View Full Version : Is it OK to say its the Jews here?

5th April 2010, 08:06 AM
If so count me in ;D

Now then if there are any Jews here not working for the Supremacist Mafiya I am not talking about you. But I will talk to you about what I have found out 8)

Pat Pat
5th April 2010, 08:08 AM
If so count me in ;D

Now then if there are any Jews here not working for the Supremacist Mafiya I am not talking about you. But I will talk to you about what I have found out 8)

Great to see you M8!

warm welcome

5th April 2010, 08:09 AM
It seems to be safe to discuss zionism here.

General of Darkness
5th April 2010, 08:10 AM
Well I think that only 2% of jews are real jews and the rest are khazars. I would ask what the intent is? Generally if I'm bashing zionism, I call them zionists. But that's just me.

5th April 2010, 08:11 AM
welcome rodin, good to see ever more old faces coming back

5th April 2010, 08:22 AM
Well Rodin, lets put it this way.... its ok to say


.............its ok to tell the truth about THOSE guys by name......even at geltismoney....
but its NOT ok to call a jew a jew over there....here? we'll wait and see.

5th April 2010, 08:36 AM
Three cheers for the Jewish People

Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.

Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.

In his book, “The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement,” Steven L. Pease lists some of the explanations people have given for this record of achievement. The Jewish faith encourages a belief in progress and personal accountability. It is learning-based, not rite-based.

Most Jews gave up or were forced to give up farming in the Middle Ages; their descendants have been living off of their wits ever since. They have often migrated, with a migrant’s ambition and drive. They have congregated around global crossroads and have benefited from the creative tension endemic in such places.

No single explanation can account for the record of Jewish achievement. The odd thing is that Israel has not traditionally been strongest where the Jews in the Diaspora were strongest. Instead of research and commerce, Israelis were forced to devote their energies to fighting and politics.

Milton Friedman used to joke that Israel disproved every Jewish stereotype. People used to think Jews were good cooks, good economic managers and bad soldiers; Israel proved them wrong.

But that has changed. Benjamin Netanyahu’s economic reforms, the arrival of a million Russian immigrants and the stagnation of the peace process have produced a historic shift. The most resourceful Israelis are going into technology and commerce, not politics. This has had a desultory effect on the nation’s public life, but an invigorating one on its economy.

Tel Aviv has become one of the world’s foremost entrepreneurial hot spots. Israel has more high-tech start-ups per capita than any other nation on earth, by far. It leads the world in civilian research-and-development spending per capita. It ranks second behind the U.S. in the number of companies listed on the Nasdaq. Israel, with seven million people, attracts as much venture capital as France and Germany combined.

As Dan Senor and Saul Singer write in “Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle,” Israel now has a classic innovation cluster, a place where tech obsessives work in close proximity and feed off each other’s ideas.

Because of the strength of the economy, Israel has weathered the global recession reasonably well. The government did not have to bail out its banks or set off an explosion in short-term spending. Instead, it used the crisis to solidify the economy’s long-term future by investing in research and development and infrastructure, raising some consumption taxes, promising to cut other taxes in the medium to long term. Analysts at Barclays write that Israel is “the strongest recovery story” in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Israel’s technological success is the fruition of the Zionist dream. The country was not founded so stray settlers could sit among thousands of angry Palestinians in Hebron. It was founded so Jews would have a safe place to come together and create things for the world.

This shift in the Israeli identity has long-term implications. Netanyahu preaches the optimistic view: that Israel will become the Hong Kong of the Middle East, with economic benefits spilling over into the Arab world. And, in fact, there are strands of evidence to support that view in places like the West Bank and Jordan.

But it’s more likely that Israel’s economic leap forward will widen the gap between it and its neighbors. All the countries in the region talk about encouraging innovation. Some oil-rich states spend billions trying to build science centers. But places like Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv are created by a confluence of cultural forces, not money. The surrounding nations do not have the tradition of free intellectual exchange and technical creativity.

For example, between 1980 and 2000, Egyptians registered 77 patents in the U.S. Saudis registered 171. Israelis registered 7,652.

The tech boom also creates a new vulnerability. As Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic has argued, these innovators are the most mobile people on earth. To destroy Israel’s economy, Iran doesn’t actually have to lob a nuclear weapon into the country. It just has to foment enough instability so the entrepreneurs decide they had better move to Palo Alto, where many of them already have contacts and homes. American Jews used to keep a foothold in Israel in case things got bad here. Now Israelis keep a foothold in the U.S.

During a decade of grim foreboding, Israel has become an astonishing success story, but also a highly mobile one.


5th April 2010, 08:42 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

5th April 2010, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.

5th April 2010, 08:49 AM
Anyone remember Joe Vialls?

His real name was Ari Ben Monashe

A GIMMer pm-ed me once. He knew him. From information received I have reason to believe he was slow poisoned...

I would dearly have liked to compare notes with him

5th April 2010, 08:51 AM
Glad to see that more and more people are waking up as to who those people really are..........

"What was won with a gun will be lost to a gun..." and that's why the Zionist will loose Palestine..........or as they call it "the state of Israel".

Up till now there is NO EVIDENCE that there ever was any Jews in Palestine.

5th April 2010, 08:52 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.

Its not that simple


PS if anyone can explain to me how you can nail Christians to a ceiling I'd be interested to know. I find it hard enough attaching light fittings...

philo beddoe
5th April 2010, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.
yes, all the university presidents, psychiatrists, talk radio stars, untalented actors, greedy traffic court judges, attorneys, pill prescribing doctors, bankers, liberal arts professors and brainwashing schoolteachers are suuuuch good people....

philo beddoe
5th April 2010, 08:54 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.
Have some karma

5th April 2010, 08:57 AM
Pornographers, slave traders, drug dealers....such good people

5th April 2010, 09:02 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.
yes, all the university presidents, psychiatrists, talk radio stars, untalented actors, greedy traffic court judges, attorneys, pill prescribing doctors, bankers, liberal arts professors and brainwashing schoolteachers are suuuuch good people....

They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

5th April 2010, 09:05 AM
thanks for the laugh, an I look forward to the many many more to come!

5th April 2010, 09:06 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.
yes, all the university presidents, psychiatrists, talk radio stars, untalented actors, greedy traffic court judges, attorneys, pill prescribing doctors, bankers, liberal arts professors and brainwashing schoolteachers are suuuuch good people....

They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

For real. Jew bashing is as lame and old as " gay " bashing. Any gay bashing threads around here? No. There you have it folks, Jews are more of a conveinant scapegoat for all our ills than even " gays ".

