View Full Version : Ruby Ridge Documentary - Red Pill injection to your veins

5th April 2010, 09:50 AM
If this isn't a red pill I don't know what is.


5th April 2010, 10:21 AM
One of the greater tragedies in recent American history. Makes me want to vomit every time I think about what they did to them.

willie pete
5th April 2010, 10:27 AM
One of the greater tragedies in recent American history. Makes me want to vomit every time I think about what they did to them.

No shit, sniping a woman out in the back holding a baby? Weren't they trying to manipulate Weaver into to turning, by setting him up with firearms violations?

Black Blade
5th April 2010, 10:38 AM
The government went after Randy Weaver because he didn't pay $5 tax for a wood stock that was 3/8" too short on a shotgun he sold to someone, and it isn't even clear if it was cut by Weaver, the Informant or the BATF. His troubles began because he wouldn't join become an informant himself and try to join the Aryan Nations Church in Hayden, Idaho. His crime was just wanting to be left alone and his 14-year old son (shot in the back) and wife (while holding an infant) were murdered in cold blood by rabid US Paramilitary snipers (FBI and US Marshals - hell they even shot the family dog). Family frien Kevin Harris was shot and wounded. Fortunately Kevin did a quick point and shoot and took out US Marshal sniper Bill Degan with an amazing well place head shot as he spun around. Afterward Randy Weaver and his remaining family's arrest they hired Gerry Spence as their lawyer. They were found to be not guilty of the charges and he won a settlement from the government in a lawsuit. US Paramilitary sniper Lon Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter for the death of Vicki Weaver and attempted murder of the infant. He was given a pass because he was :under orders". The government spent $millions to entrap and murder a man and his family over a $5 tax. Sheesh!

General of Darkness
5th April 2010, 10:44 AM
I remember about a year or so ago, Lon Horiuchi the sniper, who was also at Waco was sponsored or his name was being used by some rifle company, holy crap did they catch sh*t for that.

Check this out.


Page explanation (11/26/2008):
Update 11/30/2008

The page the reader came from to get here is a revision suggested for the H-S Precision Website if H-S is honest and willing to make full disclosure. Maybe the management of H-S Precision should update its "Trophy Room Gallery" as indicated showing the effectiveness of its products to include their touted spokesperson's victim.

According a to a blog at Free Republic (HERE), H-S Precision, maker of sniper rifles in South Dakota, has engaged former FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi as a company spokesperson.

Lon Horiuchi was the FBI sniper who killed Vicki Weaver while she was holding her infant daughter, during the FBI's siege of the Weaver Home on Ruby Ridge in Idaho in 1992. According to Wikipedia, Horiuchi was also engaged as a sniper during the attack on the Branch Davidian group home in Waco, Texas in 1993.

I contacted H-S Precision on November 25th, 2008 by email to give H-S a 24-hour chance to correct the information at Free Republic, basically to assert that they have no connection with Horiuchi and the whole story is a hoax. H-S Precision failed to respond to that opportunity for clarification.

It appears that Horiuchi was engaged by H-S Precision because of his contacts at the FBI, and his ability to land a lucrative FBI contract for sniper rifles for H-S. Said differently, H-S made the business decision to associate publicly with someone seen throughout the gun culture as a villain, simply to make money. H-S made the business decision to overlook Horiuchi's deeds and history for profit. With H-S having crossed that far over the cultural and ethical double-yellow, it is presumed that there is essentially nothing H-S won't do for money - no other sell-out or ethically-repugnant option is beyond the pale for them.

Therefore, we wish to spread the word everywhere about what a slimy outfit H-S Precision is. We want everyone in the gun culture to be advised to shun H-S products. We want everyone in the gun culture to call their members of Congress and insist that Congress slash the FBI budget for sniper rifles. We want all other players in the firearm manufacturing business to know that we simply won't tolerate their sell-out and ethical slumming for deliberate greed.

Other players in the business of firearm manufacture should take the high road as did Ronnie Barrett when he refused to sell Barrett products to Kalifornia law enforcement agencies after the Kalifornia Legislature banned purchase of .50 caliber rifles for law-abiding members of the public.

No quarter for H-S Precision. H-S needs to be the head mounted on the pike at the city gate. Spread the word!

Very sincerely,

Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana

5th April 2010, 11:35 AM
Watching this makes me want to fondle my guns.