View Full Version : 1000 Euro Gold is Here

the white rabbit
5th April 2010, 04:33 AM
Just saying €835 now. Greece must be burning like GIM2 !!!

<I merged these similar topics- JQP>

5th April 2010, 06:12 AM

made a new high today, according to goldprice.org, 837.85 now.

the white rabbit
5th April 2010, 01:29 PM
Greece 10 yr rates back to Crisis Levels
Greece 10 Years Back To Crisis Levels As Germany Refuses To Subsidize Greek Interest Rates
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2010 13:05 -0500

Greece has been largely forgotten by the media over the past 2 weeks. This is somewhat perplexing in light of what is happening over in Europe: 1) Greek 10 Year spreads are back to crisis levels, hitting 6.53% today, 50 bps higher than the sub 6% reached in early March when speculation that the EU would fix everything; 2) German disagreements with other eurozone countries on the shape of the Greek bailout are getting more acute by the day, and this is nearly a month after the European "bailout" has been announced.

Even as the S&P dropped in February on Greek fears in early February to the YTD lows on February 5, coupled with a spike in GGB 10 Years to 7%+, since then the S&P has been rising at a 60 degree angle, even as the yield on the Greek bond is now chasing to catch up with S&P rate of increase. There are no news that can shake the conviction of the S&P that Dow 36,000 is next.


the white rabbit
6th April 2010, 11:52 AM
Then makes a nice run to €850 today sweet !!!

6th April 2010, 11:58 AM
Good job PLAYBOY!

Nice to SEE a 1000 euros and $1,400 USA soon too...

"the Six Million JOBS lost man - the big change!"

6th April 2010, 12:50 PM
what kind of gold do people like in Europe ?

are Krugerrands more marketable than Gold Eagles ?

6th April 2010, 01:17 PM
Europe was big on GOLD sovereigns from 1820 to 1915 when Great Britian went broke with WWI and USA bailed them out...

However...also were

along with French francs, Swis francs, German reichmarks, etc.

Now the BIGGIES were ONCE the BIG .96 ounce Austrian Coronas (pretty nice 1915 restrikes available)

Now Philis from Austria - ONE big ounce of gold...

7th April 2010, 08:11 AM
gundriller, speaking from the UK, there's a big enough market here for any bullion coin. typical buy prices from the dealers are around 97% whether it's for eagles, krugers, sovs etc.

up, up and away...


gold in pounds is knocking on the door of the record high, 759:


the white rabbit
7th April 2010, 10:54 AM
what kind of gold do people like in Europe ?

are Krugerrands more marketable than Gold Eagles ?
In France spot gets fixed once a day here a link for what they buy and sell

7th April 2010, 10:57 AM
as i've understood from a french poster at kitcomm a while back, there's a tax to pay when you sell gold, hence it's not very popular over there. apparently there a a few coin shops around the stock exchange in paris where you can get very good deals on bullion coins, though i've never been to check that out.

7th April 2010, 01:55 PM

Better to pay tax then lose 50% in currency value per year with the 6 million JOBS lost change man Allah Baba and the 40 thieves...

the white rabbit
27th April 2010, 09:05 AM
Another ATH €870 looking for €900 soon.

Low Pan
27th April 2010, 09:27 AM
Even the Austrian PhilHarm is stamped w/ a "2k Schilling" face value. What does that even mean? Is that to support a baseline value so that is TSHTF and the intrinsic value falls to less than the face value that the face value will prevail? In a SHTF scenario, wouldn't you want PM Coins that do not have a face value stamped on them (i.e. the SA Kruggerand, the only modern minted coin I can think of w/out a face value)? That way, some "Mad Max" type charachter can't tell you it's a 1oz piece of gold only worth $50, or 2k Schilling, etc because the coin is stamped as such.

27th April 2010, 10:44 AM
The new Philharmonikers are now denominated in euros. 100 euros if I remember correctly. I think it's mostly symbolic, as "coins" by definition must be struck by a government mint, and most governments require their coins to carry a face value. The SA Krugerrand is the exception, of course.

Don't overthink it. In a SHTF scenario, using gold coins probably wouldn't be a good idea to begin with, as you'd make yourself a target. And the "gold is gold" mentality and the purity and fineness markings on the coins would overrule any face value.

btw, good thread white rabbit. Watching the POG in other currencies is always good study.

the white rabbit
27th April 2010, 01:46 PM
How about a euro angel €887.50

Low Pan
27th April 2010, 01:54 PM
The new Philharmonikers are now denominated in euros. 100 euros if I remember correctly. I think it's mostly symbolic, as "coins" by definition must be struck by a government mint, and most governments require their coins to carry a face value. The SA Krugerrand is the exception, of course.

