View Full Version : Realistic Scenario for Stock Market, US$, and Gold & Silver

6th April 2010, 12:23 PM
In order to get a feeling for how much cash to allocate to near term purchases (next 2 months) vs. medium term (2 to 12 months), I think it helps to think about what's going to happen to the stock market.

Last time we hit the big lows it was associated with panic that the Plunge Protection Team could not stop - or maybe the whole thing was engineered to provide a $trillion hand out for Uncle Sam's Jewish banker friends.

the mode that the economy is in now, it seems like they're just going to keep on printing ... and printing ... and printing and printing - metaphorically speaking, since I guess most of it is on computers.

I don't think the dollar can devalue faster than 50% a year. The US always has the prerogative of raising interest rates. They spent $222 billion more than they took in in Feb. 2010. The number for March 2010 was $333 billion. They can do whatever the f*ck they want, as long as it involves printing lots of money.

So I'm wondering, will we see a collapse and panic again ? E.g. JP Morgan meets its match with all its naked shorts, and this triggers another series of cascading failures that panics the market.

As far as I can tell, Rahm Emanuel's plan is to just keep printing money and propping up the stock market. I'm pretty sure Obama supports him on this.

Yes, they might engineer another drop in the market. But they are trying hard to look like they know what they're doing.

I'm wondering if what we're going to see is the current accelerating devaluation of the dollar, along with the Disneyland "health care for everybody", Hutaree raids, and an escalating number of Joe Stack incidents.

What events are in our probable future that will lower the price of gold or silver ?

They already played the expiring currency swap card. I think that was about the end of January beginning of February.

They played the big terrorist attack card.

They already got 2 wars going. The US $ benefits when the Euro stumbles. An attack on Iran is considered to be real bad for the Euro economy, because it raises their cost of gas.

I don't think an attack on Iran will hurt the dollar any more than its already hurt. Unless the US does something that pisses off China and/or Russia, and they respond by dumping $$.

So I'm wondering if this is the part where the dollar devalues 50%, over the next year, and the Dow continues to climb with all that fake money.

And there's no financial panic, just the continued Depression era unemployment that the media isn't reporting.

I'm wondering how the recent CFTC & GATA & Andrew Maguire revelations will impact the markets. Are the cram-down games over, where JPMorgan and HSBC used their paper games and market might to sock it to silver ? I'm thinking those days when silver is down 4% may have been market manipulation days.

Overall, I'm thinking $18 is a good price for silver, and the chance of buying opportunities at $12 or $15 are slim.

Realistically, what could knock the price of silver down to $12 or $15 in the next 12 months ?