View Full Version : WTF!!!

8th April 2010, 10:33 PM
Are you guys really going to go down the road of painting specific groups (the usual suspects)
black. I thought you all new better.

It's the Joos, the Catholics, the whomever the Fuck.....

Haven't you all been paying attention.

You're throwing rocks at the pawns the ones who are truly in power want you to.
Misdirection is an amazing tool.

They create hate and fear amongst the various groups so that we will focus our energies and attention on
each other - allowing them to continue to rape and pillage freely.
Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain - all is well.

No wonder Hyper Tiger calls us all Fuktards.
He \she is absolutley correct.

And for the record - I'm a WASP.

Smite away ( I love em' ;D)


8th April 2010, 10:35 PM
Divide and conquers has been their way of life for centuries........even among the American people.

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 10:39 PM
Saint from what I've read everyone get thrown under the bus. Now do you know WHO TPTB are, or is it insensitive to discuss the elephant in the room?

8th April 2010, 10:41 PM
Divide and conquers has been their way of life for centuries........even among the American people.

This is why free thinkers are needed.

Judge a man by the the stupid things he says and does.....not by the color of his skin, nor his religion.

People need an excuse, they will take it. They will use that excuse for their advantage.

8th April 2010, 10:43 PM
Is it true Santa wears a green suit in Ireland?

8th April 2010, 10:44 PM
Are you guys really going to go down the road of painting specific groups (the usual suspects)
black. I thought you all new better.

It's the Joos, the Catholics, the whomever the f*ck.....

Haven't you all been paying attention.

You're throwing rocks at the pawns the ones who are truly in power want you to.
Misdirection is an amazing tool.

They create hate and fear amongst the various groups so that we will focus our energies and attention on
each other - allowing them to continue to rape and pillage freely.
Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain - all is well.

No wonder Hyper Tiger calls us all Fuktards.
He \she is absolutley correct.

And for the record - I'm a WASP.

Smite away ( I love em' ;D)


Very well said my friend and I am glad others are standing up and speaking out against this crap because it can and will tear forums apart and end in their destruction.

8th April 2010, 10:45 PM

I see edges and shadows.
They are always moving.

My work has introduced me to some very influential people.
They run and sit on boards of some of the largest companies in the world.

I can tell you that they don't even have a clue.
And if they did - most are to intelligent to openly discuss it.

But every once in awhile - I pick up a nugget of info.
Truly disturbing.

8th April 2010, 10:48 PM
Is it true Santa wears a green suit in Ireland?

Actually his suit is green with a big white stripe down the middle.
It turns orange after he starts puking up the Jameson's left out for him (Irish kiddies are bright).

Thats how the Irish got their colors.


Grand Master Melon
8th April 2010, 10:52 PM
But come on man, it's so easy to blame the jews and blacks and everyone else.

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 10:53 PM
Do I really have to list out the nation wreckers from the house of Rothschilds moving forward? Is it REALLY necessary for me to do everyone's homework?

For the record Saint, it's the internet, and I met Jesus Christ last week. He bought me a double express and a ham sandwich. Then he told me that the Sun is going to explode in 30 days then he jump on a space ship after giving me the winning lottery numbers. Nigga please.

8th April 2010, 10:57 PM
Is it true Santa wears a green suit in Ireland?

Actually his suit is green with a big white stripe down the middle.
It turns orange after he starts puking up the Jameson's left out for him (Irish kiddies are bright).

Thats how the Irish got their colors.


Ahahaha....good stuff. lol

General of Darkness
8th April 2010, 10:57 PM
But come on man, it's so easy to blame the jews and blacks and everyone else.

I've got go to bed, so I will say this. No one is blaming anyone, we're just connecting the dots, and when 2+2=4 ya just have to wonder. Good night.

8th April 2010, 10:59 PM
Are you guys really going to go down the road of painting specific groups (the usual suspects)
black. I thought you all new better.

It's the Joos, the Catholics, the whomever the f*ck.....

Haven't you all been paying attention.

You're throwing rocks at the pawns the ones who are truly in power want you to.
Misdirection is an amazing tool.

They create hate and fear amongst the various groups so that we will focus our energies and attention on
each other - allowing them to continue to rape and pillage freely.
Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain - all is well.

No wonder Hyper Tiger calls us all Fuktards.
He \she is absolutley correct.

And for the record - I'm a WASP.

Smite away ( I love em' ;D)


Very well said my friend and I am glad others are standing up and speaking out against this crap because it can and will tear forums apart and end in their destruction.

Ok, but seriously though, how many times have you emailed the ADL and given them URL's?

8th April 2010, 11:01 PM
Do I really have to list out the nation wreckers from the house of Rothschilds moving forward? Is it REALLY necessary for me to do everyone's homework?

For the record Saint, it's the internet, and I met Jesus Christ last week. He bought me a double express and a ham sandwich. Then he told me that the Sun is going to explode in 30 days then he jump on a space ship after giving me the winning lottery numbers. Nigga please.


I've read your posts.
You don't appear to be a one dimensional thinker - if you are I'd be truly surprised.

So whats the first rule of power?

