View Full Version : aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger,
4th April 2010, 01:00 PM
I'll just update this thread now and then with significant news from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( They are the largest and most credible professional organization bringing public attention to the obvious, conclusive evidence of the controlled demolitions of WTC 1, 2, & 7 on September 11, 2001.
The implications of WTC CD of course undermine the whole official 911 conspiracy theory about scary moozlem boxcutter wielders having orchestrated the events of 911, including the feat of demolishing 3 steel framed WTC skyscrapers, allegedly "due to fire", with only 2 boeings.
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,159 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
Visit to view the identities of all the Architects & Engineers who have gone public, risking their reputations & careers, to take a stand demanding a real investigation, specifically regarding the controlled demo's of those 3 WTC towers. Click on their names for more background on them, and their "personal statements." 1,159 A's & E's at the time of this posting.
Alternatively, check out how many A's & E's are publicly supporting the "other side" here, :-*
Architects & Engineers who PUBLICLY support NIST (
4th April 2010, 01:10 PM
Thanks PatColo for keeping us updated with the REAL 9-11 info.
8th April 2010, 02:05 PM
Thanks to PatColo, a true American patriot and the real McCoy (unlike the frauds and posers that infest that certain forum that shall not be named).
9th April 2010, 07:24 AM
1,159 A's & E's at the time of this posting.
and there's quite a few more who haven't joined because, now that America is a Zionist police state, it is dramatically inconvenient to have your name on a List.
e.g. the next time you do a border crossing, let's say the guard does a Google Search for your name - bingo, there it is on AE911Truth.
and that guard - who works for the Department of Israeli Homeland Security - determines if you get to cross the border.
9th April 2010, 01:14 PM
I'm a big fan of Richard Gage's organization. I understand they're going to have an updated movie/presentation later this year? I'm looking forward to it. I originally heard him on Coast to Coast, then checked out his site, and watched the video. I've spent a lot of time researching "the official" story and their rebuttals to the truth movement to try to get a clear picture from both sides, but ultimately it was Richard Gage's movie that really brought me on board with the 9/11 truth movement.
19th April 2010, 02:57 PM
News Anchors SCARED after hearing Richard Gage Architect talk about 911 as inside job
You may have to click the internal link to watch the video as liveleak doesn't seem to like being embedded.
8th May 2010, 07:36 PM
*Live Video StreamTonight May 8, 7:30pm PT/ 10:30pm ET* (
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,193 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
17th May 2010, 10:21 PM
20 A/E Radio Commercials Set to Go in San Francisco (
It's GO time! For their first placement of Chip-in funds to buy radio/tv ads, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is running 20 radio spots on KGO-AM in San Francisco. These will air 2 per night Mon-Fri for two solid weeks starting May 17th and continuing through May 28th.
The KGO signal is among the most powerful in the country. Operating with 50,000 watts of power as a clear channel station, it is accessible throughout the western United States and beyond.
Big thanks to Peter B. Collins, Bay Area radio personality, for helping to broker this deal with KGO. (He is the guy who read the *myths* portion during the recent Firefighters/AE911Truth speaking events in California). To quote Peter B:
"Repetition is the best way to get response from a radio spot. After midnight on KGO, you get incredible coverage with a live talk format. John Rothmann and Ray Taliafero will get calls from listeners; if the listeners get screened for saying they want to talk about 9/11, they will get clever and tag it on to a call about another topic. On KGO you will get your message to a large audience in the west, and stimulate discussion on a mainstream station."
He urges us to call into the live shows and instigate discussion. Here is the call in number: 415-808-0810 (mid.- 5 a.m.)
These 30 second spots are voiced by celebrity Ed Asner and plug the scientific study which found high explosives in WTC dust and AE911Truth. Repetition... Call-in potential... Great coverage... Celebrity endorsement...
This radio spot is available for anyone to download. Please place in your local market!
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,196 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
17th May 2010, 10:32 PM
There are three groups of people who do not question the government's involvement in 911:
1. the amazingly dumb
2. the bought-and-paid-for
3. the emasculated
25th May 2010, 09:48 AM
mexico was behind 9/11. the government is hiding this!! MEXICO DID IT!!
11th July 2010, 07:02 AM
i wonder how many architects & engineers that sign up at AE911truth, end up with their name on no-fly lists, etc.
Large Sarge
11th July 2010, 07:10 AM
i wonder how many architects & engineers that sign up at AE911truth, end up with their name on no-fly lists, etc.
