View Full Version : CHART OF THE DAY: Why The Gold-To-Oil Ratio Suggests Oil Could Go A Lot Higher

6th April 2010, 01:31 PM
CHART OF THE DAY: Why The Gold-To-Oil Ratio Suggests Oil Could Go A Lot Higher (http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-oil-barrels-per-an-ounce-of-gold-2010-4)

Joe Weisenthal and Kamelia Angelova

One remarkable aspect of the recent runup in oil is that it's decidedly not the result of a weak dollar. That was not the case in 2007 and 2008 when oil was going nuts, and New York restaurants were pricing their menus with euro symbols.

There's no surefire way to measure oil ex-dollars, but measuring it in gold is a reasonable approach, since it's the anti-currency. So let's look at little further.

At the end of 2008, the number of barrels you could buy with one once of gold surged to ridiculous highs, the combination of a deflationary collapse (the oil drop) and global fear (the gold spike). But look since 2000 and the trend is clear. One once of gold is buying you less and less oil. We appear to be reverting to trend. Oil can go a lot higher.


6th April 2010, 04:40 PM
Oil can certainly go a lot higher, but I think at this point gold will outperform oil...I don't think that the depression is over, and with sovereign defaults on the horizon I think the flight to safety will be gold. But looking at th chart the authors may be right.It just doesn't feel like the fundamentals would support a move like this... However I keep my car filled up!

6th April 2010, 04:48 PM
Ammo, water, food, and toilet paper - we're going to need a lot of it
as we are getting FLUSHED with the green paper stuff....


Run for the hills - 6 million jobs lost in a year and he's after mine now....

Allah Babba and the 535 thieves in D.C.