5th April 2010, 09:08 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.

Its not that simple


PS if anyone can explain to me how you can nail Christians to a ceiling I'd be interested to know. I find it hard enough attaching light fittings...

Double check that link, the one you provided went tango uniform.

5th April 2010, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.
yes, all the university presidents, psychiatrists, talk radio stars, untalented actors, greedy traffic court judges, attorneys, pill prescribing doctors, bankers, liberal arts professors and brainwashing schoolteachers are suuuuch good people....

They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

For real. Jew bashing is as lame and old as " gay " bashing. Any gay bashing threads around here? No. There you have it folks, Jews are more of a conveinant scapegoat for all our ills than even " gays ".

HEH!! Someone actually smote me over that. Geez guys, lighten up. The world is still outside your door and isn't likely to end any time soon, Jews or no Jews.

5th April 2010, 09:13 AM
Welcome Rodin! Seems like the bannhammer is not here...

How is your Jewish girlfriend?

5th April 2010, 09:18 AM
"When the truth comes into the light, the lies will hide in the dark"... Ponce

Why do you think that "those" people wants to hide the truth???



When the Israeli regime feels that it has to create a ministry for propaganda, you know that they are worried. This concern is shared by dedicated Zionists and other misled people all over the world. Their concern is simple: the world is beginning to realize that the Israeli regime and its policies are nothing better than any other, past or present, iscriminatory/apartheid regime.

5th April 2010, 09:39 AM

"HEH!! Someone actually smote me over that. Geez guys, lighten up. The world is still outside your door and isn't likely to end any time soon, Jews or no Jews."

Allow me to apologize for whoever pulled that dastardly deed. It strikes me as juvenile to cut someone down, or bump them up over every single post. Just take a pass if you’re indifferent to something - - or have your say on the matter.

5th April 2010, 09:46 AM

"HEH!! Someone actually smote me over that. Geez guys, lighten up. The world is still outside your door and isn't likely to end any time soon, Jews or no Jews."

Allow me to apologize for whoever pulled that dastardly deed. It strikes me as juvenile to cut someone down, or bump them up over every single post. Just take a pass if you’re indifferent to something - - or have your say on the matter.

I don't care, i didn't come here in the hopes of winning some popularity contest, i came here to play. I just find it ammusing the visceral reactions some people can exhibit over some issues. Now then, LETS PLAY!!

5th April 2010, 09:48 AM
This must be the "Rubber Room" .............. ;D

5th April 2010, 09:53 AM
Welcome RODIN! 8)

What's your take on Icke's take on the elephant?

This David Icke article is a couple years old now, but I find it one of those landmark articles which really helps cut through the synthetic fog & untangle so much about the zion/jooz/izzy/etc question.

Zionism = the political movement of the global central bankster usury empire sucking the blood of humanity.

Izzy = the global usury empire's (temporary?) sovereign base of operations, until the historic sovereignty paradigm is dismantled (UN/NWO/world government of/by/for the central bankster usury empire).

The Zionist Elephant In The Room (http://www.rense.com/general86/zelephant.htm)

The David Icke Newsletter




short version:
Zionism = Rothschild Central Bankster Usury Empire; most everything else is ink from that same Rothschild global vampire squid intended to obscure & misdirect.


5th April 2010, 10:14 AM
They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

I resent that and I'm sure many of the other members do as well, you should really only speak for yourself. I know for a fact that I am better than the pieces of parasitic shit that are destroying my Country, my race, and my culture.

Now, you may not be any better than them, but don't lump those of us who are trying to fight the system into your crap.

5th April 2010, 10:20 AM

I read 'The Zionist elephant in the room' some time ago, and never saved the link, thanks.

It is a very good article. Rothschild's, international banking, Zionism - - all linked up quite well.

5th April 2010, 10:28 AM
They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

I resent that and I'm sure many of the other members do as well, you should really only speak for yourself. I know for a fact that I am better than the pieces of parasitic sh*t that are destroying my Country, my race, and my culture.

Now, you may not be any better than them, but don't lump those of us who are trying to fight the system into your crap.

I did not mean to offend anyone, and I was speaking for myself. I live and work with pleanty of Jews. And other than being a little pushy, I have no problem with them. They are good people. Sure enough, much like Greeks & Muslims they live in a clickish or closed sub set of socity. But I'm ok with that, it is their choice and their problem.

5th April 2010, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.
yes, all the university presidents, psychiatrists, talk radio stars, untalented actors, greedy traffic court judges, attorneys, pill prescribing doctors, bankers, liberal arts professors and brainwashing schoolteachers are suuuuch good people....

They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

For real. Jew bashing is as lame and old as " gay " bashing. Any gay bashing threads around here? No. There you have it folks, Jews are more of a conveinant scapegoat for all our ills than even " gays ".

I am prepared to step up to the plate

Just give me time

Q why are 50% of male comedians on MSM TV gay?

5th April 2010, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the propaganda, I can get that all day long in the msm.

Long story short. Jews good. Zionists bad.

Its not that simple


PS if anyone can explain to me how you can nail Christians to a ceiling I'd be interested to know. I find it hard enough attaching light fittings...

Double check that link, the one you provided went tango uniform.

Works fr me

Check yr service provider

More and more is getting blocked

'its for the children'

5th April 2010, 10:38 AM
I live and work with plenty of Jews. And other than being a little pushy, I have no problem with them.


You inviting Abe Foxman at the ADL to shut down this forum with your anti-Semitic "jews are pushy" hate speech Libertarian Guard?


5th April 2010, 10:39 AM
Is it OK to say its the Jews here?

Whio knows? I don't. and I'm supposed to be a mod!

5th April 2010, 10:39 AM
Welcome Rodin! Seems like the bannhammer is not here...

How is your Jewish girlfriend?


philo beddoe
5th April 2010, 10:43 AM
They are no worse than you and me, or our neighbors, friends & relatives.

I resent that and I'm sure many of the other members do as well, you should really only speak for yourself. I know for a fact that I am better than the pieces of parasitic sh*t that are destroying my Country, my race, and my culture.

Now, you may not be any better than them, but don't lump those of us who are trying to fight the system into your crap.

I did not mean to offend anyone, and I was speaking for myself. I live and work with pleanty of Jews. And other than being a little pushy, I have no problem with them. They are good people. Sure enough, much like Greeks & Muslims they live in a clickish or closed sub set of socity. But I'm ok with that, it is their choice and their problem.
I would find what you say believable if you never used the words "a little" before pushy.

