View Full Version : Bisphenol - A

4th April 2010, 10:49 PM

While Bisphenol A was first synthesized in 1891, the first evidence of its estrogenicity came from experiments in the 1930's feeding BPA to ovariectomised rats (Dodds and Lawson 1936, 1938).
Some wildly popular water bottles are made of polycarbonate

Another compound invented during that era, diethylstilbestrol, turned out to be more powerful as an estrogen, so bisphenol A was shelved... until polymer chemists discovered that it could be polymerized to form polycarbonate plastic. Unfortunately, the ester bond that links BPA monomers to one another to form a polymer is not stable and hence the polymer decays with time, releasing BPA into materials with which it comes into contact, for example food or water.

Bisphenol A is now deeply imbedded in the products of modern consumer society, not just as the building block for polycarbonate plastic (from which it then leaches as the plastic ages) but also in the manufacture of epoxy resins and other plastics, including polysulfone, alkylphenolic, polyalylate, polyester-styrene, and certain polyester resins.

Its uses don't end with the making of plastic. Bisphenol A has been used as an inert ingredient in pesticides (although in the US this has apparently been halted), as a fungicide, antioxidant, flame retardant, rubber chemical, and polyvinyl chloride stabilizer.

These uses create a myriad of exposures for people. Bisphenol A-based polycarbonate is used as a plastic coating for children's teeth to prevent cavities, as a coating in metal cans to prevent the metal from contact with food contents, as the plastic in food containers, refrigerator shelving, baby bottles, water bottles, returnable containers for juice, milk and water, micro-wave ovenware and eating utensils.

Other exposures result from BPA's use in "films, sheets, and laminations; reinforced pipes; floorings; watermain filters; enamels and vanishes; adhesives; artificial teeth; nail polish; compact discs; electric insulators; and as parts of automobiles, certain machines, tools, electrical appliances, and office automation instruments" (Takahashi and Oishi 2000).

BPA contamination is also widespread in the environment. For example, BPA can be measured in rivers and estuaries at concentrations that range from under 5 to over 1900 nanograms/liter. Sediment loading can also be significant, with levels ranging from under 5 to over 100 µg/kg (ppb) BPA is quite persistent as under normal conditions in the environment it does not readily degrade (Rippen 1999).

What this all means is that most of your life you are within arm's length or closer to bisphenol A. No wonder the debate over its toxicity is so intense.

4th April 2010, 10:52 PM
Almost every canned goods manufacturer uses cans that have Bisphenol A in them. The only supplier I have found that uses BPA-free cans and jars is Eden Foods. You can get 15% off if you follow this link: http://www.edenfoods.com/store/welcome.php?welcome=oca&ref_src=oca&ref_id=oca

5th April 2010, 05:41 AM
Bisphenol A is a big concern for me as well. I try to avoid xenoestrogens as much as possible.

We don't have any plastic tupperware, we have these containers called Glass Locks, which are essentially glass tupperware containers. The lid is plastic but the food doesn't have to touch the lid.

I hate how it is used in cans. It is very hard for me to avoid it because of this.......

29th December 2011, 12:26 PM


Here’s a reality check for those of you who think you can avoid the toxic chemical bisphenol A: It turns out this toxic chemical has even been found in cash register receipts. That’s right: It’s not just cans and plastic bottles, friends this poison is literally everywhere.

Researchers from the Environmental Working Group found this dangerous estrogen like substance in 40 percent of receipts from places like Safeway, Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, CVS, and KFC.

Even the hippy-friendly greenie paradise Whole Foods had BPA in its receipts. You just can’t trust anyone these days!
But if you think handling receipts with BPA is no big deal, think again. Swiss scientists say that two hours after exposure, 30 percent of the BPA from a receipt remained on the skin – and could no longer be washed away.

Nothing like a hormone boost with each purchase – and they don’t even charge extra for it.

Speaking of BPA, Duane wrote in to ask how to send a message to the government urging them to ban this toxic garbage. Here’s what you do, Duane: Write a letter and print it out. Don’t waste money on an envelope or a stamp – just run that letter right through your shredder.

That’s what the feds will do with it, because they don’t care about you or me. The dangers of BPA are well known and well documented – it’s been linked to everything from obesity and cardiovascular problems to reproductive harm and early puberty – and they’re deliberately ignoring all that evidence every single day they fail to act.

If you want to do something more productive with your time, get rid of everything that might contain BPA: Cans, bottles, jars with lids – if it doesn’t say “BPA free,” assume it’s BPA full.

There’s not much you can do about those receipts. I’d say leave them right there at the cash register, but in some places they’ll tackle you at the door if you don’t show a receipt on the way out. You might also need those receipts for warranties, returns and the taxman.

