View Full Version : My trip to Walt Mart...........

6th April 2010, 03:40 PM
At the corner of Walt Mart there was a guy IN A TUX, very clean shaved and very elegant and with polished shoes and a sign, very well made, that said.......... "Need money to fill my Rolls Royce".

I pulled to the side of the road and watch him for about five minutes in in that time he collected about 4 bucks, plus one from me hahahahahaha.

Prices in Walt Mart going up and up, a five gallon can of white paint going for $68.00, whet I bought it a few years ago it as only about $32.00.

While paying for the items that I bought the carousel came around and I gabbed the plastic bag with a large tube of ice cream........the plastic handle broke and the 10 lbs tub of ice cream hit me on the right foot, I yelled and starting to fall on the ground........the managers was called and she called security to check the video, the called her back and gave her a number and it was then and only then that she paid a great deal of attention to me........here I was still holding the plastic handle in my hand.

She wanted me to fill an "Accident Report" but I told her that I didn't want to sue the company.......she even wanted to call the paramedics.

What a day....between the cops and Wallys world I am tired.

6th April 2010, 03:42 PM
Cheap chinese grocery bags.

That'll teach you for shopping at china*mart.

6th April 2010, 03:48 PM
Tell me about it.......... >:(

6th April 2010, 03:55 PM
thats what you get for shoping at walmart! ;D Sometimes to not pay the price you must pay the price.

6th April 2010, 04:24 PM
Well Mr. Me.........that's how I get to keep my money.

Do you know where I get my clothes from? the "Senior Thrift Shop" here in town, really great bargains in clothing that are like new.

The old geezers from Calif move here with their fancy clothing and because there is no where to go here they simply die and their wives donate their clothing to the store, many of the pieces (specially pans) even have the original price in the stickers.

By the way.......the sell A FULL grocery bag full of clothis for two bucks, about two months ago it went up to three...............I have in stock about 175 bags to trade with for WTSHTF, better that bullets, whisky and so on.

6th April 2010, 04:33 PM
Funny....where to start....hmmmm......last year was a great year for garage sales, so much "free" stuff. This year i hope it will be better, i will call it the great "american garage sale". People are giving away everything to just pay the bills. I would like to say that i buy my work clothes at a thrift store but i cannot, sometimes to get paid, you have to look the part. If i look the part than i must be the part, right? $$$ A plan be hind a plan behind a plan, always thought like this but never exploited the idea like you have. Loved Agnuts old posts and tried to contribute.......

6th April 2010, 04:40 PM
"10 lbs tub of ice cream hit me on the right foot, I yelled and starting to fall on the ground."

LOL... totally fake.. Happens every day... this guy is overreacting, screaming and falling on the floor, reeling and moaning... Better check the video.... ;D :D

good to hear you were not permanently injured... :)

6th April 2010, 07:19 PM
Our Walmart has gone bag-less. Yep, that is right! We are going green. Do I like it? Not sure. I am glad that I don't have a ton of those plastic bags everywhere! But now I have to remember to bring my own bags. I have some great canvas bags that hold a lot of stuff. But they still sell these flimsy little blue reusable bags that I am sure that will not last beyond three trips! Sometimes I just put everything back in the basket and walk on out with it, after paying for it of course!

Just thought I would share. I guess I would be screwed if the bag ripped; they are mine!

willie pete
6th April 2010, 07:24 PM
10 lbs of ice cream? Damn Ponce, that's a lot of ice cream :D

8th April 2010, 12:48 PM
Funny....where to start....hmmmm......last year was a great year for garage sales, so much "free" stuff. This year i hope it will be better, i will call it the great "american garage sale". People are giving away everything to just pay the bills. I would like to say that i buy my work clothes at a thrift store but i cannot, sometimes to get paid, you have to look the part. If i look the part than i must be the part, right? $$$ A plan be hind a plan behind a plan, always thought like this but never exploited the idea like you have. Loved Agnuts old posts and tried to contribute.......

Hi answer2me. I remember you well from the bartering and horsetrading thread. I would like to continue it here on Gold-Silver.US. as soon as I get the time. Life has been crazy busy around here what with all the preparing and two new storage containers dumped on the property.

Oodles of deals coming this spring and beyond. Money is tight and will get tighter through time so don't grab the first thing you think is a good deal unless it is a great deal (or you just gotta have it).

Best wishes and glad to be here,


This is a beautiful website; feels like I died and went to heaven.