5th April 2010, 10:43 AM
Welcome RODIN! 8)

What's your take on Icke's take on the elephant?

This David Icke article is a couple years old now, but I find it one of those landmark articles which really helps cut through the synthetic fog & untangle so much about the zion/jooz/izzy/etc question.

Zionism = the political movement of the global central bankster usury empire sucking the blood of humanity.

Izzy = the global usury empire's (temporary?) sovereign base of operations, until the historic sovereignty paradigm is dismantled (UN/NWO/world government of/by/for the central bankster usury empire).

The Zionist Elephant In The Room (http://www.rense.com/general86/zelephant.htm)

The David Icke Newsletter




short version:
Zionism = Rothschild Central Bankster Usury Empire; most everything else is ink from that same Rothschild global vampire squid intended to obscure & misdirect.


he's gone several bigger than the elephant - it's the Moon now

I am persona grata there, hence



I think I helped dislodge about 6 sayan mods from DIF over Christmas - honestly I thought it was over for me there - when...

well let's just say God moves in mysterious ways ;)

5th April 2010, 10:43 AM
LOL WT, a karma to you hahaaahahhaahah

Ponce <--------what a feaking ass kisser JUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

5th April 2010, 10:48 AM
LOL WT, a karma to you hahaaahahhaahah

Ponce <--------what a feaking ass kisser JUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

http://www.the3006cafe.org/forum/Smileys/classic/tsktsk.gif http://www.the3006cafe.org/forum/Smileys/classic/tsktsk.gif http://www.the3006cafe.org/forum/Smileys/classic/tsktsk.gif http://www.the3006cafe.org/forum/Smileys/classic/tsktsk.gif

5th April 2010, 10:48 AM
I live and work with plenty of Jews. And other than being a little pushy, I have no problem with them.


You inviting Abe Foxman at the ADL to shut down this forum with your anti-Semitic "jews are pushy" hate speech Libertarian Guard?


Fuck that Satan's arse licker. Forums have to stand up against this sort of unwarranted intimidation

he's an out and out adulterating vicious lying criminal

Decent Jewish people - I am out to forge a truth alliance

But the WHOLE truth

5th April 2010, 10:52 AM
Guys n Gals it'll be gr8 catching up with U all over the coming weeks. I was never expecting this thread to get so busy so quick

You must remember my last experience in GIM exile was Golden Agora and if you got a reply the same day that was you on a roll lol

fol de rol

scuse me while I go powder my face ;D

As if...

5th April 2010, 11:05 AM
I am persona grata there, hence


jeez rodin, nearly 8K posts since 8/09, you're the twisted avatar of the Icke forum!

5th April 2010, 11:07 AM
I am persona grata there, hence


jeez rodin, nearly 8K posts since 8/09, you're the twisted avatar of the Icke forum!

Nothin' twisted about my avatar - did U clock it?

Nomen luni
5th April 2010, 11:09 AM
I would say no, it's not okay to 'say it's Jews', for a number of reasons.

1) It's a massive generalisation. By all means call the individuals out, but to blanket tar a whole race or religion with the same brush is not factually correct and actually diverts attention away from those actually involved, to some extent.

2)The Jewish race has also been used as a scapegoat for years. Yes there are Jews involved, many in prominent positions, and they are guilty of evil actions against freedom, but they are only one part of something much bigger. Tell me, if those sneaky Jews are so clever, how come they are in such prominent and visible positions? The puppet masters want this to appear as a Jewish conspiracy. It is international and multi-race.

3)You are indeed inviting organisations like the ADL to come down on this site. Hell, maybe you are some kind of agent provocateur out on a 'fishing trip'.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but these oversimplifications twist the truth and endanger the site.

5th April 2010, 11:17 AM
" I think I helped dislodge about 6 sayan mods from DIF over Christmas "

OK - that forced me to look up " what is a Sayan " ...

seems to be a Mossad Helper according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayanim

5th April 2010, 11:31 AM
Freedom of speech is one thing, but these oversimplifications twist the truth and endanger the site.

It endangers nothing until they pass some sort of Internet "Hate" speech laws. This site is nothing as far as "Jew bashing" in comparison to a site like vnnforum.com and yet they haven't shut that site down.

"In a corrupt society the truth is found in what is forbidden to say."

What is more forbidden then calling out the Jews on their destructive and parasitic ways? The answer is nothing.

5th April 2010, 11:33 AM
I would say no, it's not okay to 'say it's Jews', for a number of reasons.

1) It's a massive generalisation. By all means call the individuals out, but to blanket tar a whole race or religion with the same brush is not factually correct and actually diverts attention away from those actually involved, to some extent.

2)The Jewish race has also been used as a scapegoat for years. Yes there are Jews involved, many in prominent positions, and they are guilty of evil actions against freedom, but they are only one part of something much bigger. Tell me, if those sneaky Jews are so clever, how come they are in such prominent and visible positions? The puppet masters want this to appear as a Jewish conspiracy. It is international and multi-race.

3)You are indeed inviting organisations like the ADL to come down on this site. Hell, maybe you are some kind of agent provocateur out on a 'fishing trip'.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but these oversimplifications twist the truth and endanger the site.

Read this n get back to me


5th April 2010, 11:34 AM
from he Sig.Line of
" Capitalism and Communism - the twin rollers of a mill the goyim has been put through "

Seems to me there are few, even among the Libertarians,
that can observe such Hegelian Dialectic .

5th April 2010, 12:01 PM
I would say no, it's not okay to 'say it's Jews', for a number of reasons.

1) It's a massive generalisation. By all means call the individuals out, but to blanket tar a whole race or religion with the same brush is not factually correct and actually diverts attention away from those actually involved, to some extent.

2)The Jewish race has also been used as a scapegoat for years. Yes there are Jews involved, many in prominent positions, and they are guilty of evil actions against freedom, but they are only one part of something much bigger. Tell me, if those sneaky Jews are so clever, how come they are in such prominent and visible positions? The puppet masters want this to appear as a Jewish conspiracy. It is international and multi-race.

3)You are indeed inviting organisations like the ADL to come down on this site. Hell, maybe you are some kind of agent provocateur out on a 'fishing trip'.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but these oversimplifications twist the truth and endanger the site.

I very seldom re-post this way unless I feel that it is important.......

About Jews.....to me they are those who are SEMITES, as are 33% of all Arabs.

We all know that even the Semites Jews are not really angels, after all, asked yourselves as to the why that they have been kicked out of more than 78 countries with some of them more than once?

To me the Zionists are not Jews in any way form or shape but for the fact that they call themselves Jews.

