View Full Version : how come my posts are getting erased / evaporated ???

9th April 2010, 09:33 PM
This will be my last post unless I briefly come back to promote another forum.

EDIT: Original text edited out by Gaillo. To carpediem: C'mon... live up to your word, man! You don't want us all to think you're a LIAR, do you?

See the next post.

9th April 2010, 09:50 PM
OK then, carpediem.

Let's have that link to the other site (free speech nirvana, from the way you painted it in that other thread). It won't be erased, but YOU will (for spamming) if you continue to come here and post the link after getting this opportunity!


9th April 2010, 09:54 PM
Like I said when he introduced himself as a moderator....."His actions will speak louder than his words".........

To some people the word "fair" means to do what I want you to do.

I don't know what you posted and why he took it out, I am just talking in general.....maybe he was right, who knows.

9th April 2010, 09:56 PM
Like I said when he introduced himself as a moderator....."His actions will speak louder than his words".........

To some people the word "fair" means to do what I want you to do.

I don't know what you posted and why he took it out, I am just talking in general.....maybe he was right, who knows.

He's spamming this all over the board. Thought I'd give him a chance to live up to his OWN words before I banned him.

9th April 2010, 10:09 PM
OK... just as I thought. No link to free-speech heaven.

I was just going to let him post his link, and participate (if he could live with lying to us all)... but then I noticed (just before Ponce's post) that he has other "posts erased/evaporated" threads posted around the forum.

carpediem earns a timeout-ban for spamming, until JQP decides what to do about this. All carpediem "posts erased/evaporated" threads with no replies have been erased.

