View Full Version : PDT

5th April 2010, 05:47 PM
This is not a sockpuppet account for PDT, I am maximumrebel1 from GIM and any number of GIMMERS can vouch that I am not a troll.

I would like to know why PDT was banned? For posting a PM? Is that against any written rules? It's not like it contained any personal information in it.

The situation clearly was escalated, but it doesn't sit well with me that we just made an exodus from GIM where people were banned for breaking unwritten rules, while others weren't for clearly violating one of the three rules.

WT did you ever post at GIM, or did do you just do work for JQP?

General of Darkness
5th April 2010, 05:56 PM
It was a miss understanding that went from 0 - 60 in 2 seconds. Everyone cool their damn jets.

5th April 2010, 05:58 PM
It was a miss understanding that went from 0 - 60 in 2 seconds. Everyone cool their damn jets.

I agree, I'm just curious permaban seems quite harsh.

5th April 2010, 06:00 PM
I dont personally have any issues with PDT, but, he twice threatened the sites within a few posts, firstly , saying "Im leaving if i cant see the womans forum" then saying he would try and defeat the site if the WT didnt comply. WT apparently is a mod.and you cant tell a mod "How its going to be" nor should a mod have an iron fist. Does it matter if he posted at GIM? no, as this isnt GIM , GIM is dead. this a new forum with different rules, You cant have people threatening the forum with "IM leaving" or "Ill bring it down" and go unanswered, he could have handled it better.You must have some order or youll get GLP.I wouldnt ban him though ,maybe a time out and get it hashed out while we are still a small forum.

General of Darkness
5th April 2010, 06:01 PM
Permaban? I think that's over the top.

5th April 2010, 06:03 PM
I agree, Permaban is a bit rough, Shasta/Port has always been a hothead, he shoots his load and is done.

5th April 2010, 06:06 PM
I'd like an explanation from the Mod that banned PDT. He is one of the main reasons this forum got off the ground, if he was banned permanently from where I sit there better be a damn good reason. Misunderstanding= permaban= not a good enough reason.

And BTW having a forum that men aren't allowed in is a joke.

philo beddoe
5th April 2010, 06:08 PM
I agree, Permaban is a bit rough, Shasta/Port has always been a hothead, he shoots his load and is done.
I like Tariq Aziz best.........he is damn smart....there are people that really hate that ben shockley guy too.....I think a womans forum is a bad idea.... and goes against everything we believe in....the whole 'feminism' bullshit

5th April 2010, 06:10 PM
This is not a sockpuppet account for PDT, I am maximumrebel1 from GIM and any number of GIMMERS can vouch that I am not a troll.

I would like to know why PDT was banned? For posting a PM? Is that against any written rules? It's not like it contained any personal information in it.

The situation clearly was escalated, but it doesn't sit well with me that we just made an exodus from GIM where people were banned for breaking unwritten rules, while others weren't for clearly violating one of the three rules.

WT did you ever post at GIM, or did do you just do work for JQP?

I know you are not a sock.

Yes it is against ANY forum rules, I don't care what forum you go to. You have been around long enough on forums to know you just don't do that. That is why they are called "Private Messages"!

I was a GIM member from Feb 2006 till closing, using the same nym I have here somewhere. JQP decided on this incarnation so that I could log in under the other nym and not be bombarded with a PM every 10 minutes. Believe it or not I like to enjoy the forum too.

5th April 2010, 06:10 PM
I'd like an explanation from the Mod that banned PDT. He is one of the main reasons this forum got off the ground, if he was banned permanently from where I sit there better be a damn good reason. Misunderstanding= permaban= not a good enough reason.

And BTW having a forum that men aren't allowed in is a joke.

Avalon insisted men allowed in, and shes the Mod for it, that was settled, read the whole topic, Again, im not for the ban at all. They should just sort it out.

