View Full Version : How to spot a schill

7th April 2010, 01:31 PM
Once you know what to look for, it's actually pretty easy. Here are some things to watch out for:

1. Pushing and pulling.
Watch for a commitment to a certain position, only to back off from that position once discussion has been established. Very often the position is only hinted at- even strongly- but not EXPLICITLY stated.
Watch for baiting which is often very close to trolling (but may fall just short of such), then the reversal of such.
"Relax, this is just an internet forum." "I was just joking." " You take yourself too seriously."
Ancillory arguments often discussed inordinately in order to ingratiate. Negative positions often also hinted at as opposed to stated explicitly.

2. Responds only to the better members and/or the most truthful threads.
Often avoids fluff, sometimes completely avoiding fluff, which is unnatural. Tend to follow certain posters around. Sometimes trying to make friends with them, other times trying to discredit them. Sends PMs to members that often disagree with them or seemingly have nothing in common with them.

3. Often points to decorem as a reason for stifling discussion.
(self explanatory)

If you find yourself thinking 'this guy is either really smart or completely stupid', that can be a good sign you are dealing with a schill. If they make the same argument multiple times and you get the sense that they are pretending not to understand something, that is also a good sign. Also, if they take an interest in you that doesn't seem to reconcile with your dealings with them and their formerly stated opinions and even personal interests, that's a telltale sign. Watch for chemelian behavour as well.

If someone displays 1 or even 2 of these symptom, it might mean nothing. The more symptoms they display, the more likely they are a schill. If they display all of them, they are almost certainly a schill.

General of Darkness
7th April 2010, 01:36 PM
<----- There's one. I not only work for the FBI/Mossad/NSA/CIA, I'm uncircumcised and was made and honorary khazar.

7th April 2010, 01:38 PM
Hey, fuck it, I'm taking all comers: WHO WANTS TO ARGUE???

7th April 2010, 01:39 PM


7th April 2010, 01:40 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D

The other one didn't last long.
He needs practice.

If he shows up again (and he will) you will be able to pick him out by the smell shyte on his lips.

"hey guys - look what I did, all by myself, Im one of you, really" funny if it weren't so sad.
We must be touching a nerve.


7th April 2010, 01:41 PM
Hey, f*ck it, I'm taking all comers: WHO WANTS TO ARGUE???


7th April 2010, 01:42 PM
Aww Mom - not in front of my friends. :'(

7th April 2010, 01:43 PM
If you find yourself thinking 'this guy is either really smart or completely stupid', that can be a good sign you are dealing with a schill.

You said this to me Dsygenic, in another thread.

7th April 2010, 01:45 PM
Hey, f*ck it, I'm taking all comers: WHO WANTS TO ARGUE???

Im your huckleberry 8)

7th April 2010, 01:47 PM
Time to go the personal message route fellahs.


7th April 2010, 01:49 PM
Hey, f*ck it, I'm taking all comers: WHO WANTS TO ARGUE???

Im your huckleberry 8)


7th April 2010, 01:50 PM
If you find yourself thinking 'this guy is either really smart or completely stupid', that can be a good sign you are dealing with a schill.

You said this to me Dsygenic, in another thread.

That's right, Charlie. I did.

7th April 2010, 01:56 PM
Is Ponce a "schill" or just a dumn Cuba???......HEYYYYYYYYY don't answer that one, either way I'll loose hahahahahahahahahaha.

General of Darkness
7th April 2010, 02:00 PM
If you find yourself thinking 'this guy is either really smart or completely stupid', that can be a good sign you are dealing with a schill.

You said this to me Dsygenic, in another thread.

Apparently your names Charlie. Hi I'm Mark, or in hebrew it's wejewshateyourass.

7th April 2010, 02:04 PM
Is Ponce a "schill" or just a dumn Cuba???......HEYYYYYYYYY don't answer that one, either way I'll loose hahahahahahahahahaha.


7th April 2010, 02:05 PM
4. If you make a post about Schills, many of the people that come to the thread will likely be schills.