Actually I am pretty well convinced they have lost the 9/11 battle
their tactics now are to keep the blame off of themselves (alex jones is making a new movie, and getting a bigger monthly check from the mossad)
;D ;)
16th July 2010, 09:29 PM
Nationwide AE911Truth Ads on Coast to Coast with George Noory (
* AE911Truth
* Coast to Coast AM
* ed asner
This is the big leagues. AE911Truth is running a series of 30 second spots on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory in the build up to Richard Gage's appearance as a guest on the show July 31st.
[Starting this Thursday, July 15th at 2:17 a.m. Eastern]
Remember this will be a truly national spot airing on 500+ stations! A first for 9/11 truth. [There was a spot on Coast to Coast earlier this year, but it only ran in the Los Angeles market]. This is not just a local affiliate of a nationally syndicated show-- this is a nationwide ad that will be heard by nearly a half million people.
So put on a pot of joe and listen this Thursday at 2:17 a.m. Eastern. // Wed. 11:17 pm. Pacific
Thursday is the original spot by Ed Asner, while following versions will be modified to serve as promos for Gage's appearance on the 31st.
Radio Affiliates:
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,225 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
17th July 2010, 06:59 AM
PC, just a thumbs up for your posting of this info and your endurance in promoting the facts on the events of 9-11.
17th July 2010, 08:09 AM
PC, just a thumbs up for your posting of this info and your endurance in promoting the facts on the events of 9-11.
Thanks billy, though 911 Truth dissemination is far less of a focus of activism for me these days, as I posted here early on:
I'll prolly post less 911 stuff than I used to, '05-06-07-etc were productive years for truth dissemination, but now most who are going to wake up are awake, and it's diminishing returns trying to reach those still in the dark- they're still in the dark for a reason after all! 911 Truth is baked into the cake for the reality based community at this point, people are even less afraid of fingering the zio-perps than they once were; but the truth after all is self evident. I spend alot less time monitoring 911 blogs etc, just not learning much new myself at this point. In the recent couple years at GIM, even shill-a-thon's 'yada yada no evidence of WTC CD yada yada scary moozlems did 911 yada yada' chant became a running joke.
So I'll more likely post on current affairs, for instance last Fall I was posting more on the swine flu/vax racket (, as that speaks to the depopulation agenda, which is more exigent for the average J6P than understanding 911. I also think the ongoing chemtrails assault ( & morgellon's syndrome ( are depopulation related, if not "transhumanism (" related!
Sofia's site ( has a nice subsection which explores a variety of conspiracies, broadening the discussion from just 911; see The Rabbit Hole (
Separately, this video's getting good reviews,
9/11 Experiments: The Mysterious "eutectic steel" (
17th July 2010, 11:01 AM
I'm a registered, licensed architect and I've been thinking of adding my name to the ranks of the other 1200+ registered architects and engineers on that petition. I have no doubt the official story is a lie and I support Richard Gage and his professional group. There's one thing holding me back though, and it's a very real consequence of adding my name to that list. If any potential clients see it, they may be less apt to hire "one of those crazy truthers" for their architecture and design needs. This economy has been killing my industry and I've already lost two jobs because of it, so even the slightest prospect of losing a contract or client gives me pause.
17th July 2010, 06:31 PM
madfranks, I have no doubt that there are thousands of licensed, practicing As & Es in the exact same boat.
When Shill-A-Thon used to try to marginalize/discredit AE911Truth, they'd say "yeah, but those nutjobs are a minute percent of all the As & Es in the world (who by default obviously support the NIST bunk)". When asked to give their LIST specifically naming all the As & Es who PUBLICLY SUPPORT THE OFFICIAL GUMMIT/NIST FABLE, they'd bob & weave, divert, go silent, ETCETERA (
This is telling, Architects & Engineers who PUBLICLY support NIST (
22nd July 2010, 04:49 PM
madfranks, I have no doubt that there are thousands of licensed, practicing As & Es in the exact same boat.
When Shill-A-Thon used to try to marginalize/discredit AE911Truth, they'd say "yeah, but those nutjobs are a minute percent of all the As & Es in the world (who by default obviously support the NIST bunk)". When asked to give their LIST specifically naming all the As & Es who PUBLICLY SUPPORT THE OFFICIAL GUMMIT/NIST FABLE, they'd bob & weave, divert, go silent, ETCETERA (
This is telling, Architects & Engineers who PUBLICLY support NIST (
personal opinion is not truth
22nd July 2010, 09:51 PM
personal opinion is not truth
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,228 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
23rd July 2010, 11:47 AM
the TRUTH is you found a bunch of guys with a same opinion
23rd July 2010, 01:39 PM
the TRUTH is you found a bunch of guys with a same opinion
Where's YOUR LIST of a bunch of licensed architects & engineers who publicly support gummit/NIST's official fable about the WTC's demolition?
