View Full Version : my first post... Brooksley Born Excoriates Alan Greenspan: “You Failed”

8th April 2010, 05:49 AM
At today’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearing, Brooksley Born, the former head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, declared Alan Greenspan’s tenure at the Federal Reserve an unmitigated failure – to his face. Greenspan accords a certain degree of respect on Capitol Hill, despite Born’s accurate take on his many failures, and so this outburst was highly unusual – and gratifying.

Born, who pushed to strictly regulate derivatives under the Clinton Administration, but lost the battle to, among other people, Alan Greenspan, told the former Federal Reserve chair that his agency “failed to prevent housing bubble, failed to prevent the predatory lending scandal, failed to prevent the activities that would bring the financial system to the verge of collapse.”

“You failed to prevent many of our banks from consolidating and growing to a size that are now too big or too interconnected to fail,” Born added. She added that Greenspan’s views on deregulation, which he took as an article of faith, contributed to the Federal Reserve’s failure in delivering on its mandate.

Looking as angry as he could at his advanced age, Greenspan replied, “The flaw in the system I acknowledged was an ability to fully understand the state of potential risks that were fully untested… That means we were under-capitalizing the banking system for 40 or 50 years.”

He then pivoted to a defense of his work, using an innocent bystander argument. “I don’t have the discretion to use my own ideology to affect my judgments on what Congress did. If somebody asked my view on a particular subject, I would give it to them. But I ran my office as required by law… I fundamenally disagree with your perspective.”

This is frankly ridiculous. Alan Greenspan was known during his days at the Fed as “The Oracle.” Every word of his moved the markets and moved politicians. His viewpoints absolutely contributed to the deregulation of the financial sector. He also had lots of broad discretion while at the Fed to deal with the housing bubble. Instead he hyped it.

If anyone was watching this but me and the WSJ, they would have seen a cornered rat. Born nailed Greenspan – although, given the relative lack of interest in the FCIC, the benefit to that will be merely psychic in nature.


8th April 2010, 05:53 AM
when Born was head of the CFTC & tried to regulate the credit derivatives market, Greenspan + Rubin + Summers came down on her like a ton of bricks.

Greedspan told Born, "the markets will take care of fraud."

i'd like to see her call Greedspan on that. the markets didn't take care of fraud. the banksters stuck the American tax-payers with the bill.

8th April 2010, 06:02 AM
when Born was head of the CFTC & tried to regulate the credit derivatives market, Greenspan + Rubin + Summers came down on her like a ton of bricks.

Greedspan told Born, "the markets will take care of fraud."

i'd like to see her call Greedspan on that. the markets didn't take care of fraud. the banksters stuck the American tax-payers with the bill.

she's on the commission looking into the 'downturn', it was interesting to see greenspan respond to her since they 'quieted' her several years ago