View Full Version : Jim Willie says $19.00 silver is it

Pat Pat
5th April 2010, 10:17 AM
his last newsletter stated that if they lose the battle for $19.00

then they have lost it

the game is over.

so will we see $19.00 silver this week???

5th April 2010, 10:22 AM
Easy target...

We're due.

5th April 2010, 11:30 AM
Guess we will know something by Friday. Not sure if I am looking forward to it or disappointed in our countries future. Either way, I am holding mine!!

5th April 2010, 12:08 PM
I don't beleive it.. even if it misses 19 this wave.. it will pass 20 on a future wave...

5th April 2010, 12:45 PM
i think 19 will happen within a few weeks

1970 Silver Art
5th April 2010, 06:29 PM
Well I am going to say that the DOG will hit $23 (or higher) on December 31, 2010.

6th April 2010, 11:43 AM
his last newsletter stated that if they lose the battle for $19.00

then they have lost it

the game is over.

why ?

i understand how gasoline becoming more expensive can cause some ripple effects, e.g. oil above $100 sucking the faux vigor of the faux recovery.

but what is it about silver @ $19 that triggers a number of other effects ?

i mean obviously silver has to go through $19 to get from $18 to $25 or $100.

maybe i'll open up a silver oriented latte service. one silver dime for the best Foaming Cocoa Doppie Grande (2 shots of expresso with hot chocolate basically) on the West Coast.

6th April 2010, 11:46 AM
maybe i'll open up a silver oriented latte service. one silver dime for the best Foaming Cocoa Doppie Grande (2 shots of expresso with hot chocolate basically) on the West Coast.


One please :)

Saul Mine
6th April 2010, 04:02 PM
We certainly have a bumper crop of predictions these days. Anything you like, just take your pick.

I'll just sit on my stash until I see an offer I like.

6th April 2010, 04:52 PM
The big hedges are gonna change the landscape...they smell the blood of fraud. Big money to be made!!!!!

6th April 2010, 05:29 PM
I like Jim Willie alot - he's nailed TPTB and their corrupt syndicate through elegant financial analysis. As for technical analysis and predicting specific price targets, it's over my pay grade. I'm in it for the long haul with silver: I really like the fundamentals. ;D

6th April 2010, 06:31 PM
I will accumulate till 21.

BTW: I've been accumulating for a bit and it is becoming tiresome. THROW ME A BONE!!!!


10th April 2010, 05:56 AM
I like Jim Willie alot - he's nailed TPTB and their corrupt syndicate through elegant financial analysis. As for technical analysis and predicting specific price targets, it's over my pay grade. I'm in it for the long haul with silver: I really like the fundamentals. ;D

It's over Willie's pay grade too. $19 is technical resistance but if we can't take it out this time the bull market isn't over.

1970 Silver Art
10th April 2010, 06:48 AM
I like Jim Willie alot - he's nailed TPTB and their corrupt syndicate through elegant financial analysis. As for technical analysis and predicting specific price targets, it's over my pay grade. I'm in it for the long haul with silver: I really like the fundamentals. ;D

I agree with what you said about the fundamentals. As long as the gov't continues its out-of-control spending and print $'s, then the long term fundamentals will eventually win the war since the rising Federal deficits and national debt will eventually crash the dollar.

The gold and silver "smack down crew" will probably win a few battles but the long term fundamentals will win the "war" for silver (and gold).

10th April 2010, 09:10 AM
It been my observation that silver has averaged buying 5 gallons of retail gasoline. That would equate to $15. So silver seems fairly priced presently.

10th April 2010, 09:17 AM
Silver should be $35 an oz., possibly more.

Everyone knows this, but they still tend to follow their manipulated market ear.

10th April 2010, 09:33 AM
Silver should be $35 an oz., possibly more.

Everyone knows this, but they still tend to follow their manipulated market ear.

In principle I agree with you for several reasons:

1. I believe US dollar monetary aggregates are far greater than officially admitted.
2. The US dollar is overvalued based on our sickly collapsing economy, bad business model and horrible debt load and trade deficit.
3. The US governments, federal and state, have shorted the dollar by over $100 trillion with no prospects of repayment.

Of course, massive debt default would make the dollar (cash) more valuable. But it would turn America into a Mad Max nation - very scary.

10th April 2010, 09:40 AM
Silver should be $35 an oz., possibly more.

Everyone knows this, but they still tend to follow their manipulated market ear.

In principle I agree with you for several reasons:

1. I believe US dollar monetary aggregates are far greater than officially admitted.
2. The US dollar is overvalued based on our sickly collapsing economy, bad business model and horrible debt load and trade deficit.
3. The US governments, federal and state, have shorted the dollar by over $100 trillion with no prospects of repayment.

