6th April 2010, 05:20 AM
OBAMACARE CREATES IRS CODE 5000A which requires individuals to “maintain minimum essential amounts” of health insurance coverage.

This “individual requirement” is specified in the newly passed Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act/Section 5000A.

Minimum essential coverage includes various government-sponsored programs, eligible employer-sponsored plans, plans in the individual market, grandfathered group health plans and other coverage as recognized by the Secretary of the Treasury, historically occupied by a Goldman Sachs agent by way of the revolving door between Wall Street and the White House.

While that level of coverage and purchasing cost will be defined at a later date by the Treasury Secretary, it will be the responsibility of the IRS to monitor and punish individuals who do not comply.

Under ObamaCare, every individual is required to report to the IRS on their tax returns, whether they have purchased or provided the required level of coverage AND disclose to the IRS which months, if any, in which they failed to do so.

Individuals who fail to maintain minimum essential coverage will be subject to a penalty equal to $750 (up to $2,250 per household) and will be indexed for inflation after 2016. View IRS Enforcement Of Health Care Bill Here, Here & Here.

Celtic Rogue
6th April 2010, 07:07 AM
What a boat load of pooooo! If they dont overturn this stupid entitlement program in november I fear violence in the streets

6th April 2010, 07:39 AM
So the penalties are indexed for inflation. LMAO.. If the rest of the code was indexed for inflation you would be exempt if you make 80k or so.

6th April 2010, 08:16 AM
While that level of coverage and purchasing cost will be defined at a later date by the Treasury Secretary, it will be the responsibility of the IRS to monitor and punish individuals who do not comply.

That's pretty f'ed up right there. Talk about making undefined threats, is this statement created to insult, or what?