View Full Version : Wind from hell here yesterday turned into a whiteout

old steel
9th April 2010, 08:52 AM
It was too windy to get anything done at work yesterday so i went on a road trip to pick up a few things.

I passed two semi trailer rigs on their sides in the ditches with emergency crews hard at work. Wind gusts were over 90 mph in brilliant sunshine.

Then after my first stop black clouds came hard in from the north out of nowhere, the snow started to come in sideways and flat to the ground from the northwest but it was so wild it seemed to change directions and it was all i could do to see the edge of the road.

Had to slow way down even in 4 wheel drive. As i continued on i passed numerous cars and trucks in the ditches with windshields covered in ice and several more semi rigs lodged in the ditches not going anywhere.

I was driving with my 4 way flashers on hoping no one would run into me.

I drove under some high voltage power lines running on those steel towers that were moving so far in the gusts i couldn't believe they didn't snap i heard later some did.

Can't believe no one was killed or seriously injured but i guess we lucked out with that one this time.

When i came out the other side for my final stop there was nothing no evidence of the carnage i had just driven through. No snow no wind nothing but a bare highway and a few clouds up above and no wind.


9th April 2010, 08:55 AM
Wow, in the US? What state?

Glad you made it through in one piece!

old steel
9th April 2010, 09:13 AM
Wow, in the US? What state?

Glad you made it through in one piece!

Actually up in Alberta, Calgary area.

I thought i was safe as the snow was supposed to be from Calgary north and i was south and east of there.


Thank God for those farm boy driving skillz, eh?