How much power does the Zionists have in the US government? well, at least 38% of those in a chair of power is one of "those", and that's not counting the ones operating from behind the curtain

The legend goes that ONLY 3% of those in the US are "Jews".....I got news for you (even if I cannot prove it) to me is more like 15-17%.........the reason for this is that back in Russia when they started the Communist Party over 85% of them changed their names for a name sounding more Russian..............and that's a tradition that they followed into the countries where they have moved in........ lunch time.

5th April 2010, 12:11 PM
Three cheers for the Jewish People

Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.


I wonder why they never mention Jewish Nepotism?

The whole history of American Jewry is a tribute to the power of Jewish nepotism. Indeed, nepotism has been a positive and wholesome force in Jewish life for thousands of years. It is high time to acknowledge and even celebrate this fact instead of trying to keep it hidden like a shameful family secret.


5th April 2010, 12:29 PM
I am persona grata there, hence


jeez rodin, nearly 8K posts since 8/09, you're the twisted avatar of the Icke forum!

The real PatColo??? You been jacked on GIM2... ;D

5th April 2010, 12:57 PM
I would say no, it's not okay to 'say it's Jews', for a number of reasons.

Freedom of Speech says YES. I guess we're now seeing why you won't tell us your old GIM 1 username.

1) It's a massive generalisation. By all means call the individuals out, but to blanket tar a whole race or religion with the same brush is not factually correct and actually diverts attention away from those actually involved, to some extent.

So, are modern "Jews" a race or a religion?

In general usage, "Jew" means someone who adheres to Judaism, that is, Talmudism, formerly Pharaseeism, which Jesus Christ condemned as Satanic. Anyone who denies Judaism is Satanic is patently ignorant or dishonest.

2)The Jewish race has also been used as a scapegoat for years.

"Scapegoat" is a canard.

It's not scapegoating when it's TRUE.

Yes there are Jews involved, many in prominent positions, and they are guilty of evil actions against freedom, but they are only one part of something much bigger. Tell me, if those sneaky Jews are so clever, how come they are in such prominent and visible positions? The puppet masters want this to appear as a Jewish conspiracy. It is international and multi-race.

The only one more guilty than "the Jews" is the Devil himself. The religion of the Devil, Judaism, is the parent to the ideologies which Goyim involved in wrecking the world follow, including Freemasonry, Communism, Capitalism, and everything in between.

3)You are indeed inviting organisations like the ADL to come down on this site.

FU*K the ADL. The ADL is a private KGB, and should be prosecuted as a criminal racket. I will not fear them for one second. Abraham Fuxmen is a gangster far more dangerous than of the old Mafioso.

Hell, maybe you are some kind of agent provocateur out on a 'fishing trip'.

The only agent here appears to be you.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but these oversimplifications twist the truth and endanger the site.

Your Orwellian concept of "Freedom of Speech" indicates that the danger to this site is you. Freedom of Speech means just that. When ideas are forbidden, then Freedom of Speech does not exist.

5th April 2010, 01:22 PM
Nothin' twisted about my avatar - did U clock it?

Rodin: "Twisted Avatar" was a poster at GIM1 over the past 2 years or so, racked up nearly 30K posts in that time.

The real PatColo??? You been jacked on GIM2... ;D

The HaloMatic-BSProjector-SpamBot-9000 is posting as "patcolo" @ GIM2.gov. The fact that they let the HaloMatic continue with it, when he's so obviously usurping the username to deceive & defame; and in the wake of all the recent banning they've done there, speaks volumes about the "new management" over at .gov.

It's funny, for >5 years @ GIM I posted 2-3 posts/day on average, most of them GD stuff, not even 911 or other CTs-- a small fraction of the posting volume of Shill-A-Thon there, but they were apparently so traumatized by my posts! With so comparatively few posts from me, it's like they felt they were under some kind of blitzkrieg Truth bombardment, LMAO. They started whole threads to try to smear me, and eventually once their bosses co-opted total control of GIM management, they finally silenced me citing purely, transparently fabricated reasons.

Then 4 months after my GIM ban, the HaloMatic is evidently still so traumatized & obsessed by my GIM contributions, he immediately usurped the "patcolo" username @ his bosses' new GIM2.gov, through which he "works" to deceive the .gov readers.

Amazing impact I must've had on Shill-A-Thon's fragile psyches! ;D

5th April 2010, 01:32 PM
You know? when most people use the word "Jew" they are really referring to the Zionist Israelis......but.......they have been so brain washed that now they say "Jew" without really thinking. I am glad to know what they really mean.

Something else, I never use the word "Israel" but "the state of Israel", that was what the Belfour agreement was all about..........even then the whole land is called Palestine, even my 1940 National Geographic has a map where they call it Palestine.

5th April 2010, 01:33 PM
I personally think jews are awesome.

just kidding, I dont care one way or the other. They are like Muslims to me. I dont want to see them or hear about their religion or philosophy.

5th April 2010, 01:40 PM
Well Mr. Five............is not what they are but what they do while hiding behind the Semite Jews.

5th April 2010, 01:41 PM
Ill hide my foot up their ass.

5th April 2010, 01:44 PM
Hey PDT, I liked that posting a lot

are you sure that " Emmanuel Goldstein " does not have you
selected for a Re-Education Pogrom in Room 101 at Minitrue

5th April 2010, 01:48 PM
Three cheers for the Jewish People


5th April 2010, 01:52 PM
LOL Book :D

5th April 2010, 02:17 PM
Hey PDT, I liked that posting a lot

are you sure that " Emmanuel Goldstein " does not have you
selected for a Re-Education Pogrom in Room 101 at Minitrue

If "they" ever need to shut me up, "they" will have to kill me...no "re-education" for me.

5th April 2010, 03:15 PM
sensitive subject.

this weekend is national Holocaust Fraud Remembrance Day.

There's no business like Shoah Business.

I thought Walter Sanning's book was educational on the subject.

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
by Walter Sanning
Sanning is a Jewish historian who uses census numbers from around the world to establish population numbers for the Jewish people before & after World War 2. He finds that 1.2 million Jewish people perished during the war. He also found a maximum of 3.5 million Jewish people lived in occupied Europe at the beginning of the war (and most of them got out while they could). These numbers are obviously at odds with the official conspiracy theory - that Hitler killed 6 million Jewish people.

