View Full Version : Obama "Considering use of chemtrails to prevent global warming"

7th April 2010, 08:35 AM
Obama may fire pollution particles into stratosphere to deflect sun's heat in desperate bid to tackle global warming

By David Gardner

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1168637/Obama-pollution -particles-stratosphere-deflect-suns-heat-desperate-bid-tackle-global- warming.html#ixzz0kC5s0mbX

President Barack Obama is considering a radical plan to tackle global warming by firing pollution particles into the stratosphere to deflect some of the sun’s heat.

The controversial experiment was touted yesterday as a possible last resort to help cool the Earth’s air by the president’s new science advisor John Holdren.

‘It’s got to be looked at. We don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table,’ said Mr Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology.

Sunscreen: Could its rays be deflected as a last resort to beat global warming?

Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology, outlined the idea of shooting either sulphur dioxide particles, aluminium oxide dust or specially designed aerosols into the stratosphere - the upper level of the atmosphere between ten and 30 miles above the Earth's surface.

It is hoped that this would cool the planet by artificially reflecting sunlight back into space before it can be absorbed.

Naval guns, rockets, high-flying aircraft and even hot air balloons have been put forward as possible ways of firing the agent into the air.


Drastic action: Barack Obama wants to use technology to combat climate change

Mr Holdren admitted the scheme could have grave side effects and would not completely solve all the problems from soaring greenhouse gas emissions.

But he said he had raised the idea with the Obama administration and added: 'We might get desperate enough to want to use it.'

Mr Holdren insisted that dramatic action is needed to halt climate change which he compared to being 'in a car with bad brakes driving towards a cliff in a fog'.

There has been widespread resistance in the scientific community to attempts to deliberately modify the environment on such a large scale.

Opponents fear that tampering with the atmosphere's delicate balance could have consequences that would be even worse than global warming.

But Mr Holdren suggested time could be running out. He outlined several 'tipping points' involving climate change that may be fast approaching, such as the complete loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic.

He said that once such milestones are reached it increases the chances of 'really intolerable consequences'.

Mr Holdren also proposed the option of developing 'artificial trees' that would suck carbon dioxide - the chief human-produced greenhouse gas - out of the air and store it.

The synthetic tree, described as looking like a goal post with Venetian blinds, would draw carbon dioxide out of the air, as plants do during photosynthesis.

The idea seemed too costly at first, and is only on the drawing board, but Mr Holdren said it was feasible.

7th April 2010, 09:00 AM
Then retire to cool Kenya, and work on his tan.

Somehow I am reminded of The Norway Spiral Lights.

7th April 2010, 09:18 AM
Ive got some aluminum foil. Maybe we can just wrap our houses in it and reflect all that evil suns light back into space. Thatll teach that damn evil sun whos boss!!!! FUCK YOU SUN! >:(

7th April 2010, 09:44 AM
Shhh!!!, What If It Was Reported That They Are Spraying Aluminum?
Published on 04-06-2010 Blacklisted News (http://www.blacklistednews.com/news-8141-0-5-5--.html)
Geo-engineers gathered once again near Monterey California at the Asilomar International Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies meeting to develop norms and guidelines for what they say will be “controlled experimentation” on geo-engineering the planet. While many claim that stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering (SAG), aka chemtrail programs are in full-scale deployment, organizers of this meeting showed a lack of transparency by either denying or holding reporters to a high set of rules which limited what information was brought to the attention of the public. While we might never know how much information from the conference was suppressed in articles and reports, we do know some of the information that was not included. The issue of current SAG deployment and the use of aluminum in these programs seemed to be missing from reports and articles that came out of the conference.

Mauro Oliveira, webmaster of http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ said that aluminum became a concern to many after the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting when independent journalists sent shockwaves around the world after breaking the story of scientists discussing the plausibility of spraying 10 to 20 mega-tons of aluminum into the sky in SAG campaigns.

7th April 2010, 11:30 AM
Later this week I'll be posting schematics for home-made devices which dissipate atmospheric junk like this, safely.

mick silver
7th April 2010, 12:00 PM
dam we have gods playing with mother nature ... this kind of thinking needs to be stop . i bet once they kill the earth they will all go to there caves

7th April 2010, 12:03 PM
Shoot. Ice Age, here we come! Nothing good can come of schemes such as these, we really have no idea what could happen performing stunts such as this. Maybe nothing, maybe not.

It will not be good.

7th April 2010, 12:15 PM
Later this week I'll be posting schematics for home-made devices which dissipate atmospheric junk like this, safely.

If you're talking about orgone devices, I'm convinced they're a shill and don't do anything productive.

Think about it, how exactly are they supposed to change barium or aluminum to some beneficial nectar of the gods.

I would rather have them stop messing with us.

