View Full Version : Well no kidding, blacks say Zimbabwe better as Rhodisia and white rule

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 06:08 PM
Well here's a shocker. BTW - Rhodesia, just like SA was destroyed by khazars. Just stating a FACT. ;)

Postcard From Zimbabwe

Published: April 7, 2010

HWANGE, Zimbabwe Here’s a measure of how President Robert Mugabe is destroying this once lush nation of Zimbabwe:

In a week of surreptitious reporting here (committing journalism can be a criminal offense in Zimbabwe), ordinary people said time and again that life had been better under the old, racist, white regime of what was then called Rhodesia.

“When the country changed from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, we were very excited,” one man, Kizita, told me in a village of mud-walled huts near this town in western Zimbabwe. “But we didn’t realize the ones we chased away were better and the ones we put in power would oppress us.”

“It would have been better if whites had continued to rule because the money would have continued to come,” added a neighbor, a 58-year-old farmer named Isaac. “It was better under Rhodesia. Then we could get jobs. Things were cheaper in stores. Now we have no money, no food.”

Over and over, I cringed as I heard Africans wax nostalgic about a nasty, oppressive regime run by a tiny white elite. Black Zimbabweans responded that at least that regime was more competent than today’s nasty, oppressive regime run by the tiny black elite that surrounds Mr. Mugabe.

A Times colleague, Barry Bearak, was jailed here in 2008 for reporting, so I used a fresh passport to enter the country as a tourist. Partly for my own safety, I avoided interviewing people with ties to the government, so I can’t be sure that my glimpse of the public mood was representative.

People I talked to were terrified for their personal safety if quoted — much more scared than in the past. That’s why I’m being vague about locations and agreed to omit full names.

But what is clear is that Zimbabwe has come very far downhill over the last few decades (although it has risen a bit since its trough two years ago). An impressive health and education system is in tatters, and life expectancy has tumbled from about 60 years in 1990 to somewhere between 36 and 44, depending on which statistics you believe.

Western countries have made the mistake of focusing their denunciations on the seizures of white farms by Mr. Mugabe’s cronies. That’s tribalism by whites; by far the greatest suffering has been endured by Zimbabwe’s blacks. Yeah, but that's not the whites faults, you've got your black rule that you're suffering under.

In Kizita’s village, for example, I met a 29-year-old woman, seven months pregnant, who had malaria. She and her husband had walked more than four miles to the nearest clinic, where she tested positive for malaria. But the clinic refused to give her some life-saving antimalaria medicine unless she paid $2 — and she had no money at all in her house. So, dizzy and feverish, she stumbled home for another four miles, empty-handed.

As it happened, the clinic that turned her down was one that I had already visited. Nurses there had complained that they were desperately short of bandages, antibiotics and beds. They said that to survive, they impose fees for seeing patients, for family planning, for safe childbirth — and the upshot is that impoverished villagers die because they can’t pay.

I also spent time at an elementary school where the number of students had dropped sharply because so few parents today can afford $36 in annual school fees.

“We don’t have desks. We don’t have chairs. We don’t have books,” explained the principal, who was terrified of being named. The school also lacks electricity and water, and the first grade doesn’t have a classroom and meets under a tree.

This particular school had been founded by Rhodesians more than 70 years ago, and the principal mused that it must have served black pupils far better in Rhodesian days than today.

At another school 100 miles away, the deputy headmaster lamented that students can’t even afford pens. “One child has to finish his work, and then he lends his pen to another child,” he explained.

Zimbabwe is one of my favorite countries, blessed with friendly people, extraordinary wildlife and little crime. I took my family along with me on this trip (my kids accuse me of using them as camouflage), and they found the scenery, people and wild animals quite magical.

At a couple of villages we visited, farmers were driving away elephants that were trampling their crops — and they were blaming Mr. Mugabe for the elephants. That struck even me as unfair.

The tragedy that has unfolded here can be reversed if Mr. Mugabe is obliged by international pressure, particularly from South Africa, to hold free elections. Worldwide pressure forced the oppressive Rhodesian regime to give up power three decades ago. Now we need similar pressure, from African countries as well as Western powers, to pry Mr. Mugabe’s fingers from his chokehold on a lovely country.


8th April 2010, 06:12 PM
Coming to America in about 40 years, I kid you not. :-\

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 06:14 PM
Coming to America in about 40 years, I kid you not. :-\

Mamboni, you seen pictures of Detroit, or other 50%+ black cities? It's already here, what's going to happen now if forced integration.

8th April 2010, 06:16 PM
Coming to America in about 40 years, I kid you not. :-\

Mamboni, you seen pictures of Detroit, or other 50%+ black cities? It's already here, what's going to happen now if forced integration.

