View Full Version : Yet another embarrassing UFO thread

10th April 2010, 11:26 AM
There's more compelling genetic evidence of ET/UFO stuff in another thread I started about the starchild skull, but this one is for less convincing but still interesting photos/vids/general. There are a zillion stories and vids these days, I find the ones that get into the MSM interesting especially, such as this below:

Fighter jets chase UFO down the M5 (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2926995/Fighter-jets-chase-UFO-down-the-M5.html)

TWO fighter jets are filmed whizzing over the M5 - apparently in pursuit of a UFO.

A mystery cameraman took footage of the military aircraft chasing the shiny orb.

The 30-second clip is believed to have been taken from a West Midlands service station car park.

Expert Nick Pope, who probed UFO sightings for the MoD, said: "This is one of the best videos I've seen. It could be a new drone - that might explain the military jets.

"But you don't normally test-fly secret projects in daylight. Alternatively, this could be the real thing - a UFO in our airspace and military aircraft scrambled to intercept, probably due to it being tracked on radar."

The MoD refused to comment on the alleged sighting, but confirmed it would scramble jets to meet an air threat.

West Midlands Police said: "We are not aware of any reports of unidentified aircraft near the M5."


Vid at the page.

10th April 2010, 12:35 PM

30+ high ranking government officials, aircraft tower control operators, flight pilots, and staff with decent clearance levels all come forward about UFOs. Now, UFOs are a given. Unidentified Flying Objects happen - they do. In this video you will hear from former NORAD radar operators as they speak about how normal of an occurance UFOs are. That doesn't mean otherworldly - it just means no call-signs being displayed.

What's interesting here is the unimaginable speeds, and the flurry from the top to cover it up.

10th April 2010, 12:54 PM
that's the "money as debt" of the UFO field, thanks nocturnal, recommended viewing for anyone with an open mind. buzz aldrin talking about the UFO they spotted on the way to the moon is always a good intro i think:


10th April 2010, 01:06 PM

10th April 2010, 06:15 PM
These UFOs are everywhere ,every one knows it,they are on the news ect but no official word.
Makes you wonder what else is going on with out any official word.....

Yea I know........ heaps.

They walk among us: 1 in 5 believe in aliens?

Wearing a hat shaped like a alien space craft Reuters – Wearing a hat shaped like a alien space craft, a man video tapes the arcade outside of the international …
Thu Apr 8, 1:01 pm ET

SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Aliens exist and they live in our midst disguised as humans -- at least, that's what 20 percent of people polled in a global survey believe.

The Reuters Ipsos poll of 23,000 adults in 22 countries showed that more than 40 percent of people from India and China believe that aliens walk among us disguised as humans, while those least likely to believe in this are from Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands (8 percent each).

However, the majority of people polled, or 80 percent, don't believe aliens in our midst.

"It would appear that that there's a modest correlation between the most populated countries and those more likely to indicate there may be aliens disguised amongst them compared with those countries with the smaller populations," said John Wright, Senior Vice President of market research firm Ipsos.

"Maybe the it's a simple case that in a less populated country you are more likely to know your next door neighbor better," he said.

More men than women -- 22 percent vs 17 percent -- believe that alien beings are on earth.

Most of those believers are under the age of 35, and across all income classes, the survey showed. Of those who do not believe, most are women


11th April 2010, 12:40 PM

11th April 2010, 03:36 PM
Ed Griffin is convinced, but not absolutely certain, by the case made by the Disclosure Project. See the link for where he answers a skeptical reader's question, following the article.

Is there a Black-Ops cabal, even more powerful than government, using technology from alien civilizations? (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/freedomcontent.cfm?fuseaction=disclosure&refpage=issues)
Introduction by G. Edward Griffin -- Updated 2010 February 2

The possibility that there are intelligent life forms visiting Earth from outer space is difficult to consider because, if true, it may conflict with our views about the importance of man and the nature of creation. The answer impacts both philosophy and theology – and these are things that, beyond the mid point of life, we tend to defend more than to question. There is a tendency to say: “That can’t be true because I believe that ….” The older we get, the more reluctant we are to make revisions.

Another problem with this issue is the possibility that, if there is a Black-Ops group that really does control our government, that means we the people do not – and that, too, is an extremely unwanted conclusion. So, for two excellent reasons rooted deeply in our subconscious, we do not want to think that the answer to the opening question is yes, and we tend to dismiss any claim to the contrary as the ranting of the lunatic fringe.

