View Full Version : Obama going off the deep end (? - I didn't say it)

I am me, I am free
10th April 2010, 07:46 PM
Obama going off the deep end
Comments 14 | Recommend 17

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, Commentary

April 9, 2010 - 11:09AM

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A recent analysis by Roger Simon of PJTV Media maintains that Obama is showing signs of mental illness. A wide variety of commentators have observed that Obama displays severe narcissism. Obama is conceited, and he is demonstrating a serious disassociation from reality.

A recent case in point was Obama's bizarre and meandering 17-minute, 2,500-word answer to the simple question about how he could justify raising taxes for ObamaCare during a recession when citizens are already overtaxed. Obama's wildly inappropriate answer left the audience stunned and led commentator Charles Krauthammer to mockingly say, "I don't know why you are so surprised. It’s only nine times the length of the Gettysburg address, and after all Lincoln was answering an easier question, the higher purpose of the union and the soldiers who fell in battle."

This lapse of delusion occurred in front of a friendly audience. Overall, Barack Obama seems to be slipping into a slightly more delusional state these days.

On Monday, following his embarrassing answer on Saturday, Obama stopped by the Washington Nationals home opener to loft an effeminate toss toward home plate constituting the ceremonial first pitch. After this display, Obama was mucking it up in the press booth talking about his love of the Chicago White Sox. The announcers asked Obama which players he supported growing up a White Sox fan. After hemming and hawing for about 30 seconds, Obama responded that he grew up in Hawaii and was actually an A's fan. Again, he avoided mentioning any players by name. Obama seems to believe that he can say whatever he wants, and not reap the consequences or be forced to defend his empty assertions. Obama behaves in a manner so disconnected from reality that he is shocked when someone has the audacity to question him. Obama acts like his word is infallible.

In March of last year Obama was on “60 Minutes” with Steve Kroft. Throughout the interview as Kroft questioned about the economic downturn and people losing their life savings, Obama just kept laughing. A one point CBS’s Kroft stopped him and asked, “Are you punch drunk?" How will the American people react to seeing their president laugh off their predicament? Obama’s inappropriate laughter clearly demonstrated he has lost touch with the pain that people are feeling.

Obama portrays himself as the larger-than-life figure towering above the political fray. At the summit when Obama was pushing his health care package through Congress, he attempted to act as if he were the chief arbiter of truth. With petty insults, he slapped down what the Republicans proposed and audaciously claimed his was a “bipartisan bill.” Obama distorts the truth with such frequency that one must start to question if Obama even realizes he is lying or is so disassociated from the truth that he believes what he says.

A further example of Obama’s delusions of grandeur occurred when he gave himself a “good solid B plus.” Believing that his presidency was an above average success when America is hurting is absurd. Obama went so far as to claim that he would give himself an “A” once health care was passed. Obama is not living in the same reality as the rest of us.

As Charles Krauthammer wrote, “Not that Obama considers himself divine. (He sees himself as merely messianic, or, at worst, apostolic.) But he does position himself as hovering above mere mortals, mere country, to gaze benignly upon the darkling plain beneath him where ignorant armies clash by night, blind to the common humanity that only he can see."

Obama sees himself as the greatest man to be president in all time. He truly believes it when he said "we are the ones we have been waiting for," and "this is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and the planet began to heal." He believes that he can do anything he pleases and the people will love him for it. Obama plans to radically transform this country and go down in history as, in his mind, the greatest ever. Obama is clearly disconnected from reality.

Obama is, according to Newt Gingrich, “potentially the most dangerous (president), because he so completely misunderstands reality.” Gingrich was referring to Obama’s inept and weak stance on missile defense amongst other things. Even Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Obama is an amateur; so much for wowing the world. Obama lives in an alternate universe where he treats our friends poorly and expects our enemies to change and become our friends. Here’s hoping that the voters help to connect this president back to reality in November.

10th April 2010, 07:54 PM
GOD help us all!

Please hurry!