Of course, there's also The Transfer Agreement, which talks about how the Zionist Jews negotiated with Nazi Germany to have the Jews they didn't like left behind in Nazi Germany. The Jews that "saw the light" and decided to move to Israel got to live. A real interesting way to silence your opposition.

by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"
Edwin Black has written a well-researched book about the agreement between a group of Zionist Jewish people and Adolf Hitler. The Zionists wanted to kick the Palestinians out of Palestine and claim the land as their own, but in order to do that they needed Jewish immigrants - which Hitler was happy to provide.

and of course, there's also Tarpley & Chaitkin's book about Prescott Bush & Wall Street financing Nazi Germany, something they got caught doing as late as 1942

(Chapter 2, "The Hitler Project")

Admittedly, Tarpley & Chaitkin give Israel a big pass. They sort of "blame everything on the Bushes", when Bush was obviously working with & for Israel. They do an entire book about the criminal history of the ex-CIA director & ex-President without ever mentioning Israel. Makes me think Tarpley & Chaitkin work for the Holocaust Exploiters in Israel.

I wonder if I can get an invite to a Shoah cocktail party at the local Synagogue. 8)

Nomen luni
5th April 2010, 05:10 PM
I would say no, it's not okay to 'say it's Jews', for a number of reasons.
Freedom of Speech says YES. I guess we're now seeing why you won't tell us your old GIM 1 username.

I didn't see anyone asking my old GIM 1 username. It was 'Nomen luni'. Not exactly cloak and dagger sh*t, is it? Not really hard to figure out.

The ADL is a private KGB, and should be prosecuted as a criminal racket. I will not fear them for one second. Abraham Fuxmen is a gangster far more dangerous than of the old Mafioso.I don't disagree, but who would want to f*ck with the KGB?

Your Orwellian concept of "Freedom of Speech" indicates that the danger to this site is you. Freedom of Speech means just that. When ideas are forbidden, then Freedom of Speech does not exist.I don't think you get it. Oversimplification and over generalisation are recognised propaganda techniques. The state will send in agent provocateurs blaming everything on 'Jews', and that same state will use organisations like the ADL to prosecute you for singing along. By using the correct terminology and correctly differentiating between Jews and Zionists, you not only leave yourself less prone to legal action, but you also avoid assigning blame to a big bunch of innocent people. What the hell, go ahead. I guess you can't see how dark it's getting outside. They will come knocking soon....

Read this n get back to me

http://theinfounderground.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5367Sorry, don't play that game. Do you have some specific counter-arguments you would like to make?

5th April 2010, 05:27 PM
Glad to see that more and more people are waking up as to who those people really are..........

"What was won with a gun will be lost to a gun..." and that's why the Zionist will loose Palestine..........or as they call it "the state of Israel".

Up till now there is NO EVIDENCE that there ever was any Jews in Palestine.

Really? what of Judea?

5th April 2010, 06:13 PM
thanks for the laugh, an I look forward to the many many more to come!

So glad you're here, HG! :D

6th April 2010, 02:01 AM
Three cheers for the Jewish People

Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.


I wonder why they never mention Jewish Nepotism?

The whole history of American Jewry is a tribute to the power of Jewish nepotism. Indeed, nepotism has been a positive and wholesome force in Jewish life for thousands of years. It is high time to acknowledge and even celebrate this fact instead of trying to keep it hidden like a shameful family secret.


True, true, and true enough.

6th April 2010, 02:14 AM
Nomen Luni

"I don't think you get it. Oversimplification and over generalisation are recognised propaganda techniques. The state will send in agent provocateurs blaming everything on 'Jews', and that same state will use organisations like the ADL to prosecute you for singing along. By using the correct terminology and correctly differentiating between Jews and Zionists, you not only leave yourself less prone to legal action, but you also avoid assigning blame to a big bunch of innocent people. What the hell, go ahead. I guess you can't see how dark it's getting outside. They will come knocking soon...."

This is the best post to date on this site.

And I think it will prove to be prophetic.

Celtic Rogue
6th April 2010, 04:39 AM
Glad to see that more and more people are waking up as to who those people really are..........

"What was won with a gun will be lost to a gun..." and that's why the Zionist will loose Palestine..........or as they call it "the state of Israel".

Up till now there is NO EVIDENCE that there ever was any Jews in Palestine.

Actually there was never a country called Palestine... Well not as such... The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina.

6th April 2010, 05:30 AM
Three cheers for the Jewish People

Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.


I wonder why they never mention Jewish Nepotism?

The whole history of American Jewry is a tribute to the power of Jewish nepotism. Indeed, nepotism has been a positive and wholesome force in Jewish life for thousands of years. It is high time to acknowledge and even celebrate this fact instead of trying to keep it hidden like a shameful family secret.


no kidding about the nepotism.

i live in a county that is about 5% Jewish.

but at least 50% of the instructors & senior administrators at the local college are Jewish. same for city & county management.

we need affirmative action laws to take ethnicity into account - not just skin color.

6th April 2010, 06:16 AM
2)The Jewish race has also been used as a scapegoat for years.

"Scapegoat" is a canard.

It's not scapegoating when it's TRUE.

Hell, maybe you are some kind of agent provocateur out on a 'fishing trip'.

The only agent here appears to be you.

Well said PDT!
Exactly what I thought when I read the post.


6th April 2010, 09:07 AM
" A Jew is a Jew is a Jew".......that says it all, but .......in this case I don't know if they are talking about the Semite Jews or the Zionists............many times even I get confused over the issue.

About "Judea"....... in Japan there is a city by the name of "America" that was done so that in their product the could have a tag with larger letters MADE IN AMERICA and then in small letters "japan".

Juan Ponce de Leon, was my 14 great grand dad and was the "discover" of Florida........now then......does that gives me the rights to claim Florida, or even, the whole of the US? because he was my grand dad?

Anything is as you see it and not as what it really is......./// another words of wisdom from Ponce ??? ??? ???

6th April 2010, 09:24 AM
Rodin it is NEVER ok to say Jews, the word is off-limits., just forget it even exists, find another word to take its place because as long as I am alive, the use of the word JEW will NEVER BE OK!


6th April 2010, 09:28 AM
You are right Percival...........it should be ZIONISTS.

6th April 2010, 09:41 AM
Rodin it is NEVER ok to say Jews, the word is off-limits., just forget it even exists, find another word to take its place because as long as I am alive, the use of the word JEW will NEVER BE OK!


Google agrees!

Just google 'jew' and this will come up:

Offensive Search Results
We're disturbed about these results
as well. Please read our note here.

it's funny that nigger, spic, wop, cracker, christian, fag, etc, do *not* trigger the "offensive search results" notice.

