View Full Version : Wiki Leaks video - slaying of Iraqis 2 kids and Ruters correspondants

7th April 2010, 06:28 AM

watch it there

7th April 2010, 06:48 AM
I'll go back to what I have always said about war...

If they are not the enemy to the point you are willing to wage complete total war, achieve victory at any cost, make the war zone uninhabitable, and throw every resource available to completing the war quickly, decisively, and in a way which completely demoralizes the enemy, then you should NEVER put boots on the ground.

War machines are designed to kill and destroy.

We have no business killing and destroying the ME.

Bring the troops home, close the foreign bases, and take a defensive stand.

Of course, now doing so would collapse the MIC and the economy. >:(

7th April 2010, 06:52 AM
And to add to that...

We should not be willing to commit to total war, unless there is a true just cause.

There is no excuse for killing innocents.. but the answer is no that they should be more careful... the answer is that they should not be there at all.

7th April 2010, 07:27 AM
I took careful note on how the US government labeled all who were killed as insurgents.

This is what scares me about the "Patriot Act" and other policies.

It doesn't matter if you are an insurgent before, but you'll definitely belabeled as one afterwards and the killers will be exonerated..

That vid really got to me.

Lesson: Don't linger around a helicopter. and use the dust to sneak away-- a running target is a dead one.

7th April 2010, 09:15 AM
I agree w/ you guys.

Our boys blood is being shed.

Their boys, their wives and their kids blood is being shed. None of it has to be.