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,228 1,230 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
23rd July 2010, 02:13 PM
the TRUTH is you found a bunch of guys with a same opinion
Where's YOUR LIST of a bunch of licensed architects & engineers who publicly support gummit/NIST's official fable about the WTC's demolition?
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,228 1,230 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
i dont need no stinkin list. i am a leader not a follower like you. i look at da facts not opinions.
i got a list of exspurts who believe earth is flat. that not make it truth.
23rd July 2010, 06:44 PM
Why does a certain class of posters rely on intentionally misspelled words and deliberately poor punctuation?
11th August 2010, 08:31 PM
30 min interview: David Chandler
The Physics of the 9/11 Truth Movement
David Chandler is a physics teacher, a Quaker peace activist, and an independent 9/11 researcher, active with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and on the board of the International Center for 9/11 Studies. He noticed that something was amiss with the way the buildings fell on 9/11 and did precise measurements of the motions associated with the building collapses and straightforwardly applied Newton's laws of motion to show what this implied about the forces at work.
Chandler thinks that the free fall of the buildings is one of the clearest smoking guns for the use of explosives on 9/11. A paper describing his analysis can be found online at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. Chandler's' analysis proves that approximately 90% of the structural support had to have been removed from the North Tower for it to come down with constant downward acceleration as it did. Building 7 (the third building to undergo rapid, total destruction on the evening of 9/11) came down at absolute freefall as well so that also had to have its existing inner structure previously removed. Besides clarifying the dynamics of the building collapses, David Chandler has built a solid case that the official NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) investigation was an elaborate coverup, involving not just errors, but that it was fraudulent. Chandler is working on a documentary DVD that will tie together all of his work. Go to his website below and the numerous analytical videos posted by him on YouTube for more details.
trailer for Chandler's upcoming DVD:
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,247 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
11th August 2010, 08:59 PM
Historic 9/11 Truth Billboard Revealed in San Luis Obispo, Calif. (
(Photo of the billboard:
9/11 Truth Billboard in SLO
San Luis Obispo, August 6, 2010:
In what may be the first of it’s kind in the nation, a group of 9/11 Truth activists organized, designed and paid for a commercial billboard in which 1,200 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth invite the public to “Examine the Evidence.â€
The 24’ (w) x 12’ (h) billboard was installed sometime Thurs. afternoon, Aug. 5, 2010 on South Higuera, just south of Elks Lane in San Luis Obispo (near the Sutcliffe Cemetery). [ MAP: ].
The activists who brought this matter to the people of San Luis Obispo County and the thousands that will drive by the billboard over the next 8 weeks realize that the evidence we are attempting to share is difficult to digest. Many simply cannot bear to question the official version of what happened on 9/11 because the implications are so difficult to face.
In order to understand the facts regarding the unprecedented total collapse of 3 modern, steel high rise buildings one has to free themselves from preconceived notions in the face of evidence backed by fact and the laws of physics.
The volumes of evidence include a peer reviewed paper published by an international team of scientists in which they describe discovering red chips of unignited thermited (an explosive incindiary) in all 4 samples of the World Trade Center dust that they tested. There has been no coverage of this paper in any of the mainstream press, including the so-called “Left†media. NIST (The National Institute of Standards and Technology) was tasked with explaining these 3 high rise failures and produced the reports that make the government’s case. But they have not responded to this paper and have remained silent on many other issues that the 9/11 Truth community has raised.
For more details about this highly charged issue, which has been the basis for 2 wars in the Middle East and much more, please visit:
Some of the researchers who are involved with the LOCAL 911 Truth organization include:
Mark Phillips:
Rich Besco:
Local tri-county publication HopeDance ( has been covering the issue for years starting in 2001. For some articles, reviews of books, and videos on the 9/11 subject, please visit:
23rd April 2011, 04:46 AM
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,159 1,487 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
Richard Gage on Fox 2 Detroit - 04/18/11 ( << video clip inside. Gage is sporting a new look, lost the horse-shoe baldness in favor of a bolder new cue-ball baldness, hip retro glasses-- I actually heard one guy speculate that this new look is evidence of Gage's having been co-opted, with his look/image being "updated" to subtly suggest he's a cuckoo- personally I don't really see this, and Gage was perfectly on message in this clip.