It ebbs and flows - it's always in motion and as those who desire it attempt to consolidate it.

What is power?
Money, armies, the word of god(s) as interpreted by man. The list is endless.

The answer is fear.
If your children are starving, in peril of death - you are owned.

But hey - go ahead, enjoy that coffee with the almighty.
I'm just a fuktard.

Hate on bother.

Oh, yeah - posted an answer your important question in your thread. ;D


8th April 2010, 11:08 PM
Ok, but seriously though, how many times have you emailed the ADL and given them URL's?

I'm a WASP. White Anglo Saxxon Protestant.

The folks you mentioned are the other side of the deluded coin.
They don't want jack shyte from the likes of me or my kind.

Think about it.
What good would a push be without a pull?
Hate needs two parties willing to dance - and there is a long line of folks willing to tango.

8th April 2010, 11:17 PM
Saint from what I've read everyone get thrown under the bus. Now do you know WHO TPTB are, or is it insensitive to discuss the elephant in the room?

The WASP's of course. Though they're currently passing due to natural causes inflicted upon them by the MONEYCHANGERS.

The bulk of which are jewish.

8th April 2010, 11:20 PM
Once you pierce the corporate veil of a certain group, there is always another group. First you think it's the Jews, then the Zionists, the Masons, etc...

Everybody is analyzing the categories that they think are groups- but they're not. The groups are only 3:

1. The Satanists (the bad guys)
2. The Christians (REAL Christians, not fake ones- the good guys)
3. The undecided.

The categories are only relevant if they serve as a front for one of the above (read: Zionists). Everything else is just noise.

Grand Master Melon
8th April 2010, 11:21 PM
But come on man, it's so easy to blame the jews and blacks and everyone else.

I've got go to bed, so I will say this. No one is blaming anyone, we're just connecting the dots, and when 2+2=4 ya just have to wonder. Good night.

2+2=4, what is there to wonder about?

We don't have to pussyfoot around the issue. It's obvious what you're thinking.

Grand Master Melon
8th April 2010, 11:23 PM
Once you pierce the corporate veil of a certain group, there is always another group. First you think it's the Jews, then the Zionists, the Masons, etc...

Everybody is analyzing the categories that they think are groups- but they're not. The groups are only 3:

1. The Satanists (the bad guys)
2. The Christians (REAL Christians, not fake ones- the good guys)
3. The undecided.

The categories are only relevant if they serve as a front for one of the above (read: Zionists). Everything else is just noise.

There's actually two groups.

1. As*holes
2. everyone else

8th April 2010, 11:25 PM
Don't count out the WAPS.

We are a right lot o' malignant bastards we are.

Not above playing possum or running into hidey holes - the sun burns our pasty white skin.
We love to let the swarthy, ethnic types do our dirty work.

Cue scary organ music and maniacal laughter.

Curtain closes.......................


Night GoD - Tonight I taught you about love and power.
Tomorrow it's your turn to clue me in on Eastern European women.
I just can't get it right with them ;D.

8th April 2010, 11:32 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not allowed to discuss these topics anymore because one of our members feels that it is unfair. Let's just talk about something else from now on..

Is that what you are seeking Saint? And if so, do you think an overly emotional thread is going to accomplish that? We have people here who have educated themselves extensively on the existing power structure. If that power structure provides statistics which point in a certain direction or group of people, then why are you shooting the messenger(s)?

8th April 2010, 11:40 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not allowed to discuss these topics anymore because one of our members feels that it is unfair. Let's just talk about something else from now on...

And exactly WHERE, sir, did you get that absolutely bizarre idea?

8th April 2010, 11:44 PM
I'm not shooting the messengers.
I am attempting to raise the level of discourse.

If your research has led you to believe it is one singular group of people you need to keep digging.
Empirical evidence is easily manipulated. Data perverted.
Power shifts - that is why there has been systematic looting of societies since the dawn of civilization.
Each cabal takes when it has the opportunity.
Not just wealth - but, more importantly, the intellectual property the generation(s) it feeds upon.

The strong take from the weak.
The smart take from the strong.

The top sucks from the bottom.

I would prefer that so many enlightened (and those that are here - including me - seeking enlightenment) continue to dig - together.

Don't get me wrong - I'm all for pitchforks and torches - I just want to be sure I'm sacking the castle of the SOBs that looted my friends, family and generation of their wealth, security and peak earning years (time).

Confirm the target conclusively and I'll fire up the bagpipes.

8th April 2010, 11:47 PM
Don't count out the WAPS.

Don't forget the Dutch, very influential and globally astute.

I'm fairly biased against anything that stinks of royalty, or entitlements.

Can't say I'm that attracted to Gringo women anymore either, too whimsical.

Light/Dark Love/Hate How to know one without the other?

9th April 2010, 12:14 AM
There's actually two groups

1. As*holes
2. everyone else

Best quote of the thread - IMHO
Where is the bravo simile?

9th April 2010, 04:03 AM
I see discussions were a few others see hate... As far as I am concerned, religions have been made by powerful men for them to keep their power, divide and conquer... People get stronger from the exposure of the bull, if they open their eyes...