5th April 2010, 06:14 PM
I was a GIM member from Feb 2006 till closing, using the same nym I have here somewhere. JQP decided on this incarnation so that I could log in under the other nym and not be bombarded with a PM every 10 minutes. Believe it or not I like to enjoy the forum too.

I can vouch for this... I know who his alternate identity is here, but I promised not to divulge it. He is a former GIM member of high regard, you'd all recognize him.

Damnit now I'm curious. ;D

5th April 2010, 06:15 PM
I was a GIM member from Feb 2006 till closing, using the same nym I have here somewhere. JQP decided on this incarnation so that I could log in under the other nym and not be bombarded with a PM every 10 minutes. Believe it or not I like to enjoy the forum too.

I can vouch for this... I know who his alternate identity is here, but I promised not to divulge it. He is a former GIM member of high regard, you'd all recognize him.

Damnit now I'm curious. ;D

He's good people.


5th April 2010, 06:16 PM
Well WT, spill it! ???

5th April 2010, 06:18 PM
Permaban? I think that's over the top.

Maybe so. But you were not on the other end of the phone call that I got. Yes he has my phone numer that is how much I trusted him. He decided to go off on me first in the woman's forum, when all he had to do was call before he decided to smear me all over this forum.

I stand here and recognize what his contribution to this form has been.

If you all want the perma ban lifted petition JQP. Not me, at least tonite.

5th April 2010, 06:19 PM
I was a GIM member from Feb 2006 till closing, using the same nym I have here somewhere. JQP decided on this incarnation so that I could log in under the other nym and not be bombarded with a PM every 10 minutes. Believe it or not I like to enjoy the forum too.

I can vouch for this... I know who his alternate identity is here, but I promised not to divulge it. He is a former GIM member of high regard, you'd all recognize him.

Damnit now I'm curious. ;D

Me too :)

5th April 2010, 06:21 PM
Well WT, spill it! ???

He probably won't... like he said, he wants to be able to browse the forum like the rest of us anonymously without getting 100 PM's per hour on site issues!

Don't blame him a bit for that.

Im eating now but will post later.

5th April 2010, 06:22 PM
All of this over a Womens sub-forum? Hell I thought we already had one with the cooking forum. "Get in the kitchen woman!"

I kidd I kidd. :)

5th April 2010, 06:23 PM
Perhaps we should have a thread, that was often requested on GIM, for banned members like many other forums. A place where the mod can post what member was banned and a brief explination of while. I.E. "So-so...Temp Banned for 2 weeks for violated no porn rule"

5th April 2010, 06:24 PM
All of this over a Womens sub-forum? Hell I thought we already had one with the cooking forum. "Get in the kitchen woman!"

I kidd I kidd. :)


5th April 2010, 06:25 PM
Perhaps we should have a thread, that was often requested on GIM, for banned members like many other forums. A place where the mod can post what member was banned and a brief explination of while. I.E. "So-so...Temp Banned for 2 weeks for violated no porn rule"

Isn't this thread it?

I thought I made it very clear.

5th April 2010, 06:26 PM
this is a "Thunderdome" moment, this is why we need one.

5th April 2010, 06:29 PM
Hold on, there's a no porn rule here?

Damn that was close...

5th April 2010, 06:30 PM
this is a "Thunderdome" moment, this is why we need one.

two man enter, one man leave

5th April 2010, 06:31 PM
I think we should let this settle down and then readdress it tomorrow.

General of Darkness
5th April 2010, 06:33 PM
PDT and WT are friends, and knowing a little more I just think Fred chimped out, and this is not to place blame but to say, "This is a new forum that I think is going to be awesome and we don't need any drama or bullsh*t right now".

Hell bells, Fred got more pissed off than when I found out my radio network was put on the SPLC site.

5th April 2010, 06:36 PM
PDT and WT are friends, and knowing a little more I just think Fred chimped out, and this is not to place blame but to say, "This is a new forum that I think is going to be awesome and we don't need any drama or bullsh*t right now".

Hell bells, Fred got more pissed off than when I found out my radio network was put on the SPLC site.

