View Full Version : Illusion of Prosperity Entering Its Twilight

7th April 2010, 12:50 AM
Even if the U.S. economy has hit bottom – a prospect that we view as extremely unlikely -- there is almost no chance the recovery will restore the nation to economic health. No one knows this better than the Baby Boomers, vast numbers of whom have seen their retirement plans go up in smoke because of the wealth-destroying effects of the Great Recession. Tens of millions of Baby Boomers are parents as well, and they are just starting to come to grips with the possibility that their children will experience a declining standard of living in the decades ahead. As recently as three years ago, before the banking system and housing market collapsed, few would have believed America could fall so far, so fast. Now, with public, corporate and private debt hanging over us that has grown far too large to redeem, only a fool in denial could fail to see the dark shadow that has fallen over the economy.

Even so, the illusion of prosperity seems likely to persist, especially with the stock market’s relentless rally, now entering its 14th month, to distract and disconnect us from the real economic world. A comment posted in the Rick’s Picks forum yesterday by “EdwardO” [click here to visit his blog] trenchantly describes the folly of it all:

“The cognitive dissonance about the land is now both pervasive and immense. The number of unemployed, underemployed, and otherwise financially and economically imperiled has ratcheted up over the last few years, and though the economic deterioration that began in earnest in early 2008 seems to have, at least by some modestly credible measures, abated somewhat in the last few months, the new normal, such as it is, is distinctly less healthy, less favorable to most, than it was.

“And yet, despite the immutable facts of a reduction in the standard of living for so many, we keep hearing talk of recovery -- which is, by definition, absurd, since a recovery assumes the reclamation of a prior state. The only prior state that has been recovered is the one that Wall Street was operating in before the financial world, as we knew it, ended in a thunderous calamity. In fact, even that picture isn’t entirely accurate since Wall Street has now, de facto, if not de jure, captured at least two, if not all three, branches comprising the Federal Government.

‘Nothing Left to Lose…’

“And the Federal Government, whose agenda is unmistakably crafted and shaped by corporations, if we are operating euphemistically, and owned like a mindless piece of chattel (by the remnants of the FIRE economy) if we are not, in concert with the mainstream media, which is also the province, lock, stock, and barrel of ‘bottom line’ concerns, are all in on maintaining -- to the vast majority’s detriment -- the grand, if tenuous, illusion of prosperity. That Matrix will continue to function as is until some critical number of those trapped within it lose even more than they have lost already. At that point, one imagines a genuine move towards revolution and freedom- which, as Kris Kristofferson observed, is “just another word for nothing left to lose” -- will emerge in a such a way as to make the Tea Party movement look like the tepid, co-opted brew it is. Unfortunately, by then, it may well be too late. Vamos a ver [We shall see…].”

7th April 2010, 12:53 AM
Yep. The glittery coating is starting to wear off of the grimy reality at this point!

7th April 2010, 12:56 AM
Yep. The glittery coating is starting to wear off of the grimy reality at this point!

Over 1M people will be losing their unemployment benefits this week.

Got crime?

7th April 2010, 06:48 AM
And don't forget that 39 million Americans survive by receiving monthly food stamps.
The tipping points draws ever closer.

7th April 2010, 07:07 AM
And don't forget that 39 million Americans survive by receiving monthly food stamps.
The tipping points draws ever closer.

So right now the max is 9 people supporting 1 person. What is really the ratio when you factor in all the other forms of entitlements?

We truly are getting very close to an Atlas shrugged moment.

Shorty Harris
7th April 2010, 07:33 AM
Yep, and just think, in 10-20 yrs from now..these will be the good ol' days. (not that we 're going to last that long)

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs018.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

7th April 2010, 07:56 AM
The problem for those who are retired will be their kids........"Dad, Mom? I need a Loan".......

Rome burns while Nero plays the fiddle........

Good morning to one and all........first post of the day.

Korbin Dallas
7th April 2010, 09:01 AM
The rising stock market is definitely part of the illusion, especially when you compare it to the price of gold. Inflation hides within this illusion. What good is a 20,000 point Dow if it costs $24 for a cup of coffee and a new car would cost over 100k. The chart below compares the S & P to the price of gold. stocks don't look so hot over the past 10 or so years.

Sorry, it won't let me post the chart, but it is here also:
