View Full Version : Hamid Karzai to join the TAliban??

5th April 2010, 08:50 PM
First off this whole "news" story is hilarious!!! If that ever happened I'm sure his head would be sent in a basket back to the "green zone" with a thank you letter to the commanding officer.


President Hamid Karzai has threatened to step down and join the Taliban if outside pressure for reform continues, Afghan lawmakers say.

It was the second time in recent days that Karzai had threatened to quit and join the Taliban, three MPs stated.

"Karzai said that 'if I come under foreign pressure, I might join the Taliban,'" Farooq Marenai, who represents the eastern province of Nangarhar, said on Monday.

"He said that rebelling would change to resistance," Marenai added.

The Afghan president reiterated his threat at a closed-door meeting with selected parliamentarians at a time when diplomatic tension between Karzai and the United States is increasing — just days after kicking up a diplomatic controversy with remarks alleging foreigners were behind the fraud in last year's disputed presidential election.

Karzai is facing trouble with his US and NATO allies stationed in Afghanistan. He has said he and his government are not sovereign in Afghanistan and exercise little control or influence over tactical military operations.

And indeed the situation is grim. The killing of civilians by the allies goes unacknowledged. US troops are operating a prison system in Afghanistan on their own, with no obvious connection to Afghanistan's law.

Lawmakers dismissed Karzai's latest comment as hyperbole.

Nevertheless, it is clear the Afghan president is growing increasingly erratic and unable to exert authority in the country.

Marenai said Karzai appeared nervous and repeatedly demanded to know why parliament had rejected legal reforms that would have strengthened the president's authority over the country's electoral institutions last week.

During a visit to Kandahar on Sunday, Karzai again distanced himself from his Western backers by telling tribal elders that government officials should not let foreigners meddle in their work and Afghans need to see their leaders are not puppets.

5th April 2010, 10:26 PM
I thought we were supposed to have pulled out from Iraq and Afghanistan by now? What happened there?

I would seriously LOL if the puppet we installed in that shitheap of a country decided to join the insurgency.

5th April 2010, 11:51 PM
In a perfect world politicians would actually do as they say, actually represent the interests of their people and uphold the laws of the country. I cannot actually recall one of Obama’s presidential race promises being met.


willie pete
6th April 2010, 05:54 PM
Who knows, he may be Taliban already :D

Wicked Witch
8th April 2010, 06:42 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be REjoin the Taliban?

Wasn't Karzai Taliban until he got lured away by the West/Unocal? Err...I mean until his ethics prevented him from remaining loyal to his Taliban brothers? :P

Sounds like Hamid is just shopping pimps. Again.

8th April 2010, 06:53 PM
Hamid Karzai Tells the U.S. to Get Lost, Perhaps We Should Oblige Him

Karzai has to appeal to the citizens of his own country in order to stay in power, and he may just be tapping into this anger to remain in control. But after hearing that Karzai's government freed a Taliban commander that was sentenced to 16 years in prison for kidnapping, and after Karzai's refusal to back away from his rhetoric to the U.S., maybe it is time we pulled our ground troops out of that lovely little hell-hole called Afghanistan.

All attacks would then be from the air, and we would no longer give a rat's ass about civilian casualties. As a video from Wikileaks shows, we barely are concerned with this now.

Some are speculating that Karzai has a drug problem, but at this point who cares. If Karzai is going to steal elections, only later to charge foreigners with this crime, it is past time we either remove any and all support for this clown. The Afghan president reportedly wants to join the Taliban. Congratulations, you are now a target, jack-ass.

So what made Karzai go off the rails? Pressure to reform the notoriously corrupt government in Afghanistan, coupled with civilian casualties. So is Karzai serious, or is this all bull? Like I said, at this point, who cares. Leave him to the crows.

So Karzai might be quitting his job as president, and joining the insurgency -- Good God, he's Sarah Palin.
