Myers confirm there were at least four war games on 9/11 from Rep. McKinney questioning. (C-SPAN)
42. Jan '01 - Frank De Martini, deceased Mgr of WTC Construction & Project Mgmt, says in documentary before 9/11 that he believes WTC towers could sustain multiple hits from large jetliners, comparing it to poking a pencil through mosquito netting. (WTC-A Modern Marvel, DVD Talk)
43. July '01 - WTC landlord leased the entire WTC complex 6 six weeks before attacks. (CBS, Washington Times)
44. Twin Towers were hated, poorly designed money-losers subsides by the State and weren't torn down before because of expensive asbestos removal in which 9/11 benefited the owners by efficiently destroying the complex in a way that they didn't have to pay for any of it. (Baltimore Sun, Salon, Front Page)
45. Sept 6 - WTC officials recently took steps to secure towers against aerial attacks by installing bulletproof windows and fireproof doors in the 22nd-floor computer command center (Newsday)
46. Two week heightened security alert at WTC is lifted and bomb-sniffing dogs are abruptly removed days before 9/11. (Newsday)
47. Occupant in WTC says weeks before attacks they had "unusual" amount of evacuations from WTC and says he thinks "they had an inkling something was going on." (People)
48. Sept 10 - The roofs at the WTC are closed. (911DigitalArchive) 9/11 - Exit doors to the WTC's roofs are locked, preventing people to escape on to the roof. (NIST)
49. 9/11 - A Fiduciary Trust CEO from the South WTC is invited to early morning charity event at Offutt AFB hosted by billionaire Warren Buffett and is escorted to TV by military officers and sees 2nd plane crash into her offices. (Forbes, SF Business Times)
50. 9/11 - A missile was reportedly launched from the Woolworth Building near the WTC. (NIST, WNBC, NY Daily)
51. 9/11 - Rudy Giuliani says he was told South WTC was going to collapse. (ABC video) July '05 - Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani was near the London Blasts. (BBC)
52. Company hired to help clean up Ground Zero is control demolition experts, Controlled Demolition Inc. (Waste Age)
53. Preliminary tests show steel quality did not contribute to twin towers' collapse. (Boston Globe, Pittsburg Live)
54. Oct '04 - Fire in 56-story Venezuelan skyscraper spreads over 26 floors and burns for over 17 hours, but does not collapse. (CBS)
55. WTC Ground Zero workers claim they helped FBI find 3 of the 4 black boxes from planes that struck WTC, contradicting official accounts that none were found. (Philadelphia Daily News)
Bombs, flashes, other explosions
56. EMT Jeff Birnbaum near the South Tower says he heard an eerie high-pitched noise and a 'popping sound' then an explosion before the top of the tower leaned toward him and started coming down. (CEE News)
57. Firefighter Louie Cacchioli in elevator going to 24th floor hears a bomb go off and thinks bombs were set in the building. (People)
58. Firefighter Edward Cachia says the South Tower gave at a lower floor then where the plane hit because they thought there was internal explosions going off from hearing successions of 'boom, boom, boom, boom' before the tower came down. (NY Times)
59. Fire Captain Karin Deshore says there was orange and red flashes followed by explosions that were getting bigger going both up and down and then all around the WTC 2. (SF Gate)
60. Tom Elliott on 67th floor floor in WTC 2 felt explosion below him as plane hit, firemen going up told him of an explosion near 60th floor. (CS Monitor)
61. Commissioner Stephen Gregory along with a Lieutenant Evangelista from Ladder 146 say they both saw multiple flashes coming from the lower level of the WTC 2 right before it collapsed and mentions the flashes they saw are like what you'd see when they 'blow up a building.' (NY Times)
62. Nadine Keller from her balcony in Soho, NY says she 'heard the bomb' before she saw the buildings collapse. (BBC)
63. EMT Joseph Lovero reports hearing 'additional explosions' to dispatcher. (WNBC)
64. Edmund McNally phoned his wife from 97th floor of WTC 2 following the plane crash, says he heard explosions below him. (NY Times)
65. Mike Pecoraro and co-worker hear a loud explosion in WTC 1 basement and believes a bomb went off after seeing major damage to the basement floors. (Chief Engineer)
66. Janitor William Rodriguez in WTC 1 basement hears explosion below him, then the plane crash above him seconds later, then saw severely burnt man come out of basement elevator. (CNN)
