View Full Version : Major Score: Rock Dust

10th April 2010, 09:44 AM
I had some gravel trucked in for some concrete work I am doing. I know the gravel pit operator a bit and had asked him previously to save all the rock dust from around the crusher and conveyers. At the same time I asked him for a lab report on the quarry to ensure that there were no toxic metals in the basalt, and it qualified for agricultural use, and is high in trace minerals. They recently moved the crusher to a new location, and he saved all the rock dust for me.

While delivering the gravel, there was enough rock dust to fill the pup trailer on the gravel truck. I got several tons of basaltic rock dust for the price of trucking ($150) my gravel!

10th April 2010, 09:47 AM
The only downside is that it also contains small amounts 1/2" minus gravel which I will have to sift out. Not a big deal though...

10th April 2010, 10:37 AM
Basalt rock dust is one of the most kick ass type of rock dust. The bluish volcanic material contains high amounts of minerals.

See these web sites:


I see the second site sells basalt rock dust for $16/20KG (44 lbs). Looks like I got a deal!

10th April 2010, 11:17 AM
Sweet stuff!

10th April 2010, 02:06 PM
Very cool! wish I would get that lucky once in a while.

12th April 2010, 01:21 PM
Time to bag it up and sell 10lb bags of it!!!