Interesting to note the 911blogger reader comments below. Several years ago ('07-'08 area) 911blogger got "quietly co-opted by the dark side" (ala the former GIM1, now, and has since displayed an editorial, moderation, and "in-group" member commentary bias towards protecting the real 911 perps from serious direct scrutiny, and towards keeping the focus on the bogus Limited Hangout LIHOP version of 911 Truth, vilifying scary moozlemismists as the main perps-- with comment deletions and "quiet purgings" of those honest members who stubbornly follow the evidence where it leads.
One of the principal LIHOP shills since the early days has been mossad operative "Jon Gold", whose main agendas appear to be,
- posturing as "bestest friend EVER to the 911 victims' families" (such that criticism of JGold's game is synonymous with "dishonoring the families"-- shades of the holohoax-defense MO of vilifying skeptics as hating holohoax victims, survivors, and worse)
- propping up Limited Hangout LIHOP, in large part by seeking to downplay truthers' emphasis on (LIHOP-decimating) WTC CD, while emphasizing "ignored warnings by US" and "scary moozlemist hijacker financing" and anything else implicating moozlems as the main perps. Imagine, a guy supposedly "in this movement" since shortly after 911 (coming up on 10 years this Sep), immersed in "research" all that time, all on "his own time and money" LOL, and he allegedly still can't decide whether or not the WTC was a CD, and relentlessly promotes the notion that "WTC CD isn't our best, most convincing evidence"...
- promoting Jon Gold, constantly sounding his trumpet about "all he's done for this movement", and berating those deviating from his/bosses' agenda with insinuations that they're "hurting this movement's progress" and how "THEY haven't done for this movement all JG has done! [for the FAMILIES]"- an emotion tugger abused as both sword and shield, ala the holohoax MO
anyways, the reader comments in the above 911blogger thread are illustrative of JGold's joojitsu methods of constantly, albeit subtly, trying to steer the movement in his bosses' desired Limited Hangout LIHOP direction, propping up the genocidally anti-Semitic "yada yada scary moozlemists did 911 yada yada" memeplex.
23rd April 2011, 07:05 AM
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,159 1,487licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud!
Sort of like MDs saying prescription drugs kill
The license controls you.
I can't tell if you're disparaging MDs who do, or don't, condemn pharma drugs; nor can I tell whether you're disparaging licensed A's & E's who do, or don't:
"... hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe there is sufficient doubt about the official story to justify re-opening the 9/11 investigation. The new investigation must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. " (
In the case of both MDs and A's & E's, the latter groups who "go along to get along" are still in the majority in their professions, while the former groups who publicly call out the mega-scale-BS in their midsts, put their careers & reputations at great risk by doing so, as they're standing up in opposition to vastly rich & powerful interests- yet despite those risks, they are (IMHO) driven facts, principle, and conscience.
Incidentally, before anyone assumes "the majority of A's & E's who don't publicly sign the petition above are somehow therefore 'in agreement' with gummit/NIST's official fire/pancake-collapse theory re the WTC's destruction"-- not so. There is simply no "we support the gummit/NIST collapse theory" petition- for good reason, virtually no A's & E's would sign it outside of one or two gummit/NIST whores whose salary depends upon towing the Official Big Lie re WTC.
Architects & Engineers who PUBLICLY support the Building 7 NIST Report - LISTING (
I speculate here, but I'd guess that those A's & E's who are silent on the WTC question, either haven't earnestly investigated the matter (probably accounts for most, despite AE911Truth's outreach efforts), and/or are truly going along to get along, not choosing to "jeopardize their careers", their family's economic security, etc & others with a sense of how fascist things are becoming, don't wish to be on any "dissident lists" -- again, going along to get along, putting their perceived interests of their careers & families first.
Those who've signed AE911Truth's petition ( are true modern day heroes.
30th April 2011, 08:50 AM
Update on AE911Truth - from Hartford, CT March 26, 2011 (
Written by AE911Truth
Friday, 29 April 2011 11:48
In this 20 minute heartfelt appeal to action Richard Gage, AIA, lays out the history of AE911Truth, where it hopes to go, and how you can help to get it there.
19th May 2011, 12:40 AM
a bump in honor of cracking the 1500 landmark,
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,501 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D
19th May 2011, 01:06 AM
Pat, what do you think of Dr.Judy Wood? She does make a convincing case about direct energy weapons and not thermite being the means of turning WTC into talcum powder. The only things I know are the official 911 story is bullshit and ZOG is behind it as the main beneficiary of 911. Who exactly did it and by what means is still a mystery. Dr.Wood has a very detailed site about her version of how it was done but I can`t find her opinion about who did it and most importantly who ordered it.
