View Full Version : Reclaiming america

5th April 2010, 04:33 PM
I listened to all these links and honestly feel that we are turning the corner on Corporate Amerika and at least this guy is doing something. Lots of other people and organizations claim things but this guy actually served all US Corporate Governors. I do think we have hope! We no longer have states but Provinces, kinda cool.


As time is of the essence, I hope you will give it a listen as soon as possible:

Hour 1:

Hour 2:

I listened to last nights podcast but don't have a link for it yet.

Sounds like one members opinion on the deal, there are 3 parts all worth listening to while you surf the net:



5th April 2010, 06:05 PM
Kinda cool, not even in the conspiracy section! This place is growing on me already LOL

5th April 2010, 09:10 PM
Thanks for posting this. It is a fascinating development. He predicted correctly how it would be spun in the corporate media; it was all over the television news on Friday that the governors had been served and threatened by horrible anti-government terrorists. It’s refreshing to hear that they have no goal of attempting to wake the indoctrinated and dependant sheep, which we know is impossible on a large scale. These guys really know their stuff.

5th April 2010, 09:21 PM
media is silent here about it, nothing updated on any of the county sites either. If they were in fact served which I saw on MSM they truly are keeping silent. I spoke with a guy who I think is very smart on this stuff and he couldn't clearly understand much of it besides we are going independent of the corporation. The corporation will do whatever it wants but it doesn't include the 50 provinces that control it... thus eventually ending the corporation.

All I know is somebody did something and they say even if everyone disappears the ball is rolling and will not stop. This has honestly been almost the best news I have heard in years. They say little changes will be apparent in 30-60 days such as changing flags and stuff... wish I could remember more or have taken notes on it. Very deep thought into this.

mick silver
6th April 2010, 07:29 PM
cebu how far do you think this will go ... can it happen before they stop it ... are can they the ones in power stop it

6th April 2010, 09:33 PM
What exactly is this suppose to do? Will this overthrow the senate and usurper ?


All I can share with you is my understandings, formulated following hours and hours of reading and listening since March 28, when this first became a part of my personal awareness.

The Federal Corporation and all its trappings will be restricted to enforcing its will on the only part of the country that it truly controls: 68 square miles of land, currently known as WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. D.C. was formerly comprised of 100 square designated geographic miles. However, recently, Virginia took back 32 sqaure miles under some type of admirality law action is my understanding. That's how D.C. "shrunk."

The IRS offices will be booted out of the 50 republics commonly known by their familiar names....New York, Oregon, Florida, New Jersey, etc. This is as opposed to their individual CORPORATE titles, i.e., STATE of NEW YORK, STATE of OREGON, STATE of FLORIDA, STATE of NEW JERSEY, and so forth. Since the IRS is a corporation without consent of the common law (de jure sovereigns) free people, they are not permitted to operate anywhere but in the "de facto" corporation DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA geographic area known as WASHINGTON D.C.

Fascinating, yes?

For exactly what this is "supposed to do," this is just a suggestion: keep reading, keep listening and keep asking questions. Freedom is about as personal as it gets.

And the united States of America (No, not a typo) was founded on COMMON LAW, aka, Natural Law, aka Divine Law. I like to refer to it as "Common Sense Law."

The common law form of governance ( de jure law) was set aside in the 1860s when the original 1791 approved constitution was set aside more or less as an inconvenient relic. At that time, federal corporation called "UNITED STATES" was created. The supposedly "new and improved" form of government was stealthily and covertly installed without as much as a single shot being fired. Said federal corporation, masquerading as a "legit government" operates under the ADMIRALTY law model (de facto law). That model of oppressive government created a monster, using edict, executive orders, backroom bribes to get pet projects passed and control us. This travesty also included the creation and installation of the federal INCOME TAX, as well as the creation and installation of the Federal Reserve bank in the 30s.

Now our collective history is writing a "new ending." Mark me down as one of the hopeful.


6th April 2010, 11:01 PM
Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. Have you read this website : http://www.apfn.org/apfn/bccolony.htm ?

The start of it states that be cause the 3 dudes who signed the treaty in 1783 with Britain were not congressmen and were lawyers that the treaty is null and void. So we are still a subject of England.

I think I must pull my hair out now.

Ima, you're sure welcome.

My post just kinda hit the high spots re: background.

Thank you for your URL. I googled it and wasn't able to get to the part you were referring to since clicking your link didn't get me anywhere but to an error page.
So, no I haven't ever been there before, and didn't know about AFPN.org

RE: the still being a subject of England...at this point, nothing would surprise me about the shennigans and wool pullin' since I learned a Federal corporation has been pulling me and my now deceased parents a/w/a grandparents' strings since the late 1860s.

I spoke of my dismay on another of this forum's threads (click my beefsteak nickname above my avatar for that thread...sorry, I don't have the URL close)...at what I've learned about President Lincoln's behavior when the South walked out of the Congress I believe in 1865. Lincoln reconvened Congress without a quorum being present!!!! They never taught that in MY Am. History class way back when!!!

It is my understanding that this was the precipitating event, the tipping point where the de facto ADMIRALTY LAW governance first got a toe-hold and the slippery Federal corporation down slope was ushered in.

I've never been so interested in my American History as I have been these last several months. And I've been RIVETED by the history I've learned since March 28 when I first got wind of this R.A.P.


7th April 2010, 07:46 AM
Ah, that click works much better. ;D Thanks, Ima.

What a fascinating account is presented there of de facto Admiralty Law British subjugation still ongoing in the tangled web of the federal and state corporations!

Of special interest to me, personally, was the declaring of sovereignty under the Queen of England by the STATE of FLORIDA during the Atocha post-discovery episode. That is nervy strategy and very enlightening. It is also certainly not a commonly known historical factual ploy and posturing by the STATE of FLORIDA opposing Mel Fisher's claim to the results of his labors. I'm still glad Mel, et al persisted until his triumphant outcome.


mick silver
7th April 2010, 11:55 AM
thanks ima for the read , i will look at it later

7th April 2010, 03:26 PM
"To be silent is to be just as guilty"

10th April 2010, 06:55 PM
see here, I am trying to merge subjects to current news/events. I know the schills want everyone in the dark but I protest! LOL
