View Full Version : Madfranks- unlock the 'mods demanded' thread

9th April 2010, 05:05 PM

(I would pm this to you, but I wish to remain within the forum rules and one of the forum rules is to not post pms) You have previously allowed for nonmoderators to overrule moderators, as WT overruled Gaillo earlier today. I would now like to overrule you in your decision to lock the thread in question. Please unlock that thread immediately.

(notice that I have violated none of the forum rules, AND this request was done is a much more polite way then the last 'overrule')


General of Darkness
9th April 2010, 05:09 PM
you are probably the most whinniest person I've ever seen on a forum. I mean seriously. If you're not jewish you should convert.

9th April 2010, 05:11 PM

(I would pm this to you, but I wish to remain within the forum rules and one of the forum rules is to not post pms) You have previously allowed for nonmoderators to overrule moderators, as WT overruled Gaillo earlier today. I would now like to overrule you in your decision to lock the thread in question. Please unlock that thread immediately.

(notice that I have violated none of the forum rules, AND this request was done is a much more polite way then the last 'overrule')



The question is will WT continue moderating here?

9th April 2010, 05:12 PM

9th April 2010, 05:13 PM
For myself, I'm bowing out of the nitpicking and hyperdissections. This forum has earned the benefit of the doubt from my end.

Ah jeez and I actually believed you too! ;D

9th April 2010, 05:15 PM
If striped_bear gets to keep their sig, then there is no reason to unlock to thread. As long as the mods aren't making rules up as they go along, I'm content.

9th April 2010, 05:17 PM
If striped_bear gets to keep their sig, then there is no reason to unlock to thread. As long as the mods aren't making rules up as they go along, I'm content.

Well I am content with that too... Is WT moderating this site?

9th April 2010, 05:18 PM
I've notice an increase in joke posts on this forum over the last couple of days. I'll now post my own joke:

1. Gaillo brags yesterday that links are welcome in this forum. Gaillo: "this isn't GIM2."
2. WT- who is not a moderator- sends a rude pm demanding a link in a member's sig line be removed based on 'disruption'.
3. Madfranks refuses to back up his fellow moderator and supposed friend, Gaillo. He posts a copy of the rules instead.
4. WT: "You are a guest here." (what is he- a butler?)
5. Madfranks eventually begrudingly closes the thread and intimates that anyone that has a problem with the above events is being unreasonable.

Now that's funny.

9th April 2010, 05:19 PM
For myself, I'm bowing out of the nitpicking and hyperdissections. This forum has earned the benefit of the doubt from my end.

Ah jeez and I actually believed you too! ;D

It's not a hyperdissection to have an issue with WT. You already know that, though. Is WT a moderator of this site, or are the mods (much like the rules) secret?

9th April 2010, 05:19 PM
WT is an Administrator now, not a mod. Some of you seem confused, I hope that clears it up.


Position: Administrator

9th April 2010, 05:23 PM
OK, so in other words he was impersonating a moderator. And for this we are supposed to be greatful to him?

WT is an Administrator now, not a mod. Some of you seem confused, I hope that clears it up.


Position: Administrator

9th April 2010, 05:25 PM
OK, so in other words he was impersonating a moderator. And for this we are supposed to be greatful to him?

WT is an Administrator now, not a mod. Some of you seem confused, I hope that clears it up.


Position: Administrator

He was a moderator before and now hes an Admin. You need to have a drink or something and calm down, the loss of GIM seems to have fried your brain.

9th April 2010, 05:26 PM
Hahahaahahahaahahah, you guys are fun to read......... ;D

9th April 2010, 05:27 PM
WT is an Administrator now, not a mod. Some of you seem confused, I hope that clears it up.


Position: Administrator

Seemed like he voluntarily stepped down from moderating, that was what madfranks told me somehow, though I don't quite remember how I was told that... Now he has instead more powers and is still moderating...

9th April 2010, 05:30 PM
WT= the mystery moderator.

A mystery moderator is a rare type of moderator that claims not to be a moderator. The genius of this claim is that it's actually true- moderators are subject to mystery moderators! So a mystery moderator is more than a moderator, better even than a moderator.