67. Teresa Veliz on the 47th floor of the WTC 1 feels the building shake again more violently then the shaking from the 1st crash and hears explosions going off everywhere inside the building and also hears explosions when she was outside that she was convinced bombs were 'planted all over the place' and that someone was 'sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons.' (September 11: An Oral History)
68. Kim White from 80th floor of WTC 1 hears an explosion near the 74th floor. (People|2)
69. Witnesses reported hearing another explosion just before WTC 1 collapse, police said collapse looked almost like a 'planned implosion' designed to 'catch bystanders watching from the street.' (Guardian)
70. Third explosion reported at WTC 2 and part of the tower collapses afterward. (TCM News, TCM News)
71. Group of firemen discussing the collapse of WTC 2 said how each floor was pooping out as by being 'detonated' as if 'they had planned to take down a building'. (9/11 - The Filmmakers' Edit)
72. A member of the FDNY says when trying to get some people out that there was 'secondary explosions' and then subsequent collapses. (11 News)
73. A FDNY Firefighter says as he was getting his gear on and making his way to the stairway, there was a 'heavy duty explosion'. (CBS)
74. MSNBC Reporter Ann Thompson says at 10:30 when she got outside the building she heard a 'second explosion' and 'another rumble' then ran inside for cover when a fire marshal said they had to leave because if there was a third explosion the building might not last. (MSNBC)
75. NBC's Pat Dawson reports that the chief of safety of the FDNY told him that he received word of another bomb going off and when he tried to get his men out he said that there was another explosion which took place and thinks there were devices that were planted in the building. (NBC)
76. Eyewitness speaking in a studio interview says he was about five blocks away when he heard three explosions and turned around to see the building he just got out of collapse. (Studio interview)
77. An injured witness to one of the towers collapsing said it sounded like 'gunfire' and then all of a sudden he heard 'three big explosions'. (News interview)
78. NBC's Rick Sanchez reports that police have evacuated an area around the WTC because of a 'suspicious device' thought to be a bomb and say they think a van with explosives in it went off inside the WTC and fear that bombs have been planted in, or nearby the buildings. (MSNBC)
79. BBC's Stephen Evans reports there was a big explosion from 'much, much lower' in the WTC from where the plane crashed. (BBC)
80. 9/11 (6:47am) - WTC 7's fire alarm is placed on 8 hr 'test' mode which any alarms received are ignored. (NIST)
81. 9/11 (2pm) - FDNY knew WTC 7 was going to collapse. (Firehouse Magazine)
82. 9/11 (3pm) - Several demolition teams reach Ground Zero and later witness the collapse of the WTC 7. (Implosion World)
83. 9/11 - WTC landlord Larry Silverstein says he gets a call from a fire chief about the WTC 7 and he recommends to him to 'pull it' and after they 'decided to pull,' they all watched the 7 collapse. (PBS video)
84. 9/11 - CNN correspondent Aaron Brown announces that the WTC 7 has either collapsed, or is collapsing approx 1hr before it did. (CNN video)
85. 9/11 - BBC correspondent Jane Standley announces that the WTC 7 collapsed at least 12min before it did. (BBC video)
86. 9/11 - A medical student watching the WTC 7 hears a clap of thunder, sees a shockwave rippling through it and windows bust out, then sees the bottom floor cave out followed by the rest of the building. (1010 WINS video)
87. WTC 7 becomes first steel high-rise building in history to collapse due to mostly fire. (Chicago Tribune, Stanford Report)
88. The collapse of the 47 story WTC 7 skyscraper hardly gets any media attention. (NY Times)
89. WTC 7 debris was removed without investigators having the chance to examine it at the scene to help determine the cause of failure. (History Channel)
90. FEMA report concludes specifics of WTC 7 fires and how they caused it to collapse remain unknown and call for further investigation and also says the facade was 'pulled downward', suggesting an internal failure and 'implosion'. (FEMA)
4th January 2019, 05:28 PM "Get a load of these goyim. They think we owe them $6.8 trillions. But we own them! Stupid goyim. Tricks are for yids!"
