View Full Version : Mexican cartels cannot be defeated, drug lord says

7th April 2010, 10:39 AM
Mexico's war on the drug trade is futile even if cartel bosses are caught or killed as millions of people are involved in the illicit business, a senior drug chief said in an interview published on Sunday.

Ismael "el Mayo" Zambada, the right hand man of Mexico's most notorious drug lord, Sinaloa cartel boss Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, blamed the government for surging drug violence and said President Felipe Calderon was being duped by his advisors into thinking he was making progress.

"One day I will decide to turn myself in to the government so they can shoot me. ... They will shoot me and euphoria will break out. But at the end of days we'll all know that nothing changed," Zambada told the investigative newsmagazine Proceso.

"Millions of people are wrapped up in the narco problem. How can they be overcome? For all the bosses jailed, dead or extradited their replacements are already there."

Mounting drug violence in Mexico has killed 19,500 people since Calderon launched an army-led attempt to crush the cartels after taking power in late 2006. Although financial markets take the daily reports of mayhem in stride, foreign companies are starting to think twice about new investments.

Arturo Beltran Leyva, a former ally turned rival of the Sinaloa cartel died in a hail of gunfire in December as Mexican marines surrounded him in a luxury apartment complex.
Analysts at the time hailed his death as a blow against the cartels but the last three months in Mexico have been the most violent of Calderon's rule with some 2,800 drug murders, including a rash of killings of children.

Proceso, an influential magazine with a strong history of covering the drug war, said Zambada contacted the magazine directly in February to set up an interview because he was interested in meeting Julio Scherer, the magazine's founder.

The magazine published a front-cover photograph of a burly man who appeared to be Zambada wearing a mustache and a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes holding his arm around Scherer.

Zambada, 62, one of Mexico's most wanted drug lords, has never been arrested despite a $5 million reward offered in the United States.

He refused to talk about his past in the drug trade in the interview, claiming he was now spending his time as a farmer and rancher, and dismissed claims that Guzman was a billionaire.

However he said he lives in constant fear and that the army had come close to catching him four times.

"I'm panicked that I'll be locked up. ... I don't know if I would have the courage to kill myself. I like to think that I would."
http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/news/international/Mexican_cartels_cannot_be_defeated,_drug_lord_says .html?cid=8613554

General of Darkness
7th April 2010, 10:42 AM
He's absolutely right because he's got the U.S. guberment basically neutering the populace from protecting themselves and going on the offensive.

7th April 2010, 10:45 AM
He's absolutely right because he's got the U.S. guberment basically neutering the populace from protecting themselves and going on the offensive.

Just Say Iran/Contra Reagan.

Moving North like a swarm of killer bees.

7th April 2010, 10:49 AM
"Plomo oh Plata"........"Lead or Money", used in the context here it means money and not silver.

If you are a poor farmer or a cop with a family then wich one would you choose?, even if you don't want, you have to.

General of Darkness
7th April 2010, 10:51 AM
"Plomo oh Plata"........"Lead or Money", used in the context here it means money and not silver.

If you are a poor farmer or a cop with a family then wich one would you choose?, even if you don't want, you have to.

Then maybe, just maybe, the poor bastards should think responsibly and not produce kids they can't provide for.

7th April 2010, 10:55 AM
Mr. Darkness? do you have any kids? ???

General of Darkness
7th April 2010, 11:05 AM
Mr. Darkness? do you have any kids? ???

No I do not, came close, but the marriage didn't take. I got a Porsche instead and some meat shields.

I'm a firm believer of taking responsibility for my own actions, and I live that way. I don't want anything from anybody, and I'm what they call a "MAN", and I handle my own responsibilities and my business.

Here's my current family. I just wish the bastards would get jobs. BTW - This picture is a month old and the dobie puppy has almost doubled in size and he's ears are cropped.


7th April 2010, 11:18 AM
Drug decriminalization in the US and gun rights in Mexico would turn the situation around in Mexico almost overnight. Yet, the outcome seems to be pointing toward a complete takeover of power by the drug cartels in Mexico and further corruption and political self destruction in the US.

Must be how the PTB want it...because anybody with any sense knows what caused this...the Drug War.

7th April 2010, 11:18 AM
I won't be defeated so long as a black market for drugs exists and for as long as the US govt. continues to do nothing to protect its borders.

On the other hand, I'm sure the MiC loves this.

7th April 2010, 11:22 AM
Good show Mr. Darkness, neither do I have kids and you would not drive a Porscha if you did...........but........my point is that most people have kids and they have to stay safe in order to feed them.

7th April 2010, 11:32 AM
I won't be defeated so long as a black market for drugs exists and for as long as the US govt. continues to do nothing to protect its borders.

On the other hand, I'm sure the MiC loves this.

Drug prohibition creates the black market and that puts the big money in it. The big money attracts risk takers, who create masses of sales people (users...one in the same most of the time), who promote the further expansion of trade. The massive profits create political power and influence (legitimate business entities with criminality at their core). And around and around we go.