Does this mean gloves are mandatory


29th December 2011, 12:36 PM
ALERT! BPA chemical in food is killing us all !!

Medical News—

BPA, you heard about it a few weeks ago but most likely in passing and you thought nothing of it when it was reported that it is in canned soups. Well maybe you should have listened to those reports a little closer. In fact maybe we all should have listened closer because it’s not just found in canned soups but in just about everything else.

BPA is a chemical known as Bisphenol-A that is used liberally in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. It is found in many everyday products that we purchase including food and beverage containers along with various packaging. There is a growing body of evidence now that BPA seeps into the products contained in the plastics, cans, or packaging which means we are eating it! Estimates are that and astounding 90% of all Americans have detectable levels of this chemical in their bodies! Further, there is also a growing body of evidence that BPA is linked to prostrate cancer in males and it makes males LESS attractive to females if you happen to be a male mouse. But it gets much worse than that!

One recent study showed that male mice who were exposed to BPA act more like females and are viewed as less desirable by female mice. Could BPA be one of the primary causes of femininity in human males today? Could be! And that could explain a lot when it comes to American males. This study was at the University of Missouri and it found that although the male mice appeared normal they were far from normal. In fact they were found to be clearly different. For one thing the female mice didn’t want to mate with the BPA exposed males and preferred males that were not exposed to this chemical to mate with.

The finding of the University of Missouri study have broad implications for human males as well especially in terms of cognitive and behavioral patterns. Although the jury is still out when it comes to BPA there is a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that BPA might be one of the primary chemicals responsible for male dysfunction on various levels.

See: http://www.prostate.net/2011/environmental-toxins/mice-exposed-to-bpa-less-attractive-to-females/

One thing that can’t be stressed enough is the importance of diet and, frankly, most Americans have absolutely horrid diets! Most of our foods come in cans or plastics and we don’t stop for a minute to consider what we are eating nor do we give it a second thought about what chemicals are in those containers that might have seeped into the very food we are eating! Most of us need to consider these things and become much more wiser in our diet and nutrition behaviors.

Since the 1930′s BPA has been knows to be estrogenic, that is, related to femals sex hormones (estrogen) as opposed to the male sex hormone (testosterone). Since 2008 there have actually been several news reports about this chemical but hardly anyone has paid any attention to them. Some retailers have even gone as far as removing food items with this chemical in the packaging from their shelves but, sadly, most have not. In September of 2010 Canada became the first nation to outright ban BPA as a toxic substance! The EU and Canada now have also banned BPA for use in baby bottles.

As I mentioned earlier, BPA is widely used and is in just about everything today including baby and water bottles, sports equipment, medical and dental devices, dental filling and sealants, eyeglass lenses, household electronics, and it is even found in CDs and DVDs! Oh yeah! It’s EVERYWHERE!! In canned foods it is used as a coating inside the can except in Japan which outlawed it and uses PET film instead. Bisphenol-A is also the preferred color developer in carbonless copy paper and thermal paper and the most common exposure to the public of this chemical is from some thermal point of sale receipt paper at the store! BPA is also used for lining water pipes and you can be sure if it’s getting into your canned and packaged food that it’s also coming right out of your faucets in your homes. BPA is also found in those plastic milk cartons we buy. No it’s not the milk feminizing American males as I’ve been told it might be. It’s the BPA in the plastic milk container!

BPA is known to be an endocrine disruptor that can mimic the body’s own hormones and lead to health problems. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the human and animal endocrine systems (hormone systems). Such interference can result in the development of cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders in humans and animals. These disruptors are KNOWN to cause learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, cognitive and brain disorders, deformations in the body, and sexual development problems. Endocrine disruptors are also known to cause feminizing in males and masculine effects in females!! In fact, ANY system of the body controlled by hormones can be negatively effected by these disruptors and BPA is a KNOWN endocrine disruptor! WTF?

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocrine_disruptor

There have actually been some studies directly linking this chemical to prenatal exposure and later neurological problems in humans. And we wonder why epilepsy and diabetes are rising? I suspect it is our heavy use of BPA and other endocrine disruptors.

In 2009 The Endocrine Society expressed concerns about the current levels of human exposure to this toxin and questioned the current “safe levels” of BPA. Of course the food industry in America says all of this is cause for no alarm and, in fact, the chief scientist of the Food’s Standards Agency said that BPA is “rapidly absorbed, detoxified, and eliminated from humans” and “therefore there is not a health concern.” Yeah LOL and how much is that moron getting paid to say that. I think I’ll make up MY OWN MIND FSA!!

