View Full Version : What country puts the most value in their bullion?

Grand Master Melon
5th April 2010, 08:26 AM
What country do you think puts the most value in their bullion?

There are different ways of looking at that. Some could say a country values its bullion by demonstrating superior craftsmanship in the manufacture of its bullion. Some could say its the face value that is on the bullion.

What do you guys think?

5th April 2010, 05:50 PM
I would say the country that advises its citizens to actually purchase gold and silver. THEY recognize its true value. So. . . . . China.

6th April 2010, 08:01 PM
^I'm with Steal on this.

Rebel Yarr
6th April 2010, 09:58 PM
Oh I'm thinking any of the non-debtor old world western nations.... I'll pick Germany - The Swiss.... China's holdings sure don't reflect their "value" of the stuff ... especially for a nation where we hear so much about their "long term" game plans....they have like nothing comparative to the others... sure they are stepping up - but they held waaaay too much paper for a place we hear about the history of silver from...while they are back on track - maybe - they certainly lost their way. I am in the camp that believes China has an agenda for its citizens holding gold/silver - could be to help suck up "paper" - or other reasons. Also, the below holdings could be flat out BS (most likely are for US and CH) Not sure where China is stocking all that domestic production if not vaulted in their "fort knoxx".

Let's look at the big boys (sure they are just numbers and doesn't ID tungsten)

Rank ---- country ----- tonnes --- % of forex reserves

1 United States United States 8,133.5 68.7%
2 Germany Germany 3,407.6 64.6%
3 International Monetary Fund 3,005.3 -
4 Italy Italy 2,451.8 63.4%
5 France France 2,435.4 64.2%
6 People's Republic of China China 1,054.0[12] 1.5%
7 Switzerland Switzerland 1,040.1 28.8%
8 Japan Japan 765.2 2.4%
9 Netherlands Netherlands 612.5 51.7%
10 Russia Russia 607.7[13] 4.7%

China's 1.5% isn't really awe inspiring - how much one values something or believes in it is...."money where yer mouth is"

6th April 2010, 10:21 PM
OMG..........Know one got it! Its the oil rich counties, saudi arabia, UAE. (If this is a current standard of value, historical it would be different.) Theres is a view from the old school, but with a 21st century twist.

Put it this way, if you have a non renewable source of income how would you guarantee your future generations wealth?

They have been hoarding gold since the 50's, and probable before that. check out this link for a circa 1950's gold aramco disk. These discs where used by the US goverment to pay for oil. Do you think they stopped paying in gold during the 50's, NO!


Rebel Yarr
6th April 2010, 11:03 PM
The only problem there is...you can't just sit on a bucket of money - someone will come take it - unless you have strong friends who have reason to have you as an ally.

If SA went dry tomorrow and was sitting on vaults full of gold - someone would be up in their biz taking it away. This is why the Arabs have Dubai - need to try to create a solid financial center - so they can generate income. Will they succeed? Doubt it. China and the West don't need to share with them if they have no oil. The ME would be an empty dustbowl - worse off than Africa - if the ME didn't have oil. At least Africa has diverse resources.

I do agree that they are silly to sell oil for paper - and they should be taking only something of value for it - however what they are getting is the protection of the West ATM. It is there only hope - IMO - to ensure that they have a sustainable industry setup by the time they run out of oil - if you believe that is possible.

6th April 2010, 11:07 PM
I would say the country that advises its citizens to actually purchase gold and silver. THEY recognize its true value. So. . . . . China.

Right, I wouldn't trust those other numbers as they are the bankers.

If I were a country I wouldn't be giving them good numbers.

6th April 2010, 11:26 PM
The only problem there is...you can't just sit on a bucket of money - someone will come take it - unless you have strong friends who have reason to have you as an ally.

If SA went dry tomorrow and was sitting on vaults full of gold - someone would be up in their biz taking it away. This is why the Arabs have Dubai - need to try to create a solid financial center - so they can generate income. Will they succeed? Doubt it. China and the West don't need to share with them if they have no oil. The ME would be an empty dustbowl - worse off than Africa - if the ME didn't have oil. At least Africa has diverse resources.

I do agree that they are silly to sell oil for paper - and they should be taking only something of value for it - however what they are getting is the protection of the West ATM. It is there only hope - IMO - to ensure that they have a sustainable industry setup by the time they run out of oil - if you believe that is possible.

Think outside the box....The saudis and the BIS are a close bunch, who is to say the saudis are sitting on a pile of money, it could be stored anywhere. I have read talks about a middle east currency, like the euro, to be formalized in 2015. Even peter schiff talks about a gold based currency being superior. what do you think SA is up to? Ill say this....a true gold backed currency.......

7th April 2010, 01:23 AM
Oh I'm thinking any of the non-debtor old world western nations.... I'll pick Germany - The Swiss.... China's holdings sure don't reflect their "value" of the stuff ... especially for a nation where we hear so much about their "long term" game plans....they have like nothing comparative to the others... sure they are stepping up - but they held waaaay too much paper for a place we hear about the history of silver from...while they are back on track - maybe - they certainly lost their way. I am in the camp that believes China has an agenda for its citizens holding gold/silver - could be to help suck up "paper" - or other reasons. Also, the below holdings could be flat out BS (most likely are for US and CH) Not sure where China is stocking all that domestic production if not vaulted in their "fort knoxx".

Let's look at the big boys (sure they are just numbers and doesn't ID tungsten)

Rank ---- country ----- tonnes --- % of forex reserves

1 United States United States 8,133.5 68.7%
2 Germany Germany 3,407.6 64.6%
3 International Monetary Fund 3,005.3 -
4 Italy Italy 2,451.8 63.4%
5 France France 2,435.4 64.2%
6 People's Republic of China China 1,054.0[12] 1.5%
7 Switzerland Switzerland 1,040.1 28.8%
8 Japan Japan 765.2 2.4%
9 Netherlands Netherlands 612.5 51.7%
10 Russia Russia 607.7[13] 4.7%

China's 1.5% isn't really awe inspiring - how much one values something or believes in it is...."money where yer mouth is"

I call B.S. Espeacially on the U.S. holdings. Aint sheit in fort knox. I say audit that sob along with the Fed Res. Those numbers have been compiled over many decades and the US is expected to be #1 because its reserve currency status. I still say China, or all Asia for that matter. Have never meet an asian that did not get a gleem in their eye over the shiney. All I hear in good USA is sell your gold for cash. I bet you one merc dime china has more that 1.5% also. Tell ya what, you tell me how much gold you have and I will tell you how much I have.

7th April 2010, 11:01 AM
"To hold is to love"........and do I love myself ;D ;D ;D