16th January 2019, 09:40 AM
20th March 2019, 07:00 PM
20th March 2019, 07:36 PM
Nice find! That sure as shit is no plane or jet hitting the Pentagon. It looks like a cruise missile to me. Maybe one of our resident weapons experts can weigh in?
20th March 2019, 08:32 PM
Nice find! That sure as shit is no plane or jet hitting the Pentagon. It looks like a cruise missile to me. Maybe one of our resident weapons experts can weigh in?
Yeah...just found it posted on 4chan and it surprised me. Notice it is a .gif file of an eight-minute Youtube video that has been flipped horizontally. Weird find...
26th April 2019, 11:09 AM
Israel did 9/11:
( ( ( (
( ( (
( (
( ( e_world_trade_center_secret_papers_may_blame_saudi s.html ( ( (
30th April 2019, 03:17 PM
I didn't check to see if this video has been posted.
17th June 2019, 04:56 PM
watch Kuchner/Trump come out & "reveal" that.... IRAN DID 9/11 :o
Trump ‘thinks he knows’ who was behind 9/11 (
Published time: 17 Jun, 2019 21:44 Edited time: 17 Jun, 2019 21:44
Reuters / Jeff Christensen
US President Donald Trump has cryptically suggested he knows who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but would not name the names.
Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in the Rose Garden of the White House this weekend, the president digressed from the subject of the 2003 invasion of Iraq to the infamous terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York and Washington in 2001.
“By the way, Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center,” the president said.
It was not Iraq. It was other people. And I think I know who the other people were.
“And you might also,” he added, looking at Stephanopoulos.
It is not clear who Trump was talking about, but Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorist network are widely considered to be the culprits behind the attacks – even though bin Laden himself denied all involvement on several occasions before his death in 2011.
The Bush administration cited the 9/11 attacks to invade Iraq in March 2003, claiming the country had weapons of mass destruction it could give to terrorists.
President Trump went on to criticize American involvement in the Middle East, which he called ”the worst decision made in the history of our country” that has cost the US trillions of dollars.
On September 11, 2001, hijackers commandeered commercial airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon. The fourth jet, said to have been aimed at either the White House or the Capitol, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
17th June 2019, 08:47 PM
September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)
This Mossad job thesis has been gaining ground since Alan Sabrosky, a professor at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Military Academy, published in July 2012 an article entitled Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake, where he voiced his conviction that September 11th was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation.
a foreign power attacking the U.S. under the false flag of a third power almost seems like fair play. Indeed suspicion of Israels role should be natural to anyone aware of the reputation of the Mossad as: Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act, in the words of a report of the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies quoted by the Washington Times, September 10th, 2001 the day before the attacks.
This is an important point, because it raises the question of how and why the 9/11 Truth movement has been led to endorse massively the outrageous inside job thesis without even considering the more likely thesis of an attack by a foreign power acting under an Islamic false flagand what foreign power but Israel would do that?
Of course, the two dissenting theses do not necessarily exclude each other; at least, no one incriminating Israel denies that corrupted elements from the American administration or deep state were involved. The passionate attachment between Israel and the U.S. has been going on for decades, and 9/11 is one of its monstruous offsprings.
On the other hand, we can assume that those who lead the public into error on a long term are not just mistaken but lying. In any case, it is legitimate to investigate the background of opinion makers, and when they are caught lying or distorting the truth, we can speculate on their motivation.
17th June 2019, 10:46 PM
September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)
that bitch is 5 hours long, pub'd in 2014. U watch it? basically 911 ZIHOP?
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