19th May 2011, 01:39 AM
I had dismissed Judy Wood years ago as a laughably unconvincing provocateur... this interview re her theory certainly did no good,
That and Jim Fetzer, a confirmed shill, practically creamed his shorts with fake excitement over her theories in a radio interview with Wood around '05-'06 somewhere- her debut onto the 911 truth scene, which doomed her credibility as Fetzer's own cred soon after swirled down the crapper.
That said, I still allow for many possibilities, having since become a greater student of mind-blowing technologies in existence and use; weather control, scalar weaponry, WTF-ever they're spraying overhead, morgellons syndrome, etc.
So, you summed up where I'm ultimately at, with "The only things I know are the official 911 story is Bullshit and ZOG is behind it as the main beneficiary of 911. Who exactly did it and by what means is still a mystery." But with that humbly stated, my best guess remains along the lines of WTC CD by nano-thermite & conventional explosives, nothing more exotic or space-based. I also lean against mini-nukes, but as above, I allow for the possibility... I'm ultimately a layman in the crossfire of a fierce dis/infowar... gotta stay humble and not marry (or disown) any given theories or researchers.
It is hard, indeed, to feel humble, to know respect and honor, to get rid of all attachments, to keep pure in thought and deed, and to become wise. --Guatama Buddha
19th May 2011, 02:07 AM
I believe Pat 100%. I was recently seduced into seriously considering Dr.Wood,the wilted cars do look odd. But since she avoids talking about who did it and we all know who benefitted from it, anything she says is suspect.
16th June 2011, 06:07 PM
Interesting blog about fake Al Quaeda "terrorists"
16th June 2011, 07:36 PM
i dont need no stinkin list. i am a leader not a follower like you. i look at da facts not opinions.
i got a list of exspurts who believe earth is flat. that not make it truth.
Universal Fucking Moron?::)
16th June 2011, 07:43 PM
I believe Pat 100%. I was recently seduced into seriously considering Dr.Wood,the wilted cars do look odd. But since she avoids talking about who did it and we all know who benefitted from it, anything she says is suspect.
Wilted steel cars is what you get when cars are showered with superheated incompletely combusted nanothermite fumes. It literally burns anything in it's path, even steel and tempered glass.
8th August 2014, 05:02 PM
As of today, 2,222 licensed architects and engineers (of which I am proudly one) on the petition:
9th August 2014, 02:12 AM
well spied, Madfranks, and thanks for sticking your neck out there re signing the petition. \uu\
The noisiest issue "muddying the waters" & baiting for infighting the past couple years has been the "No Planes @ WTC, Video Fakery..." campaign, which I said about all I have to say about here:
Thread: Critical of JFetzer & JFriend's No Planes @ WTC campaign (
24th August 2014, 06:16 PM
Carrying this reply over from an unrelated thread (, where it was off topic.
"while I don't get bogged down in the 'HOW the wtc was destroyed...' wedge-issue-wannabe"
All I know is the Nanothermite Gang have done more than any part of the "9-11 truth movement" to do an end run around exposing the Zionist Jewish Mossad connections to 9-11, so they have USED "HOW" subject matter to obscure truth. For that reason we have to examine as much as possible the different "HOW' hypotheses and determine, from the world of empirical facts, if the positing of a particular "HOW" "theory" is really about seeking truth or is it about moving us away from truth. We need to use facts and science as much as possible to tear down any HOW hypothesis if we can prove it has no basis in fact. That eliminates useless, truth obfuscating, rabbit trails.
I have nothing to add to my quoted bit above. But for those who wish to engage the assertions made by Dachsie above, this thread is prolly a good place coz it's focused on ( :cool:
24th August 2014, 07:07 PM
Short reply so I can subscribe to thread.
When there has been a murder, it is important to determine what the weapon was.
24th August 2014, 08:04 PM
I have nothing to add to my quoted bit above.
actually, I'll add the suggestion I made at a JFriend blog about NP@WTC. Same goes to those tempted by the prospect of infighting over the technicals of HOW the wtc was destroyed.
PatColo December 4, 2013 at 7:22 PM
( 4579478)
Tom said, "... It may be a pipe dream to force a rule, regulation or law change - but I will still try. "
Hey if you sincerely believe you can convince the masses of your NP@WTC belief, and subsequently "force a rule, regulation or law change" in the current joodeo-masonic-FCC & joodeo-masonic-court system environment; I say wear yourself out & best of luck.
I've said what I have to say re NP@WTC-ianity,
I share A.Anglin's sentiment where he writes, "In all honesty, it sickens me that I am even typing this right now. "
So here's what I'm going to do instead with the time/energy I would otherwise be tempted to spend engaging in this contrived "dogs chasing our tails" infighting ditch, over a speculative & irrelevant (as far as the forward movement of our 'movement' is concerned) question of HOW the 911 psyop was technically done. I recommend all sincere Truthers do the same.