6th April 2010, 09:42 AM
You are right Percival...........it should be ZIONISTS.

Marxism is another branch of Judaism and it has far more Christian blood on its hands than Zionism

Judaism is based on the Talmud.

Does it not say some pretty outrageous things?

Some here follow Peter Schiff and James Sinclair nee Seligman

I will start a thread on this

philo beddoe
6th April 2010, 09:48 AM
Glad to see that more and more people are waking up as to who those people really are..........

"What was won with a gun will be lost to a gun..." and that's why the Zionist will loose Palestine..........or as they call it "the state of Israel".

Up till now there is NO EVIDENCE that there ever was any Jews in Palestine.

Actually there was never a country called Palestine... Well not as such... The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina.

I believe he took the name from the Philistines, who pre dated Moses in the area

6th April 2010, 09:51 AM
Glad to see that more and more people are waking up as to who those people really are..........

"What was won with a gun will be lost to a gun..." and that's why the Zionist will loose Palestine..........or as they call it "the state of Israel".

Up till now there is NO EVIDENCE that there ever was any Jews in Palestine.

Actually there was never a country called Palestine... Well not as such... The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina.

I believe he took the name from the Philistines, who pre dated Moses in the area

Hmmmmm..... i never considered that..... but no. The Philistines were just a Biblical story by the time the Romans came on the scene.

6th April 2010, 10:09 AM
You know what names ending in man usually mean

What about Ro-man and Ger-man ???

Is it a coincidence the Jewess Popeae gets the ear of Nero then we have the false flag of Rome. Christians were put through Talmudic vengeance.

When did the coins get clipped? Another trademark

And what about Establishment Church of Rome? The Ro-man Church?

Is the Pope a celebration of Popeae and confessions just a way to recruit pedophile priests?

Female assassins abound within this wonderful Judaic culture

Here's one in action - after she had seen 2 months action of a different sort with Cryptonassis


6th April 2010, 10:12 AM
You are right Percival...........it should be ZIONISTS.
I disagree of course. It should simply be, people are f*cked up and do stupid sh*t.

Want to talk about world domination, look no further than the Vatican and Catholics, its not only Zionists.

Want to talk about criminal mafia organizations, look at the Italians, its not just the Jews.

Jews do some bad things, yes, but who doesnt?

Besides not all zionists are the same, there are many zionists (which mean one who yearns for a homeland) who do not believe in the heavy handed tactics used by people like Sharon and Netanyahu. Those that DO, are indeed fair game for criticism but lets name names and stop with the generalities.

Would it be right for me to assume ALL CUBANS are commies because of Che and Fidel?

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
- spoken by Atticus Finch, by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

6th April 2010, 10:14 AM
You are right Percival...........it should be ZIONISTS.
I disagree of course. It shoud simply be, people are f*cked up and do stupid sh*t.

Want to talk about world domination, look no further than the Vatican and Catholics, its not only Zionists.

Want to talk about criminal mafia organizations, look at the Italians, its not just the Jews.

Jews do some bad things, yes, but who doesnt?

Besides not all zionists are the same, there are many zionists (which mean one who yearns for a homeland) who do not believe with the heavy handed tactics used by people like Sharon and Netanyahu. Those that DO, are indeed fair game for criticism but lets name names and stop with the generalities.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
- spoken by Atticus Finch, by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

When you look closer at the Italian mafia you find the Jewish mafiya

There was only ever one mafia it seems

Dave Thomas
6th April 2010, 11:32 AM
It's okay to say Jews, but do you have to mention them in every post?

6th April 2010, 11:46 AM
AIPAC PROVIDES AMERICAN JEWRY with an on-file active “profile” of Senators and Congressmen including their voting statistics and their chief opponents. AIPAC then advises their huge Jewish constituency which candidates to support and donate money to.

Senators like Lindsey Graham and Jim Risch, both featured speakers at the AIPAC Policy Conference this year — know where the money is, who shells it out, and what it takes to get it.


Are all Jews really Zionist then? Apart from a small group?

BTW I entered into an email exchange with e Neuteri Karta Jews and they follow the Talmud - a book that, if you do not know about it - well lets just say you are in need of speed getting up to

6th April 2010, 11:47 AM
Affirmative action

6th April 2010, 11:51 AM
AIPAC PROVIDES AMERICAN JEWRY with an on-file active “profile” of Senators and Congressmen including their voting statistics and their chief opponents. AIPAC then advises their huge Jewish constituency which candidates to support and donate money to.

Senators like Lindsey Graham and Jim Risch, both featured speakers at the AIPAC Policy Conference this year — know where the money is, who shells it out, and what it takes to get it.


Are all Jews really Zionist then? Apart from a small group?

BTW I entered into an email exchange with e Neuteri Karta Jews and they follow the Talmud - a book that, if you do not know about it - well lets just say you are in need of speed getting up to
Not only do I know the Talmud, I know it better than you do and I know MOST of the shit you and yours quote from it isnt even in it, >:(

6th April 2010, 12:05 PM
You are right Percival...........it should be ZIONISTS.
Want to talk about criminal mafia organizations, look at the Italians, its not just the Jews.

Why don't I ever see any documentaries on the TalmudVisionâ„¢ about the Jewish Mafia?

Strange, isn't?

6th April 2010, 12:38 PM
AIPAC PROVIDES AMERICAN JEWRY with an on-file active “profile” of Senators and Congressmen including their voting statistics and their chief opponents. AIPAC then advises their huge Jewish constituency which candidates to support and donate money to.

Senators like Lindsey Graham and Jim Risch, both featured speakers at the AIPAC Policy Conference this year — know where the money is, who shells it out, and what it takes to get it.


Are all Jews really Zionist then? Apart from a small group?

BTW I entered into an email exchange with e Neuteri Karta Jews and they follow the Talmud - a book that, if you do not know about it - well lets just say you are in need of speed getting up to
Not only do I know the Talmud, I know it better than you do and I know MOST of the sh*t you and yours quote from it isnt even in it, >:(

I haven't read the Talmud, but is it true that Talmudist jews are encouraged to lie about the content of the Talmud to goyim?

6th April 2010, 12:50 PM
The Talmud is a book that records the discussions of a bunch of Rabbis debating the OT laws of the Bible. They say a lot of crazy things, sure but it was a different time and place and much of it is allegory and parable, no Jewish student of the Talmud takes any of it literaly. You learn from the deeper meanings of what is said, not whats on the surface.

Goy means cattle for example, do you not call people sheep? Whats the difference?

