View Full Version : I just got off the phone with one of the heads of the AWB of South Africa

General of Darkness
10th April 2010, 12:58 PM
Apparently this is going to get really ugly, really fast. Since Eugene Terreblanch's assassination there's been 18 farmers murdered. There are training camps in Zimbabwe labeled as "Youth Camps", but they're training grown men to remove the remaining farmers in Zimbabwe and also possibly go into SA. Another fact, and this is why the black ANC is scared, there were over 10,000, maybe even 60,000 whites who attended Terreblanch's funeral. Tomorrow a "gun ban" comes into affect in SA, but this is NOT going to deter the whites at all.

I'm hoping to do this interview in the next few hours and then post it on www.vornetwork.com The world DOESN'T know what's going on in SA and all the information is being suppressed. More to follow.

10th April 2010, 01:06 PM
I had NO clue. Thank you for this headszup. I'll be back for more info.

Where is the logic in decimating the people who produce the food? I simply have NEVER understood that. Is the land being ultimately coveted for its mineral resources perhaps?


10th April 2010, 01:11 PM
I was reading with my usual disinterest, thinking same old news... Until these 2 points jumped out.

Thanks for this story.

there were over 10,000, maybe even 60,000 whites who attended Terreblanch's funeral. Tomorrow a "gun ban" comes into affect in SA, but this is NOT going to deter the whites at all.

10th April 2010, 01:15 PM
I had NO clue. Thank you for this headszup. I'll be back for more info.

Where is the logic in decimating the people who produce the food? I simply have NEVER understood that. Is the land being ultimately coveted for its mineral resources perhaps?


I spent time in Rhodesia when it was still Rhodesia and predominately a white business/farming enclave.

I have spent time there during the transition and since it became Zimbawe.

The minorities resented the whites and plotted their demise even back in Rhodesian times. The govt has encouraged the expulsion by any means to "redistibute the wealth". Sound familiar????

That part of the world is an extremely resourse rich area. But they have no chance---none. Redistribution of wealth does not guarantee the capability to manage it.


10th April 2010, 01:18 PM
Mr. Chicken..........I was there in 1976, when were you there?

General of Darkness
10th April 2010, 03:37 PM
We just started the interview. This is absolutely amazing. What those bastards in the media are saying is so far from the truth is absolutely repulsive. >:(

General of Darkness
10th April 2010, 03:58 PM
This interview is bringing me too tears. :-[

10th April 2010, 04:01 PM
www.vornetwork.comI followed your link but can't find where to listen. I like the tunes though, but I wanna hear more of this story.

General of Darkness
10th April 2010, 04:03 PM
www.vornetwork.comI followed your link but can't find where to listen. I like the tunes though, but I wanna hear more of this story.

RJB, we're pre-recording it because we're dealing with cellphone issues. I'll let you know when we post it.

10th April 2010, 04:08 PM

10th April 2010, 04:10 PM
Thank you for the news this is the first I've heard of it.

10th April 2010, 09:16 PM
Well this is not really news if you go to good forums or blogs.

The US mainstream media will not touch these issues cause they
want people asleep, same reason why they do not cover Europe
and cities being destroyed by Muslims and immigrants.

But the European papers cover both, SA, ZIM, Muslims in Europe.

Many of you know me, I am strongly against the wars, "war on terror".

These are separate issues, mostly cultural destruction.

most of the hits are new events

10th April 2010, 09:17 PM

10th April 2010, 09:21 PM
ANC reversing ’shoot the boer’ will test the Constitution


10th April 2010, 09:24 PM
Camps are real, they have experience running them.


mick silver
10th April 2010, 09:27 PM
thanks G D . the news in this country should just stop and play cartoons then we could learn to laugh

10th April 2010, 09:33 PM
Apparently this is going to get really ugly, really fast. Since Eugene Terreblanch's assassination there's been 18 farmers murdered. There are training camps in Zimbabwe labeled as "Youth Camps", but they're training grown men to remove the remaining farmers in Zimbabwe and also possibly go into SA. Another fact, and this is why the black ANC is scared, there were over 10,000, maybe even 60,000 whites who attended Terreblanch's funeral. Tomorrow a "gun ban" comes into affect in SA, but this is NOT going to deter the whites at all.