1. Make "mini-flyers". With one 8.5x11 sheet, you'll be cutting to make 5 flyers. Hand-write (more personal feeling) the following message, 5 times, spaced from the top through the bottom of the page:
Hi Friend. Please check out the following 2 videos:
WTC-7, The Smoking Gun of 9-11 (15 minutes)
Missing Links: How Israel Did 9-11 (125 minutes)
^ you could do 3 links, I'd suggest - just keep it short & succinct yet enticing.
2. Print however many of these as you'd like, whether on your home printer or Kinkos/etc. With your copies, cut them into mini-flyers, which will end up being 8.5" by ~2.2" each.
3. "Flyer" your neighborhood, or wherever you'd like. An effective placement is on cars. I like to roll the mini-flyer loosely, and slip them into the driver's door handle, in the space the driver will place their fingers to open the door. The loosely rolled flyer will act as an outwardly-expanding spring, so it stays put in the finger space. The flyer will be somewhat protected from rain/etc there; and you can put them there without even physically touching the car yourself (as opposed to putting them under the wiper). There are many other flyer placement ideas: shopping carts, free newspaper racks (put a flyer INSIDE each of the top 5-10 papers), etc. Mailboxes is your discretion; realize it's illegal to put anything inside US Mail boxes... If you're not shy, dress in your Sunday-best, and give them to people personally in a public gathering place.
Point is, I/we expend our Truther time/energy reaching NEW people; not "taking the bait" playing keyboard-commando/chase-your-tail with (contrived sub-factions within) "the choir." :)
24th August 2014, 08:25 PM
It's not about "infighting".
It's not about "the movement"
It's not about "unity" in "the movement."
It's about TRUTH.
If we can rule out certain ways it is said to have been done, then we are closer to the TRUTH.
If we get closer to how it was done, we get closer to WHO did it and won't have to just rely on personal beliefs.
We probably never will get justice in a court of law.
But Truth is its own reward.
Truth is a very powerful force and it can do what the law never could.
We should always keep searching for the truth about 9-11, as much as it can be found, whereever it can be found and we should rule out whatever we can.
If we do that while adhering to objectivity and facts and fairness, then it is not about wasting energy on infighting.
Searching for truth is a very noble worthwhile thing in life. It keeps you on a meaningful and right path.
We should work to analyze every Big Lie we are being told these days of every kind. Decide upon your Big Lie of choice and go there.
24th August 2014, 10:16 PM
^ I just don't see the 'HOW the wtc was destroyed' question ever being 'resolved' without new disclosures from those inside the 911 events, and in the face of: Evidence Destroyed is Justice Denied (
I DO see it potentially diverting the energies of some 911 Truth activists who take the infighting bait, into a dead end alley of non-productiveness. And this outcome would be its own reward, for those seeking to keep the lid on 911 Truth... :rolleyes:,550x550,075,f.jpg
1. Make "mini-flyers". With one 8.5x11 sheet, you'll be cutting to make 5 flyers. Hand-write (more personal feeling) the following message, 5 times, spaced from the top through the bottom of the page:
Hi Friend. Please check out the following 2 videos:
WTC-7, The Smoking Gun of 9-11 (15 minutes) (
Missing Links: How Israel Did 9-11 (125 minutes) (
^ you could do 3 links, I'd suggest - just keep it short & succinct yet enticing.
I'd put at the top of that list, "WTC-7: This Is An Orange" (2 minutes):
2 minutes of a stranger's time is a much easier sell than 15 minutes, much less 125 minutes! :cool:
5th September 2014, 02:30 AM
I just started listening to this 2 hour J.Fetzer show. I didn't know who the guest was, but from the opening it seems he's a "member of AE911Truth", thus the stage is set for a "debate" show, as Fetzer has been increasingly outspoken ( against AE911Truth, as being a "limited hangout" (face-palm! how divisive... either adopt FetzerCo's elaborate theories which lay persons can't understand, or else be disparagingly labeled a limited hangout! :( )
Monday, September 1, 2014
Ibrahim Soudy (
^ MP3 link
AE911 etc
Posted by Total at 10:11 PM No comments: (
5th September 2014, 03:44 AM
thus the stage is set for a "debate" show, as Fetzer has been increasingly outspoken against AE911Truth, as being a "limited hangout" (face-palm! how divisive... either adopt FetzerCo's elaborate theories which lay persons can't understand, or else be disparagingly labeled a limited hangout!