8th April 2010, 12:53 PM
You will love this site:



8th April 2010, 01:04 PM
Agnutttttttttttttttttttttt ;D ;D ;D, welcome buddy.

Mr. Neutral? where the heck did you get my picture from? you are not supposed to post a picture from members of this forum hahahahahahahahahahah.

8th April 2010, 01:05 PM
Mr. Pet? not one but two tubs hehehehehehhehe.

Ponce <------------no wife to tell him what to eat

8th April 2010, 01:08 PM
Agnutttttttttttttttttttttt ;D ;D ;D, welcome buddy.

Mr. Neutral? where the heck did you get my picture from? you are not supposed to post a picture from members of this forum hahahahahahahahahahah.

At the link, there are hundreds of photos like that taken inside of Walmart's all over the world. Some of them are extremely funny.

8th April 2010, 01:13 PM
I know, I saw them about a month ago......love them..........lucky for me the camera man wesn't around when I went hahahahahahahahah. Specially with me jumping up and down holding the end of a plastic bag LOL

8th April 2010, 06:20 PM
You will love this site:



Damn!!! I thought pimps stopped dressing like that in the late 70's..............

Saul Mine
8th April 2010, 07:28 PM
You will love this site:



visual aids - what you get from looking at that site!

8th April 2010, 07:49 PM
Thanks for wanting to restart that horse trading thread again AGNut.

8th April 2010, 08:43 PM
Forgot to mention this..........before going to Wally's World I stopped at "Big Lot" and they had a special on tp 24 rolls for $6.50.......I could not help myself, even with 1,750 rolls in stock I bought two packs........

Ponce <-----like a woman buying shoes, don't need them but there they are LOL.

8th April 2010, 11:17 PM
Funny....where to start....hmmmm......last year was a great year for garage sales, so much "free" stuff. This year i hope it will be better, i will call it the great "american garage sale". People are giving away everything to just pay the bills. I would like to say that i buy my work clothes at a thrift store but i cannot, sometimes to get paid, you have to look the part. If i look the part than i must be the part, right? $$$ A plan be hind a plan behind a plan, always thought like this but never exploited the idea like you have. Loved Agnuts old posts and tried to contribute.......

Hi answer2me. I remember you well from the bartering and horsetrading thread. I would like to continue it here on Gold-Silver.US. as soon as I get the time. Life has been crazy busy around here what with all the preparing and two new storage containers dumped on the property.

Oodles of deals coming this spring and beyond. Money is tight and will get tighter through time so don't grab the first thing you think is a good deal unless it is a great deal (or you just gotta have it).

Best wishes and glad to be here,


This is a beautiful website; feels like I died and went to heaven.

Agnut - I loved your horsetrading thread. It was truly epic.
I read it in it's entirety when i wuz just a wee lurker at the old GIM.

We would be (at least I would be ;D) honored to have you continue it here.


9th April 2010, 11:29 AM
Thanks BeefJerky and Saint. I have been communicating with Ponce and in our talking have come up with a few articles to write when I get the time. As I wrote above, it is crazy busy right now. I am even wondering when it may slow down. At first thought, probably have lots of time after the wheels fall off the economy. But also probably will have lots of stuff to do in THAT environment. Even prepping for years, there will be lots of adjustments to make. The difference between a prepped person and one who is oblivious is that the prepped person will be much more able to handle the shock waves.

I’m so glad to see Ponce here on Gold-Silver.US and writing so much. I have never met anybody like him and learn new things all the time. He is what I would call a Renaissance man. His interest encompasses everything. He may be 70 but still has a childlike fascination with new ideas and inventions. Forever young at heart you might say.

Best wishes,


9th April 2010, 11:36 AM
Ahhhhhhhh chucks (says ponce while moving his foot back and forwar) I really don't deserve what you are saying about me, my face is already red from embarrassment..........BUT DON'T STOP TALKING. Hahhaahahahhaahah.

By the way, Agnut is doing business even from Korea, comap sumnidad.

Heyyyyyyyy Randy, welcome home.

9th April 2010, 11:38 AM

9th April 2010, 11:45 AM
Soon I will see many of those that don't like Walt Mart going to Walt Mart because that will be the only place to go with the money that they have.

"Better not to be hungry and wrong, than right and hungry"... Ponce

9th April 2010, 02:20 PM
I was going to say the same thing about shopping at Wal-Mart before half the board beat me to it. Damn. I'm starting to feel like a borg.


9th April 2010, 03:13 PM
"All your ships are belong to us?"...........sounds to me like if he went to a Cuban English school hahahahahahahah