Don't overthink it. In a SHTF scenario, using gold coins probably wouldn't be a good idea to begin with, as you'd make yourself a target. And the "gold is gold" mentality and the purity and fineness markings on the coins would overrule any face value.

btw, good thread white rabbit. Watching the POG in other currencies is always good study.

good explanation, tyvm Jed ;D

the white rabbit
28th April 2010, 09:36 AM
Just hit €892 bring on €900

28th April 2010, 09:39 AM
nice spike there. closing in on 800GBP, too.

28th April 2010, 10:29 AM
Some price references


Quick Summary Table
Entries in bold face signify a record high in that currency.

DateFixPrice £ (http://priceupdatesonoursite.html)Price $Price €

21st January 1980P.M.£371.066$850.00N/A

23rd May 2001A.M.£199.683$283.85€330.712

24th May 2001P.M.£202.442$286.05€332.616

8th Feb 2002A.M.£216.107$305.10€349.605

5th Feb 2003A.M.£233.009$385.00€352.564

13th June 2005A.M.£236.051$425.60€353.400

13th June 2005P.M.£238.124$429.10€356.395

16th June 2005A.M.£237.004$431.50€356.446

16th June 2005P.M.£237.716$433.00€358.088

17th June 2005A.M.£239.154$436.05€359.540

20th June 2005A.M.£241.040$440.50€360.327

20th June 2005P.M.£241.070$439.35€361.605

24th June 2005P.M.£241.450$439.15€364.501

25th June 2005A.M.£243.513$442.95€367.289

15th September 2005P.M.£251.897$454.80€372.634

16th September 2005A.M.£252.884$458.10€373.350

16th September 2005P.M.£253.577$457.20€374.294

19th September 2005A.M.£243.513$442.95€367.289

19th September 2005P.M.£256.354$461.95€380.519

20th September 2005A.M.£260.503$470.00€386.609

22nd September 2005A.M.£261.839$472.75€386.866

27th September 2005A.M.£263.362$465.65€387.074

29th September 2005A.M.£267.523$472.50€391.596

29th September 2005P.M.£268.135$472.40€392.914

30th September 2005A.M.£268.825$473.40€393.516

10th October 2005A.M.£271.507$477.50€393.814

11th October 2005A.M.£271.172$475.50€394.934

11th October 2005P.M.£272.259$475.50€396.250

12th October 2005A.M.£273.820$478.50€398.983

14th November 2005A.M.£268.967$469.75€399.957

15th November 2005A.M.£269.792$467.55€400.128

15th November 2005P.M.£270.274$467.55€401.414

16th November 2005A.M.£272.178$470.65€402.334

16th November 2005P.M.£277.163$475.75€408.194

17th November 2005A.M.£279.750$480.75€411.672

17th November 2005P.M.£282.645$486.15€414.804

18th November 2005A.M.£284.855$487.90€417.615

22nd November 2005A.M.£287.883$493.00€421.116

25nd November 2005A.M.£288.365$495.70€421.624

25nd November 2005P.M.£288.347$493.00€422.078

28nd November 2005A.M.£290.853$497.30€424.789

1st December 2005P.M.£289.124$499.75€426.663

2nd December 2005A.M.£292.033$504.75€431.042

5th December 2005A.M.£291.773$505.00€431.513

6th December 2005A.M.£293.311$508.25€432.002

7th December 2005A.M.£295.751$512.30€436.818

7th December 2005P.M.£297.661$508.25€439.761

9th December 2005A.M.£299.857$524.75€445.081

12th December 2005A.M.£304.636$537.50€452.213

13th January 2006A.M.£309.688$547.25€453.510

13th January 2006P.M.£309.781$548.25€454.489

14th January 2006A.M.£315.867$559.40€460.601

14th January 2006P.M.£318.200$561.75€463.758

30th January 2006P.M.£319.353$565.00€467.174

31st January 2006A.M.£321.231$569.80€470.792

2nd February 2006A.M.£322.078$571.85€473.699

2nd February 2006P.M.£322.247$572.15€474.144

3rd February 2006P.M.£322.562$569.00€474.167

6th February 2006A.M.£324.694$570.00€475.000

6th February 2006P.M.£325.571$569.75€475.982

30th March 2006A.M.£332.624$578.50€479.089

30th March 2006P.M.£335.883$584.00€483.604

3rd April 2006A.M.£339.204$585.50€485.892

3rd April 2006P.M.£339.463$587.00€486.048

7th April 2006A.M.£341.026$597.00€489.545

10th April 2006A.M.£342.309$597.50€492.987

11th April 2006A.M.£343.849$599.50€494.433

18th April 2006A.M.£348.053$616.75€503.059