Of course, massive debt default would make the dollar (cash) more valuable. But it would turn America into a Mad Max nation - very scary.

I can see the otherside of that MadMax coin, where items become even scarcer then the dollars attached to them.

No, I say it will quit all together, this easily printed & distributed paper/electronic product will not become "gold".

It will be used in place of toilet tissue.

10th April 2010, 10:27 AM
1. I believe US dollar monetary aggregates are far greater than officially admitted.

I think that is absolutely true, and that no government wants the real number to be known.

Uncle Salty
1st May 2010, 12:00 AM
It's getting close.

$19 is in striking distance.

1st May 2010, 05:25 AM
My guess is that in the next few days and weeks, the Oil leak situation in the GoM will playout... one way or another... I have been following thoughts over at TheOilDrum. There is a firm but small minority of folks over there that think, on solid reasoning, this could be far less of a big deal than environmentalist doomers are making it out to be. This is not a slam dunk crisis. Neither was the Iceland volcano which seems to have peterred out in the MSM. Anyway, if the GoM crisis unfolds according to worst case scenerio, prices of oil will skyrocket and PMs will follow, silver out performing gold.

1st May 2010, 01:46 PM
Whats the big deal with 19.00 anyway? It has been above that before... Maybe I missed something.... Can someone 'splain it to me?

Large Sarge
1st May 2010, 02:54 PM
Whats the big deal with 19.00 anyway? It has been above that before... Maybe I missed something.... Can someone 'splain it to me?

ok, if you do some digging, the last (and only time) silver was over $19, was the mighty run up

hmmmmm was that all the way back to 2007? I can dig out an old chart.

but to make a long story short, TPTB had to sacrifice Bear stearns (who held alot of the silver positions)

as Bear stearns went into bankruptcy, the contracts were closed out, essentially paid in cash (no silver was ever offered up)

Butler, Jim Willie, and possibly a few others covered this.

$19 is the huge line, we get over that, and you could see a run up to $30 in short order

1st May 2010, 03:18 PM
Thank ya' sarge, won't complain about silver hitting 30 except I won't be buying anymore.

1970 Silver Art
1st May 2010, 03:29 PM
Whats the big deal with 19.00 anyway? It has been above that before... Maybe I missed something.... Can someone 'splain it to me?

ok, if you do some digging, the last (and only time) silver was over $19, was the mighty run up

hmmmmm was that all the way back to 2007? I can dig out an old chart.

but to make a long story short, TPTB had to sacrifice Bear stearns (who held alot of the silver positions)

as Bear stearns went into bankruptcy, the contracts were closed out, essentially paid in cash (no silver was ever offered up)

Butler, Jim Willie, and possibly a few others covered this.

$19 is the huge line, we get over that, and you could see a run up to $30 in short order

If I am wrong on this then please feel free to correct me on this but I also think that spot silver did hit $19.50 in Dec. 2009 before it backed off at the last few days of 2009. I think that $19.50 is the resistance level.

I agree with you that silver will have to break $19 (or $19.50) for it to make a major run.

2nd May 2010, 03:55 AM
I'm hearing numbers closer to $19.50 to $19.80, but uh....so what...Jim Willie gets the big picture and the silver story is a good one.

2nd May 2010, 04:22 AM
Prolly the line draw through the highs of March 2008
and the high of December 2009 is around 19 bucks today...

I agree that Silver should be at 35$/ounce. I made a bet with Gordon Gekko at GIM that it would be above 35$ before 30/4-2010 and I lost, so I need to find him. I have been banned at GIM2, so if someone could post a notice on GIM2 that I need him to e-mail or PM his adress to me, so that I can deliver his prize...

Large Sarge
2nd May 2010, 04:25 AM
I'm hearing numbers closer to $19.50 to $19.80, but uh....so what...Jim Willie gets the big picture and the silver story is a good one.

I thought it was $19.30 or so, but its close


2nd May 2010, 08:13 AM
I'm hearing numbers closer to $19.50 to $19.80, but uh....so what...Jim Willie gets the big picture and the silver story is a good one.

I thought it was $19.30 or so, but its close


I actually just bought an ounce or 10 at $19.32. Never thought I would, but decided couple years back that $20 would be my max I would spend. Had some availible cash and needed a silver fix. Will not buy anymore . Saving cash for either a big purchase if we get a last lucky smack down or much needed work on the house (materials only, of course)

2nd May 2010, 12:13 PM
Silver does well tracking the price of crude, and the splooge in the gulf has me wondering if this might be the catalyst for a little jump in the semi-dubious spot price.

I think so. 20's not far off.

It's still a paper game at this point, but the paperboys get weaker every day.