View Full Version : IMF gold in 2 places at once....

8th April 2010, 10:44 PM
Peter Keusgen: More IMF duplicity on gold

Submitted by cpowell on 05:28PM ET Thursday, April 8, 2010. Section: Daily Dispatches

8:15p ET Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

In commentary posted today at the Ostrich Head blog, our friend Peter Keusgen has taken a closer look at the protocols of the International Monetary Fund and found a provision that appears to allow IMF members to loan gold that belongs to the IMF, or at least to allow IMF members to count gold as being in two places at once. Some years ago GATA called attention to the IMF's dubious gold accounting, but Keusgen adds some interesting details.

As usual the idea is to make Western central bank gold reserves look far larger than they are so that they may be used to manipulate and intimidate the gold market without ever allowing the public and the market to verify any official assertions. Indeed, as your secretary/treasurer likes to remark, the location and disposition of Western central bank gold reserves are far more sensitive secrets -- the deadly secrets of the hugely vulnerable fractional reserve gold banking system -- than the plans for construction of nuclear weapons.

Keusgen's commentary is headlined "IMF Gold Holdings: Why Mine the Stuff When Your Accountants Can Create It?" and you can find it at the Ostrich Head blog here:


Courtesy of GATA

9th April 2010, 12:04 AM
The big picture just keeps getting clearer.

9th April 2010, 01:36 AM
Another white collar version of 'the shell game'

Fraud is fraud, it should not matter who is running the game.

9th April 2010, 07:13 AM
The big picture just keeps getting clearer.

yeah !

i'm sure they'll find a way to manipulate the market in the future.

BUT the recent revelations about widespread fraud in the precious metal markets have given a "buy" signal to everyone who is aware of fiat currency weakness.

13th April 2010, 06:32 AM
We need to keep spreading the word, so paper holders try to collect their physical, and we all win.

13th April 2010, 05:01 PM
We need to keep spreading the word, so paper holders try to collect their physical, and we all win.

sort of like a 21st century version of an 1849 miner simply defending his claim. the damn Shylock sold the mineral rights for that same piece of land to 100 different people.

instead of going after each other, they should go after the Shylock. In this case, that's JPMorgan & HSBC.

i wonder what the contracts are for the paper gold investor crowd. 20 pages of ? what ?

i saw an excerpt of one contract, how the gold is backed by the "full assets of Company Whatever", not by physical gold.