View Full Version : VC hero Johnson Beharry accuses Brown of 'disrespect'

6th April 2010, 02:00 AM
Britain’s most highly decorated serving soldier last night personally attacked Gordon Brown for ‘disrespecting’ the Armed Forces.

Lance Corporal Johnson Beharry also revealed that he refused to shake the Prime Minister’s hand at a Remembrance Day event last year.

Mr Brown has now written a personal letter of apology to Lance Corporal Beharry, who in 2005 was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery in Iraq.

Lance Corporal Beharry said that Mr Brown had fidgeted throughout the two-minute silence held at the Cenotaph in November. “We were representing the Army in front of him and he didn’t seem to care less,” he told The Sun. “He couldn’t stand still for two minutes. It was very rude.

“On the official line-up, I decided I’d get his attention and let him know I felt. When he offered his hand to me I just turned around and walked away. I wanted him to think about his actions and it worked.”

Lance Corporal Beharry said he was also offended by what he saw as the government’s failure to adequately provide for traumatised veterans and wounded troops. “I can’t get over how disrespectful he’s been to us,” he said. “His reaction to the uniform is terrible. I’m speaking out for the many guys who don’t have a voice.”

He added: “This is nothing to do with the election, or who I want to be PM. My problem is with him personally, Gordon Brown the man.”

Yesterday Downing Street said that Mr Brown was “seriously concerned” about Lance Corporal Beharry’s comments and had written him a personal letter in an attempt to make amends.

A spokesman said: “The Prime Minister has the utmost respect and admiration for Lance Corporal Johnson Beharry, who has shown great courage serving our country. Mr Brown has written a personal letter to Johnson Beharry this evening to reassure him of his personal admiration and the great respect in which he is held by the whole country."