I'm hoping to do this interview in the next few hours and then post it on www.vornetwork.com The world DOESN'T know what's going on in SA and all the information is being suppressed. More to follow.

Thanks for the heads up GD. Please keep us posted. I've been wondering when the whites were going to say enough is enough and take that country back from the savages.

mick silver
10th April 2010, 09:35 PM
right on mamboni

General of Darkness
11th April 2010, 12:00 AM
Well this is not really news if you go to good forums or blogs.

The US mainstream media will not touch these issues cause they
want people asleep, same reason why they do not cover Europe
and cities being destroyed by Muslims and immigrants.

But the European papers cover both, SA, ZIM, Muslims in Europe.

Many of you know me, I am strongly against the wars, "war on terror".

These are separate issues, mostly cultural destruction.

most of the hits are new events

I'm pissed so I'm editing my own damn comments

11th April 2010, 12:46 AM
Many thanks for this General we really need to get this out there for the world to see and take cognizance of the fact that South African whites are being systematically and brutally killed.

I look forward to listening to the finished article once posted General and I will be forwarding it on to both friends and family.

Uhuru is coming to South Africa it is no longer a case of if but when. The ANC may think it has the upper hand but the Englishmen and our Afrikaner brothers are resilient individuals. From time to time I enjoy reliving the past exploits of the once proud SADF and its exploits of the boarder wars. If you are not familiar with the war I highly recommend looking at the YouTube compilations.


11th April 2010, 01:06 AM
Many thanks for this General we really need to get this out there for the world to see and take cognizance of the fact that South African whites are being systematically and brutally killed.

I look forward to listening to the finished article once posted General and I will be forwarding it on to both friends and family.

Uhuru is coming to South Africa it is no longer a case of if but when. The ANC may think it has the upper hand but the Englishmen and our Afrikaner brothers are resilient individuals. From time to time I enjoy reliving the past exploits of the once proud SADF and its exploits of the boarder wars. If you are not familiar with the war I highly recommend looking at the YouTube compilations.


Do you think that any non-whites will care? Or that more than a few percent of Europeans (except maybe a few more Dutch or Germans) will either. Or that more than a few thousand Americans even know where Rhodesia is?

Hopefully, you'll be able to get through to some but if they can't even see what is happening to their own country and around themselves...

11th April 2010, 02:21 AM
Why do they want to wipe out their own food sources? why this? why that? this is the way tyranny works. they need a scapegoat to cover for their own failures.Whitey is being used for that. The Jews were used in this manner (in the Official story, another debate for another time) by the Germans, Stalin did this sort of thing in his purges. Arm the least educated, the poorest, the sociopaths and unleash them on that enemy all the while trying to sweep your troubles under the rug classic. this will NOT end well. SA whites should emigrate to Commonwealth or Germanic nations as soon as their situation allows, this will be a Holocaust within a decade.

11th April 2010, 03:15 AM

11th April 2010, 03:41 AM
Not to siphon off traffic from our new forum, but there is a great thread over at WNN:

11th April 2010, 03:45 AM
Apparently this is going to get really ugly, really fast. Since Eugene Terreblanch's assassination there's been 18 farmers murdered. There are training camps in Zimbabwe labeled as "Youth Camps", but they're training grown men to remove the remaining farmers in Zimbabwe and also possibly go into SA. Another fact, and this is why the black ANC is scared, there were over 10,000, maybe even 60,000 whites who attended Terreblanch's funeral. Tomorrow a "gun ban" comes into affect in SA, but this is NOT going to deter the whites at all.

I'm hoping to do this interview in the next few hours and then post it on www.vornetwork.com The world DOESN'T know what's going on in SA and all the information is being suppressed. More to follow.

Anxiously awaiting the the upload of your inteview! Please post an update when you have updated your site!

11th April 2010, 03:45 AM
Do you think that any non-whites will care? Or that more than a few percent of Europeans (except maybe a few more Dutch or Germans) will either. Or that more than a few thousand Americans even know where Rhodesia is?