19th April 2006A.M.£348.990$623.75€504.530

19th April 2006P.M.£349.513$624.75€506.157

20th April 2006A.M.£361.469$644.50€521.862

2nd May 2006P.M.£360.061$661.00€523.481

3rd May 2006A.M.£367.263$675.25€534.344

5th May 2006A.M.£368.888$682.00€537.770

9th May 2006P.M.£370.663$691.25€542.114

10th May 2006A.M.£378.249$704.30€551.052

11th May 2006A.M.£379.149$707.00€555.687

11th May 2006P.M.£382.109$715.50€559.728

12th May 2006A.M.£382.739$725.75€561.378

12th May 2006P.M.£382.424$725.00€561.711

6th November 2007A.M.£392.129$817.56€562.973

6th November 2007P.M.£393.767$822.50€564.710

7th November 2007A.M.£400.471$841.75€573.555

2nd January 2008P.M.£427.824$846.75€576.452

3rd January 2008A.M.£438.485$865.75€587.275

8th January 2008A.M.£441.571$873.25€593.805

9th January 2008A.M.£452.154$887.85€603.528

11th January 2008A.M.£457.559$893.75€604.743

14th January 2008P.M.£460.674$902.00€606.387

15th January 2008P.M.£463.358$913.00€612.834

24th January 2008P.M.£461.947$909.25€617.949

25th January 2008P.M.£462.921$918.25€623.981

28th January 2008P.M.£464.217$921.75€623.985

29th January 2008P.M.£465.157$924.50€625.973

8th February 2008A.M.£468.958$914.00€631.172

8th February 2008P.M.£471.104$916.25€632.682

11th February 2008A.M.£474.372$925.50€635.908

21st February 2008A.M.£482.032$943.00€639.756

21st February 2008P.M.£482.759$945.00€641.200

3rd March 2008A.M.£492.697$978.25€644.943

3rd March 2008P.M.£496.684$988.50€647.857

17th March 2008A.M.£508.511$1,023.50€649.511

7th October 2008A.M.£507.190$881.75€651.219

8th October 2008A.M.£523.209$913.00€669.748

10th October 2008A.M.£542.810$918.00€675.845

23rd January 2009A.M.£644.233$873.00€681.339

23rd January 2009A.M.£644.233$873.00€682.420

26th January 2009A.M.£656.646$906.50€699.676

30th January 2009A.M.£641.635$918.50€713.398

30th January 2009P.M.£642.288$919.50€715.620

2nd February 2009A.M.£642.581$911.75€717.736

2nd February 2009P.M.£649.123$918.25€717.831

11th February 2009P.M.£653.795$938.00€727.583

12th February 2009A.M.£666.337$944.00€737.039

12th February 2009P.M.£663.746$943.25€740.094

17th February 2009A.M.£674.932$962.25€761.515

17th February 2009P.M.£678.584$968.00€766.976

18th February 2009A.M.£680.648$964.75€767.014

18th February 2009P.M.£679.447$964.00€767.944

19th February 2009A.M.£677.925$973.50€768.169

19th February 2009P.M.£684.133$980.50€771.561

20th February 2009A.M.£687.201$981.00€778.201

20th February 2009P.M.£690.353$989.00€782.437

24th November 2009A.M.£708.813$1170.25€782.933

25th November 2009P.M.£706.733$1179.75€783.107

26th November 2009A.M.£714.223$1183.00€784.223

26th November 2009P.M.£716.297$1182.75€787.240

2nd December 2009A.M.£727.104$1211.50€802.105

15th February 2010A.M.£701.212$1099.50€807.290

15th February 2010P.M.£701.309$1098.25€808.072

16th February 2010A.M.£710.577$1115.25€816.315

16th February 2010P.M.£713.075$1115.25€816.674

17th February 2010P.M.£709.845$1119.00€817.027

18th February 2010P.M.£714.240$1118.00€820.129

19th February 2010P.M.£721.815$1112.75€824.198

2nd March 2010A.M.£747.438$1116.00€826.973

2nd March 2010P.M.£752.857$1126.50€831.243

3rd March 2010A.M.£755.536$1136.25€834.067

5th March 2010A.M.£755.006$1135.00€834.989

5th March 2010P.M.£755.307$1135.00€836.527

6th April 2010A.M.£741.620$1124.00€837.743

6th April 2010P.M.£746.704$1132.75€847.133

7th April 2010P.M.£751.217$1142.00€854.726

8th April 2010A.M.£754.972$1146.50€862.744

9th April 2010A.M.£752.898$1156.00€863.009

the white rabbit
3rd May 2010, 09:12 AM
Here comes €900 as I type it is at €898

the white rabbit
3rd May 2010, 09:52 AM
Just seen it print €900.18

4th May 2010, 06:57 AM
Gold seems to be doing its thing.
In times of crisis it's like a security blanket or fuzzy teddy bear,
it makes people feel safe.