He was pissed about your network referenced by SPLC?

I figured he would view that as a badge of honor!

5th April 2010, 06:40 PM
Perhaps we should have a thread, that was often requested on GIM, for banned members like many other forums. A place where the mod can post what member was banned and a brief explination of while. I.E. "So-so...Temp Banned for 2 weeks for violated no porn rule"

Isn't this thread it?

I thought I made it very clear.

You did. What I meant was a seperate sub forum at the bottom that is for nothing other than that. No comments, or limited comments, just so it doesnt pop up into general discussion every time it happens, forcing hte mods to come in and close threads, further enraging people, banning more people, like happened so often at GIM,

5th April 2010, 06:41 PM
Perhaps we should have a thread, that was often requested on GIM, for banned members like many other forums. A place where the mod can post what member was banned and a brief explination of while. I.E. "So-so...Temp Banned for 2 weeks for violated no porn rule"

Isn't this thread it?

I thought I made it very clear.

You did. What I meant was a seperate sub forum at the bottom that is for nothing other than that. No comments, or limited comments, just so it doesnt pop up into general discussion every time it happens, forcing hte mods to come in and close threads, further enraging people, banning more people, like happened so often at GIM,

I'm kinda hopin' we don't have enough bans to warrant a subforum.


5th April 2010, 06:44 PM
I'm kinda hopin' we don't have enough bans to warrant a subforum.


Indeed! This place is NOT the banfest that GIM is... we've been here what... 5 days now with only 2 bans for far? How many do they have over there at this point? I'm thinking it will probably stay that way for the most part, considering the great users and mods we've got on this forum!

5th April 2010, 06:45 PM

5th April 2010, 06:46 PM
Rant by PDT's sock puppet deleted by WT for containing personal information. Just another reason to keep the ban in place.

He realized his error, and APOLOGIZED TO BOTH OF YOU IN THAT THREAD!!! Why does it need to escalate any further? If you haven't noticed, this is a NEW FORUM that's just trying to get it's legs, with one VERY OVERWORKED techie/mod who is HUMAN like you and me and prone to mistakes... This forum is still in it's infancy... why are you fighting it already?

BTW, If he attacked Henny Penny, I would want to be GOOD AND GODDAMNED SURE that he really WAS attacking her before I started taking actions like you have.

Call me a backstabber if you want, all I've wanted through ALL of this is for you guys to FIGURE THIS sh*t OUT so we can get it OVER and move on as a growing community! If you haven't noticed already, THE ENEMY is OUT THERE... WE ARE NOT IT!!!! :o

5th April 2010, 06:47 PM
I really don't want this thread to get out of hand, I think it is best to let this blow over. Obviously PDT, and WT are still hot about it and regardless of who is right or wrong the forum doesn't need any drama in it's infancy.

Now I do think permaban is harsh, perhaps we can discuss that at a different time.

WT, I feel much better about you knowing that you were one of us, instead of just some hired IT guy :)

WT, if you feel necessary to lock this thread than feel free, I think everyone has had there say and hopefully we can resolve it amicably in the (near) future.

5th April 2010, 06:49 PM
WTF is this?

5th April 2010, 06:50 PM
Deleted. Enough is enough! If you guys who support such disruption on a really good forum I kindly ask you to not post.

This kind of stuff is childish and very immature. I have a voice mail from that I wont listen to until my wife goes to bed. If he had any chance of me changing my mind he isn't doing much for his case. WT

I was not going to respond to this, other than to respectfully advise everyone to step away from the keyboard and chill out for a while...

BUT - I saw the name "gonzo" mentioned. Is this a reference to me? I know there was a 'gonzo' at GIM2, but to my knowledge, I am the only one with 'gonzo' in the name here.

I hope no one here gets upset and tries to attack each other or the forum... we have a good thing going here, let's not f*ck it up.

5th April 2010, 06:50 PM
That post was just Fred sneeking in and ranting.

This thread is closed.