Hopefully, you'll be able to get through to some but if they can't even see what is happening to their own country and around themselves...

Truth be told Defender, no I have little to no faith in the majority of humanity, let alone having any faith that non whites or whites from western nations will give a damn about the plight of the white South African. The international community still panders or at worse ignores mad Bob.

I also agree with you that most people subscribe to the idea of ignorance is bliss.

However my main objective is to forward it on to those south Africans who still think that they are safe and sound with their hired 24/7 security, 10 foot walls who still think life in SA is grand and will chug down a few castles around the Sunday Braai talking about the sharks vs bulls game. If we can educate and motivate these people to band together it might insight some actual progress for the movement and if we pick up a few more international supports the more the merrier.

To sit idly by and do nothing in the words of Edmund Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Why do they want to wipe out their own food sources? why this? why that? this is the way tyranny works. they need a scapegoat to cover for their own failures. Whitey is being used for that. The Jews were used in this manner (in the Official story, another debate for another time) by the Germans, Stalin did this sort of thing in his purges. Arm the least educated, the poorest, the sociopaths and unleash them on that enemy all the while trying to sweep your troubles under the rug classic. this will NOT end well. SA whites should emigrate to Commonwealth or Germanic nations as soon as their situation allows, this will be a Holocaust within a decade.

Sadly Gypsy those of us that could afford to get out of South Africa at the time and saw the writing on the wall have already done so. The Rand now a day has been devalued to such an extent that most trying to emigrate would be almost destitute if they did move. Today’s exchange rate 7.27 Rand equals 1 US dollar and yet from 1961 until 1982, 0.77 Rand equaled 1 US dollar. thanks to international condemnation of the system of apartheid, devaluation rapidly escalated. Then of course the ANC took power but then that's just mismanagement.

My greatest fear though is apart from Mad Bob throwing in his lot of Zim "war veterans" (last one who actually fought in any war died a year or so back) if this does come to an all out war is the garanteed condemnation of the international community and the likely sanctions we would face, which would hamper rebuilding efforts depending on how drawn out the conflict would be.


11th April 2010, 04:10 AM
Better destitute than dead,Im sorry to be blunt, but its a fact, My Grandparents came from Ireland for similar issues 100 yrs ago.

11th April 2010, 04:37 AM
How the CIA defeated Apartheid & placed the ANC in power

From International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Summer 1995

A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs, Buthelezi

and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll

by Richard Cummings


11th April 2010, 04:53 AM
From one of the blogs I frequent I came across the following.

Sweden: Protest against the genocide in South Africa

On Saturday the 17th of April 2010, the Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen) march to the South African
embassy in Stockholm, housing representatives of the ANC government.
We hold the ANC responsible not only for the murder of Eugéne Terre’Blanche, leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB),

but also for the ongoing genocide of whites in South Africa.

Eugéne Terre’Blanche dedicated his life to the struggle for his people and a sovereign state for the white Boer people. Tragically his
life ended, just like thousands of other white farmers, brutally murdered by blacks. Several thousands and yet more, are those who
mourn the loss. We shall never forget his sacrifice!

Therefore we march - under the slogan "Stop the Boer genocide!" - in honor and remembrance for the white leader of the AWB.
But we also march to tell the world about the situation for our kindred people in South Africa. We will tell of a government who in silence
support murder, rape and plunder of whites.

Hereby we call upon our brothers and sisters around the globe to take a stand, no longer can we sit and do nothing as the white population
of South Africa is being murdered. What happens in South Africa today, will happen in our nations tomorrow!

The Swedish Resistance Movement march to the South African embassy in Stockholm on Saturday 17th of April, to show the Boer nation
that they are not alone, that we are with them in their struggle for survival.

We urge YOU to do the same, to show the world that the white race is still a force to reckon with, for this our comrades, IS YOUR DUTY!

- Swedish Resistance Movement

Link to the actual article in its Swedish format WWW.PATRIOT.NU

11th April 2010, 05:01 AM
Better destitute than dead,Im sorry to be blunt, but its a fact, My Grandparents came from Ireland for similar issues 100 yrs ago.