Silver is being treated like an industrial metal for now; hopefully,
that will change... I'm heavy on the silver side :-*

4th May 2010, 07:13 AM
Watching the POG in other currencies is always good study.


In the USD getting ready to spike to $1200


4th May 2010, 10:41 AM
or not..


Well - at least not today :)

4th May 2010, 01:43 PM
$1200 as the new line in the sand? if gold starts making new highs in dollars as well as the other currencies, looks bad for the fiat boys...get the impression today that the dow went undefended to bring gold down a little, though even with that it's still over €900.

the white rabbit
5th May 2010, 08:44 AM
In one month euro gold has made a €75 gain !!!

5th May 2010, 09:08 AM
In one month euro gold has made a €75 gain !!!

Euro In Free Fall: EURUSD Plunges To 1.2880, Goldman Stoking EURUSD Fire (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/euro-free-fall-eurusd-plunges-12880-goldman-stoking-eurusd-fire)

The Euro is in free fall. And Goldman Sachs is not helping, as the firm reiterates it has a core short position on EURUSD. Alas, Goldman's 1.2880 support level was just taken out. Watch out below.

In classic FX fashion last weeks violent short squueze ahead of the weekend announcement of the rescue package just worked to trigger the extended move lower from Sunday nights 1.3365 high . With the 'good news' in the market and priced the euro remains vulnerable to any fresh cracks , further negative speculation or bad news flow and the risk lies firmly to the downside . Many will have missed this last and sharpest part of the move lower and it’s now a tough level to initiate shorts . We are still holding a core short because as uncomfortable as it may be to be short at these levels it is hard to know how far this move might extend and to square up is to potentially miss a move which could extend a good deal further . So we are staying short and would look to add should we retrace to 1.3025/50 . Good resistance should emerge at 1.3100 and a stop could be placed above the previous low on the year at 1.3114 . To the downside 1.2880/1.2900 should offer some support given option interest and tech objective . Last years low of 1.2457 is not beyond the realms of possibility , but one step at a time for now .

Good luck

USD going berserk on this collapsing Euro.


5th May 2010, 10:52 AM
It is interesting that the collapsing Euro states has a much more negative impact on the Euro, than the collapsing US states has on the dollar, at least for now...

5th May 2010, 08:12 PM
When gold hits 1000 Euros (this month?, next week?), won't that be a pyschological barrier to breach- regardless of wht the dollar does. You can imagine the Deutschers and French scrambling to buy gold (and maybe even Greeks, Italians, Austrians etc.). Truth will shine forth.


6th May 2010, 03:00 AM
with gold at €919, that's a 25% increase in 6 months:


still looking like the euro will be the first of the fiat currencies to collapse. i imagine that the rest will follow suit fairly quickly, as confidence in the game is shaken to an extreme.

a measly 18% increase in 6 months for gold in GBP:


i remember buying krugers for £300 when i started. i promised myself a decent telescope when it doubled...not sure what to buy when we hit a triple, most likely seeds and food by that stage eh?

6th May 2010, 08:00 AM
1000 Euro Krugs for sale. By them while you can!

6th May 2010, 08:39 AM
fair comment, but you can still get them for around €950 (http://www.wert-markt.de/index.php?area=1&p=static&page=preisliste&count=no) with a bit of searching. for a day or 2 more, i'm sure ;D

you can also pay up to €1070 (http://www.silberundgoldshop.de/Kruegerrand_Goldmuenze_1_oz_Feinheit_9167__verschi edene_Jahrgaenge.html) :o

the white rabbit
6th May 2010, 09:48 AM
In one month euro gold has made a €75 gain !!!
Lets just call it a even €100. Sounds better and what is 1 more day anyway !!! It is a game of give and take . Give fiat take gold !!!

the white rabbit
6th May 2010, 09:54 AM
In one month euro gold has made a €75 gain !!!
Lets just call it a even €100. Sounds better and what is 1 more day anyway !!! It is a game of give and take . Give fiat take gold !!!

6th May 2010, 09:58 AM
going to hit €1000 by the end of the day, at this rate :o

the white rabbit
6th May 2010, 10:00 AM
going to hit €1000 by the end of the day, at this rate :o

6th May 2010, 10:00 AM
going to hit €1000 by the end of the day, at this rate :o

Look at the spike!!