I mean New York City, LA and the like, not just Detroit. Come to think of it, make that 20 years. ::)

8th April 2010, 06:21 PM
I was in Rhodesia back in 1976 on "vacation" as an airplane (modified Cessna) observer and at that time this beautiful land was the bread basket of Africa.....I never had a chance to visit Victoria's Fall but everything else was super.

There was another Cuban there but he was actually in the army.

8th April 2010, 06:25 PM
Third world people = third world nations, if the western governments continue to sew pillows under the immigrants armpits we will eventually have third world standard.

The western world's greatness is all due to race.

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 06:27 PM
I was in Rhodesia back in 1976 on "vacation" as an airplane (modified Cessna) observer and at that time this beautiful land was the bread basket of Africa.....I never had a chance to visit Victoria's Fall but everything else was super.

There was another Cuban there but he was actually in the army.

What's interesting Ponce is that Rhodesia fed the vast majority of Africa. Now they can barely feed themselves. The real kicker is that only about 10% of the farms are still white run and their production is literally 10% of what it was under white run. So in essence all the white farms stolen by Mugabe have produced NOTHING. These are the successes you have under black rule. Pathetic.

8th April 2010, 06:34 PM
Blacks left to their own devices never have accomplished more than mud huts.

8th April 2010, 06:51 PM
Blacks left to their own devices never have accomplished more than mud huts.

I disagree with that conclusion.
The current woes in Africa are due to the pirates in command. It matters not what race the pirates come from. It's the culture that tolerates pirates, that is the source.

America is not immune.
America was invaded by pirates, as early as 1787, as evidenced by the USCON. The USCON kept them in check, until, by increments, the pirates had their coup, in 1933.

The pirate Ship of State is commanded by an alliance between usurers and socialists (collectivists) - a nasty bunch. But as long as the majority give their consent, the ship will continue to fly the "Jolly Roger", and share the plunder.

Yo, Ho, Ho!

8th April 2010, 07:12 PM
Well Mr. Darkness..........if that 10% of food was going directly to the people it would then be OK..........but..........Mugabe is using that food as a present for those who are with him.

Just read today that this lady needed to pay $2.00 freaking dollars for a shot that could save her life and she didn't have..........I would love to help people from all over the world but when only 3-7% of my donation reaches them I don't what to give anything.

The only one that I give money to is "InterPal" in the UK, this money is supposed to be used for the children's of those killed by the Zionists........but who knows, I bet you that 90% goes in preparations for war, I hope.

7th trump
8th April 2010, 07:13 PM
Blacks left to their own devices never have accomplished more than mud huts.

I disagree with that conclusion.
The current woes in Africa are due to the pirates in command. It matters not what race the pirates come from. It's the culture that tolerates pirates, that is the source.

America is not immune.
America was invaded by pirates, as early as 1787, as evidenced by the USCON. The USCON kept them in check, until, by increments, the pirates had their coup, in 1933.

The pirate Ship of State is commanded by an alliance between usurers and socialists (collectivists) - a nasty bunch. But as long as the majority give their consent, the ship will continue to fly the "Jolly Roger", and share the plunder.

Yo, Ho, Ho!

Thats cool Jet.
Like the comparison to pirates and the Jolly Roger and share the plunder.

8th April 2010, 07:18 PM
Come to think of it, make that 20 years. ::)

Less than that I fear, dollar death would pretty much do it to us overnight.

8th April 2010, 07:38 PM
Blacks left to their own devices never have accomplished more than mud huts.

I disagree with that conclusion.
The current woes in Africa are due to the pirates in command. It matters not what race the pirates come from. It's the culture that tolerates pirates, that is the source.

America is not immune.
America was invaded by pirates, as early as 1787, as evidenced by the USCON. The USCON kept them in check, until, by increments, the pirates had their coup, in 1933.

The pirate Ship of State is commanded by an alliance between usurers and socialists (collectivists) - a nasty bunch. But as long as the majority give their consent, the ship will continue to fly the "Jolly Roger", and share the plunder.

Yo, Ho, Ho!

Nice reply. Its a culture that tolerates pirates. Its also a culture that is still to this day primitive and backward with no real progress and the pirates can't take all the blame.

philo beddoe
8th April 2010, 08:12 PM
Coming to America in about 40 years, I kid you not. :-\

Mamboni, you seen pictures of Detroit, or other 50%+ black cities? It's already here, what's going to happen now if forced integration.
The Irish are the only ethnic whites who rioted against forced integration

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 08:38 PM
The Irish are the only ethnic whites who rioted against forced integration

Ben, that's interesting and would like to read about that.

8th April 2010, 08:39 PM
Ponce <-------------- Black Irish = Spanish with Irish blood.

Black Blade
8th April 2010, 11:10 PM
..... and I'm not even white myself.


9th April 2010, 02:11 AM
Mugabe's installation as dictator was orchestrated by Lord Carrington and Henry Kissinger.

Look beyond puppets people.