9th April 2010, 05:32 PM
better than TV, this place.

9th April 2010, 05:34 PM
I've notice an increase in joke posts on this forum over the last couple of days. I'll now post my own joke:

1. Gaillo brags yesterday that links are welcome in this forum. Gaillo: "this isn't GIM2."
2. WT- who is not a moderator- sends a rude pm demanding a link in a member's sig line be removed based on 'disruption'.
3. Madfranks refuses to back up his fellow moderator and supposed friend, Gaillo. He posts a copy of the rules instead.
4. WT: "You are a guest here." (what is he- a butler?)
5. Madfranks eventually begrudingly closes the thread and intimates that anyone that has a problem with the above events is being unreasonable.

Now that's funny.

You have a very odd way of interpreting things. Let me try:

1. Gaillo says that links in posts are welcome, not links in sigs. They are two different things - one is clearly not spam, one very well might be.
2. WT sends a PM (how do you know if it was rude or not?) asking for the link to be removed, fully in line with rule #2 that spam is open to interpretation.
3. Madfranks takes it upon himself as an unpaid volunteer to try and sort out the developing mess because he wants to see the forum succeed.
4. Dys expects everyone to have everything perfect and exactly how he wants it immediately, calling out mods, "I can't believe Madfranks hasn't even addressed it yet." "It should have already been rectified." before even ONE HOUR passed.
5. Madfranks ends the discussion, siding in favor of the members and putting his mod status in jeopardy by declaring a verdict before all the mods and admin has heard the facts. He closes the thread but dysgenic won't let it end, opening another thread with the sole intent of causing more strife.

Now you're supposed to dare me to lock this thread, ban you or something else. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

9th April 2010, 05:37 PM
can we just let this BS go?

9th April 2010, 05:38 PM
Lets all relax and have a nice cup o juice.

Crackberries rock.

9th April 2010, 05:39 PM
I would now like to overrule you in your decision to lock the thread in question. Please unlock that thread immediately.


Earth to Dysgenic: You can't "overrule" anything by posting multiple whiner threads...lol. "Overrule". HA HA HA


I am me, I am free
9th April 2010, 05:41 PM
better than TV, this place.

lol - no sh it

9th April 2010, 05:41 PM
It is apparent at least to me that someone here is being stubborn and someone else is trying very hard to take the high road and let the matter die down.

For future consideration:
I think this type of tit-for-tat constitutes dirty laundry in the making and it would be better kept in a private place for viewing only by GSUS members, like the 'Discuss GIM' forum. There's no benefit to the entire internet seeing our skidmarks.

9th April 2010, 05:43 PM
I am trying to understand... Gaillo said links were welcome on this forum, but because he never said specifically that links were welcome in sigs, the rule was open to interpretation? Because everyone knows that the rules apply in a completely different way when it comes to sigs, an opposite way even, as opposed the rest of the forum.
You know, you've really turned me around on this. Along with the newfound revelation that WT is a mystery moderator, the whole thing makes perfect sense and I can see why you didn't immediately stick up for your friend. This issue is one of confounding complexity and depth, but lucky for us we have the right mystery moderator in charge.

I've notice an increase in joke posts on this forum over the last couple of days. I'll now post my own joke:

1. Gaillo brags yesterday that links are welcome in this forum. Gaillo: "this isn't GIM2."
2. WT- who is not a moderator- sends a rude pm demanding a link in a member's sig line be removed based on 'disruption'.
3. Madfranks refuses to back up his fellow moderator and supposed friend, Gaillo. He posts a copy of the rules instead.
4. WT: "You are a guest here." (what is he- a butler?)
5. Madfranks eventually begrudingly closes the thread and intimates that anyone that has a problem with the above events is being unreasonable.

Now that's funny.

