View Full Version : The ethics of tax resistance

4th April 2010, 03:15 PM
The Ethics of Tax Resistance


Dr. Tibor Machan

Governments hate it when you succeed at escaping their tyrannical reach and so we have been witnessing extensive efforts by the feds to curtail tax dodging and avoidance. This has led to some considerable pressure exerted on banks in Switzerland, Lichtenstein and other places with serious bank secrecy laws, to release the names of those who bank there hoping to escape the IRS. (The U. S. government wields not only military might!) Extorting money from the citizenry is the bread and butter of governments. No serious effort has ever been made even in America to find and implement ways of funding the legal system without using extortionist methods. Yet, how could one have an unalienable right to one's life and liberty and such while government puts a gun to one's head saying, "Your money or you go to jail"?

Tax resistance may be morally defended on grounds nearly identical to resisting any kind of aggression against oneself. If one is accosted on some city street and threatened, one has the right to defend oneself. The right of self-defense is derivable from the basic right one has to one's life, one that rests on one's nature as a human being as a moral agent. If one carries on in one's life peacefully and is nonetheless attacked, one is justified – has the right to – resist. This also holds if the attack is aimed at confiscating one's resources, even if one misuse these – wastefulness may not be criminalized in a free society unless it involves dumping, imposing it on others, as in pollution.

Government sanction of conscription may, even ought to be resisted. Draconian cases could be cited here, involving slaves or concentration camp victims taking measures to escape. There is no moral doubt about whether resisting being subjected to these is ethically justified (although in nearly all such cases government apologists defend themselves via either the doctrine of implied collective consent or invoking some "greater good")! The gist of the errors of such systems can be seen in the Declaration of Independence where instead of governments, it's individuals who have sovereignty. Or, in other words, instead of divine rights for monarchs, it's individual human beings who have basic, unalienable rights, including to their lives, liberty and property (the term Thomas Jefferson used in an early draft based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which referred to "property and pursuing happiness.").

Taxation, which is extortion, has no place, any more than serfdom, in a just legal order so whether it's ethically justified to dodge or avoid it should not pose an insurmountably difficult moral problem. (There are, of course, considerations as to the proper means by which tax laws, as others that are unjust within a substantially just system of laws, would need to be resisted.)

What we face here is akin to what confronted abolitionists in the era of chattel slavery who were often urged to refrain from using radical means by which to resist. Arguably, one size does not fit all in how oppression of any kind ought to be resisted, opposed, combated, and so forth. Different victims could be justified in taking very different steps to counter oppression, including taxation. For some it would be most appropriate to make use of the available political processes, for some other means could be best. Taxation could, for some, be a minor although impermissible imposition, especially if they are wealthy enough so it makes little difference to the way they choose to live their lives. The context is relevant to how one is justified in addressing oppression. (For a simple example, if one is a large, powerful individual then being assaulted could be nearly inconsequential and not worth spending the time and resources to resist.)

Although there could be variations in how one ought to resist (dodge, avoid, legally contest, etc.) taxation, the answer to whether those subject to the institution are ethically justified in making the effort to resist it is in the affirmative. Yet, as with all matters of conduct involving other people, a sort of moral due process is required. One may not resist a trespasser by killing him and that kind of consideration would apply in how one goes about resisting an evil such as taxation.

In any case, the often voiced objections to tax dodging and tax avoidance are without merit.

4th April 2010, 03:25 PM
When a fellow Christian tells me it is sinful not to pay every penny the Federal regime demands, in accordance with "render unto Caesar," I remind them that the united States of America HAS NO CAESAR - the "sovereign" is all the people themselves, "no King but Jesus" as the early Americans said.

4th April 2010, 03:34 PM

The United States Treasury Secretary should be our moral guide.


I am me, I am free
4th April 2010, 03:47 PM
Someone please explain why anyone should pay a tax they're not liable for?

OTOH, everyone should pay any tax they ARE liable for. The ignorant don't know the difference.

4th April 2010, 03:53 PM
Thomas Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address
Monday, March 4, 1805

"It may be the pleasure and the pride of an American to ask, What farmer, what mechanic, what laborer ever sees a taxgatherer of the United States?"

7th trump
4th April 2010, 04:22 PM
Someone please explain why anyone should pay a tax they're not liable for?

OTOH, everyone should pay any tax they ARE liable for. The ignorant don't know the difference.

Problem is you are liable if you are statutorily "employed" or "self employed" for Social Security purposes.

I am me, I am free
4th April 2010, 04:26 PM
Someone please explain why anyone should pay a tax they're not liable for?

OTOH, everyone should pay any tax they ARE liable for. The ignorant don't know the difference.

Problem is you are liable if you are statutorily "employed" or "self employed" for Social Security purposes.

I thought I covered that with the caveat that the ignorant don't know the distinction.

If you persist in dogging me I'm going to smite you.

7th trump
4th April 2010, 05:54 PM
You never tell the difference.

Saul Mine
4th April 2010, 06:33 PM
I read the bible once. It says if you don't appoint a central government you will never have that problem. It worked for the Hebrews, it worked for the American colonies, it worked for the Barbarians, it worked for Holland ... but in each case the people prospered for a couple hundred years and then turned over their sovereignty to a central government.

God wants people to be upright, but people prefer to be grand.

4th April 2010, 06:44 PM
I read the bible once. It says if you don't appoint a central government you will never have that problem. It worked for the Hebrews, it worked for the American colonies, it worked for the Barbarians, it worked for Holland ... but in each case the people prospered for a couple hundred years and then turned over their sovereignty to a central government.

God wants people to be upright, but people prefer to be grand.

Liberty is hard work... people are lazy.

Twisted Titan
4th December 2010, 09:36 PM

5th December 2010, 05:38 AM
The southern cornerstone of the District of Columbia was laid April 15, 1792 in a Masonic ceremony.

6th December 2010, 01:44 AM
The southern cornerstone of the District of Columbia was laid April 15, 1792 in a Masonic ceremony.

On any building that contains a commemorative plaque relating to the corner stone or foundation stone then you can be confident it was performed by Freemasons. Perth in Western Australia, is resplendent with them. In fact the Perth mint has such a foundation stone. It was laid by one Sir John Forrest who was the Royal Surveyor for Western Australia and has a prominent place in our history. He was also the first Premier of the state. He was a confirmed Freemason.