6th May 2010, 10:02 AM
1000 euro gold is here in the real world (this was 8 euros or 2 hours ago) :D :

6th May 2010, 11:09 AM
westgold.de is a major german coin dealer. 2nd column is sale price. ausverkauft = sold out

the white rabbit
7th May 2010, 05:28 AM
Lingot 1Kg Napoléon 20 Francs Suisses Union Latine Souverain 20 $ US 10 $ US
30 800,00 € 189,50 € 175,00 € 180,00 € 224,00 € 1 200,00 € 525,00 €

the white rabbit
7th May 2010, 05:43 AM
On paper market she hit the wall at €950 !! Round number I guess and a nice double from €475.

7th May 2010, 07:33 AM
On paper market she hit the wall at €950 !! Round number I guess and a nice double from €475.

Rabbit, check the graph in my post above (#34), Gold hit a high of €962!!

the white rabbit
11th May 2010, 02:46 PM
Printed €973 after market. Making a run for €1000 !!

12th May 2010, 06:50 PM
1000 Euro Krugs for sale. By them while you can!


Well you can't now. THIS SHOP HAS ZERO GOLD COINS! Looks like silver coins are gone too. Gold and silver bars? GONE!

Here's that Krug. The notice says "This product is currently not available". Check it out (http://www.proaurum.de/edelmetallshop.html).

Note: "nicht verf." = "Dieses Produkt ist derzeit leider nicht verfügbar." = "not available"

12th May 2010, 11:23 PM
westgold.de is a major german coin dealer. 2nd column is sale price. ausverkauft = sold out

Last week they were already sold out. Wow. Keine Gold oder Silber in Deutschland!

14th May 2010, 07:22 AM
Wow gold was up above 1000 Euro ~1003 to be exact earlier today!

the white rabbit
14th May 2010, 10:53 AM
Should finish the day with ATH . Weekly chart will have a large spike on it.

14th May 2010, 12:41 PM
It was here in the unreal world, too!

14th May 2010, 01:46 PM
ausverkauft = sold out

that reminds me of Obama.

17th May 2010, 01:36 AM
It was up at €1012 a couple of hours ago! Amazing!

17th May 2010, 05:50 AM
Looks like 1000 Euro gold is here to stay for now.

18th May 2010, 01:58 PM
Even with gold down a little today in dollars, the euro drop has pushed gold to 1000 euros.

18th May 2010, 02:04 PM
Thanks for keeping up with this thread JohnQPublic

18th May 2010, 02:12 PM
Thanks for keeping up with this thread JohnQPublic

This is a biggie. The Deutscher's ought to be buyng gold right now, but I guess when you are bent over a toilet puking your guts out after taking a big dump in your undies (call them your "shorts"), it's hard to have the wherewithall to do that. Tomorrow could be a big day (either direction - northern Europe buying, southern Europe dumping assets in a panic).

18th May 2010, 02:16 PM

I'm thinking we have a nice up day tomorrow.

1st June 2010, 02:28 AM
bump for €1000 spot gold again:


4th June 2010, 11:50 AM
if you're happy and you know say "record high" (again) ;D

Large Sarge
4th June 2010, 12:11 PM
lots more to come

Euro is on its way to the trash can

4th June 2010, 12:20 PM
only a tenner away in £ from a new record high too:


4th June 2010, 12:36 PM
if you're happy and you know say "record high" (again) ;D

Not sure this makes me happy, but a picture is worth 1016, ...ummm, ... euros:

4th June 2010, 12:56 PM
same thing over on the Canadian dollar side.

gold dipped to $1270 on Wednesday but now is back at $1285 or something.

the all time top being around $1290 i think.

so if you wanted to buy a 1/4 ounce Krug for $350 Can. or less, you had to move Wednesday.

i thought the ratio US$/Can$ would improve & move back to parity because they had an interest rate increase on Monday. but it's still stuck at 1.04 - 1.05.

it seems like the biggest price swings in the price of gold occur in US $, possibly relating to the market manipulation. since almost every time gold gets cheaper in US$, the US$/Can$ ratio increases, the net effect is, the price in Can$ is much less volatile.

it looks like for now, the Euro-flee-ers are fleeing to US$ and gold, so the US$ is strangely stronger. 2 months ago the US$/Can$ ratio was 1 - parity.

which made it easier - much easier - to get a good price on a 1/4 ounce frac if you were shopping in Can$.

it's interesting how the tactics change as you go from one currency to another.

4th June 2010, 01:38 PM
westgold.de is a major german coin dealer. 2nd column is sale price. ausverkauft = sold out

also, it looks like they haven't updated their website. the good news is - they're selling gold for less than a 1000 Euro's an ounce. the bad news is - they ain't got none - for any price.

does anybody here understand German ? just wondering if anywhere on that page, if it says that they are buying.

