View Full Version : Gold Go Up or Down Next Week ?

10th April 2010, 01:46 PM

I think it will have some moments at $1150 ish but it will end the week about $1180.

I think this overall uptrend will continue for about the next 2 years.

2% a week for 52 weeks is more than a doubling.

2 doublings over 2 years = gold at $4600.

I think the real measure-able inflation in the US the next few years will be 10% to 50 % per year.

But Gold and silver will rise more as part of their reaction to the recent whistleblowing.

The most effective way for JPMorgan & HSBC & all those brokers who sold all those paper gold certificates to deal with the situation is to buy a bunch of gold, and make sure that those nervous investors who come by demanding gold are given some gold, re-assured, etc.

as far as silver - I think it will be more volatile. If the stock markets have a down week, silver will re-visit $18 at times. Otherwise, if the stock markets basically continue their flirtation with 11,000 & break 11,000, silver will move up another 3%, homing in on $19.

unless of course the big Comex short squeeze happens, in which case we will have 6% days and 8% days (UP days).

Historically, in terms of major volatility, 3 days come to mind -

Feb 2010, when silver downticked to $16.10 and touched $16

A few days later, when it crossed below $15 and theoretically got as low as $14.62.

That was going down. Going up - March 2009, when the US gov. announced about printing $300 Billion. An 8% rise over 24 hours.

I think that's the kind of volatility we will see when the "wealthy Asian investors" start calling the bluff of the paper shorts.

10th April 2010, 09:54 PM
I'm on vacation next week so Gold and Silver will go down to some rediculously low price, you all will buy tons which will bring it back up to $1200/$25 dollars and I will miss the whole darn thing.

That said, I feel that gold and silver will drop a couple percent, and so will the markets with a little profit taking after 11000 dow.

edit to add that plans fell through, so its staycation this week. I want to buy so markets will probably go up :P