7th April 2010, 02:07 PM
4. If you make a post about Schills, many of the people that come to the thread will likely be schills.


7th April 2010, 02:11 PM
Hahahahahahah now I know why I come here........and is not for the "smartness" ;D

7th April 2010, 02:19 PM
Seems like we got all the funny posters.
Maybe thats why they're pissed.

Thanks for the laughs lads.


7th April 2010, 02:21 PM
Hahahahahahah now I know why I come here........and is not for the "smartness" ;D


7th April 2010, 02:22 PM
Id rather go with the flo than to get angry........after all, this are just letters on a monitor.............like having sex with a rubber doll.

Yeap, that comfirms it LOL.

General of Darkness
7th April 2010, 02:30 PM

The level of awesomeness just became more awesome.

7th April 2010, 02:31 PM

The level of awesomeness just became more awesome.


7th April 2010, 03:15 PM
Once you know what to look for, it's actually pretty easy. Here are some things to watch out for:

[b]2. Responds only to the better members and/or the most truthful threads.

I confess...lol.


7th April 2010, 03:18 PM
Thank you Book hehehehehehehe ;D

7th April 2010, 03:18 PM
4. If you make a post about Schills, many of the people that come to the thread will likely be schills.

5. If you create a post about shills...you might be a shill.

6. If your family tree does not fork...you might be a redneck.

7th April 2010, 03:38 PM
7. If you start a schill discussion, you're likely a schill.

7th April 2010, 04:28 PM
8. If you post in a thread about How to spot a schill you are probably one.

7th April 2010, 04:39 PM
9) If your name is Dysingenic, General of Darkness, Market Neutral, Saint or Ponce you are probably a shill

10) If any subsequent numbered rules are in any way against Heimdhal, they are lies and slander and he is too cool for you...shill.

7th April 2010, 04:44 PM
11) If you answer to a schill thread then you are probably a schill yourself.

7th April 2010, 04:55 PM
12) Damn forgot this one...wait, if you can't remember the first 11, you are a shill and need to reread how to spot a shill.

7th April 2010, 04:59 PM
13) Anyone who posts before 2pm cst is definitely a shill on the clock. Those who past after 2pm are shills working overtime.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th April 2010, 05:26 PM
Somebody has to say it: schill = shill.

7th April 2010, 05:27 PM
Somebody has to say it: schill = shill.


7th April 2010, 06:16 PM
Somebody has to say it: schill = shill.

Well damn, I've been thinking sKill this whole time. I was wondering how the info above owuld help me find some one with mad skill.

::) :D ;D ;)

7th April 2010, 06:18 PM
You might not realize this Heimdahl, but you are actually my single favorite shill ever. Props. You are actually pretty good at what you do. But a lot of us know the truth about you. We have for awhile, now.

Somebody has to say it: schill = shill.

Well damn, I've been thinking sKill this whole time. I was wondering how the info above owuld help me find some one with mad skill.

::) :D ;D ;)

7th April 2010, 06:23 PM
You might not realize this Heimdahl, but you are actually my single favorite shill ever. Props. You are actually pretty good at what you do. But a lot of us know the truth about you. We have for awhile, now.

Dysgenic, Heimdahl doesn't deserve this.

I understand what you are doing...you are 'testing' the free speech of this forum.

I applaude you for that...but damn man, enough is enough.

7th April 2010, 06:33 PM
You might not realize this Heimdahl, but you are actually my single favorite shill ever. Props. You are actually pretty good at what you do. But a lot of us know the truth about you. We have for awhile, now.

Somebody has to say it: schill = shill.

Well damn, I've been thinking sKill this whole time. I was wondering how the info above owuld help me find some one with mad skill.

::) :D ;D ;)

Whos Heimdahl? That bastard took my name and spelled it right! The nerve of some guys >:(

I gotta say though, that $500 in my account every week from the Governments Department of Internet Control, Koinoia, and Securing Un-utilized Conspiritorial Revolutionaries is really nice to have.

Secret decorder ring....activate!


