View Full Version : CBS GOP 2012 Presidential poll, Ron Paul @ 40%, voting still open!

8th April 2010, 04:40 AM

Celtic Rogue
8th April 2010, 10:29 AM
I voted! ;D

Korbin Dallas
8th April 2010, 03:06 PM
I voted. Paul is up to 41 %.

(WTF is up with Palin 22%?)

8th April 2010, 03:30 PM
I voted as well.

I think that Paul may win but Palin will come close. :-\

8th April 2010, 04:58 PM
No matter who is elected president, the smoking crater of the People's Democratic Republic of America will not be averted.

9th April 2010, 12:50 AM
No matter who is elected president, the smoking crater of the People's Democratic Republic of America will not be averted.


I agree with you here, but sometimes I need the 'false hope' just to help keep me going. And Ron Paul has shed more light on issues that are of importance to me, than eneyone slse in D.C.

It does my psyche wonders to see him still popular in the MSM.

Grand Master Melon
9th April 2010, 11:40 AM
I hate these stupid feel good polls that serve no real purpose at all.

Be real here, some asshat puppet is going to make his way into the whitehouse in 2012 or the same asshat puppet we have now will stay in 2012.

We can hand out all the literature we want, hang all the flyers, put all the signs in our front yards, donate all the money we want but in the end it's just going to be some asshat. That's just the way our country seems to work nowadays. The american people are like a bear in hybernation, we're alive but we're simply going through the motions.

Turd sandwich!

Giant Douche!

9th April 2010, 01:02 PM
No matter who is elected president, the smoking crater of the People's Democratic Republic of America will not be averted.

...sometimes I need the 'false hope' just to help keep me going. And Ron Paul has shed more light on issues that are of importance to me, than eneyone slse in D.C.

It does my psyche wonders to see him still popular in the MSM.

With all due respect to the "believers" in Ron Paul, he's a trojan horse.
Anecdote flag on
This is from a former Texas Republic Activist, who has since migrated to Colorado. He related this snippet to me.
In a candid conversation, my correspondent asked Dr. Paul if he'd support repudiating the national debt. Dr. Paul's shocked response was "that wouldn't be fair to the Creditor." (In case you are unaware, Congress is the trustee of their own bankruptcy, and owe a legal duty to the Creditor, which supersedes their oaths to the USCON.)

IMHO - usury was and is the greatest danger facing mankind. It's been denounced for over 3500 years. The usurers have been fomenting wars and economic chaos to drive up demand for their "product". Any politician who embraces usury is contrary to every moral principle. And to the best of my knowledge, all religions denounce usury. Usury is mathematically impossible to pay in a finite money token system. Economic booms and busts are inevitable when usury is rampant.

The alliance of the usurers (abominations, saith Ezekiel 18:13 KJV) with the pirate collectivists (socialists / communists) has ruled the USA for over THREE GENERATIONS.

They have successfully eradicated American history and morality from the memories of each successive generation. (Progressives have rewritten history to imply that the Founders were not fervent practitioners of their religious denominations.)

I can see no hope from any politician, who sails on the Ship of State - for it flies the Jolly Roger. They are deceivers, and no good can come from them.

[Your favorite example of extreme hyperbole here] will happen, the day any politician admits any of the following, in public:
1. A dollar bill is not a dollar, and no one has used dollars since 1933;
2. The public debt is impossible to pay;
3. FICA / Social Security is 100% voluntary, and you don't have to get a number to work in your own country;
4. American people are sovereign, but citizens are subjects, and no one is "born" a U.S. citizen, except slaves; and
5. Congress is America's biggest advocate for communism, Senator McCarthy notwithstanding.

1. Title 12 USC Sec. 411, Coinage Act of 1792, et seq.
2. Future worth calculation, see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_worth
3. Write to Social Security administration and / or Congress, for a copy of the law that compels all Americans to enroll, or punishes any American who does not. I could not find any law in my CD copy of the 1992 edition of the 50 titles of US CODE, from the Government Printing Office.
4. Look up definitions in any legal reference (Westlaw, Ballantines, Blacks, CJS, court cites)
5. All ten planks of the communist manifesto have been enacted, by statute, or by compact, or by executive order, under the aegis of the perpetual "temporary" State of Emergency, declared in 1933.

Of course, all this has been done by consent of the governed, as evidenced by the signed documents in the possession of government. They can duck the blame and point the finger at YOU.

9th April 2010, 03:18 PM

If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!