View Full Version : China Records A $7.2 Billion Trade Deficit In March

10th April 2010, 07:11 PM
After 70 Months Of Trade Surpluses, China Records A $7.2 Billion Trade Deficit In March: Detailed Summary Of March Trade Data

In March China recorded its first trade deficit after 70 straight months of trade surpluses, which has occurred even despite global calls that the Renminbi needs to be revalued by about 20%. The primary reason for this was that in March China imported a total of $119.4 billion worth of goods - the single greatest amount recorded in history. This was offset by $112.1 billion of exports, well below the record exports China was pumping out in late 2008 in the mid $130 billion range, and the $130.7 billion exported in December of 2009. Below we present a summary of the key highlights of China trade balance over the past 3 years.

The first chart summarizes the monthly total imports, exports and net trade balance with the entire world.

more w/ charts I can't embed: http://www.zerohedge.com/article/after-70-months-trade-surpluses-china-records-72-billion-trade-deficit-march-detailed-summar?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedg e+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+fo r+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

10th April 2010, 07:33 PM
Well that's a key indicator of big change.

What might they do now to get Back in Black?

10th April 2010, 07:38 PM
Some very interesting comments at the end of it too. Some are calling BS on the numbers.

10th April 2010, 07:45 PM
Some very interesting comments at the end of it too. Some are calling BS on the numbers.

Yeah, they're not allowed to run deficits that high, only the U.S. can do that... ;)

10th April 2010, 07:48 PM
It is very strange that almost EVERY country has a deficit.

10th April 2010, 08:05 PM
I was looking for "The Biggest Game in Town" video, but I don't think it made it over here. (I think that's what it's called; the vid about the double set of accounting books).

10th April 2010, 09:26 PM
It is very strange that almost EVERY country has a deficit.

Like a boatload of product going nowhere.

mick silver
10th April 2010, 09:34 PM
china buying mines as fast as they can sell bonds . i would bet there trading bonds for mines and oil right now if they are that would make a deficit . but if there are selling they are head of the game ... they know the bonds they hold are just paper and hold no true value

11th April 2010, 06:29 AM
It is very strange that almost EVERY country has a deficit.

I was curious about that too about half a year ago so I did the math on trade deficits/surpluses for the major players it and it actually does work out to nearly zero.

For deficits alone countries sell bonds to buyers other than foreign governments (ie. people, pension plants, federal reserve banks...) so it is possible for every country's gov to have a deficit.

11th April 2010, 06:59 AM
Why is this page 10 feet wide? :o

The reason may be that China considers this to be the time to start shedding foreign fiat...

If that is so, then hold on to your gold and silver.

Hyperinflation is coming!

11th April 2010, 09:49 AM
It is very strange that almost EVERY country has a deficit.

I was curious about that too about half a year ago so I did the math on trade deficits/surpluses for the major players it and it actually does work out to nearly zero.

For deficits alone countries sell bonds to buyers other than foreign governments (ie. people, pension plants, federal reserve banks...) so it is possible for every country's gov to have a deficit.

Right and that's the point. It's the [ queens kings rich families banks ] in their ivory towers that supposedly "own" all the countries - and thereby supposedly us - completely without our consent or even knowledge of the process.

12th April 2010, 12:11 PM
We have a special case here where we bail out banks with borrowed money while that money was borrowed from the fed which is owned by the banks. All a big game to pretend that there's actually money there.

I lend you a trillion and you lend me a trillion and we can both be trillionaires!