View Full Version : Harvey & Lenny Organ & Adrian Douglas: Drop Another Bombshell In What Could End

8th April 2010, 06:27 AM
http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2010/4/7_Andrew_Maguire_&_Adrian_Douglas_files/Harvey%20%26%20Lenny%20Organ%20%26%20Adrian%20Doug las%204%3A7%3A2010.mp3

King World News was contacted again by Adrian Douglas, Board of Director for Gata with stunning new information involving the man he testified with at the CFTC meeting Harvey Organ. Harvey, who was invited by the CFTC to testify and his son Lenny describe another piece of the puzzle in what could turn out to be the largest fraud in history. This time a large international bank with almost 15 million customers in 50 countries around the world becomes part of this unfolding saga.

MP3 at the above link.

8th April 2010, 06:32 AM
i'm starting to get pissed off. consider:

- worst domestic economic turmoil in 100 years
- global economic turmoil worldwide
- horrible, horrible, horrible domestic deficits + debt
- nationalization, essentially, of u.s. banking industry
- people testifying that the whole comex + metals market is a scam
- people testifying that banks don't even have the metals stored

and silver STILL can't get above $20. i think if aliens showed up and announced that silver was needed to save the universe, MAYBE it would go to $25. i've been buying this shit since 1990. come on silver, i'm getting old here.