If there ever was a Reality Zone topic, this is it. If you are unwilling to even consider the evidence, then please do not view this video. It is two hours long, and you will be wasting your time. However, if you proceed, what you will see and hear is the personal testimony of men and women who have held top-security positions in the military, intelligence agencies, corporations under contract to the government, and air-traffic control services – all of whom have direct knowledge of extraterrestrial activity going back for over 50 years, and they will tell you how they were required by their superiors to conceal these facts from the public. There are about fifteen of them on this video, but they are drawn from a witness pool of over 400, and each of them has offered to repeat the testimony under oath before the US Congress. The high quality and sheer volume of this evidence is overwhelming.

A word of caution is in order. You may wonder, as I did at first, what is to stop governments from sending agents into this group to disseminate disinformation? We know that one of the favorite tactics of intelligence agencies is to use agent provocateurs who, while pretending to be on one side of an issue, are really providing false information to taint the larger data pool. If they can dump a little garbage into the grocery bag, it will stink up the whole batch so that most people will throw the whole thing away thinking that none of it is any good. So how do we know that this tactic is not being used here?

The answer is that we don’t. In fact, we should assume that one or two of the witnesses may be doing exactly that. But, even if several of these stories are disinformation, it is impossible that all of them are. Even if only one out of these hundreds of testimonies is true, the case for extraterrestrial life is made – and so is the case for Black Ops

A second word of caution is that several of the speakers advance the concept that development of weapons in space must be opposed because it could be perceived as a threat to our Galactic neighbors who, in self defense, might cause great harm to Earth. Actually, there is evidence presented in this video that whatever beings may be monitoring Earth weaponry have no difficulty in disabling our puny devices, so one must be cautious about the self-defense scenario. Equally important is the fact that Leninists are experts at using the dread of war and the natural desire for peace as a means to generate mass pressure for disarmament - in non-Leninist countries. We must be alert to the possibility that Leninists may be active within this movement for that purpose. Nothing would suit their plans for world domination better than to maneuver the US and the Western nations into not deploying weapons in space while they proceed to do exactly that. I would be a lot more worried about space weapons controlled by Leninists (or Rhodesians, for that matter) than by Galactians. While looking above the Earth, we must not forget the realities on the surface of it.

With all these precautions and possible traps, why do we present this information at the Reality Zone and Freedom Force? The answer is twofold. (1) The possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is one of the most important issues to be resolved by introspective man – and (2) knowledge of the existence of an illegal cabal that virtually controls governments is of the utmost importance if we ever hope to build a future of freedom for our children and grandchildren. We cannot overcome that which we do not know exists.

Ok, enough said. It’s time for you to take the red pill or the blue. For the red pill and to view the video (or download it for later viewing), click here.


11th April 2010, 03:49 PM
This looks interesting, Patcolo.

I'll watch that on a Sunday after lunch.


11th April 2010, 04:17 PM
well, i did not know that, that griffin had come on board the last conspiracy of all. kudos to him for having enough of an open mind to investigate it.

another serious researcher of the UFO/secret government interaction is richard dolan. he's written an exhaustive history of the that interaction.


12th April 2010, 03:47 AM
one of the more compelling cases out there, given the high number of witnesses, US defence department documents, radar tracking data and photograps; this happened in Belgium in 1990:

http://www.deepspace4.com/pages/science/images/picsfullsize/tr3bbelgium89300.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/75/TriangleBelgium1990.jpg

US defence dept. docs (http://keyholepublishing.com/1990-Belgium-DIA-2.JPG) mention Leon Brenig, physics professor who took some photos. Another DIA doc (http://keyholepublishing.com/1990-Belgium-DIA-5.JPG) mentions the Deputy Chief of the Royal Belgian Air Force, Wilfred de Brouwer, who had this to say about the event:

In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace. The day will come undoubtedly when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won't leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion.

there's radar data from one of the F16s the Belgian Air Force sent up to investigate:


Major P. Lambrechts of the Belgian Air Force General Staff had this to say:

The speeds measured at that time and the altitude shifts exclude the hypothesis according to which planes could be mistaken for the observed UFOs. The slow moves during the other phases differ also from the moves of planes.... Though speeds greater than the sound barrier have been measured several times, not any bang has been noticed. Here also, no explanation can be given.

In conclusion, there's photographic evidence, radar data, testimony from the deputy chief of the Belgian air force (among others from the BAF), eyewitness testimony from a physics professor (it's estimated (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_UFO_wave#The_sightings) that 13,500 witnessed these events), US defence department documents to corroborate all of that.

de Brouwer talking about what went on (starts at 5.00):


13th April 2010, 01:20 PM


Saul Mine
13th April 2010, 02:34 PM
Did you ever notice that all UFO stories are old? One of the most recent, the one in Chicago, was unheard of until it was over six months old.

Another thing you might have noticed is that debunkers are thoroughly despised.

Conclusion: Nobody really cares about UFOs, they just like a good story. A story doesn't catch on until the evidence is gone, and anybody who spoils the story is rejected.

13th April 2010, 06:44 PM