6th April 2010, 01:07 PM

" The Jew's College/Soncino English translation of the Babylonian Talmud has remained the gold standard of English Talmuds for six decades "

quote source = http://www.come-and-hear.com/talmud/index.html

It is my understanding that the above indicated " Gold Standard "
is the " Gold Standard " for the Goyim to consume ....

I can not read Hebrew ....

So ... Ask yourself the following ...

Why would The Kol Nidre crew voluntarily tell the truth
of the Total Content of the Babylonian Talmud which if I understand
it correctly takes precedence over the Jerusalem Talmud
in any case of conflict.

But then, go take a look at the NoaHide Laws
and figure YOUR standing in Such a Court

Nomen luni
6th April 2010, 01:16 PM
Nomen Luni

"I don't think you get it. Oversimplification and over generalisation are recognised propaganda techniques. The state will send in agent provocateurs blaming everything on 'Jews', and that same state will use organisations like the ADL to prosecute you for singing along. By using the correct terminology and correctly differentiating between Jews and Zionists, you not only leave yourself less prone to legal action, but you also avoid assigning blame to a big bunch of innocent people. What the hell, go ahead. I guess you can't see how dark it's getting outside. They will come knocking soon...."

This is the best post to date on this site.

And I think it will prove to be prophetic.
Thanks buddy. I'm glad at least one person here agrees with at least some of what I'm saying. +1 Karma to you.

6th April 2010, 01:18 PM
The Talmud is a book that records the discussions of a bunch of Rabbis debating the OT laws of the Bible. They say a lot of crazy things, sure but it was a different time and place and much of it is allegory and parable, no Jewish student of the Talmud takes any of it literaly. You learn from the deeper meanings of what is said, not whats on the surface.

Goy means cattle for example, do you not call people sheep? Whats the difference?

I guess one difference is that goy refers to people who have no knowledge of the Talmud, generally non-jews, but I guess a large bunch of jews are considered goyim too...

So are Talmudist jews encouraged to lie about the content of the Talmud to goyim?

6th April 2010, 01:30 PM
The Talmud is a book that records the discussions of a bunch of Rabbis debating the OT laws of the Bible. They say a lot of crazy things, sure but it was a different time and place and much of it is allegory and parable, no Jewish student of the Talmud takes any of it literaly. You learn from the deeper meanings of what is said, not whats on the surface.

Goy means cattle for example, do you not call people sheep? Whats the difference?


Let's all look it up and read along.


6th April 2010, 01:38 PM
The Talmud is a book that records the discussions of a bunch of Rabbis debating the OT laws of the Bible. They say a lot of crazy things, sure but it was a different time and place and much of it is allegory and parable, no Jewish student of the Talmud takes any of it literaly. You learn from the deeper meanings of what is said, not whats on the surface.

Goy means cattle for example, do you not call people sheep? Whats the difference?


Let's all look it up and read along.


Ask Gil:



6th April 2010, 01:46 PM
Ask Gil:

LOL. Have any opinion yourself of the http://www.come-and-hear.com/navigate.html source?

6th April 2010, 01:59 PM
I dont have the Talmud memorized, Book. What they teach us is how to navigate and look up what we need to find. I started reading some of the websites you have offered over the years and looked up the things they offered that they said were in the Talmud, and they were not there.

I dont know about this site you posted now, which is why I havent commented on it. I will certainly have a look and see whats there before I do so.

6th April 2010, 02:02 PM

Since the above indicated picture exists

Then why is any Entertainment paid to the World Wide
Agents of ZOG on this forum, many are here

the bummer about many them being here is
that " some one " ( or several ) invited them
whether knowingly or unknowingly,,, most of those
Sayanim have yet to make a single post

They are here ( massively ), now, can you route them OUT ?

6th April 2010, 02:20 PM
Welcome Rodin! Seems like the bannhammer is not here...

How is your Jewish girlfriend?


Shit happens!....

6th April 2010, 02:22 PM

Since the above indicated picture exists

Then why is any Entertainment paid to the World Wide
Agents of ZOG on this forum, many are here

the bummer about many them being here is
that " some one " ( or several ) invited them
whether knowingly or unknowingly,,, most of those
Sayanim have yet to make a single post

They are here ( massively ), now, can you route them OUT ?

Do me a favor and actually READ the article that he posted and NOT JUST THE HEADLINE. The actual article and the headline ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. I cant believe people still fall for that. I debunked that over 100 times on GIM.

BTW I am here because I have some friends here who I wanted to reach out to, I had no plans to stay but they suggested I give it a try and I will, for them. They are friends and we have had some fun together over the years.

6th April 2010, 02:23 PM
Oh look the Megaphoners are here folks. This'll be good. ::)

6th April 2010, 02:25 PM
And thats helpful to the discussion how?

6th April 2010, 02:32 PM
re " Reply #95 on: Today( 6-April-2010 ) at 17:22:06 "

Oh, thank you for Speaking Up

6th April 2010, 02:33 PM
And thats helpful to the discussion how?

I wasn't aware I was required to be helpful to the discussion.

But since I'm such a nice guy I'll add to it:

The Zionist War on Nazi Germany
Most people are not aware that in March, 1933, long before Hitler became the undisputed leader of Germany and began restricting the rights of German Jews, the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Garden and called for an American boycott of German goods.

London Daily Express
24 March 1933

The Daily Express (London) published an article on March 24, 1933 announcing that the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and described a forthcoming "holy war". The Express urged Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and demonstrate against German economic interests.

The Express said that Germany was "now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry....In London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade."

The article went on, "worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations."

On March 27, 1933 the planned protest at Madison Square Garden was attended by 40,000 protestors (New York Daily News headlines: "40,000 Roar Protest Here Against Hitler").

Similar rallies and protest marches were also held in other cities. The intensity of the Jewish campaign against Germany was such that the Hitler government vowed that if the campaign did not stop there would be a one-day boycott in Germany of Jewish-owned stores.

Hitler's March 28, 1933 speech ordering a boycott against Jewish stores and goods was in direct response to the declaration of war on Germany by the worldwide Jewish leadership.

That same spring of 1933 there began a period of private cooperation between the German government and the Zionist movement in Germany and worldwide to increase the flow of German-Jewish immigrants and capital to Palestine.

Growing anti-Semitism in Germany and by the German government in response to the boycott played into the hands of the Zionist leaders. Prior to the escalation of anti-Semitism as a result of the boycott the majority of German Jews had little sympathy for the Zionist cause of promoting the immigration of world Jewry to Palestine. Making the situation in Germany as uncomfortable for the Jews as possible, in cooperation with German National Socialism, was part of the Zionist plan to achieve their goal of populating Palestine with a Jewish majority.

