View Full Version : Ponce and the cops, going to town....

6th April 2010, 03:30 PM
Anyway, about two miles out of my one mule of a town there was a cop facing the other way waiting with his radar gun.......being the nice guy that I am I started flashing my headlight and signaling the incoming cars to slow down.

And guess what? the third freaking car was a cop's car.......I felt my nuts in my throat but nothing happened, so...I keep on signaling the incoming traffic, and you would not believe this.....the seventh car was also a cops car (what the f**k).

It was then that I decide to stop being a good Cuban and after about five miles I was feeling pretty safe........but.......ANOTHER patrol car came behind me and stopped me, the guy came out of the patrol car and asked me "Sir, were you signaling back there the incoming traffic to slow down".........oh oh , I told myself, but being the quick Ponce that I am I answered back "Yes sir, there was a patrol car and two more cars ( a lie, not 2 cars) by the road and I didn't want anyone to hit the patrolsman car".

The guy looked at me reallyyyyyyyyy hard for about five second and then told me "You may go sir, and thank you for caring for the law enforcement agents" hahahahahahahahah

And here is the good part..........he gave me a "Get out of jail card" it has his name and badge number and some other number..... he told me that if I was ever stopped for a ticket to give the officer the card.

Anyway.........about two miles down the road ANOTHER RADAD TRAP, lucky for me I was going at 50 in a 55 miles zone.

Last time a saw any cops in these area was about THREE months ago and then here out of nowhere there were FIVE PATROLS CARS ???

6th April 2010, 03:38 PM
Good job on the early warning system. You can't really lie if they saw you, so quick thinking. Probably messed him up that you told the truth. Too funny.

I wonder if they can charge you on something for flashing your brights?

Celtic Rogue
6th April 2010, 03:41 PM
Its getting really bad along the I95 corridor... cops everywhere ...guess they figure its a good revenue stream!

6th April 2010, 03:50 PM
No Mr. Bob, it is not illegal to flash your headlights, according to the Supreme Court.........but........he would find another excuse to give me a ticket.

Cops make their own rules........

6th April 2010, 04:19 PM
No Mr. Bob, it is not illegal to flash your headlights, according to the Supreme Court.........but........he would find another excuse to give me a ticket.

Cops make their own rules........

It depends upon the state vehicle code, whether you could be cited for that. In my state, you get a moving violation.

I would render a guess, that it is a citable offense in your state. The reason? The cop had to have an infraction of the vehicle code to justify the stop.

Anyway, quick thinking! I may end up using this one day. ;D

6th April 2010, 04:20 PM
cops are revenuers...highwaymen! Good job messing with them! They are out in force in my podunk county...I'm ready for some layoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6th April 2010, 04:22 PM
cops are revenuers...highwaymen! Good job messing with them! They are out in force in my podunk county...I'm ready for some layoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I have to drive on eggshells where I'm at. Plus, they've raised traffic fines. Some big ones...upwards on $500 a ticket.

6th April 2010, 04:27 PM
No Mr. Bob, it is not illegal to flash your headlights, according to the Supreme Court.........but........he would find another excuse to give me a ticket.

Cops make their own rules........

This is true. I flashed my brights after getting pulled over when I turned off and the cop had just passed me. He pulled a 180 and pulled me over again. I had to prove how it was possible that I could have done that while signaling. It's very possible, as I pushed forward on the stalk, and voila. Anyhow, he was pissed, and told me if I wanted to play games he could write me tickets all night long. To serve and protect.

6th April 2010, 04:27 PM
your very fortunate that the one who pulled you over was a good guy.

6th April 2010, 04:32 PM
Mr. Accident.........here we have a 7 mile stretch of road where the fines doubles no matter for what.

I got a ticket for speeding and I told the judge that I was trying to get away from the white car behind me that was to close.......the lady in the white car also got stopped and given a ticket.......the judge cut my fine in half.

Once again quick thinking..........hahahahahahah.

6th April 2010, 06:01 PM
Mr. Accident.........here we have a 7 mile stretch of road where the fines doubles no matter for what.

I got a ticket for speeding and I told the judge that I was trying to get away from the white car behind me that was to close.......the lady in the white car also got stopped and given a ticket.......the judge cut my fine in half.

Once again quick thinking..........hahahahahahah.

Hahaha! Nice! And...thanks for the laugh. I actually LOL, which is rare for me reading online.

6th April 2010, 06:07 PM
Mr. Accident.........here we have a 7 mile stretch of road where the fines doubles no matter for what.

I got a ticket for speeding and I told the judge that I was trying to get away from the white car behind me that was to close.......the lady in the white car also got stopped and given a ticket.......the judge cut my fine in half.

Once again quick thinking..........hahahahahahah.

Hahaha! Nice! And...thanks for the laugh. I actually LOL, which is rare for me reading on line.

Stick around, with me around you will be laughing to the grave hahahahahaha

willie pete
6th April 2010, 06:11 PM
cops are revenuers...highwaymen! Good job messing with them! They are out in force in my podunk county...I'm ready for some layoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There have been several stories in the news recently, one from VA I think, that states the municipalities really need the $$$'s, so the cops have been ordered to bump up the infractions

6th April 2010, 06:20 PM
If cops had half a brain, they'd see that alerting other cars helps them fullfill their mission to 'serve and protect' by getting folks to slow down and making the highways safer.

6th April 2010, 06:27 PM
You know Mr. Accident?......I think that people feel about me that way because many try to impress others by not being themselves........I am Ponce and I talk and act as I do because otherwise it would not be me.

Many have forgoten how to be a child and how to make mud cakes or get wet outside in the rain........I feel that I am like that old Twilight Zone with the tittle of "Kicking the can" and at 70 I am now entering my 2nd childhood ;D

By the way, my dad is 98 and is the same as me ;D ;D ;D

6th April 2010, 07:28 PM
OH!!! dont get me started on the Leos. They are revenue generators. Its gotten bad in the little town I live in too. Its a two mule town and you will see Highway Patrol stalking the locals from one side of town to the other.. grrr!

Good job in dealing with the Police man though Ponce. Im sure I would have made a mess of it...

6th April 2010, 07:42 PM
That's a lot of police cars you ran across. Sounds like your municipality needs to cut its budget by laying off some cops!

6th April 2010, 07:48 PM
Nice quick thinking Ponce.
Last time I was pulled over was a couple months ago. I had a headlight out but had the new bulbs in the car. Cop pulled me over. I have a CT license and Fl plates and I live in the midwest.. LOL. He asked me why all the different stuff. I asked him if I was breaking any laws. He then asked if I lived locally. I just told him not yet but I was looking for a place. I know I shouldnt have said anything but sometimes its just hard to do when they engage you so much. Anyway, I didnt get a ticket.