People have become to comfortable and materialistic sadly and that will be humanities downfall.

How the CIA defeated Apartheid & placed the ANC in power

From International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Summer 1995

A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs, Buthelezi

and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll

by Richard Cummings


A very good read indeed Magnes and just goes to highlight the American governments love to fight the communists via proxies during the cold war and installing governments with devastating effects.

Their actions of installing the ANC to power amongst others, has turn a once prosperous first world country with its own nuclear energy and armaments and space program into another third world country in a period of 16 years.


11th April 2010, 07:06 AM
tha problem isnt even the ultra racist blacks......its the WHITES here and abroad ,that REFUSE to stand up for their OWN kind....even in the face of
their bros and sisters facing machete blades, they STILL cling to the politiically correct " oooh blacks cant be wascist" bs.

11th April 2010, 08:03 AM
tha problem isnt even the ultra racist blacks......its the WHITES here and abroad ,that REFUSE to stand up for their OWN kind....even in the face of
their bros and sisters facing machete blades, they STILL cling to the politiically correct " oooh blacks cant be wascist" bs.
Is kaffir still a bad word and considered offensive even by white people? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaffir

11th April 2010, 10:11 AM
Defender a spade is a spade and a kaffir is a kaffir, but to answer your question yes our PC friends do indeed deem the word kaffir to be extremely racist.


11th April 2010, 10:16 AM
I bet Monsanto and the globalist are funding these groups. GMO poison for everyone...

11th April 2010, 11:59 AM
I was just talking with my south african neighbors a few minutes ago. I made mention on GIM once or twice about them. They are your average middle class family. Came to the US in mid 90's as missionaries, the dads a priest or whatever, mom works in the church, 1 kid in college, two in highschool.

Anyways, they went back to South Africa a few months ago and the wife was telling me when they got back what a nightmare it was over there. It was the first time they had been back since coming here and they were in total shock.

I made mention to her today about the recent goings on and she was just flabbergasted that I actualy new about it. She said "oh, are they actualy talking about it in the news now" and I said "No, I read about it from a few places on line". She was very pissed that the news wasnt even mentioning, and thinks its because of the obvious racial connotations adn that the big soccer game goign on down there they dont want to scare away the tourists and fans.

The big thing she said though, was that she sees alot of this coming to the US. She said as some one that lived through it in SA, and saw it all coming to a head right before they got out, she sees alot of the same signs going on now and it may be some years off, but the foundation for it is certainly there. We talked a little more about the "youth camps" and zimbabwae (sp).

Over all, she was absolutley floored by it all and very pissed that NO ONE was talking about it (though she made mention that the controlled MSM never would). I could see on her face that it broke her heart to see her family and her home country go through all that. Their family has been there a loooong time, so I can only imagine.

ETA: I asked her why her parents and etc were still there, and like Iron said, she told me that they simply cannot afford to move out and that the only decent places to go are England and Australia, which they seemed less than enthusied to go to, but it was the thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars it cost to leave that is keeping most people there.

11th April 2010, 12:24 PM
heimdhal, its not only EVERY neighborhood they have EVER moved to ,now its EVERY country the y get control of!

11th April 2010, 01:31 PM
Sadly the whites of SA will be ethnically cleansed, and the world will do nothing about it...The apartheid regime was the best for the blacks too...

11th April 2010, 01:45 PM
heimdhal, its not only EVERY neighborhood they have EVER moved to ,now its EVERY country the y get control of!

You're a prophet JD!

11th April 2010, 02:32 PM
Thank you very much for posting this General.

I too would like to hear the interview, keep us posted.

And thanks for your links Magnes.

11th April 2010, 03:07 PM
It's an easy trap to blame race. But it is the predator hiding among the sheeple. A culture that tolerates predators within is an eternal victim, always blaming someone else for their injuries due to internal "harvesting".

And predators use the argument that without them, the victims would be harvested even quicker - by "the enemy without".

It is quite clever.

A perfect example of the Law of the Jungle. Predators are good. Prey are "good to eat". Prey who fight back are "bad".

