View Full Version : September Clues

8th April 2010, 12:44 PM
A link to Simon Shack's site:

#1 video fakery
#2 fake "simulated" 9/11 victims

I believe both occurred. I also believe there were NO planes. This is not disinfo. It is the conclusion I have reached after researching this for the past couple of years.


8th April 2010, 01:03 PM
Live video footage from the morning of 9/11. Look at 3:11. You can see the Empire State Bldg to the right and it was much larger than the WTC. For one thing, it sits way back, not beside it and it is NOT taller than the WTC. It was all fake coverage.

Also watch at 4:25 you can see the big ESB again and they quickly go to commercial.