You have a very odd way of interpreting things. Let me try:

1. Gaillo says that links in posts are welcome, not links in sigs. They are two different things - one is clearly not spam, one very well might be.
2. WT sends a PM (how do you know if it was rude or not?) asking for the link to be removed, fully in line with rule #2 that spam is open to interpretation.
3. Madfranks takes it upon himself as an unpaid volunteer to try and sort out the developing mess because he wants to see the forum succeed.
4. Dys expects everyone to have everything perfect and exactly how he wants it immediately, calling out mods, "I can't believe Madfranks hasn't even addressed it yet." "It should have already been rectified." before even ONE HOUR passed.
5. Madfranks ends the discussion, siding in favor of the members and putting his mod status in jeopardy by declaring a verdict before all the mods and admin has heard the facts. He closes the thread but dysgenic won't let it end, opening another thread with the sole intent of causing more strife.

Now you're supposed to dare me to lock this thread, ban you or something else. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

9th April 2010, 05:47 PM
I think this type of tit-for-tat constitutes dirty laundry in the making and it would be better kept in a private place for viewing only by GSUS members, like the 'Discuss GIM' forum. There's no benefit to the entire internet seeing our skidmarks.


You think Dysgenic put this in General Discussion to avoid publicity?


9th April 2010, 05:52 PM
Dys, man, really. You said you would stop being such a . . . [uhhh no personal attacks] . . . yesterday. I really thought you were serious. What is your deal?

9th April 2010, 06:13 PM
1. Gaillo brags yesterday that links are welcome in this forum. Gaillo: "this isn't GIM2."
2. WT- who is not a moderator- sends a rude pm demanding a link in a member's sig line be removed based on 'disruption'.
3. Madfranks refuses to back up his fellow moderator and supposed friend, Gaillo. He posts a copy of the rules instead.
4. WT: "You are a guest here." (what is he- a butler?)
5. Madfranks eventually begrudingly closes the thread and intimates that anyone that has a problem with the above events is being unreasonable.

It is surprising that having a link in the signature is supposedly against the rules, and there is nothing in the rules that indicates a prohibition against having links in signatures. In fact there is a link in my signature, similar to that used in other forums and I have not ever seen a problem with having a link in a signature in approximately two decades on the net.

What the heck is the problem with having a link in the signature, and do I need to remove the link in my signature?

If so, I think it is a very stupid rule.

9th April 2010, 06:27 PM
The rule is not the point. The point is that a mystery moderator overruled a regular moderator.

1. Gaillo brags yesterday that links are welcome in this forum. Gaillo: "this isn't GIM2."
2. WT- who is not a moderator- sends a rude pm demanding a link in a member's sig line be removed based on 'disruption'.
3. Madfranks refuses to back up his fellow moderator and supposed friend, Gaillo. He posts a copy of the rules instead.
4. WT: "You are a guest here." (what is he- a butler?)
5. Madfranks eventually begrudingly closes the thread and intimates that anyone that has a problem with the above events is being unreasonable.

It is surprising that having a link in the signature is supposedly against the rules, and there is nothing in the rules that indicates a prohibition against having links in signatures. In fact there is a link in my signature, similar to that used in other forums and I have not ever seen a problem with having a link in a signature in approximately two decades on the net.

What the heck is the problem with having a link in the signature, and do I need to remove the link in my signature?

If so, I think it is a very stupid rule.

9th April 2010, 06:31 PM
The rule is not the point. The point is that a mystery moderator overruled a regular moderator.

That too. There are rules that aren't rules, and rumors of rules.

9th April 2010, 06:57 PM
I personally cannot speak for sure with regard to WT's status, BUT here is a post he made a few days ago :
Yup I no longer a mod, I'm a site Admin. phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhT

I got a promotion not a demotion. Now I no longer have to concern myself with whiney people.

You have two very competent and fair Moderators. If you don't like it here, please leave. Everybody here is over it. How about you?

Even though he has much more power now as a site admin, he still seems to be concerning himself with "whiney people" a good deal. Since Gaillo/madfranks don't want to get their hands dirty handing out permabans... someone else to step in and do it... and that someone is JQP/WT... I don't know if WT and JQP are the same exact person or not, but they might as well be...

I find it hilarious that 95% of the users here don't know if WT is a moderator, or an admin , or just a regular guy... but to be honest I'm not sure myself... and why would I be? It's not like such information is publicly available or common knowledge... talk about transparency


Also every time I post this information the thread gets locked within an hour or so, so just want to say IBTL