4th June 2010, 01:39 PM
I think we are starting to see the high point of the dollar. Sooner or later reality has to start setting in re the deficits the US is racking up. No one apart from Bernanke is buying US debt in any major volumes. This monetization should start showing up in the value of the dollar. My feeling is sooner rather than later.

4th June 2010, 01:48 PM
...does anybody here understand German ? just wondering if anywhere on that page, if it says that they are buying.

I think this is there page for offernig to sell to them:


4th June 2010, 03:35 PM
...does anybody here understand German ? just wondering if anywhere on that page, if it says that they are buying.

I think this is there page for offernig to sell to them:


That's right. You can see the price they are offering in column "Ankauf". Note that they are still buying gold over spot (1017.85), they didn't until the rush set in :)

4th June 2010, 04:21 PM
I think we are starting to see the high point of the dollar. Sooner or later reality has to start setting in re the deficits the US is racking up. No one apart from Bernanke is buying US debt in any major volumes. This monetization should start showing up in the value of the dollar. My feeling is sooner rather than later.

i would say, gold up 1% on a day when the stock markets are down 3%, alone tells us something.

in other words, the monetization is showing up in the value of the dollar.

even on a day when the dollar rises relative to everything else, gold rises relative to the dollar.

4th June 2010, 04:36 PM
...does anybody here understand German ? just wondering if anywhere on that page, if it says that they are buying.

I think this is there page for offernig to sell to them:


That's right. You can see the price they are offering in column "Ankauf". Note that they are still buying gold over spot (1017.85), they didn't until the rush set in :)

I also noticed that they have some gold to sell. Apmex just got a bunch of Maples in, and I noticed westgold.de has a scrolling banner announcing new Maples. Canada to the rescue for retail gold supply! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gold-silver-precious-metals/apmex-precious-metals-retail-supply-index/) :D

8th June 2010, 07:54 AM
bumped again for another record high in GBP, looks like spot almost reached £870 a few hours ago:


8th June 2010, 08:38 AM
Do we have any tech analysis wizards, who can guestimate a reasonable resistance level for the Euro in the near future? Seems like it has been exploding the last couple of months. Or is this it? Hyperinflation of Fiat currencies to oblivion? I am considering using some gold to pay off my car loan early, should I do it? My car is a Fiat by the way! ;D

8th June 2010, 08:40 AM
Sup 2 Sup 1 Spot Res 1 Res 2
EUR/USD 1.1640 1.1827 1.1910 1.2453 1.2587

8th June 2010, 09:39 AM
Do we have any tech analysis wizards, who can guestimate a reasonable resistance level for the Euro in the near future? Seems like it has been exploding the last couple of months. Or is this it? Hyperinflation of Fiat currencies to oblivion? I am considering using some gold to pay off my car loan early, should I do it? My car is a Fiat by the way! ;D

:laugh at the brand of your car, neuro.

don't know a bean about tech analysis, but i'm starting to wonder if we're very close to the "it" stage now...when gold goes up 10% in a month, then carries on going on up, you have to start considering that. coupled with the webbots saying second half of 2010 for big stuff, and the astrological set up being equally dire for the summer, i think we're going to see the euro fail, followed very swiftly by everything else before the year is out.

so probably sub-1000 in a week or 2 then |--0--|

8th June 2010, 09:58 AM
Pretty soon we will need a "Gold 1000 Pound" Thread! ^-^

8th June 2010, 09:58 AM
Sup 2 Sup 1 Spot Res 1 Res 2
EUR/USD 1.1640 1.1827 1.1910 1.2453 1.2587
Thanks DMac, though I was thinking about the Euro to gold... 1100?

8th June 2010, 10:15 AM
Sup 2 Sup 1 Spot Res 1 Res 2
EUR/USD 1.1640 1.1827 1.1910 1.2453 1.2587
Thanks DMac, though I was thinking about the Euro to gold... 1100?

Sooner than later. Check out Trader Dan's Euro Gold price chart from yesterday:

PDF LINK (http://jsmineset.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/June0710EuroGold.pdf)

It's gone damn near parabolic since mid-March!

8th June 2010, 10:23 AM
LOL @ Uranian. This could very well be it, but on the other hand we may see gold below a 1000 € shortly. Gold going down with the dollar, almost unheard of, but on the other hand gold has been going up with the dollar lately, which is the reason for it's remarkable performance in Euro terms... On the other hand I can pay of my Fiat with quite a small amount of gold right now...