7th April 2010, 07:38 PM
Yes I am talking about those. They don't change barium into anything, obviously, but they do affect the weather. Anecdotal evidence suggests that they can make holes in clouds directly above them. Also they can't "do nothing" since they have several principles at work within them, one of which is piezoelectricity, and it's not safe to say that a voltage potential is "doing nothing".

So agreed that they don't fix the problem, but I will claim that they mitigate it. And yes I agree that if the gov is spraying they should stop. My anecdotal evidence suggests that organite devices can offer localized protection from some of the negative aspects of whatever the hell is in our skies, although to be honest its more of a cure to radio/microwave/EMF/cell-phone sickness than it is to some clouds which may or may not contain harmful chemicals.

I'm keeping an open mind and when my post is ready I'll definitaly want GSUS to debunk it. I honestly feel something though when I am near the devices. Plus you can make them in your home, enough to shut down the EMF transmissions of 10 microwave towers, for like $50, so how can they be schilling? Nobody profits except the local hardware store.

I dunno, time shall tell.

Later this week I'll be posting schematics for home-made devices which dissipate atmospheric junk like this, safely.

If you're talking about orgone devices, I'm convinced they're a shill and don't do anything productive.

Think about it, how exactly are they supposed to change barium or aluminum to some beneficial nectar of the gods.

I would rather have them stop messing with us.

7th April 2010, 07:39 PM
We had to destroy the environment in order to save it.

7th April 2010, 09:11 PM
Tptb would benefit, by their perspective, by getting those concerned about chemtrails to run around glueing copper tubing into buckets, instead of being more proactive speaking out about what's happening. If people think the tubing and a crystal is going to protect them, then they will be more likely to waste their time glueing bb's in a bucket. Basically I think the purpose is to waste people's time and divert their efforts, in a typical loop set up for that purpose. It's like the ag departments supposedly keeping watch on the chemical companies, but their budget comes from the use of the pesticides. Thus their only purpose is to run people around in circles who complain about pesticides.

If you or someone else could prove otherwise than I'd be interested to see this, for example some reduction of EMF's from the towers - but I think that's not going to happen.

7th April 2010, 09:28 PM
US Weather Patent (http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=3564253.PN.&OS=PN/3564253&RS=PN/3564253) - 1967

Project Stormfury (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Stormfury) - 1962

Environmental Modification Convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_Modification_Convention) - UN Treaty 1977

7th April 2010, 09:51 PM
Oh this can only end badly if these fools get the green light for this. Little men with god complexes operating on a global scale, who’s to say I don’t like my weather where I live?

Mr Holdren admitted the scheme could have grave side effects and would not completely solve all the problems from soaring greenhouse gas emissions.

That’s nice to know lets all spend billions on a pointless exercise makes perfect sense to me.

Mr Holdren also proposed the option of developing 'artificial trees' that would suck carbon dioxide - the chief human-produced greenhouse gas - out of the air and store it.

The synthetic tree, described as looking like a goal post with Venetian blinds, would draw carbon dioxide out of the air, as plants do during photosynthesis.

Yeah I am probably one of the least green people I know but ffs. How about planting a few trees instead and actually creating new green areas within cities and practicing sustainable lumber harvesting.

As this “advisor” points out the artificial trees will do the same job as real tries but without the benefit of producing oxygen as a byproduct of the natural cycle. Not to mention what are they going to do with the captured carbon after they store it?

Now imagine this lot get the go ahead and successfully manage to lower the temperature. What do they deem ideal temperature and if they over shoot and it is now too cold, how long does this process take to reverse?


8th April 2010, 04:49 AM
Consider the case where the govt is scared because people are going off-grid and using solar panels to do so... too close to free electrcity, meaning, a loss of control.

Now you reduce the intensity of the sun, solar panels deliver less electricity, now you can't go off grid with a one-time investment.

8th April 2010, 04:59 AM
from the council on foreign relations (http://www.cfr.org/content/thinktank/GeoEng_Jan2709.pdf):

Geoengineering Strategies

Among all geoengineering schemes, those currently considered most feasible involve increasing the planetary albedo, that is, reflecting more sunlight back into space before it can be absorbed. There are a number of different methods that could be used to increase the planet's reflectivity:

1. Add more small reflecting particles in the upper part of the atmosphere (the stratosphere which is located between 15 and 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface).

Stratospheric Aerosols

Adding more of the right kind of fine particles to the stratosphere can increase the amount of sunlight that is reflected back into space.

Applied to geoengineering, various technologies could be used to loft particles into the stratosphere, such as naval guns, rockets, hot air balloons or blimps, or a fleet of highflying aircraft. Potential types of particles for injection include sulfur dioxide, aluminum oxide dust or even designer self-levitating aerosols that might be engineered to migrate to particular regions (e.g. over the arctic) or to rise above the stratospher (so as not to interfere in stratospheric chemistry).

Celtic Rogue
8th April 2010, 05:27 AM
This like a bad movie... it cant end well for sure.