7th April 2010, 06:39 PM
I gotta say though, that $500 in my account every week from the Governments Department of Internet Control, Koinoia, and Securing Un-utilized Conspiritorial Revolutionaries is really nice to have.

Secret decorder ring....activate!


You get $500 a week? Bastards. I only get $400 from the GDIC! I'm taking my secret decorder ring they gave me, and shoving it up their ass.

7th April 2010, 06:47 PM
Juristic person @ GIM2

Study that man.

7th April 2010, 07:10 PM
Juristic person @ GIM2

Study that man.

Juristic's stubborn, he's not an effective shill. I've explained to him he needs to update the software on his secret decoder ring, but he won't do it.

I've got mine dialed in...everytime Dysgenic posts for example, my little ring beeps and vibrates. I know the post is sent directly to the government and I get credits deposited into my account.

This really isn't difficult. Sheesh.

7th April 2010, 07:12 PM
Heimdahl doesn't deserve it? LMAO! Are you saying that you feel you are a better shill than even him? Hahahahahahaha.... oh my sides! Too funny.

You might not realize this Heimdahl, but you are actually my single favorite shill ever. Props. You are actually pretty good at what you do. But a lot of us know the truth about you. We have for awhile, now.

Dysgenic, Heimdahl doesn't deserve this.

I understand what you are doing...you are 'testing' the free speech of this forum.

I applaude you for that...but damn man, enough is enough.

7th April 2010, 07:16 PM
Heimdahl doesn't deserve it? LMAO! Are you saying that you feel you are a better shill than even him? Hahahahahahaha.... oh my sides! Too funny.

You are damn right I'm a better shill...but explain to me why he's getting $500 a week, and I'm only getting $400?

Huh? that's right, you can't explain that.

Total BS.

7th April 2010, 07:18 PM
And don't forget that classic pedo smile.


7th April 2010, 07:19 PM
The Golden Agora called, they want their joke back.

Juristic person @ GIM2

Study that man.

Juristic's stubborn, he's not an effective shill. I've explained to him he needs to update the software on his secret decoder ring, but he won't do it.

I've got mine dialed in...everytime Dysgenic posts for example, my little ring beeps and vibrates. I know the post is sent directly to the government and I get credits deposited into my account.

This really isn't difficult. Sheesh.

7th April 2010, 07:22 PM
The Golden Agora called, they want their joke back.

Since I have no idea what the Golden Agora is, I guess I'll just have to enjoy...this joke, myself.

Either way, thanks for the laugh.

7th April 2010, 07:26 PM
You are welcome, sugar britches. Just spend some time reading my posts; away from the birds on the women's forum and you might actually learn something.

Once you know what to look for, it's actually pretty easy. Here are some things to watch out for:

1. Pushing and pulling.
Watch for a commitment to a certain position, only to back off from that position once discussion has been established. Very often the position is only hinted at- even strongly- but not EXPLICITLY stated.
Watch for baiting which is often very close to trolling (but may fall just short of such), then the reversal of such.
"Relax, this is just an internet forum." "I was just joking." " You take yourself too seriously."
Ancillory arguments often discussed inordinately in order to ingratiate. Negative positions often also hinted at as opposed to stated explicitly.

2. Responds only to the better members and/or the most truthful threads.
Often avoids fluff, sometimes completely avoiding fluff, which is unnatural. Tend to follow certain posters around. Sometimes trying to make friends with them, other times trying to discredit them. Sends PMs to members that often disagree with them or seemingly have nothing in common with them.

3. Often points to decorem as a reason for stifling discussion.
(self explanatory)

If you find yourself thinking 'this guy is either really smart or completely stupid', that can be a good sign you are dealing with a schill. If they make the same argument multiple times and you get the sense that they are pretending not to understand something, that is also a good sign. Also, if they take an interest in you that doesn't seem to reconcile with your dealings with them and their formerly stated opinions and even personal interests, that's a telltale sign. Watch for chemelian behavour as well.

If someone displays 1 or even 2 of these symptom, it might mean nothing. The more symptoms they display, the more likely they are a schill. If they display all of them, they are almost certainly a schill.

Gosh Thanks you genius !!