"For all intents and purposes, the National Socialist government was the best thing to happen to Zionism in its history, for it "proved" to many Jews that Europeans were irredeemably anti-Jewish and that Palestine was the only answer: Zionism came to represent the overwhelming mjaority of Jews solely by trickery and cooperation with Adolf Hitler."


6th April 2010, 02:42 PM
Oh look the Megaphoners are here folks. This'll be good. ::)


They infested GIM.


6th April 2010, 03:30 PM
Zionist and Israelis...those mofo's are brutal on them Gaza people. Like opening up on them with machine guns in a jail...lowdown...lowest of the low.

6th April 2010, 04:09 PM
The Talmud, Koran, Bible and whatever was written by man for man......same as the so called churches, they are made by man for man and not for the ONE, no one told man that he or she or it wanted a church but man decide on their own to make a house of worship.

When I walk alone in the forest behind my home I see the grace and beauty of what is and I don't need man to tell me what is right and what is wrong, you on your own should know.

Let the grace of the one who is fall upon all of us and bless us with his sanctity... you can call me now "Father Ponce"..........

Nomen luni
6th April 2010, 04:40 PM
Oh look the Megaphoners are here folks. This'll be good. ::)


They infested GIM.

Now I have seen it all. TPTB can now use the public to spread their propaganda on the internet! First developed to counter negative sentiment against the 2006 Lebanon war......

6th April 2010, 04:52 PM
Say what you want but it is effective?

Wanna see? ;D

6th April 2010, 04:58 PM
Say what you want but it is effective?

Wanna see? ;D

Don't matter if it is effective talking...the general attitude has shifted because of the wars and the economic issue...bailouts and bonuses...burns the ass of the everyday joe.

6th April 2010, 05:00 PM
who let masonic plot in :o

6th April 2010, 05:03 PM
who let masonic plot in :o

it was bound to happen eventually...

6th April 2010, 05:08 PM
who let masonic plot in :o
Well I got wind of a new place that was all about freedom and letting people speak their mind without the banhammer and I figured, what the hell, lets put that theory to test and see if these folks mean what they say. ;D

6th April 2010, 05:14 PM
who let masonic plot in :o
Well I got wind of a new place that was all about freedom and letting people speak their mind without the banhammer

6th April 2010, 05:25 PM

6th April 2010, 05:31 PM
Hope there is not any of the "Holy ones" stading behind this guy, it would make the Nazi oven feel like heaven.

6th April 2010, 05:48 PM
Oh look the Megaphoners are here folks. This'll be good. ::)


They infested GIM.


No kidding.....btw ...you handled this "percival" sheeney with eloquence and dispatch... :D

6th April 2010, 05:53 PM
Percival, how's that ice cream truck gig working out for you?

6th April 2010, 05:55 PM
Its fun for weekends with my son to make him some extra money and teach him how to operate a business. Its not what I do for a living.

7th April 2010, 02:03 AM
.. if a cabal can gain control over the institutions of national culture, and thereby manipulate the attitudes and beliefs of the upper class, subversion of the nation will follow. So goes the theory. Now for the test: has anything like this actually occurred in the United States? Who are the "power elite", and what is their relationship with the upper class?

The key identifiers are clear: who are in control of the media, culture (entertainment) and academe?

Who created the media?

Who are the biggest advertisers?

Who control the foundations?

Who are the writers, professors, composers and thinkers?

Who are the directors, programmers and editors?

Who are producing the "educational" propaganda that is being spoon-fed our youngsters?

These questions are easy enough to answer – often as simple as reading the credits at the end of a movie or TV program – and yet how few sheeple even dare to look?

Are we afraid to see that the financiers, organizers and policy-makers are primarily Jews and their minions, and that all of these are globalist, internationalist, multicultural, pro-Zionist and Technocrats? That they are all seeking the classic Marxist one-world government? Our social, cultural and educational institutions are all interconnected, they share a common goal, and they all exclude dissent.


Good resource, eg Scofield bible hoax, backed by Untermeyer (who blackmailed Woodrow Wilson).


Did U know Mt Zion = Calvary?

By building Zion we bury Christ

7th April 2010, 02:18 AM
I dont have the Talmud memorized, Book. What they teach us is how to navigate and look up what we need to find. I started reading some of the websites you have offered over the years and looked up the things they offered that they said were in the Talmud, and they were not there.

I dont know about this site you posted now, which is why I havent commented on it. I will certainly have a look and see whats there before I do so.

Wikipedia is Jewish and very much a gatekeeping operation. Yet even there...

Yeshu summoned by Onkelos

In Gittin 56b, 57a a story is mentioned in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of a Yeshu who sought to harm Israel. He describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.


Every Christian and Muslim needs to know this blasphemy

8th November 2018, 02:50 PM
Pornographers, slave traders, drug dealers....such good people

This guy (finally) appeared on my radar. Tell us more.


8th November 2018, 03:26 PM
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

You should always differentiate Jews (the few) from ((the majority (talmudic) which run this world)) which SAY they are Jews and are not but DO LIE and are of the synagogue of Satan!

End Times
8th November 2018, 08:14 PM
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

You should always differentiate Jews (the few) from ((the majority (talmudic) which run this world)) which SAY they are Jews and are not but DO LIE and are of the synagogue of Satan!

The religion of Moses is now called Christianity. Anyone who claims to be a Judean today and follows the Talmud is a FAKE Judean.

9th November 2018, 03:50 AM
The religion of Moses is now called Christianity. Anyone who claims to be a Judean today and follows the Talmud is a FAKE Judean.

Thank you for the definition. Consider also that communists are out of existence but have been replaced by environmentalists. They couldn't save the world so they are going to save the planet instead.

9th November 2018, 05:52 AM
Its ok to say jews here.

What we really need though is a jewish type marketing plan to gain internet presence, not withstanding JQP's Principle banner.

10th November 2018, 07:51 PM
Its ok to say jews here.

What we really need though is a jewish type marketing plan to gain internet presence, not withstanding JQP's Principle banner.


20th June 2021, 10:02 PM
okay, I didn't know where to put this one...

Found this at Rense. Man Sends Pet Lizard Saliva In To '23 & Me'
Results Show The (Lizard) To Be 51% Ashkenazi
Jewish And 48% West Asian - Be Sure To
Send Your Money To '23 & Me' - Watch (https://www.bitchute.com/video/79wH4vqj0JUw/)


23rd June 2021, 05:35 PM