A good car btw 40-50 miles to the gallon in the city strong at low rpm's due to it being a diesel, and 20% lower fuel cost/gallon here in Turkey (which is important here because fuel prices are the highest in the world here) It has about the same Volume as a SUV (can load 2.5 cubic meters if you fold the back seat), but a bit shorter, with a great turning diameter (less than 10 meters). Haven't had any problems with it yet, and I have driven half way around the world in 8 mnths.

8th June 2010, 10:36 AM
Sup 2 Sup 1 Spot Res 1 Res 2
EUR/USD 1.1640 1.1827 1.1910 1.2453 1.2587
Thanks DMac, though I was thinking about the Euro to gold... 1100?

Sooner than later. Check out Trader Dan's Euro Gold price chart from yesterday:

PDF LINK (http://jsmineset.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/June0710EuroGold.pdf)
It's gone damn near parabolic since mid-March!

Thanks again DMac! Looking at that chart, and comparing this breakout with last years breakout, I think it is likely that gold will go towards 1100-1150 shortly, and then probably fall back towards 950-1000 in a couple of months time.

9th June 2010, 07:05 AM
Haven't had any problems with it yet, and I have driven half way around the world in 8 mnths.

sounds fun...i miss our days of driving through europe in our swedish-bought motorhome down to spain and back...6 month round trip, van is in need of a new injector but still goes som et klokka despite that!

9th June 2010, 08:25 AM
I realize I need to be a bit more specific re my half way around the world statement. In the 8 months I had the car I have mostly driven it in Istanbul, which is quite a fun experience since traffic rules are viewed more as recommendations open for individual and flexible interpretations according to circumstances. LOL.... We have done a few trips within Turkey also. So I haven't driven half way around the world, but I have driven a bit more than 20.000 km's which is the equivalent of half way around the world... Sorry for the confusion!

Anyway since I live on the Asian side and have an office/clinic on the European side, the car has made way more than 100 roundtrips between Asia and Europe...

9th June 2010, 09:39 AM
i recall traffic in turkey. i was physically manhandled (personhandled, to be PC?) back on to a coach in istanbul, thankfully in the end (this was from bodrum, a good 12 hour drive) as it turned out i was getting off at the wrong stop for the airport. entertaining for a while, as no-one spoke english, so i was imitating an aeroplane for the taxi drivers (seemed pretty obvious what i meant to me, but apparently only the coach driver got it!).

14th June 2010, 01:19 PM
Euro short covering today is driving up the value of the euro, and thus its price in gold. I expect this to be temporary, but we shall see.

14th June 2010, 02:43 PM
if ebay prices for scrap jewellery are any indication, i agree this is just short term.

i just saw an auction for 47 grams of scrap 18 carat jewellery, worth approx. €1130, end at €1709, 50% over its actual value. this for badly photographed scrap at that, no way to tell whether there were any nice bits of jewellery.

15th June 2010, 04:41 PM
i recall traffic in turkey. i was physically manhandled (personhandled, to be PC?) back on to a coach in istanbul, thankfully in the end (this was from bodrum, a good 12 hour drive) as it turned out i was getting off at the wrong stop for the airport. entertaining for a while, as no-one spoke english, so i was imitating an aeroplane for the taxi drivers (seemed pretty obvious what i meant to me, but apparently only the coach driver got it!).

I am serious now. I have even met English teachers in Turkey who don't speak English... But English knowledge has improved over the last 5 years, but it is still a minority that can communicate in English...

15th June 2010, 11:39 PM
Euro 1000 is back. Let's see if it is here to stay a while. ;)

17th June 2010, 10:26 AM
As you can see I sold about 7.5 ounces of gold yesterday.... Expect 1350 early next week...


the white rabbit
18th June 2010, 06:47 AM
With ECB proping of the Euro and the rise in gold I'am watching for them to say Spain has gone the way of Greece in the near future.

18th June 2010, 07:08 AM
record highs for spot in USD, $1259, eurogold has a little way to catch up back to its record high. silver'll be at $20 soon at this rate, too.

the white rabbit
20th June 2010, 02:50 AM
With ECB proping of the Euro and the rise in gold I'am watching for them to say Spain has gone the way of Greece in the near future.
Mr Owen said these countries need sustained growth to claw their way out of debt-deflation traps, and that will require fully-fledged quantitiatve easing by the ECB, and drastic currency depreciation. "If the euro falls to parity or down to 80 cents against the dollar, we would start to see a solution," he said. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/7836652/ECB-must-buy-hundred-of-billions-of-bonds-to-tame-Europes-debt-crisis.html

20th June 2010, 12:51 PM
With ECB proping of the Euro and the rise in gold I'am watching for them to say Spain has gone the way of Greece in the near future.
Mr Owen said these countries need sustained growth to claw their way out of debt-deflation traps, and that will require fully-fledged quantitiatve easing by the ECB, and drastic currency depreciation. "If the euro falls to parity or down to 80 cents against the dollar, we would start to see a solution," he said. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/7836652/ECB-must-buy-hundred-of-billions-of-bonds-to-tame-Europes-debt-crisis.html

Sounds like TPTB are trying to take the "cheap manufacturing" status away from China and give it to Europe!

