View Full Version : Threats Against Congress Triple Amid Health Fury

9th April 2010, 02:05 AM
Fury over the healthcare bill has contributed to a threefold increase in threats against members of Congress this year. Lawmakers reported a total of 42 threats from January to March 2010, up from 15 in the last three months of 2009. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was the latest victim. A San Francisco Man is accused of making dozens of threatening calls to her home and her husband's office.

"There's simply more anger out there about the direction of our country," a Republican congressman tells the Washington Post. Others wonder if the difference has more to do with increased reporting of attacks. "Normally, we don't give publicity to this," said another congressman. Officials say they're securing the 454 Senate offices across the country by installing new security cameras or adding personnel to screen mail, as needed.

Celtic Rogue
9th April 2010, 03:28 AM
Just wait.... I am sure it will triple again next year. The more the threats the more the possiblity of an actual attack. I hope they all crap their pants! You reap what you sow!

1970 Silver Art
9th April 2010, 03:43 AM
Making threats and attacking Congress whores will not do any good because the health care bill is still law and the people that are making the threats will end up getting arrested and thrown in jail. The gov't will continue to just ignore people and pass whatever laws that they see fit. The gov't is out of control and it is beyond repair on my honest opinion.

This health care reform bill does not and will not address rising medical costs. All this HC bill will do is to increase the number of people with health insurance by forcing them to buy health insurance. With health insurance premiums being very high (and getting higher), this HC bill is just another tax for the IRS to collect on the people who do not have (or cannot afford to pay) health insurance.

Celtic Rogue
9th April 2010, 03:51 AM
And health care is just one item. The gov has done many other things as well to piss off the people. Sure threats do no good... however they do have a psycological effect on the congress critters. This country has many people who anger from their hearts and not their intelect. Its easy to whip them up with BS Like same sex marriage, health care and the like.

1970 Silver Art
9th April 2010, 04:04 AM
And health care is just one item. The gov has done many other things as well to piss off the people. Sure threats do no good... however they do have a psycological effect on the congress critters. This country has many people who anger from their hearts and not their intelect. Its easy to whip them up with BS Like same sex marriage, health care and the like.

Yeah but that person that made the threat will end up going to jail (if caught) and once that psychological effect on the Congress whores wears off, then the Congress whores will go back to passing bad legislation that will piss off more people.

Rinse and repeat...............

9th April 2010, 05:50 AM
Making threats and attacking Congress whores will not do any good............ I disagree.

I think making them prisoners (surrounded by guards and afraid of going out in public) for their decisions is highly productive.

They told us to be afraid of terrorists and now they are told to be afraid of us, turn about is fair play.


1970 Silver Art
9th April 2010, 07:11 AM
Making threats and attacking Congress whores will not do any good............ I disagree.

I think making them prisoners (surrounded by guards and afraid of going out in public) for their decisions is highly productive.

They told us to be afraid of terrorists and now they are afraid of us, turn about is fair play.


It might, on a temporary basis, make the Congress whores "prisoners" by being afraid of going out in public but it will also make the people who were making the threats real prisoners because they will get arrested and charged with a crime if/when they get caught and will end up going to prison.

9th April 2010, 07:41 AM
I like the fact that they are spending time looking over their shouldersm fair play but what they really have to worry about are those that say nothing.

9th April 2010, 08:07 AM
Carl? some day we will all be "terrorists" because it will be us vs them.... FEMA camps will be overcrowded.

9th April 2010, 08:41 AM
Carl? some day we will all be "terrorists" because it will be us vs them.... FEMA camps will be overcrowded.
Let's see, that's about 530,000 to 1. I'll take those odds..............

9th April 2010, 08:57 AM
Carl? some day we will all be "terrorists" because it will be us vs them.... FEMA camps will be overcrowded.

The FEMA Welcome Centers will be overcrowded because people will be fighting to get into them, they'll have food, healthcare and tv's......... what more could ya want?

9th April 2010, 09:04 AM
Carl? some day we will all be "terrorists" because it will be us vs them.... FEMA camps will be overcrowded.

The FEMA Welcome Centers will be overcrowded because people will be fighting to get into them, they'll have food, healthcare and tv's......... what more could ya want?
Hey, those FEMA camps are shaping up to be a good retirement plan...............

9th April 2010, 09:18 AM
All this HC bill will do is to increase the number of people with health insurance by forcing them to buy health insurance. With health insurance premiums being very high (and getting higher), this HC bill is just another tax for the IRS to collect on the people who do not have (or cannot afford to pay) health insurance.

It's the same as giving free credit cards to people who can't afford them, getting people indebted, either voluntarily (without realization) or by force. That people can't afford the health TAX, it's not an insurance, means nothing to them - in fact that's how they WANT it to be. They want people to not be able to pay the tax, which makes it that much easier for them to steal more assets and labor, while keeping the public indebted and in servititude.

9th April 2010, 09:20 AM
We're all certainly heavily invested, I think I paid my fair share and I'm not sorry that I won't be partaking. I'll live in squalor before that happens.