I am me, I am free
10th April 2010, 07:55 PM
GOD help us all!

Please hurry!


God helps those who help themselves.

10th April 2010, 07:57 PM
That story was bit chilling :-\

Kinda makes me wonder

10th April 2010, 07:59 PM
GOD help us all!

Please hurry!


CC; I am assuming that you were not being sarcastic.
so I gave you a +K.

Was i correct in my assumption?

10th April 2010, 08:02 PM
They had to quote Krauthammer & Gingrich?

10th April 2010, 08:05 PM
GOD help us all!

Please hurry!


CC; I am assuming that you were not being sarcastic.
so I gave you a +K.

Was i correct in my assumption?



10th April 2010, 08:10 PM
link please OP?

I am me, I am free
10th April 2010, 08:12 PM
They had quote Krauthammer & Gingrich?


10th April 2010, 08:13 PM
GOD help us all!

Please hurry!


CC; I am assuming that you were not being sarcastic.
so I gave you a +K.

Was i correct in my assumption?



More and More it seems like He will be coming back soon. :)

10th April 2010, 08:14 PM
This is waht happens when you install someone into a post for which he is exceedingly underqualified, intellectually and per experience. The man is way out of his dept. He has ridden the wave of affirmative action. Now, so late in life's game, he is incapable of grasping reality. Because reality tells him that he does not deserve to be POTUS, not by a country mile. The alternative is for him to believe the fanstasy, rsinforced by his sycophantic and white gulit-addled followers: you are the first black president - by virtue of this alone your greatness is inevitable. 0bama is a synthetic man, manufactured by academia with models extrapolating social and political trends. His presidency reminds me of LTCM. When the latter was founded by two Nobel laureates with their complex mathemetical models claiming to be able to predict markets, investors were wowed by the star quality of the team and didn't bother to note that the men and the models had not been truly tested. When the reality of the marketplace did hit, LTCM was crushed and had to be rescued by the world's central banks. Who will rescue America when Obama's administration comes crashing down to reality?

10th April 2010, 08:15 PM
I didn't like this article. I think Obama is a terrible president and an even worse guy, but I don't think these criticisms are particularly relevant or even fair. He is a very calculating dude, and the last thing he is is delusional.

10th April 2010, 08:16 PM
While researching Caligula, to find some clever parallel with His Majesty BHO, I found this snippet:
Perhaps most significantly, [Caligula] restored the practice of democratic elections. Cassius Dio said that this act "though delighting the rabble, grieved the sensible, who stopped to reflect, that if the offices should fall once more into the hands of the many ... many disasters would result".

It's no surprise that TPTB love to tout "Democratic Elections", in spite of the Republican form.

10th April 2010, 08:19 PM
GOD help us all!

Please hurry!


God helps those who help themselves.

When I said that to a neighbor he told me it is not in the Bible. He's a real genuine Bible-reading born-again Christian. He's one of those rare individuals that is always so calm and serene and earnest that you don't mind being corrrected by him.

10th April 2010, 08:19 PM
From the perspective of those that have an interest in keeping him in power, he is about as competent and qualified as you can possibly get:

1. He is an excellent public speaker.
2. Great charisma.
3. Former Goldman Sachs executive.
4. Bi-racial (think race card)

The guy is able to get away with lieing to a higher degree than most Presidents. His charisma and charm are used to hoodwink the weakminded and gullible.

This is waht happens when you install someone into a post for which he is exceedingly underqualified, intellectually and per experience. The man is way out of his dept. He has ridden the wave of affirmative action. Now, so late in life's game, he is incapable of grasping reality. Because reality tells him that he does not deserve to be POTUS, not by a country mile. The alternative is for him to belive the fanstasy, resinforced by his sycophantic and white gulit-addled followers: you are the first black president - by virtue of this alone your greatness is inevitable. 0bama is a synthetic man, manufactured by academia with models extrapolating social and political trends. His presidency reminds me of LTCM. When the latter was founded by two Nobel laureates with their complex mathemetical models claiming to be able to predict markets, investors were wowed by the star quality of the team and didn't bother to note that the men an d the models had not been truly tested. When the reality of the marketplace did hit, LTCM was crushed and had to be rescued by the world's central banks. Who will rescue America when Obama's administration comes crashing down to reality?