20th June 2010, 03:34 PM
with spot at €1014.12, there's a shop (http://www.gold4ex.be/servlet/javaparser?pgm=lst_or_new&lg=fr) in europe paying €1049.75 for krugers, or 3.5% over spot. that's buying at 103.5% of spot, rather than selling!

20th June 2010, 05:24 PM
with spot at €1014.12, there's a shop (http://www.gold4ex.be/servlet/javaparser?pgm=lst_or_new&lg=fr) in europe paying €1049.75 for krugers, or 3.5% over spot. that's buying at 103.5% of spot, rather than selling!

The end game is in action.

16th July 2010, 08:18 AM
The euro is gaining quickly (1.297 today). Gold is now cheaper in Europe. I wonder if buying will pick up there again?

16th July 2010, 06:42 PM

Euro-1082 for a 1 ounce Krug at this place - but they got 'em in stock. That's quite a mark-up over spot.

Euro-spot is 919. so the mark-up is 163 Euro's. which is about $200.

Plus there's a 17% VAT tax if you're an English customer. Talk about creating an incentive for a free market*

* aka Black Market or Underground Market.

17th July 2010, 01:03 PM

Euro-1082 for a 1 ounce Krug at this place - but they got 'em in stock. That's quite a mark-up over spot.

Euro-spot is 919. so the mark-up is 163 Euro's. which is about $200.

Plus there's a 17% VAT tax if you're an English customer. Talk about creating an incentive for a free market*

* aka Black Market or Underground Market.


It's Q4 2008 in Europe! :o

the white rabbit
30th July 2010, 12:11 PM
Euro gold retakes the €900 level.

30th July 2010, 01:53 PM
Euro gold retakes the €900 level.

Yep. Euro has really strengthened. Bargain buying in Europe for a little while (may be coming to an end).

the white rabbit
14th August 2010, 04:36 AM
€950 level taken out €50 increase in 15 days.

12th October 2010, 06:49 AM
back on the way to €1000 it seems, €976 now.


gold in £ is within a tenner of record highs, too.

12th October 2010, 08:11 AM
I doubt we will see a pull back/ correction in gold unless we have a new all-time high in the Euro first...

12th October 2010, 01:15 PM
With the recent revelations on Ireland (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/ireland-about-impair-senior-bank-debtholders-and-boldly-go-where-america-was-so-terrified-ve), we may see 1000 euro gold sooner than later. Though the current price spike in gold is mainly a dollar phenomonen, overall for the last few years it has been international. All fiat currencies are racing to the bottom.

Edit to add: More news from Europe (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/35-million-streets-and-rising-french-strikes-escalate-just-how-serious-situation).

13th October 2010, 08:46 PM
With the recent revelations on Ireland (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/ireland-about-impair-senior-bank-debtholders-and-boldly-go-where-america-was-so-terrified-ve), we may see 1000 euro gold sooner than later. Though the current price spike in gold is mainly a dollar phenomonen, overall for the last few years it has been international. All fiat currencies are racing to the bottom.

Edit to add: More news from Europe (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/35-million-streets-and-rising-french-strikes-escalate-just-how-serious-situation).

We may see $1400.00 before morning and unless something happens for sure by this week's closing.

13th October 2010, 08:49 PM
Your High :D and It looks like 24 is going to stick !

13th October 2010, 08:52 PM
Your High :D and It looks like 24 is going to stick !


the white rabbit
8th November 2010, 09:32 AM
€ 1003 again last time was around http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=june+16+to+today

the white rabbit
8th November 2010, 10:00 AM
$ 1400 the sameday as €1000 :o

8th November 2010, 10:01 AM
I doubt we will see a pull back/ correction in gold unless we have a new all-time high in the Euro first...
So far so good!

8th November 2010, 12:42 PM
We are in collapse mode now.

4th January 2011, 11:59 PM
Even with then dump, gold is 1040 euros!

7th January 2011, 07:10 PM
Up in euros, down in dollars! Eurodumpamania.

20th January 2011, 08:15 AM
Buying opportunity in Europe.

8th February 2011, 05:57 PM
Euro-gold buying opportuunity ending.