Remember, tolerance of predators is unmerciful to their next victim.

11th April 2010, 05:25 PM
Sadly the whites of SA will be ethnically cleansed, and the world will do nothing about it...The apartheid regime was the best for the blacks too...

You have validity on both points.

This was always inevitable ever since colonization started and the Zulu wars. The vast number of Blacks see the white man as the evil within southern africa and always will.

The Europeans did invade and due to that many native Africans will obviously have resentment to white South Africans.

The Whites of SA are vastly outnumbered and in a country they are not native. I cannot see it ending well for Whites in SA.

11th April 2010, 09:05 PM
Neuro hit the nail on the head, whilst most will deny it apartheid did more for the blacks of South Africa then the courant ANC guvermunt has done it its 16 years of rule.

Nick- yes a lot of the black will indeed hate the white man, but there are some that realize that life wasn’t all bad under white rule.

You have validity on both points.

This was always inevitable ever since colonization started and the Zulu wars. The vast number of Blacks see the white man as the evil within southern africa and always will.

The Europeans did invade and due to that many native Africans will obviously have resentment to white South Africans.
The Whites of SA are vastly outnumbered and in a country they are not native. I cannot see it ending well for Whites in SA.

To address your last point though Nick as I’ve stated in another thread the original South Africans were the Khoikhoi and San peoples of southern Africa ,whom at the time of European contact in the 1600s, had been displaced, conquered and assimilated by the dominant Bantu-speaking tribes, of which the two major groups were the Xhosa and Zulu peoples.

So if we want to get technical the current blacks aren’t even the rightful inhabitants if the whites can’t claim South Africa as a homeland after 358 years of living there.

The Dutch East India Company founded a refreshment station at what would become Cape Town in 1652.
And to continue on a more somber note Generals interview is up for those wishing to continue reading up on the matter here (http://reasonradionetwork.com/?cat=59) many thanks for this General.


11th April 2010, 11:00 PM
Can someone point me (someone blind to any events in Africa) to some information about the problems in general you all are discussing in regards to Africa. I have no knowledge of current events there and would like to learn.

I have however been researching African stocks after hearing I think Jim Rogers mention them a while back.

Thanks in advance for the help.

EDIT: I see links in threads, thanks to those who posted them.

11th April 2010, 11:19 PM


There are more but I'm not on the right computer for it.

12th April 2010, 12:37 AM
YukonCornelius in addition to the helpful links provided by Brent give the following a read when you have time:



12th April 2010, 01:41 AM
Is the wealthiest family in South Africa a white family? Was it white people who originally funded and have long controlled the DeBeers empire? Think of all those white people sorting diamonds in Antwerp, London, and Tel Aviv!

12th April 2010, 04:07 AM


There are more but I'm not on the right computer for it.

MSAS Shutting down for good.
April 12th, 2010
24 hours to the end - I'm done.

I am sick and tired of the infighting.

I am sick and tired of the Jew bashing. I am not a Jew, nor do I have Jewish relatives but I admire the Jewish people enormously.

It seems that White South Africans have a great deal of trouble in identifying and sticking together to overcome and conquer the enemy. The enemy in South Africa is not the Jew, it is the kaffir. But you don’t seem to understand that.

I am sick and tired of this “New World Order” crap – real or imagined.

Please find somebody else to run a blog for you where you can vent your spleen on kaffirs AND Jews. Good fucking luck to you all, you miserable ingrates.

This blog will shut down for good exactly 24 hours from time of posting.

Fight amongst yourselves – it’s what you’re good at.

May God help you and save your souls. The comments you may wish to leave will not be moderated. Vent your spleen, spew your poison.


It seems the blogger at my S.A. sucks has had enough. He is taking his dradel and going home.

12th April 2010, 06:08 AM
The big thing she said though, was that she sees alot of this coming to the US. She said as some one that lived through it in SA, and saw it all coming to a head right before they got out, she sees alot of the same signs going on now and it may be some years off, but the foundation for it is certainly there. We talked a little more about the "youth camps" and zimbabwae (sp).

For those who haven't read this yet ...

A Warning for America from South Africa