Thanks. Will listen to that mp3 today.
Those "debate" shows that Dr. Fetzer does are not even a rough semblance of a debate, not even the ones when Dave Gahary does very decent job of moderating. (By the way, Gahary and AFP radio shows are off the air now as I understand it.)
I wrote to Dr. F. saying my opinion about debate not really being a debate and he wrote back and agreed with me.
It is more a discussion that usually ends up with the mutual slinging of ad hominems or Dr. Fetzer lapsing into his philosophical reasoning sophistry. Experienced that lately.
Dr. Fetzer seems to insist that people accept his theory about nukes. The theory looks pretty good to me but there are some things about it that I have serious questions about. The A&E911 group IS directly spawned from and a part of the "nanothermite gang" CIA psyop and they too are pushing that everyone accept their theory of what destroyed the Towers.
I personally do feel the need to subscribe to what method of destruction was used, but I can pretty much narrow the field and rule out certain methods like "explosive nanothermite" by some rather simple unsophisticated reasoning. So in that sense, I agree with Dr. Fetzer that A&E911 is indeed a limited hangout, a group that I have observed fairly closely since their genesis in 2006. That group also tried to wow and manipulate the "truthers" from the beginning with all their complex "high level science" and "peer reviewed scientific studies" deceptions, which I appreciate Dr. Morgan Reynolds (economist) and Dr. Fetzer quickly were able to blow apart.
I still have some deep disagreements with Dr. Fetzer on several matters and I express them to him as openly as I can, but generally if I had to choose amongst all the exposers of these hoaxes and false flag events, I would stick with his information as I have since he came on the scene in 2005.
We all have to realize that the corruption and lies and controls are so deep and pervasive in all areas of our "information" that we have to somehow get our minds protected by some kind of mental body armor to not get taken in too far by any of them. (Even some of the ostensibly best exposers of the J agenda can be a sophisticated psyop.)
9th February 2016, 02:39 AM
Why does a certain class of posters rely on intentionally misspelled words and deliberately poor punctuation?
The distinction in the case of my preferred 'new words' in naming them in written form is, my preferred words are [very nearly]* homophones ( of their preferred j-words.
[...] ( A homophone is a word that has the same sound as another word but is spelled differently [and has a different meaning]*:
Not so bad, right? The ending graph means drawn or written, so a homograph has the same spelling. The phone ending means sound or voice, so a homophone has the same pronunciation. [...]
The spoken pronunciation of my preferred new (written) words for them; "joo jooz dajooz jooduhism joosh joodeo", is the same as the spoken pronunciation of their preferred j-word family. And remember, when we read words to ourselves, we're speaking them aloud in our heads. So the reader of my preferred joo... words is speaking their words at the same time; which, esp in combination with the context in which my new words appear, leaves zero question as to my new words' meaning. If the reader of my joo... words ponders for a moment why I've "misspelled" their preferred j-words; GOOD... that's my intention. :cool:
* As to the [...and has a different meaning] element of what defines a homophone (; this is yet another implied "fuck you to dajooz!" aspect of my preferred joo... family of NEW WORDS. THEY fancy themselves the sole arbiters of what, when, & how a new word, is a new word; IE the "proper" spelling, pronunciation, definition & grammatical usage of said new word(s). THEY publish the dictionaries and the English books. THEY fancy themselves as having an exclusive monopoly on the "proper words" WE can use to express ourselves. THEY have elected NOT to sanction a homonym/homophone/homograph ( word defining a homophone, but which [...has a different THE SAME meaning] as the word being deliberately IMPOSTORED (just like khazar-JOOZ themselves, heh, what a coincidence! :D) by the "inventor" of the new word-- esp where the new word has been invented with intentional implied protest against some aspect or the original word being impostored. WE'RE not supposed to have the POWER/CONTROL to invent our own new homographs-but-with-the-SAME-meaning, for obvious "control" reasons. And to that, I (for one...) say, "fuck you to dajooz!"
Also noteworthy is that my consistent usage of "moozlem" and it's variants like "scary moozlem", "scary moozlemismistism" etc instead of "Muslim", is for the same:
...homonym/homophone/homograph ( word defining a homophone, but which [...has a different THE SAME meaning] as the word being deliberately IMPOSTORED (just like khazar-JOOZ themselves, heh, what a coincidence! :D) by the "inventor" of the new word-- esp where the new word has been invented with intentional implied protest against some aspect or the original word being impostored...
