View Full Version : Spring edibles are here.

9th April 2010, 11:04 AM
Here in western N.C.

(Warning use a field guide and an expert for advice before taking advice from some dude on the internet when eating wilds)

Just a heads up. Some of the early greens are shooting up: Chickweed, dandelions, chicory, violets, water cress etc. Soon we should see spring beauties, shepards purses, pepper grass etc (and Morels). These are packed with nutrients that beat store bought greens and all have medicinal properties, and most important-- They're free.

I'm drinking dandelion root coffee right now. Dig the roots of 'lions or chicory, scrub them well, bake on a cookie sheet at 275 F for four hours or until brown all the way through. Usually I only bake for 2 hours and the center is usually white. There's more medicinal properties with the 2 hour methods but it doesn't have the robust flavor. Grind in a coffee grinder or just smash them up, and use the grounds as you would regular coffee.

I usually switch to Dandelion cofee for lent when regular coffee becomes more of a necessity rather than a boost. 'lions cleanse the system. German studies show them to work to get the bile to flow and as a diuretic (gets you to pee a lot to get rid of toxins) that won't leech the body of potassium. Try drinking the "coffee" for a week and see if you feel better overall. A day is all that it takes for me. It may take some getting used to but the taste does grow on you.

Fry the flower heads like mushrooms and add them to eggs.

The greens are bitter (they were the bitter herbs used by the hebrews for passover). I couldn't stand them at first but they grow on you like dark beer does. It's best to eat them before the last frost.

Here's a recipe even my wife will eat. This is a Steve Brill recipe

3 tablespoon of olive oil
3 cups of chopped onions
2 cups of grated carrots (or another sweet root, I'll add grated turnip sometimes.
2-4 cups of chopped dandelion leaves depending on your taste.
a few chopped garlic cloves
2 tablespoons of soysauce
1 tablespoon of wine
black pepper and other spices you might want to add (sometimes I'll throw in a tomato)

Stir fry the onion until soft. Add the other ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes or until the flavors blend evenly. Enjoy. I'll use it as a side or add meat to it. But sometimes this recipe will stick to your ribs as a meal on it's own.

Chickweed is one of the few wild greens that modern americans can eat raw and enjoy. It's also packed with nutrients and traditionally used to help with obesity, coughing, and cool the skin and relieve itching.