In 2008 a review concluded that BPA exposure may be linked to the increase in obesity in the US. Further, a US National Institutes of Health panel determined that there was indeed some concern about BPA’s effects on fetal and infant brain development and behavior. In 2010 the FDA also expressed the same concern in connection with the rise in neurological disorders in Americans. So why hasn’t this SHIT BEEN BANNED BY THE FDA THEN??!! Oh, that’s right, Wall Street owns the FDA now, sorry I forgot!

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisphenol_A

The chemical has also been linked to thyroid gland function and cancer including breast and prostate cancers. At least one study has indicated that BPA may be linked to changes in human DNA which could be absolutely disasterous. Further, in 2009 studies on BPA found all sorts of horrible things with the use of this chemical including ovary anomalies and negative effects on behavior and sexual development. Also, these studies also found that exposure to BPA in the workplace were linked to self reported male sexual dysfunction. BTW that lap top you currently have on your lap reading this report most LIKELY has BPA in the plastic! Like I said. This SHIT IS EVERYWHERE!! Need I remind you that your skin absorbs things and is the biggest organ of your body?

And let me be clear. Massive amounts of exposure to BPA are NOT necessary for you to be negatively effected by it. Even small amounts hurt YOU!

Some studies have concluded that we DON’T know what safe levels of this chemical are and that pregnant women especially should avoid exposure to BPA which is not easy to do considering it is EVERYWHERE.

In 2008 a study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association by Lian Lang which showed BPA directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, and abnormally high levels of certain liver enzymes. That research recommended the immediate ban of the use of BPA. Further, a 2009 study of Chinese workers in BPA factories found that the workers were FOUR TIMES more likely to report erectile dysfunction and reduced sexual desire due to BPA exposure. Further, they were found to be SEVEN times more likely to have ejaculation problems.

Still not convinced this BPA chemical is DANGEROUS to your health? Consider the following. A 2005 study found permanent changes to the genital track in animals given as low as 0.025 kg per day of BPA and also changes in breast tissue giving rise to breast tumors. A 2009 study showed an increse in prostate weight by 30% in male animals given 2 kg per day. Yet another study in 2004 showed that when given 2.5 kg of BPA per day male animals had declines in testicular testosterone and another in 2007 showed it aids in the creation of breast cells predisposed to breast cancer!

So here we have a very dangerous chemical being used in plastics and food packaging that seeps into the food we are eating and through our skin and it’s not banned even though there is overwhelming evidence to ban its use as Canada has already and classify it as a TOXIC CHEMICAL. And I’m assuming that would be because of the corporatists who control our nation today and, of course, THEIR bottomline profit! Oh yes, profit is much more important than our health and welfare don’t you know?

So here we have a whole list of major ailments that many Americans suffer today and they can all be linked back to BPA. And instead of banning this TOXIN or refusing to buy anything with this toxin in it we go to the doctor to get a “magic pill” to fix our sexual dysfunction or other problems. Sorry but using one chemical to cure the effects of another chemical is NOT THE ANSWER! Fact is we’ve got to start reading food labels and finding out what is in our food and everything around us. Fact is when it comes to our health WE need to take some responsibility and watch what we eat. We MUST become WISE CONSUMERS AND BUYERS because our very lives DEPEND ON IT! Don’t expect government to do it for you. They ARE NOT!! It’s up to YOU!

Now, excuse me while I go clean out my kitchen cupboards throwing out EVERYTHING with BPA in it and I’m NOT buying the SHIT ANYMORE! Ah…lovely….a 30 minute shopping trip is about to turn into a 3 hour shopping trip as I read any and ALL FOOD LABELS!

BTW after researching this TOXIN called BPA I now consider the chemical as a source of FOOD TERRORISM!


Korbin Dallas
29th December 2011, 06:42 PM
I'm convinced this is why younger men are so fuckking effeminate these days. They spend $200 on jeans that look like they stole from their sister's closet, they spend more time on their hair than women, and look at how much jewelry 15-30 year olds are wearing. The fag guidos on Jersey Shore reinforce this concept.
The past 30 years has seen a parabolic increase in the use of BPA's, no coincidence.

30th December 2011, 12:21 AM
Almost every canned goods manufacturer uses cans that have Bisphenol A in them. The only supplier I have found that uses BPA-free cans and jars is Eden Foods. You can get 15% off if you follow this link: http://www.edenfoods.com/store/welcome.php?welcome=oca&ref_src=oca&ref_id=oca

Thanks for the link. I order cases from them all the time.

I eat their beans with no salt added 5 times a week with Trader Joes chili sauce. Good stuff.

2nd January 2012, 09:33 PM


Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel) on Sep 3, 2011
Aaron Dykes hosts a segment on Bisphenol A, the dangerous estrogenic in plastic drinking bottles and food containers. BPA is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States, even though the FDA raised concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children to the substance.