...reason that I use my "joo..." family of words. Dajooz have socially engineered things to where people from (principally...) the Mid East, are firstly thought of in Western minds as "Muslims", despite that not all of them are Muslims, and despite that those who don't abide by the tenets of Islam (IE they act criminally) are de facto NOT Muslims. As surely as dajooz have engineered the "MUSLIM 'refugees' flooding into Europe" (dajooz' language) crisis; they have also socially engineered the language so that we firstly refer to them as MUSLIMS, regardless of what, if any, organized faith the individuals adhere to. This memetic/linguistic-engineering was done as a part of djooz' larger "Clash of Civilizations" agenda... which of course I'm not on board with. So by inventing my own homophone-like words for THEIR preferred words, I poke fun at their memetic/linguistic-engineering efforts. :cool:
17th February 2016, 10:25 AM
:rolleyes: bump
17th February 2016, 11:13 AM
Just poured myself a glass of Tullamore Dew whiskey, which despite its name actually is an Irish whiskey and not from Israel. In taste it is somewhere between scotch and American bourbon, which is very good! Ahhhh
17th February 2016, 11:44 AM
whoopsi daisy! Jooboo doesn't like his special, dedicated playpen;
( (
Separately; and ON topic here,
Trump promises full investigation of 9/11 if made President (
Admin ( February 14, 2016 ( 107 Comments (
And guess what? The guys who did 9/11 are sweating blood because they know the game is up if Trump gets into the White House.
By Syed A.R. Zaidi
One of thems dead . . . the others are still at large
MORE..... (
17th February 2016, 12:03 PM
whoopsi daisy! Jooboo doesn't like his special, dedicated playpen;
( (
You shouldn't pick fights with one this forum's best posters.
Also if you're going to shitpost, actually use relevant memes.
17th February 2016, 12:40 PM
whoopsi daisy! Jooboo doesn't like his special dedicated playpen.
Separately; and ON topic here... (
Too funny. PatCohen thinks he is harming Jewboo by now shitposting/derailing this WTC 911 thread he himself started in 2010.
17th February 2016, 12:44 PM
Pouring myself another Tullamore Joo...
17th February 2016, 01:18 PM
whoopsi daisy! I don't like my special, dedicated playpen;
( (
Too funny. I think I'm harming PatColo by now shitposting/derailing (#45, then my #46 eight days later when he didn't take my #45 bait...>:() this WTC 911 thread he himself started in 2010.
Also funny how I'm busting a signature-joowey "Flip The Script & Project" move, projecting my own #45, #46, & #50 shitposting/derailing-attempts onto him; then projecting my own joowey behavior onto him by calling him "PatCohen." In reply #49, my zealous young protege MGTOW-boy ( tests out his own joowey "Flip The Script & Project" joojitsu, accusing PatColo of "picking a fight with ME! (" ;D :D,width=280,height=280?mediaType=png
My masters are most pleased with me! :D
"Our talmudic 'book' AKA JOOboo is disrupting GSUS by attacking
other members over the inane non-issue of what name to call us;
meanwhile hoping they're distracted from noticing how he's trying to
steer their primitive goy minds ( towards our satanic JWO ( iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf) agenda, LOL!"
"I know, RIGHT??
heh, heh heh, heh..."
^ at least he's honest. :rolleyes:
18th February 2016, 12:29 AM
Notice the 1st hour of this recent KBarrett show:
David Slesinger on AE911Truth activism; Tom Mysiewicz on The Saker and more
This show broadcasts on February 14, 2016.
It is now archived here Use Player
First hour: Dave Slesinger is a former member of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth activism team ( Dave is upset about some of AE911Truths decisions regarding activism. Rolf Lindgren, a veteran libertarian activist, calls in to join the discussion.
Second hour: Tom Mysiewicz, a former professional journalist who was hounded out of the profession by Zionists, has reported many interesting stories including Ted Cruz and the End-Times Wealth Transfer:
Ted Cruz father Rafael Cruz is a Cuban communist who actively promoted Castro and is now a born again Christian Zionist who preaches the doctrine of End-Time Transfer Of Wealth. In this curious doctrine, money, rather than believers, will be raptured to the loyal supporters of Israel at the end time
During this show, we started with his review of The Sakers new book (, moved on to debate Islamic migrants in Europe and finished with a discussion of the recently-ended militia occupation in Oregon (not too far from where Tom lives). one plays the other on TV?
I listened ^, and Slesinger's spiel is that he was frustrated that isn't using their outreach potential effectively enough; and feels it's being gatekept from the inside by some lady who he thinks should be fired.
If you can endure Slesinger's screechy voice peppered with random chortles, you can listen too, via the player console inside
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