10th April 2010, 08:43 PM
I believe he is doing exactly as told to do & occasionally trips up because of it.

Exactly the same as the last 7 Presidents with 2 years in.

Well excepting the Bush family, they were perfectly natural doing what they were told to do.

10th April 2010, 09:08 PM
Obama is an irrelevant theatrical prop set up by the Money Power to sway the gullible into thinking that the office of President of the United States of America has power and influence. No president since Kennedy has done anything autonomously. Orders are handed down from above and successive presidents dutifully obey them.

10th April 2010, 09:15 PM
I hope he is not allowed to play with the football...........

10th April 2010, 09:17 PM
He has ridden the wave of affirmative action. Now, so late in life's game, he is incapable of grasping reality.

Thats what I believe also. I would love to see his grades. I don't think he is nearly as smart as we are told he is.

mick silver
10th April 2010, 09:36 PM
i never thought he was in the low end ...

10th April 2010, 09:45 PM
Obama is an irrelevant theatrical prop set up by the Money Power to sway the gullible into thinking that the office of President of the United States of America has power and influence. No president since Kennedy has done anything autonomously. Orders are handed down from above and successive presidents dutifully obey them.

You might want to roll back that 'puppet' status far before Kennedy.

The PTB are the usurers and their allies, the collectivists (socialists, communists, progressives). The front men are all puppets, whether they are aware or not.

President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address, delivered in 1961, shows how "the elite" views Americans.

"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country..."

At first hearing, the sentiment is lofty. But is it?

It refutes the Declaration of Independence, while admonishing socialists to not be greedy. The Declaration of Independence states that governments are instituted among men to secure rights (life, liberty, property). So if Mr. Kennedy doesn't want you to ask government to help secure your rights, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOVERNMENT DOING?

But if he's referring to the socialist entitlement system that you should willingly give your utmost for while taking as little as possible, then, again, he's espousing an unAmerican philosophy.

Of course everyone assumes he is speaking of "patriotic" self sacrifice for the "country". But that's not the case, is it?

Government was not instituted to coerce or cajole everyone to serve it, but that government would serve the sovereign people. Sovereign people aren't obligated to serve anyone!

If Mr. Kennedy was espousing constitutional government, he would have said, "Ask not what socialism can give to you, but how government can help secure your property rights..."

Oh, right, since most Americans surrendered their birthright, no one had private property rights to secure...
[head smack]

11th April 2010, 05:43 AM
please add links to posts. i would like to email this article.

Black Blade
11th April 2010, 08:56 AM
Well... French Prez Sarkozy says that Obama is insane:

French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns He Might Be Insane


Posted by Europe on Apr 09, 2010A new report circulating in the Kremlin today authored by France’s Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE) and recently “obtained” by the FSB shockingly quotes French President Nicolas Sarkozy [photo top right with Obama] as stating that President Barack Obama is “a dangerous[ly] aliéné”, which translates into his, Obama, being a “mad lunatic”, or in the American vernacular, “insane”.

According to this report, Sarkozy was “appalled” at Obama’s “vision” of what the World should be under his “guidance” and “amazed” at the American Presidents unwillingness to listen to either “reason” or “logic”. Sarkozy’s meeting where these impressions of Obama were formed took place nearly a fortnight ago at the White House in Washington D.C., and upon his leaving he “scolded” Obama and the US for not listening closely enough to what the rest of the World has to say.

Continues at link: http://www.eutimes.net/2010/04/french-leader-sarkozy-slams-obama-warns-he-might-be-insane/

11th April 2010, 09:52 AM
French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns He Might Be Insane

Well based on this new evidence, I'll wait to render my verdict. :-X