View Full Version : swimming
5th April 2010, 02:29 PM
I weigh a lot. 250lbs, but dont let my physique fool you, I have great cardio. Its the first rule for zombies. Running sucks for me, its a different kind of pain, in my ankles and joints and hips, doesnt feel healthy, im not fast, but I can run for as long as I want at a medium pace, until my joints start hurting. Also, I live in Alaska so running outside isnt very fun. neither is biking. Ive gotten back in to swimming and Im up to 5 miles a week, at 28 minute miles. I just want to get faster and get my strokes per lap down. any swimmers on here?
6th April 2010, 10:42 PM
Swam in high school.
Good enough to make the team but was never a top flight competitor.
Got into weight lifting and it took me out of competitive swimming.
I'm only 220 but I agree - running anything besides sprints is tough on the knees and ankles.
I went back to swimming a few years ago and it sure beats the hell out of treadmills and stairmasters.
I do the pool in the winter and ocean in the summer.
I Also started riding a bicycle again and it has been a blast. Just as much fun as when I was a kid.
Got a bunch of buddies to join me and we have done the bike NY 5 borough tour for the last few years.
Give it a shot if you haven't been pedaling - you might like it.
4th May 2010, 11:24 AM
I weigh a lot. 250lbs, but dont let my physique fool you, I have great cardio. Its the first rule for zombies. Running sucks for me, its a different kind of pain, in my ankles and joints and hips, doesnt feel healthy, im not fast, but I can run for as long as I want at a medium pace, until my joints start hurting.
What if there's no water nearby when the zombies start to surround you though?
I'm the opposite. I love running but swimming disgusts me. I have a thing about water and my nose - I actually get angry if I'm running in the rain and it's wet enough to get in my nose. A tiny bit of water in my sinuses and my day is ruined, I just hate it, totally hate it.
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